CORRECTION FROM SOURCE: Summer Drill Program Supports Potential for High-Grade Silver at Carlin-Roop
CORRECTION FROM SOURCE: Summer Drill Program Supports Potential for High-Grade Silver at Carlin-Roop
This press release corrects and replaces certain information in a press release disseminated December 16, 2022 at 11:35am. EST
OTTAWA, ON / ACCESSWIRE / December 19, 2022 / Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. (Mayo or Company) (CSE:MLKM) is pleased to announce the results of the Company's 2022 summer diamond drill program at its Carlin-Roop silver discovery in the Keno Hill Silver District, Yukon. The 2022 results, in combination with results of earlier exploration and diamond drill holes (DHHs) from 2020 and 2021, have intersected structures containing above background silver in combination with evidence of fracturing, faulting, alteration and mineralization (silver structures) over the 550m± long Carlin West silver in soil zone (zone). Part of the Carlin West zone, measuring 120m by 60m in area, is characterized by silver values greater than 30g Ag/t (1oz Ag/t). The 120m length can be extended to a total length of 220m to the southeast (Fig. 1) by decreasing the silver content of soils to ≥20g Ag/t (zone's core).
渥太華,on/ACCESSWIRE/2022年12月19日/梅奧湖礦業公司(Mayo Lake Minerals Inc.)蛋黃醬或公司) (CSE:百萬公里)很高興地宣佈了公司在育空地區基諾山銀區的Carlin-Roop白銀髮現項目的2022年夏季鑽石鑽探項目的結果。2022年的結果,結合早期勘探和鑽石鑽探的結果(國土安全部)從2020年至2021年,在550米±長的卡林西銀土壤帶上,結合破裂、斷裂、蝕變和礦化(銀構造)的證據,形成了含有上述背景銀的交叉構造(區域)。卡林西帶的一部分,面積120米乘60米,以銀值大於30g銀/噸(1盎司銀/噸)為特徵。通過將土壤中的銀含量降低到≥20g Ag/t(區域核心區).
Grades from drill core matching assays of up to 994g Ag/t and 662g Ag/t from grab samples1 along the northeast part of the Carlin West zone have not been recovered from silver structures, which vary from 0.5m to 22m in length. The Company believes that this is most probably because intersections of mineralized core with poor recovery were commonly adjacent to higher grade intercepts in most DDHs in that sector. Those holes drilled in the southeast part of the zone's core, with the exception of one hole, were not adequately positioned enough to intersect the zone's core within the highly receptive Keno Hill Quartzite (KHQ). The recently delineated 240m by 55m AJ zone, 400m to the north of Carlin West, as yet to be drilled is characterized by highly anomalous silver in soils and grab samples running between 179g and 412g Ag/t.
鑽芯匹配分析的品位高達994g Ag/t,抓取樣品的品位高達662g Ag/t1在卡林西帶東北部,沒有從長度從0.5米到22米不等的銀色構造中找到。本公司認為,這很可能是由於礦化巖心與回收率較差的交叉點通常毗鄰該區塊大多數DDH的較高品位截留物。在區域核心東南部鑽探的那些孔,除了一個孔外,位置不夠充分,無法在高度接納的基諾山石英巖(KHQ)內與區域核心相交。最近劃定的240米×55米的AJ帶,在卡林西部以北400米處,尚未鑽探,其特點是土壤和採集樣品中的銀高度異常,銀含量在179克至412克/噸之間。
2022 diamond drilling and detailed soil sampling
A total of 1,070 metres of diamond drilling was completed in eight DDHs focused on the Carlin West zone as delineated from prospecting, soil geochemistry, geophysics and the results from four DDHs drilled in 2020 and 2021. The 2022 DDHs intersected structures along the southwest flank of the recently expanded Carlin West core zone. Of special note is that detailed soil sampling was only completed after the 2022 drill campaign (see press release Oct 25, 2022).
在以卡林西部為重點的8個DDH中完成了總計1070米的鑽石鑽探 z一種是從勘探、土壤地球化學、地球物理和2020年和2021年鑽探的四個DDH的結果中圈定的。2022年的DDH沿着最近擴大的卡林西部核心區的西南側翼與結構相交。特別值得注意的是,詳細的土壤採樣是在2022年鑽探活動之後才完成的(見2022年10月25日的新聞稿)。
Keno Hill Quartzite (KHQ), quarzitic metasediments (MSD), graphitic schists (GSH) and greenstone (GRE) (metamorphosed gabbro and diorite) were the common lithologies encountered in the drilling. KHQ, in some cases interbedded with MSD and GSH, is dominant in holes MLM22-10 through 13. Interbedded MSD and GSH are the predominant lithologies in MLM22-05 through MLM22-09. GRE was noted at depth in MLM22-09, 10 and 13. Extensive silicification was noted in MLM22-05-11. Quartz veining, some parallel, and some at acute angles, to foliations is extensive throughout most of the DDHs. All DDHs contain veins and disseminations of pyrite and pyrrhotite. Galena, sphalerite, siderite, tetrahedrite, siderite and sulfosalts are occasionally present in some structures, especially those containing quartz veins.
MLM20-01, MLM20-02, MLM21-03 and MLM21-04 all encountered structures containing anomalous silver, both in and below the GRE, as they progressed under or parallel to the highly anomalous Carlin West central core zone where all soil values exceed 30g Ag/t. The structures that contain anomalous silver can be projected up through the GRE into the KHQ. A high-grade silver zone is potentially projected in the receptive KHQ where a steeply dipping IP- Resistivity anomaly running parallel to the Carlin West zone cuts the KHQ.
MLM20-01、MLM20-02、MLM21-03和MLM21-04當它們在高度異常的卡林西中央核心區下方或平行於高度異常的卡林西中央核心區進行時,在GRE內部和下方都遇到了含有異常銀的構造,在那裏所有的土壤值都超過了30g Ag/t。高品位銀帶潛在地投射在可接受的KHQ中,在那裏平行於Carlin West帶的陡峭的激電電阻率異常切割KHQ。
1Grabs are selective bedrock and float samples and are not fully representative of vein or mineralization grades.
MLM-05, MLM22-06, MLM-07 and MLM22-09 lie along the northwest extension of the Carlin West zone between prospecting samples running from 3994g Ag/t and 662g Ag/t. MLM22-05 crosses the narrowest part of the Carlin West core zone adjacent to grab samples grading 662 and 3994g Ag/t and intersected fine stringers yielding silver values above background over 31m starting at 79.8m. The DDH also contains two silver structure intercepts anomalous in silver; one measuring 1.0m in length beginning at 83m down hole; and a second measuring 6.9m in length beginning at 90.1m. The latter interval was missing 0.2m of core.
MLM22-07 collars into the Carlin West zone but is missing an aggregate 1.4m of core within its friable portions. Of note is a missing 0.4m interval of core adjacent to a 2.0m intercept grading 1.8g Ag/t, starting at 4.6m downhole. Starting at 98m, stringers yielding silver values above background over 22m downhole are common with 4 intercepts exceeding 1g Ag/t anomalous silver. MLKM22-06 intersects the Carlin West stringer zone over 15m starting at 85m downhole. It intersected two silver intercepts, one 5.6m in length and a second of 1m in length, exceeding 1g Ag/t within the stringer zone with 0.2m of core loss at the upper intercept. These structures are characterized by fractured and brecciated quartz zones. MLM22-09 contains eight silver structures between 1m and 3m thick above 75m downhole and outside the Carlin West zone plus three structures between 8 and 6.3m long from 84 to 166m down hole, within the Carlin West zone as projected from surface. The lowest structure was within a GRE.
MLM22-07進入卡林西區,但在其易碎部分丟失了總計1.4米的巖芯。值得注意的是,從4.6米井下開始,在2.0米的截距1.8g銀/噸附近缺失了0.4米的巖心。從98m開始,井下22m以上背景銀值的管柱很常見,有4個截距超過1g Ag/t異常銀。MLKM22-06從85米井下開始,在超過15米的範圍內與卡林西側邊樑帶相交。它相交了兩個銀質攔截器,一個長5.6米,另一個長1米,在串線區內超過1g Ag/t,在上攔截點的鐵心損耗為0.2米。這些構造以破碎和角礫石英帶為特徵。MLM22-09包含8個厚1米至3米的銀色構造,位於75米井下、卡林西區外,以及三個長8米至6.3米、井下84米至166米的構造,從地面投射到卡林西區內。最低的結構在GRE內。
MLM22-13 contains two shallow weakly anomalous silver structures, but both project as being outside the core zone. MLM22-12 was collared at a location where the core zone overlies KHQ. It intercepted a narrow structure containing weakly anomalous silver, at a depth of 84m. An IP-Resistivity profile cutting KHQ and highly anomalous surface soils suggest that MLM22-12, which intersected KHQ above the GRE, was collared in a location having a high probability of intercepting high-grade silver.
MLM22-10 and MLM22-11 collared in the Carlin West stringer zone produced a fractured intercept that did not produce a complete transect of the structure. Soil sampling from this season indicated that these holes were collared in the centre as opposed to the east of the anomaly as was planned. Both holes intersected a lower stringer zone over 10m wide with silver values up to 14.5g Ag/t. MLM22-10 ended in a mineralized vein 3cm thick. This was below the minimum sampling interval of 0.3m, which was the sample taken from the end of the DDH that yielded 15.2g Ag/t. This stringer zone corresponds to surface float assaying 662g Ag/t and a muted soil anomaly.
MLM22-10和MLM22-11在Carlin West Stringer區域的領子產生了一個斷裂的截取,沒有產生結構的完整橫斷面。從這個季節採集的土壤樣本表明,這些洞是在異常的中心,而不是按計劃在東部。這兩個洞相交於一個超過10米寬的下部縱樑區域,銀值高達14.5克銀/噸。MLM22-10最後形成了3釐米厚的礦化礦脈。這低於從DDH末端採集的最小採樣間隔0.3m,該採樣間隔產生了15.2g Ag/t。這個細繩帶對應於662g Ag/t的表面浮游物分析和一個暗色的土壤異常。
Tyrell Sutherland, VP Exploration commented, "The broad silver structures intersected in our drilling this year define Carlin West as a considerably broader silver structure than we had anticipated. Most of these structures were drilled outside of a subsequently identified silver zone grading greater than or equal to one ounce of silver per tonne. The Carlin West structure was identified in a number of holes where it measured up to 22m in core length. At least one other broad structure was also identified in the drill holes."
勘探副總裁Tyrell Sutherland評論道:“今年在我們的鑽探中交叉的寬闊的白銀構造將Carlin West定義為一個比我們預期的要廣泛得多的白銀構造。大多數這些構造都是在後來發現的銀帶之外鑽探的,銀礦品位大於或等於每噸一盎司銀。在許多孔中發現了Carlin West構造,其中巖心長度高達22米。在這些鑽孔中還發現了至少另一個寬闊的構造。”
He continued, "This mimics the historical difficulties defining high grade shoots through diamond drilling within the Keno Hill Silver Camp. Poor recoveries within the broad silver structures are cause for concern at both Carlin-Roop and at some ore bodies in the Keno Hill Silver Camp. This was the case at the Lucky Queen Mine that produced more than 11 million ounces where the silver was concentrated along as little as 15cm within broader gangue veins.2 Recent drilling does not explain the presence of high grade grabs and particularly high soils at Carlin West. The origins remain to be discovered. This is especially applicable in the broad core zone where the soil samples all assayed greater than 1ounce Ag/t. Through utilizing our oriented drill core measurements, we hope to vector to structural intersections that commonly control shoot orientations within the Keno Camp. The Carlin West core zone, which is defined by greater than 1 ounce of silver per tonne from this year's soil sampling, is marked by a number of structural intersections and is a primary target for both trenching and drilling. The AJ zone, as defined by float grading between 179g Ag/t and 412g Ag/t and a 300m long highly anomalous soil anomaly is also a primary target for trenching and drilling next season."
2Cathro 2006, The History and Geology of the Keno Hill Camp.
Sample Analysis, Collection and Quality Control
Drill core was transported from drill sites at Carlin West to a secure location in Keno or Whitehorse where a preliminary logs and photo verification of the drill core was completed. Blanks and standards were inserted at alternating intervals every 25 samples. The samples were then sealed in poly bags and each bag was identified with the insertion of one part of a three-part sample tag. Samples were delivered to the BVC preparatory laboratory in Whitehorse. Pulps for analysis were prepared and then shipped to the BVC analytical laboratory in Vancouver, B.C. for analysis and assay where 15g of each sample are being analysed by Aqua regia digestion, ICP-MS analysis (BMV AQ201) for 36 elements (Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Zn) BVM is compliant under ISO/IEC 7025 and ISO 9001. All processes during preparation and analysis of a sample are subject to rigorous QA/QC control. In addition, a number of blanks and commercial standards were inserted at regular intervals. A review of the results and the quality control revealed no irregularities.
鑽芯從卡林西部的鑽探地點運送到基諾或懷特霍斯的一個安全地點,在那裏完成了鑽芯的初步記錄和照片核實。空白和標準以每25個樣品的交替間隔插入。然後樣品被密封在塑料袋中,每個袋子通過插入三部分樣品標籤的一部分來識別。樣本被送到位於懷特霍斯的BVC預備實驗室。準備用於分析的紙漿,然後運往不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華的BVC分析實驗室進行分析和分析,其中每個樣品的15g正在通過王水消化、用於36種元素(Ag、Al、As、Au、B、Ba、Bi、Ca、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Fe、Ga、Hg、K、La、Mg、Mn、Mo、Na、Ni、P、Pb、S、Sb、Sc、Se、Sr、Te、Th、Ti、Tl、U、V、W、BVM符合ISO/IEC 7025和ISO 9001標準。樣品製備和分析過程中的所有過程都受到嚴格的QA/QC控制。此外,還定期插入了一些空白和商業標準。對結果和質量控制的審查顯示,沒有發現任何違規行為。
Qualified Person (QP) Statement: Field work was directed by Tyrell Sutherland, M.Sc., P. Geo. This press release has been prepared by Tyrell Sutherland and Vern Rampton, Ph.D., P. Eng. in their capacities as QPs under the guidelines of N.I. 43-101.
合格人員(QP)聲明:現場工作由Tyrell Sutherland,M.Sc,P.Geo指導。本新聞稿由Tyrell Sutherland和Vern Rampton,Ph.D.,P.根據編號43-101的準則,以合格註冊會計師的身份。
For additional information contact:
Vern Rampton, President & CEO; 613-836-2594;
Tyrell Sutherland, M.Sc., P. Geo., VP Exploration; 613-884-8332;
Darrell Munro, BB.A, LL.B Corporate Administrator; (613) 836-2594;
Tyrell Sutherland,M.Sc.,P.Geo,勘探副總裁;613-884-8332;
For further information please refer to our web-site.
About Mayo Lake Minerals Inc.: Mayo is actively engaged in the exploration and development of five precious metal projects in the Tombstone Plutonic Belt of the Tintina Gold Province. The properties cover 249 square kilometres in the Yukon's Mayo Mining District and lie within the traditional territory of the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation. The Company has a history of eleven years of exploration in the Mayo area. The Company is presently focusing on its Carlin-Roop silver project lying within the Keno Hill Silver District. The eastern sector of the Silver District has recently been the site of numerous silver discoveries by Metallic Minerals and Mayo, itself. Two active mines: Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Mine and Hecla Mining's mines lie near-by in the Mayo Mining district.
關於梅奧湖礦業公司:梅奧積極參與廷提納金礦省墓碑深成帶五個貴金屬項目的勘探開發。這些財產在育空地區的梅奧礦區佔地249平方公里,位於Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation的傳統領土內。該公司在梅奧地區已有11年的勘探歷史。該公司目前專注於其位於基諾山銀區的卡林-魯普白銀項目。銀區東區最近是Metals Minerals和Mayo發現大量白銀的地方。兩個活躍的礦山:維多利亞黃金公司的鷹金礦和赫克拉礦業公司的礦山就位於梅奧礦區附近。
Mayo is tentatively proposing to trench and drill the Carlin West and AJ zones at Carlin- Roop and numerous highly prospective gold anomalies within the Anderson Gold Trend at Anderson-Davidson plus trench across gold anomalies flanking an intrusion at Trail-Minto in 2023.
Mayo正在試探性地提議在Carlin-Roop的Carlin West和AJ區挖溝並鑽探,以及在Anderson-Davidson的Anderson Gold Trend內挖掘許多極具前景的金礦異常,並於2023年在Trail-Minto的侵入體兩側挖溝穿過黃金異常。
Cautionary statement: This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, which are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected. There can be no guarantee that Mayo Lake will be able to obtain a public listing as scheduled in this document. Mayo Lake undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
SOURCE: Mayo Lake Minerals Inc.