
Mayo Lake Minerals Identifies 2023 Targets At Carlin-Roop And Throughout The Anderson Gold Trend

Mayo Lake Minerals Identifies 2023 Targets At Carlin-Roop And Throughout The Anderson Gold Trend

梅奧湖礦物質在卡林魯普和整個安德森黃金趨勢中確定 2023 個目標
Accesswire ·  2022/12/17 02:02

OTTAWA, ON / ACCESSWIRE / December 16, 2022 / Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. (Mayo or the Company) (CSE:MLKM) announces that following receipt of the complete results from its 2022 exploration program, it has identified multiple meritorious exploration targets to be addressed in 2023. Highly prospective targets for drilling and trenching have been identified at its Carlin-Roop silver project; for drilling throughout the Anderson Gold Trend in the eastern part of its Anderson-Davidson claim group; and for trenching at Trail-Minto.

渥太華,on/ACCESSWIRE/2022年12月16日/Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. (蛋黃醬公司) (CSE:百萬公里)宣佈,在收到2022年勘探方案的完整結果後,已確定將於2023年處理的多個有價值的勘探目標。在其Carlin-Roop白銀項目、在其Anderson-Davidson索賠羣東部的Anderson Gold Trend地區鑽探以及在Trail-Minto發現了極具前景的鑽探和挖溝目標。

Carlin-Roop. At the Carlin West zone, a 580m ± long silver in soil zone (zone) with a roughly shaped core area, measuring 220m by 60m, has been defined where all soil samples exceeded 20g Ag/t. Soil samples in a 120m by 60m area within the core of the silver zone all assayed at >30g Ag/t (1oz Ag/t). Lineations believed to be fault traces that carried fluids containing silver and other metals at azimuths of 285o± and 312o± and lineations believed to be disruptive barren faults at azimuths of 60o± and 10o±, all coalize within the target zone characterized by samples yielding > 1oz Ag/t. One nearby grab sample assayed at 3,994g Ag/t.[1] See also press releases dated July 15, October 28 and December 16, 2022.

卡林-魯普。在卡林西區,土壤區有一條580米±長的白銀(區域)具有大致形狀的核心區,面積為220米乘60米,其中所有土壤樣本均超過20g Ag/t。在銀帶核心區內120米乘60米範圍內的土壤樣本均以>30g Ag/t(1盎司銀/噸)。線理被認為是在285o±和312o±方位攜帶含銀和其他金屬流體的斷層痕跡,線理在60o±和10o±方位被認為是破壞性的貧瘠斷層,都在目標區內形成,其特徵是樣品產量>1盎司銀/噸。附近的一個抓取樣品分析結果為3994克銀/噸。[1]另見2022年7月15日、10月28日和12月16日的新聞稿。

An IP-Resistivity profile showing a 15m steeply dipping wide anomaly and nearby scout drilling indicates that the immediate subsurface rock is receptive Keno Hill Quartzite (KHQ). Diamond drill holes (DDHs) throughout the length of Carlin West contain silver structures frequently having 6 to 22m down hole lengths (true width is indeterminable at this time); other structures with down hole measurements of between 0.5m and 2.0m occur less frequently in zones composed of competent rock.


The silver structures intercepted to date do not explain the occurrence of the 3,994g Ag//t grab sample [1], nor the large area where all soil samples assayed 1oz Ag/t. It is theorized that this might result from missing core as relatively thin, very highly mineralized veins are commonly incompetent and get washed away during diamond drilling.


A second promising zone, the AJ zone lies about 280m northwest of Carlin West and has a general orientation of 60o±. This zone has a length of 240m, being open to the northwest and has a width of 55m. A core part of the zone measuring 190m in length, is characterized by soil samples yielding ≥5g Ag/t. Four grab samples taken along the axis of the zone assayed 412, 182, 179 and 44g Ag/t [1]. A subsidiary zone, which parallels AJ, lies about 80m north of AJ.

第二個有希望的地區,阿杰該帶位於卡林西西北約280米處,總體方位為60度±。該區域長240米,向西北開放,寬55米。該區域的核心部分長190米,土壤樣本的≥含量為5g Ag/t。沿區域軸線採集的四個抓取樣本分別測定了412、182、179和44g Ag/t[1]。與AJ平行的一個附屬區域位於AJ以北約80米處。

In 2023 drilling and trenching will be focused on that area of the Carlin West zone where soils assayed ≥ 20gAg/t. and will be initiated on the 190m long core zone at AJ.


The Anderson Gold Trend (AGT) consists of a 16 km+ by 3 km long belt characterized by gold placer creeks, which includes Owl, Anderson, Steep and a number of unnamed creeks, the Dawn Gulch drainage basin, and four identified areas where linear gold in soil anomalies (zones) are present (Figures 2 and 3). Dawn Gulch warrants soil sampling to define drill targets because of its history of placer mining and highly anomalous, heavy mineral concentrates taken near Dawn Gulch's mouth of 275,000g Au/t and 25,500g Au/t and stream sediments. The AGT parallels a major structure as defined by major magnetic anomaly. See also press release dated October 25, 2022.

安德森黃金趨勢(AGT)由一條長16公里、寬3公里、以砂金小溪為特徵的帶組成,其中包括貓頭鷹、安德森、陡峭和一些未命名的小溪,黎明峽谷流域,以及土壤中線性黃金異常的四個已識別區域(分區)存在(圖2和圖3)。由於Dawn Gulch有砂礦開採的歷史,以及在Dawn Gulch口附近採集的高度異常的重礦物精礦(275,000克Au/t和25,500 g Au/t)以及水系沉積物,因此需要對土壤進行採樣以確定鑽探目標。AGT與主要磁異常所定義的主要構造相平行。另見日期為2022年10月25日的新聞稿。

The potential for development of a very large-scale gold camp remains possible because of the size of the AGT and the number of identified prospective areas for gold and yet to be identified potential areas for gold. Collectively, over 9.5km of drill-ready zones marked by anomalous gold values have now been delineated within the Anderson Gold Trend (Figures 2 and 3.).


  • The primary Owl-Anderson zone has been increased in length from its previous 1km to approximately 3km through additional soil sampling rendering values over 0.5g Au/t in soil; supported through the tracing of parallel features on air photos and magnetics. Four zones have been identified: the 3,000m+ long zone having gold values up to 527ppb.; a 600m zone having gold values up to 63ppb; a 360m long zone having values up to 86ppb; and a 120m long zone having gold values up to 201ppb. One gold occurrence has been drilled by RC; and traced for 50m along strike. One hole assayed 0.77g Au/t over 6.1m, including 0.9g Au/t over 3.1m. A second hole assayed 0.55g Au/t over 3.1m. Notably, that hole was collared in mineralization which resulted in it not being able to determine the true width and grade of the gold mineralization.
  • At Peak, one zone has been increased in size from 500m to over 1,600m, open in one direction. Six zones have been identified: the 1,600m long zone having gold values up to 272 ppb; an 850m long zone having gold values up to 134ppb; a 580m long zone having gold values up to 48ppb; a 280m long zone having gold values up to 47ppb; a 240m zone having gold values up to 340ppb; and a 340m long zone having gold values up to 33ppb.
  • At Steep Creek one zone has been extended to 1.7km. Six zones have been delineated: the 1,700m long zone having gold values up to 142ppb; a 370m long zone having gold values up to 142ppb; a 530m long zone having gold values up to 126ppb; a 750m long zone having gold values up to 87ppb; a 320m long zone having gold values up to 33 ppb; and a 170m long zone having gold values up to 85ppb.
  • At Norman, two zones have been identified; a 670m long zone having gold values up to 87ppb and a 600m long zone having gold values up to 46ppb.
  • At Dawn Gulch, placer mining, anomalous silt samples of up to 16.2ppb and heavy mineral concentrate samples of 275,000 and 25,500 g Au/t, suggest the presence of lode gold within the drainage basin. This locality requires the completion of soil sampling to delineate gold targets.
  • The upper part of the Anderson Creek drainage basin has yet to be grid sampled, in spite of its prospectivity.
  • 初級階段貓頭鷹-安德森帶通過額外的土壤採樣,長度從以前的1公里增加到大約3公里,土壤中超過0.5g Au/t的值;通過跟蹤航空照片和磁學上的平行特徵提供了支持。已識別出四個區域:3000多米長的黃金價值高達527 ppb的區域;600米長的黃金價值高達63 ppb的區域;360米長的黃金價值高達86 ppb的區域;以及120米長的黃金價值高達201 ppb的區域。RC鑽探了一個金礦礦點;沿着走向追蹤了50米。1口井在6.1m以上測得0.77g Au/t,3.1m以上測得0.9g Au/t。第二個孔在3.1米以上測得0.55g Au/t。值得注意的是,該洞在礦化過程中被套住,導致它無法確定金礦化的真實寬度和品位。
  • 在…尖峯,其中一個區域的規模從500米擴大到1600米以上,單向開放。已確定六個區域:1600米長的區域,其黃金價值高達272 ppb;850米長的區域,其黃金價值高達134 ppb;580米長的區域,其黃金價值高達48 ppb;280米長的區域,其黃金價值高達47 ppb;240米長的區域,其黃金價值高達340 ppb;以及340米長的區域,其黃金價值高達33 ppb。
  • 在…陡峭的小溪其中一個區域已擴大到1.7公里。已圈定了六個區域:1700米長的黃金價值高達142 ppb的區域;370米長的黃金價值高達142 ppb的區域;530米長的黃金價值高達126 ppb的區域;750米長的黃金價值高達87 ppb的區域;320米長的黃金價值高達33 ppb的區域;以及170米長的黃金價值高達85 ppb的區域。
  • 在…諾曼已確定了兩個區域;一個670米長的區域,黃金價值高達87 ppb;一個600米長的區域,黃金價值高達46 ppb。
  • 在…黎明峽谷砂礦開採、高達16.2 ppb的異常粉砂樣品和275,000和25,500克Au/t的重礦物精礦樣品表明,該流域內存在脈金。這一地區需要完成土壤採樣,以圈定金礦靶區。
  • 安德森小溪流域的上部尚未對其進行網格採樣,儘管它具有前景。

The following zone segments have been prioritized for drilling and trenching.


  • At Owl-Anderson, the gold occurrence in order to determine its width and grade. Parts of a 3000m long zone with the highest gold values, e. g. in the vicinity of the 557ppb Au soil sample.
  • At Peak, parts of the1,600m long and 580m long zones with the highest gold values.
  • At Steep Creek, parts of the 1,700m long and 530m long zone with the highest gold values.
  • At Norman, the more southern zone.
  • At Dawn Gulch, subject to detailed soil sampling successfully outlining a prospective target.
  • 在…貓頭鷹-安德森為了確定其寬度和品位,確定了金礦的賦存狀態。3,000米長的黃金價值最高的區域的一部分,例如,在557 ppb金土壤樣品附近。
  • 在…尖峯,1600米長和580米長的黃金價值最高的區域的一部分。
  • 在…陡峭的小溪,1700米長和530米長的金礦帶中黃金價值最高的部分。
  • 在…諾曼,更南端的區域。
  • 在…黎明峽谷,取決於詳細的土壤採樣成功地勾勒出預期的目標。

Trail-Minto. Subject to funding, trenching will be completed on the 5,000mre soil zones paralleling an igneous stock.


Vern Rampton, President and CEO, stated, "The apparent similarities of Carlin West and the AJ zones and structures to those in other parts of the Keno Hill Silver Camp (KHSC) support a bright future for the Carlin-Roop silver discovery. This summer the Company has established that 6 to 22m wide silver structures are present along the Carlin West zone. It has also been noted from descriptions of other deposits in the KHSC that thin intervals of core can commonly be missing adjacent to structures that contain low grade silver and that these thin intervals make up much of the ore at some of the mines in the KHSC. The Company has also not trenched or adequately drilled the area where soils all exceed 20g Ag/t - blue sky."

總裁首席執行官Vern Rampton表示:“卡林西區和AJ區與基諾山銀營其他地區的明顯相似之處(KHSC)支持卡林-魯普白銀髮現的光明未來。今年夏天,該公司已確定卡林西區沿線存在6至22米寬的銀色結構。從對KHSC其他礦牀的描述中還注意到,在含有低品位銀的構造附近,通常會缺少薄巖心間隔,這些薄間隔構成了KHSC一些礦山的大部分礦石。該公司也沒有挖溝或充分鑽探土壤全部超過20g銀/噸藍天的區域。

He continued, "Furthermore, the Anderson Gold Trend's numerous placer creeks, anomalous gold zones and prospects spread over its 48 sq. km. highlight the potential for a major mining camp. Much of the highly prospective ground in the Anderson Gold Trend has yet to be soil sampled and we suspect there are more prospects that will match Owl-Anderson, Peak and Steep Creek. Undoubtedly, the AGT's connections to the Yukon 's road network adds to its attractiveness, as do the connections at Carlin-Roop."


Qualified Person (QP) Statement: Field work was directed by Tyrell Sutherland, M.Sc., P. Geo. This press release has been prepared by Vern Rampton, Ph.D., P. Eng. in his capacities as a QP under the guidelines of N.I. 43-101.

合格人員(QP)聲明:現場工作由Tyrell Sutherland,M.Sc,P.Geo指導。本新聞稿由Vern Rampton,Ph.D.,P.Eng準備。根據編號43-101的準則,以合格資質人員的身份。



For additional information contact:


Vern Rampton, President & CEO; 613-836-2594;


Tyrell Sutherland, M.Sc., P. Geo., VP Exploration; 613-884-8332;

Tyrell Sutherland,M.Sc.,P.Geo,勘探副總裁;613-884-8332;

Darrell Munro, BB.A, LL.B Corporate Administrator; (613) 836-2594;


For further information please refer to our web-site.


About Mayo Lake Minerals Inc.: Mayo is actively engaged in the exploration and development of five precious metal projects in the Tombstone Plutonic Belt of the Tintina Gold Province. The properties cover 249 square kilometres in the Yukon's Mayo Mining District and lie within the traditional territory of the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation. The Company has a history of eleven years of exploration in the Mayo area. The Company is presently focusing on its flagship Carlin-Roop silver project lying within the Keno Hill Silver District. The eastern sector of the Silver District has recently been the site of numerous silver discoveries by Metallic Minerals and Mayo, itself. Two active mines: Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Mine and Hecla Mining's mines lie near-by in the Mayo Mining district.

關於梅奧湖礦業公司:梅奧積極參與廷提納金礦省墓碑深成帶五個貴金屬項目的勘探開發。這些財產在育空地區的梅奧礦區佔地249平方公里,位於Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation的傳統領土內。該公司在梅奧地區已有11年的勘探歷史。該公司目前專注於其位於基諾山銀區的旗艦項目Carlin-Roop白銀項目。銀區東區最近是Metals Minerals和Mayo發現大量白銀的地方。兩個活躍的礦山:維多利亞黃金公司的鷹金礦和赫克拉礦業公司的礦山就位於梅奧礦區附近。

Mayo is tentatively proposing to trench and drill the Carlin West and AJ zones at Carlin- Roop and numerous highly prospective gold anomalies within the Anderson Gold Trend at Anderson-Davidson plus trench across gold anomalies flanking an intrusion at Trail-Minto in 2023.

Mayo正在試探性地提議在Carlin-Roop的Carlin West和AJ區挖溝並鑽探,以及在Anderson-Davidson的Anderson Gold Trend內挖掘許多極具前景的金礦異常,並於2023年在Trail-Minto的侵入體兩側挖溝穿過黃金異常。

Cautionary statement: This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, which are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected. There can be no guarantee that Mayo Lake will be able to obtain a public listing as scheduled in this document. Mayo Lake undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


[1] Grabs are selective bedrock and float samples and are not fully representative of vein or mineralization grades.


Figure 1. Silver in soil at the Carlin West and AJ zones, Carlin-Roop property.
Figure 2. Anderson-Davidson gold prospects
Figure 3. Anderson Gold Trend.

SOURCE: Mayo Lake Minerals Inc.


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