Short Volatility Alert: Murata Manufacturing Co.
Short Volatility Alert: Murata Manufacturing Co.
On Friday, shares of Murata Manufacturing Co. (OTC:MRAAY) experienced volatile short activity. After the activity, the stock price went up +5.70% to $11.93.
The overall sentiment for MRAAY has been Bearish.
MRAY 的整體情緒一直看跌。
The signal from the volatility alert is trending Bearish. Therefore, the recommendation is to Strong Sell.
波動率警報發出的信號正在呈現趨勢 看跌。因此,建議是 強勢賣出。
The volatility alert was produced on the prior trading date, 10/7/2022 with a volatility change of +71.66%. The current volatility indicator stands at 18.613.
波動率警報是在前一個交易日(2022年7月10日)發佈的,波動率變化爲+ 71.66%。當前的波動率指標爲18.613。
Overview: The securities lending volatility indicator is produced by Tidal Markets, in partnership with Benzinga Insights. Securities lending primarily serves the purpose of providing liquidity to short sellers. When unusual activity occurs in the securities lending markets, it acts as an upstream indicator to what is likely to occur downstream in the regular stock market.
概述:證券貸款波動率指標由Tidal Markets與Benzinga Insights合作制定。證券貸款主要用於爲賣空者提供流動性。當證券借貸市場出現異常活動時,它可以作爲普通股票市場下游可能發生的情況的上游指標。
Understanding the Volatility Alert: Overall sentiment is considered "bear" when broad market activity of the stock has been shown to indicate a negative directional basis, or is considered "bull" when indicating a positive directional basis. The securities lending volatility indicator provides a signal when it detects unusual short activity. Unusual short activity is based off a computer generated algorithmic formula utilizing securities lending trade details such as the volume of shares being shorted, the rate being paid to short the shares, and the type of collateral being posted - amongst other variables. The current volatility is the respective trading day's calculated securities lending volatility value. The volatility percentage change is the percentage difference in volatility between the two most recent days. The recommendation is a suggestive strategy, inferred from the strength of the Signal Trending, Current Volatility, and Volatility % Change. Recommendations may include, "Strong Buy", "Strong Sell", "Increase Short Exposure", "Decrease Short Exposure", or "Market Neutral".
瞭解波動率警報:當股票的廣泛市場活動被證明表明方向性基差爲負時,整體情緒被視爲 “熊市”;當表明方向性基差爲正時,整體情緒被視爲 “牛市”。證券借貸波動率指標在檢測到異常的空頭活動時會提供信號。不尋常的空頭活動基於計算機生成的算法公式,該公式利用了證券貸款交易細節,例如做空的股票數量、做空股票所支付的利率和所發佈的抵押品類型等變量。當前波動率是相應交易日計算出的證券借貸波動率值。波動率百分比變化是最近兩天之間波動率的百分比差異。該建議是一種提示性策略,從信號趨勢、當前波動率和波動率百分比變動的強度推斷出來。建議可能包括 “強勢買入”、“強勢賣出”、“增加空頭敞口”、“減少空頭敞口” 或 “市場中性”。