
Company Update

Company Update

newsfile ·  2022/10/31 19:10

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 31, 2022) - Spearmint Resources Inc. (CSE: SPMT) (OTC Pink: SPMTF) (FSE: A2AHL5) (the "Company" or "Spearmint") has granted a total of 1,050,000 stock options at an exercise price of 5 cents per share for a period of 12 months and the Company also granted a total of 6,600,000 million restricted share units (the RSUs) to its directors, officers and consultants. The RSUs vest as follows: 40 per cent three month after the date of grant, 20 per cent on six months, 20 per cent on nine months and 20 per cent at 1 year. The options and the RSUs have been granted in accordance with the Company's omnibus equity incentive plan and the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange. Hold periods are based on the standard exchange policy and subject to shareholder approval.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年10月31日)-Spearmint Resources Inc.(CSE:SPMT)(場外粉色:SPMTF)(證券交易所代碼:A2AHL5)(“公司”或“Spearmint”)本公司已按每股5美分之行權價授予合共1,050,000份購股權,為期12個月,並向其董事、高級管理人員及顧問授予合共6,600,000,000股限制性股份單位(RSU)。回購貸款單位的歸屬如下:授權日後三個月40%、六個月20%、九個月20%、一年20%。期權和RSU是根據本公司的綜合股權激勵計劃和加拿大證券交易所的政策授予的。持有期以標準交換政策為基礎,並須經股東批准。

About Spearmint Resources

關於Spearmint Resources

Spearmint's primary projects include three lithium projects in Clayton Valley, Nevada: the McGee lithium clay deposit, which has a resource estimate of 1,369,000 indicated tonnes and 723,000 inferred tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent for a total of 2,092,000 tonnes of LCE, directly bordering Pure Energy Minerals & Cypress Development Corp.; the Elon lithium brine project, which has access to some of the deepest parts of the only lithium brine basin in production in North America; and the recently acquired Green Clay lithium project, comprising 97 contiguous claims totalling approximately 2,000 acres.

Spearmint的主要項目包括位於內華達州克萊頓山谷的三個鋰項目:McGee鋰粘土礦牀,其資源估計為1,369,000噸指示噸和723,000噸碳酸鋰當量,與Pure Energy Minerals&Cypress Development Corp.直接接壤;Elon鋰滷水項目,可開採北美唯一正在生產的鋰滷水盆地的一些最深處;以及最近收購的Green Clay鋰項目,包括97個相連的主張,總面積約2,000英畝。

Spearmint's other primary projects include the Goose gold project directly bordering New Found Gold where Spearmint has sampled up to 973 parts per billion gold, and the Perron-East gold project consisting of five mineral claim blocks covering 11,608 acres located in the Abitibi greenstone belt of northwestern Quebec in the direct vicinity of Amex Exploration Inc.'s Perron property and past-producing Normetal mine.

Spearmint的其他主要項目包括直接與New Found Gold接壤的Goose金礦項目,在該項目中,Spearmint已經採集了高達百萬分之973的黃金,以及Perron-East金礦項目,該項目由五個礦物主張區塊組成,佔地11,608英畝,位於魁北克西北部的Abitibi綠巖帶,緊鄰美國運通勘探公司的Perron資產和過去生產的Normetar礦。

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Tel: 1604646-6903


"James Nelson"
Spearmint Resources Inc.

Spearmint Resources Inc.

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