First Trust Emerging Markets Small Cap AlphaDEX Fund (NYSEARCA:FEMS) Trading 0.5% Higher
First Trust Emerging Markets Small Cap AlphaDEX Fund (NYSEARCA:FEMS) Trading 0.5% Higher
First Trust Emerging Markets Small Cap AlphaDEX Fund (NYSEARCA:FEMS – Get Rating) shares rose 0.5% during trading on Thursday . The stock traded as high as $38.50 and last traded at $38.42. Approximately 37,537 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, an increase of 65% from the average daily volume of 22,740 shares. The stock had previously closed at $38.21.
First Trust Emerging Markets Small Cap AlphaDEX Fund(NYSEARCA:FEMS-GET Rating)週四股價上漲0.5%。該股盤中一度漲至38.50美元,最新報38.42美元。午盤交易中,約有37,537股股票易手,較22,740股的日均成交量增加65%。該股此前收盤價為38.21美元。
First Trust Emerging Markets Small Cap AlphaDEX Fund Stock Performance
First Trust新興市場小盤AlphaDEX基金股票表現
The company has a 50-day moving average of $35.04 and a 200-day moving average of $35.21.
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