
Big Tree to Speak at 2nd Energy Transition for Metals and Mining Summit

Big Tree to Speak at 2nd Energy Transition for Metals and Mining Summit

Accesswire ·  2023/01/17 08:02

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / January 17, 2023 / Big Tree Carbon Inc. (the "Company" or "Big Tree") (TSXV:BIGT) is pleased to announce that Ian Brodie-Brown, Director of Business Development, will speak on the panel for "Decarbonizing Mine Operations" at the 2nd Energy Transition Summit in Toronto on Thursday January 19th. Mr. Brodie-Brown will join representatives from Glencore, Agnico Eagle, Kinross, and the OECD's Nuclear Energy Agency to discuss decarbonizing mining operations through renewable energy perspectives and the financing and investments needed for creating green infrastructure.

多倫多,on/ACCESSWIRE/2023年1月17日/大樹碳公司(The“The”)公司“或”大樹") (TSXV:BIGT)我們很高興地宣佈,董事業務發展總監Ian Brodie-Brown將在1月19日(星期四)在多倫多舉行的第二屆能源轉型峯會上就“礦山脱碳運營”專題小組發表演講。布羅迪-布朗將與嘉能可、Agnico Eagle、Kinross和經合組織核能機構的代表一起,討論從可再生能源的角度實現採礦作業的脱碳,以及創建綠色基礎設施所需的融資和投資。

Big Tree is the first publicly traded company to integrate a Natural Asset Resource development approach with its traditional mineral resource projects. Taking the view that Natural Resources have become more valuable alive, as filters of industry, cleaners of industrial airborne pollutants, producers of oxygen and home to the millions of other species that share the planet, Big Tree has introduced a Natural Asset Stewardship approach - developing forest carbon offset projects for the offset needs of the mining and other industrial emitters, and developing a biodiversity asset strategy to protect future requirements to mitigate global biodiversity loss.




Big Tree's Natural Asset Resource projects include the Lac Seul Project and the Agoke Forest Project in Northwestern Ontario's Great Boreal Forest.

Big Tree的自然資產資源項目包括安大略省西北部大北方森林的Lac Seul項目和Agoke森林項目。

Lac Seul Project

Lac Seul項目

Lac Seul (carbon credits) at 22,063 hectares (54,517 acres) on the Lac Seul First Nation reserve lands, with a first right of refusal on the larger 800,000 hectare (1,976,800 acres) Lac Seul Forest license area (See Press Release dated November 30, 2022).

Lac Seul(碳信用)在Lac Seul First Nation保留土地上的22,063公頃(54,517英畝),對面積更大的800,000公頃(1,976,800英畝)的Lac Seul森林許可證區域擁有優先購買權(見2022年11月30日的新聞稿)。

Agoke Forest Project


Big Tree has partnered with Agoke Development LP ("ADLP") to bring upwards of 974,000 hectares of potential carbon offsetting to market in a larger 1,028,496 hectare forest (the "Ogoki Forest"). Agoke Development Corp. ("ADC") is the general partner of the limited partnership also comprising Aroland First Nation, Eabametoong First Nation, and Marten Falls First Nation within whose traditional territories the Ogoki Forest is located. Pursuant to the terms of the Emissions Reduction Benefits Management Agreement ("ERBMA"), Big Tree will assist ADLP in designing and financing the project.

Big Tree與Agoke Development LP(“ADLP”)合作,在一個面積更大的1,028,496公頃的森林(“Ogoki森林”)中,將超過974,000公頃的潛在碳補償投放市場。Agoke Development Corp.(“ADC”)是有限合夥企業的普通合夥人,該有限合夥企業還包括Aroland First Nation、EabamToong First Nation和Marten Falls First Nation,Ogoki森林位於這些傳統領地內。根據《減排效益管理協議》的條款,Big Tree將協助ADLP設計和資助該項目。



Big Tree's Mineral Assets are represented by a strong portfolio of gold prospects in the Red Lake and Birch-Uchi greenstone belts in the Red Lake Mining District of Northern Ontario, Canada.

Big Tree的礦產資產表現為加拿大安大略省北部紅湖礦區紅湖和Birch-Uchi綠巖帶的黃金前景強勁的投資組合。

Ranger Lake Gold Property


The Ranger Lake Property consists of 236 mineral claims totalling 4,790 hectares, held 100% with no royalty. Situated in the Ranger and Otter Lake mining townships, partly within the Municipality of Red Lake, the project is located 10 kilometres east of the Campbell/Red Lake mine complex. Having completed an initial 8 holes in 2021, the Company continues to interpret information gathered from this first drill program, including SGH soil sampling surveys completed on further targets, and completion of a drone-supported magnetometry survey. The Company is permitted for drilling activities on the property through March 2024.

這個遊騎兵湖酒店由236個礦業權組成,總面積達4,790公頃,100%持有,無需支付特許權使用費。該項目位於Ranger和Otter Lake礦業城鎮,部分位於紅湖市內,位於Campbell/Red Lake礦山綜合體以東10公里處。在2021年完成了最初的8個孔之後,該公司繼續解釋從第一個鑽探計劃中收集的信息,包括完成對其他目標的SGH土壤採樣調查,以及完成無人機支持的磁測量調查。該公司獲準在該物業上進行鑽探活動,直至2024年3月。

Richardson Lake Gold Property


The Richardson Lake Property consists of 175 mineral claims totalling 3,276 hectares, held 100% with no royalty. Located in the Casummit Lake area 8 kilometres from the Springpole gold deposit (One of the largest, undeveloped, open-pit gold deposits in Canada: Reserves of 3.8 million ounces gold at .97 g/t, 20.5 million ounces of silver at 5.2 g/t - Average annual gold production of 335,000 ounces in years 1 through 9 - Positive Economics, +11 year mine life)


The Richardson Lake Property is contiguous to the past-producing Argosy Mine. The Argosy was mined between 1931 and 1952 and produced 101,875 ounces of gold from 276,573 tons of ore at an average grade of 0.37 ounces per ton (12.7 g/t) Au. The Argosy Mine is located at the south end of Richardson Lake. Big Tree completed several exploration programs on the property, including gold discoveries from drilling the north end of Richardson Lake in 2012 and 2014.

理查德森湖的物業毗鄰過去生產的Argoy礦山。Argoy於1931年至1952年間開採,從276,573噸礦石中生產出101,875盎司黃金,平均品位為每噸0.37盎司(12.7克/噸)金。Argoy礦位於理查德森湖的南端。Big Tree完成了對該地產的幾個勘探項目,包括2012年和2014年在理查森湖北端鑽探時發現的金礦。

Highlights from drill holes RL-12-07 and RL-14-08


RL-12-07 (1):

15 metres of 1.83 grams/tonne Au:


9.0 metres of 2.95 g/t Au

4.0 metres of 6.0 g/t Au

3.0 metres of 7.4 g/t Au

1.0 metres of 11.1 g/t Au

RL-14-08 (2):

18 metres of 1.85 grams/tonne Au:


10.0 metres of 2.93 g/t Au

4.5 metres of 6.0 g/t Au

3.5 metres of 7.57 g/t Au

2.5 metres of 10.4 g/t Au















(1) See Press Release dated April 12, 2012.
(2) See Press Release dated November 4, 2014.


In 2021, the Company completed an SGH soil sampling program on the western shore of Richardson Lake. In 2022, the Company completed an innovative lake bottom sediment SGH sampling program on the western embayments of Richardson Lake, with results pending.


Western Fold Gold Property


The Company retains an 2% NSR on the Western Fold claim block, optioned to Newrange Gold, contiguous to the Richardson Lake Gold Property, consisting of 110 mineral claims totalling 2,170 hectares. Newrange exercised their option on December 23, 2021. The claims are subject to a 2 km area of influence and a 2% NSR, of which 1% may be acquired for a $1,000,000 cash payment to Big Tree.

本公司保留2%的NSR西褶皺索賠區塊,選擇Newrange Gold,毗鄰理查森湖黃金礦藏,包括110個礦物索賠,總面積為2,170公頃。Newrange於2021年12月23日行使了他們的選擇權。這些索賠受2公里影響範圍和2%的NSR的影響,其中1%可能會被收購,向Big Tree支付100萬美元現金。

Bridget Lake Gold Property


The Company retains a 35% interest in the Bridget Lake property in the Red Lake Mining District. The Bridget Lake property is held 65% by Evolution Gold Mining Operations Ltd. (the "Bridget JV Operator"). Located at the west end of Red Lake, Bridget Lake is a legacy project between Big Tree predecessor AurCrest Gold and Gold Corp Inc.

本公司保留本公司於布里奇特湖在紅湖礦區的財產。Bridget Lake地產由Evolution Gold Mining Operations Ltd.(“Bridget JV運營商”)持有65%的股份。布里奇特湖位於紅湖西端,是Big Tree的前身AurCrest Gold和Gold Corp Inc.之間的遺留項目。

Trout Lake South Gold Property


The Trout Lake South Property consists of 654 claims totalling 13,280 hectares, held 100% by the Company with no royalty. Situated in the Joyce River, Gerry Lake, and Knott mining townships. The Company completed a limited grassroots prospecting program in 2021.



關於Big Tree Carbon Inc.

Big Tree Carbon Inc. is an indigenous led publicly-traded natural asset development company based in Ontario, Canada. The Company maintains several legacy mineral exploration properties in Northwestern Ontario as active exploration holdings, including the Ranger Lake, Richardson Lake, Trout Lake South and Bridget Lake properties. The Company is currently developing two First Nations forest carbon offset project development partnerships for the Lac Seul First Nation "Lac Seul Community Forest Project" and the Ogoki Forest. Subsidiary corporation Wiigwaasaatig Energy Inc. is a contributor to the Company's sustainable forest optimization approach, focusing on renewable electrical generation and biofuel processing in partnership with proximal indigenous communities.

大樹碳公司是一家本土主導的上市自然資產開發公司,總部設在加拿大安大略省。該公司在安大略省西北部擁有幾處遺留的礦產勘探物業,作為活躍的勘探資產,包括Ranger Lake、Richardson Lake、Trout Lake South和Bridget Lake物業。該公司目前正在為Lac Seul First Nation“Lac Seul社區森林項目”和Ogoki森林開發兩個第一民族森林碳抵消項目發展夥伴關係。子公司Wiigwaasaatig Energy Inc.是公司可持續森林優化方法的貢獻者,與鄰近的土著社區合作,專注於可再生能源發電和生物燃料加工。



Big Tree Carbon Inc.


Christopher Angeconeb
President and C.E.O.
(807) 737-5353

Christopher Angeconeb
(807) 737-5353

Ian Brodie-Brown
Director of Business Development
(416) 844-9969

(416) 844-9969

Forward Looking Statement:


Some of the statements contained herein may be forward-looking statements which involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and resources, exploration results, and future plans and objectives of the Company are forward looking statements that involve various risks. The following are important factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements: changes in the world-wide price of mineral commodities, general market conditions, risks inherent in mineral exploration, risks associated with development, construction and mining operations, the uncertainty of future profitability and the uncertainty of access to additional capital. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events may differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Big Tree undertakes no obligation to update such forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

本文中包含的一些陳述可能是前瞻性陳述,涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性。但不限於,有關本公司潛在礦化和資源、勘探結果以及未來計劃和目標的陳述均為前瞻性陳述,涉及各種風險。以下是可能導致公司的實際結果與這些前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果大相徑庭的重要因素:全球礦產商品價格的變化、總體市場狀況、礦產勘探的內在風險、與開發、建築和採礦業務相關的風險、未來盈利能力的不確定性以及獲得額外資本的不確定性。不能保證前瞻性陳述將被證明是準確的,因為實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中預期的大不相同。如果情況或管理層的估計或意見發生變化,Big Tree不承擔更新此類前瞻性陳述的義務。告誡讀者不要過度依賴這種前瞻性陳述。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Big Tree Carbon Inc.


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