
Beedie Investments Ltd. Files Early Warning Report

Beedie Investments Ltd. Files Early Warning Report

Beedie Investments Ltd.提交預警報告
newsfile ·  2022/09/26 22:40

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 26, 2022) - Beedie Investments Ltd. ("Beedie Investments") announces that it has acquired Series D Convertible Debentures (the "Series D Debentures") of Oceanic Iron Ore Corp. (the "Company") in the aggregate principal amount of $304,000 (the "Purchased Debentures") pursuant to a non-brokered private placement. The Series D Debentures have an interest rate of 8.5% per annum and a maturity date that is the fifth anniversary of the closing date, being September 26, 2027 (the "Maturity Date"). The Series D Debentures will be secured by way of a first charge against the assets of the Company, ranking pari passu with the holders of the Replacement Debentures (as defined below), the Series B Convertible Debentures (the "Series B Debentures") and the Series C Convertible Debentures (the "Series C Debentures") of the Company.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年9月26日)-Beedie Investments Ltd.(Beedie投資公司“)宣佈已收購D系列可轉換債券(The”D系列債券海洋鐵礦石公司(The Ocean Iron Ore Corp.)的公司“)本金總額為$304,000(”購買的債券D系列債券的年利率為8.5%,到期日為截止日期5週年,即2027年9月26日(到期日“)。D系列債券將以公司資產的第一押記方式擔保,排名平價通行證與替換債券的持有人(定義如下)、B系列可轉換債券(“B系列債券“)和C系列可轉換債券(”C系列債券“)。

The principal amount outstanding under the Series D Debentures is convertible into units ("Series D Units"). The conversion price for the Series D Debentures is $0.07 per Series D Unit from the closing date to and including the first anniversary of the closing date, being September 26, 2023 (the "First Conversion Term"), and $0.10 per Series D Unit after the First Conversion Term and on or prior to the Maturity Date (the "Second Conversion Term"). Each Series D Unit consists of one common share of the Company (a "Common Share") and one Common Share purchase warrant (a "Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one Common Share at a price of $0.07 per Common Share, and is exercisable for the period commencing on the date of conversion of such Series D Debenture and ending on the Maturity Date.

D系列債券項下的本金可轉換為單位(“D系列 單位D系列債券的換算價為自截止日期起至截止日期(包括截止日期一週年)(即2023年9月26日)起每個D系列單位0.07美元。第一個轉換項),以及在首個轉換期後及到期日或之前每個D系列單位0.10元(第二個轉換項“)。每個D系列單位由一股本公司普通股組成(a”普通股“)及一份普通股認購權證(a”搜查令每份認股權證使持有人有權按每股普通股0.07美元的價格購買一股普通股,並可於該D系列債券轉換日期起至到期日止期間內行使。

Assuming the conversion in full of the Purchased Debentures and the exercise in full of the Warrants issuable upon such conversion, the Purchased Debentures are convertible into: (a) 8,685,714 Common Shares if converted during the First Conversion Term, representing approximately 8.24% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares after giving effect to such conversion, and (b) 6,080,000 Common Shares if converted during the Second Conversion Term, representing approximately 5.91% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares after giving effect to such conversion.


Replacement Debentures


On September 26, 2022, Beedie Investments also entered into an agreement with the Company pursuant to which the Company agreed to replace Beedie Investments' previously purchased Series A Convertible Debentures (the "Series A Debentures") of the Company in the principal amount of $200,000 with the debentures (the "Replacement Debentures") in the same principal amount (the "Purchased Replacement Debentures").

2022年9月26日,Beedie Investments還與本公司訂立了一項協議,根據該協議,本公司同意替換Beedie Investments之前購買的A系列可轉換債券(首輪債券“),本金為$200,000,連同債券(”置換債權“),本金相同(”購得 置換債權").

The Replacement Debentures are convertible into units ("Replacement Units") comprised of one Common Share and one Warrant. The terms of the Replacement Debentures will be the same as the Series A Debentures, other than (i) the conversion price of such Replacement Debentures, (ii) the exercise price of Warrants comprising the Replacement Units, and (iii) the maturity date of the Replacement Debentures, which in each case, will be the same as those of the Series D Debentures. The Replacement Debentures are secured by way of a first charge against the assets of the Company, ranking pari passu with the holders of the Series B Debentures, the Series C Debentures and Series D Debentures.


Assuming the conversion in full of the Purchased Replacement Debentures and the exercise in full of the Warrants issuable upon such conversion, the Purchased Replacement Debentures are convertible into: (a) 5,714,285 Common Shares if converted during the First Conversion Term, representing approximately 5.58% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares after giving effect to such conversion, and (b) 4,000,000 Common Shares if converted during the Second Conversion Term, representing approximately 3.97% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares after giving effect to such conversion.


Prior to its acquisition of the Purchased Debentures and the Purchased Replacement Debentures, Beedie Investments held a total of (i) 3,314,000 Common Shares, (ii) Series A Debentures in the principal amount of $200,000, (iii) Series B Debentures in the principal amount of $837,500 (the "Purchased Series B Debentures"), and (iv) Series C Debentures in the principal amount of $200,640 (the "Purchased Series C Debentures" and together with the Purchased Series B Debentures, the "Previously Purchased Debentures").

在收購購買的債券和購買的替換債券之前,Beedie Investments總共持有(I)3,314,000股普通股,(Ii)本金為200,000美元的A系列債券,(Iii)本金為837,500美元的B系列債券(購買的B系列債券“)及(Iv)本金為200,640元的C系列債券(”購買的C系列債券連同購買的B系列債券,以前購買的債券").

Today's acquisition of the Purchased Debentures and Purchased Replacement Debentures brings the total number of Common Shares owned or deemed to be owned by Beedie Investments to 36,575,999 Common Shares, in the case of conversion of the Purchased Debentures and Purchased Replacement Debentures during the First Conversion Term, or 32,256,000 Common Shares, in the case of conversion of the Purchased Debentures and Purchased Replacement Debentures during the Second Conversion Term (assuming conversions in full of the Previously Purchased Debentures the Purchased Debentures and the Purchased Replacement Debentures and the exercise in full of the Warrants issuable upon such conversions).

今天收購已購買的債券及已購買的重置債券,使Beedie Investments擁有或視為擁有的普通股總數增至36,575,999股普通股,如屬已購買的債券及已購買的重置債券於第一個轉換期內轉換,則為32,256,000股普通股,如屬已購買的債券及已購買的重置債券於第二個轉換期內轉換(假設已悉數轉換過往已購買的債券及已購買的重置債券及於該等轉換時可發行的認股權證悉數行使)。

Ryan Beedie is the sole shareholder of Beedie Investments.

Ryan Beedie是Beedie Investments的唯一股東。

Beedie Investments acquired the Purchased Debentures and Purchased Replacement Debentures for investment purposes. Beedie Investments reviews its holdings in the Company on a continuing basis and may from time to time and at any time, in its sole discretion, acquire or cause to be acquired additional equity or debt securities or other instruments of the Company, or dispose or cause to be disposed such equity or debt securities or instruments, through open market transactions, private placements by the Company and other privately negotiated transactions, or otherwise, in each case in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Beedie Investments收購了購買的債券和購買的替代債券用於投資目的。Beedie Investments會持續檢討其於本公司的持股情況,並可根據適用的證券法,不時及隨時根據適用的證券法,收購或安排收購本公司的額外股本或債務證券或其他工具,或透過公開市場交易、本公司私募及其他私下協商的交易,處置或安排處置該等股本或債務證券或工具。

This press release is being issued pursuant to the requirements of Part 3 of National Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues. A copy of the early warning report relating to Beedie Investment's acquisition of the Purchased Debentures will be available under the Company's profile on SEDAR (), and may also be obtained by contacting Beedie Investments at (604) 435-3321.


Beedie Investments Ltd.
Suite 1570, 1111 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4M3

温哥華,BC V6E 4M3

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