
Vantage Tag Systems Begins 2023 With 3 Game Changing Debuts at the Upcoming PGA Show in Orlando, Florida January 25-27, 2023.

Vantage Tag Systems Begins 2023 With 3 Game Changing Debuts at the Upcoming PGA Show in Orlando, Florida January 25-27, 2023.

Vantage 標籤系統始於 2023 年 1 月 25-27 日,在佛羅里達州奧蘭多舉行的 PGA 展會上推出了 3 場改變遊戲規則的首次亮相。
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/01/20 13:20

DSG Global Inc.

DSG Global Inc.

VTS Booth: Prime location #3433 display booth

DSG Global Inc.

DSG Global Inc.

The hero of the show, the SR-1 Golf and Personal Transport Vehicle

Dynamic products for the commercial and consumer golf markets.


SURREY, BC Canada., Jan. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vantage Tag Systems (VTS) a wholly owned subsidiary of DSG Global [OTCQB:DSGT] is pleased to announce the debut of 3 revolutionary new products at the PGA Show in Orlando, FL January 25-27, 2023.

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省薩裏,2023年1月20日(環球通訊社)DSG Global的全資子公司Vantage Tag Systems(VTS)[OTCQB:DSGT]很高興在2023年1月25日至27日在佛羅裏達州奧蘭多舉行的PGA展會上宣佈推出3款革命性的新產品。

On the heels of a record setting 2022, VTS is set to begin 2023 with a bang by debuting 3 game changing products at the PGA Show. The PGA Show is the largest golf specific trade show in the world. The show is attended by thousands of executives, buyers, and professionals from all over the world to see the latest industry products and technologies and plan their purchases for the upcoming year. It is not open to the public.

在創紀錄的2022年之後,VTS將在2023年的PGA Show上首次亮相,以一場轟動的比賽開始3款改變遊戲規則的產品。PGA展會是世界上規模最大的高爾夫專業展。來自世界各地的數千名高管、買家和專業人士參加了這次展會,瞭解最新的行業產品和技術,併為即將到來的一年制定採購計劃。它不對公眾開放。

VTS will have a substantial presence with 30 x 50 2 story booth that has multiple display monitors and a large 77inch screen. The location is prime situated on the main walkway that will be at the center of the action in Fleet Carts and GPS Fleet Management, next door to the incumbent competition, Club Car, EZ-GO, and Yamaha. On display will be 9 golf carts including the 3 significant debuts of the Shelby line-up of consumer carts and Shelby e-bikes, the new V-Club Flagship Fleet Cart, and the new hero SR-1 single rider cart that will have tremendous appeal to both Fleet operators and individual consumers.

VTS將有一個相當大的展位,有30x50個2層展位,有多個顯示器和一個77英寸的大屏幕。該位置位於主要人行道上,將成為艦隊車和GPS車隊管理活動的中心,毗鄰現有的競爭對手Club Car、EZ-Go和Yamaha。將展出9款高爾夫球車,其中包括謝爾比消費車和謝爾比電動自行車系列的三大亮相,新的V-Club旗艦車隊車,以及將對車隊運營商和個人消費者都具有巨大吸引力的新英雄SR-1單人騎手車。

The booth will be staffed by a team of 40 including Sr. Management, Sales Team members, support staff, celebrities and 4 Brand Ambassadors from Elite Talent who will also roam the aisles encouraging attendees to visit the booth.

展臺將由40人組成的團隊組成,其中包括高級管理層、銷售團隊成員、支持人員、名人和來自Elite Talent的4名品牌大使,他們也將在過道上漫步,鼓勵參觀者參觀展臺。

The promotional activities begin day 1 with a press conference to unveil the revolutionary SR-1, the first of 2 V-Club Fleet Cart giveaways where attendees get their badges scanned and data captured to win a V-Club Golf Cart.

促銷活動開始於第一天的新聞發佈會,揭開了革命性的SR-1的面紗,這是兩個V-Club Fleet Cart贈品中的第一個,與會者將掃描他們的徽章並獲取數據,以贏得一個V-Club高爾夫球車。

Activity at the booth will be captured by a professional photographer in images and videos that will be posted and live streamed on social media with interviews of experts like renowned vehicle builder Bob Fehan, celebrity Sandy Munro, and car industry icon Alan Wagner.


"I've been coming to this show for over 25 years." said Bob Silzer, CEO. "We have had great shows with just our Vantage GPS Fleet Management System, but this is the most excited I've ever been. With the introduction of the new V-Club Fleet Golf Cart, the iconic Shelby consumer carts & e-bikes, the new 10" HD INFINITY tablet, and show HERO, the incredible revolutionary SR-1 (first of its kind in the world market), we now have dynamic products for both the commercial and consumer golf markets. We had a sales record setting in 2022, the momentum and profile from this show with our new product line up being introduced, will substantially assist in our strategic planned sales from all products in 2023." added Silzer.

“我來這檔節目已經超過25年了。”首席執行官鮑勃·西爾澤説。我們僅用我們的Vantage GPS車隊管理系統就舉辦了很多精彩的演出,但這是我最興奮的一次。隨着新的V-Club艦隊高爾夫球車、標誌性的謝爾比消費者手推車和電動自行車、新的10英寸高清無限平板電腦以及令人難以置信的革命性SR-1(世界市場上第一個此類產品)的推出,我們現在擁有了面向商業和消費者高爾夫市場的動態產品。我們在2022年創下了銷售紀錄,本次展會的勢頭和形象以及我們新產品線的推出,將極大地幫助我們在2023年從所有產品的戰略計劃銷售。

Post show marketing begins immediately in February with a high-profile magazine cover article on Golf Car Options magazine, comprehensive social media, and content distributed through email blasts to all courses globally.

秀後營銷在2月份立即開始,在Golf Car Options雜誌上發表一篇備受矚目的封面文章,綜合社交媒體,並通過電子郵件向全球所有球場分發內容。

About Description – DSG Global


DSG Global was founded over 12 years ago by the team that were one of the original pioneers of the GPS Golf Fleet Management industry. Creating some of the original innovations in the industry as GPS Industries.

DSG全球公司是12年前由GPS高爾夫車隊管理行業的最早先驅之一的團隊創建的。創造了該行業的一些原創創新,如GPS Industries。

The company has two distinct brands to deliver on the explosive opportunities in the LSV (Low Speed Electric Vehicle) & HSV (High Speed Electric Vehicle) markets. Liteborne Motor Company will address the HSV market with the new Aurium SEV (Sport Electric Vehicle) and many other vehicles in the pipeline including buses and commercial vehicles.

該公司有兩個不同的品牌來提供在低速電動汽車(LSV)和高速電動汽車(HSV)市場的爆炸性機會。Liteborne汽車公司將推出新的Aurium SEV(運動型電動汽車)和許多其他正在籌備中的車輛,包括公交車和商用車,以滿足HSV市場的需求。

The LSV market will be supported and expanded by the established Vantage Tag Systems brand building on the 12-year track record of innovation in the marketspace with a comprehensive product line-up of GPS Fleet Management integrated carts for golf operators, to the legendary Shelby golf and multi-passenger carts, Shelby e-bikes, for consumers and designated golf communities. January 2023, the industry will get its first look at a true revolution in fleet carts with the debut of the SR1 single rider golf cart.

建立在市場領域12年創新記錄基礎上的Vantage Tag Systems品牌將支持和擴大LSV市場,為高爾夫運營商提供GPS車隊管理集成手推車的全面產品線,以及為消費者和指定高爾夫社區提供的傳奇謝爾比高爾夫和多人手推車謝爾比電動自行車。2023年1月,隨着SR1單人高爾夫球車的首次亮相,該行業將首次看到車隊球車的真正革命。

Our products are trusted by hundreds of golf operators around the world to manage their critical fleet assets with industry leading GPS Fleet Management technology. Under the Vantage brand, we are the people behind many of the innovations that operators rely on, and golfers expect.


We are expanding our 25 years of fleet management experience by introducing our own line of carts under the recognized Vantage brand. Integrated with our renowned GPS Fleet Management System the Vantage V-Club cart is a combination of advanced hardware/software creating the most complete and best value Cart/Management solution on the market.

我們正在擴展我們25年的車隊管理經驗,推出公認的Vantage品牌下的我們自己的手推車系列。Vantage V-Club購物車與我們著名的GPS車隊管理系統相結合,結合了先進的硬件/軟件,創造了市場上最完整和最划算的購物車/管理解決方案。

As the Vantage Tag solution line-up evolves, we are adding complementary products to the portfolio for consumer and commercial purchase. The most recent of which is the opportunity to market the legendary Shelby Golf Carts and E-Bikes to the North American golf community market such as the Villages in Florida and Peachtree City in Georgia where low speed electric vehicles are the primary mode of transportation and a status symbol. January 2023, the industry will also get its first look at a true revolution in fleet carts with the debut of the SR1 single rider golf cart.

隨着Vantage TAG解決方案陣容的發展,我們正在為消費者和商業購買產品組合添加補充產品。最近的機會是有機會向北美高爾夫社區市場推銷傳奇的Shelby高爾夫球車和電動自行車,例如佛羅裏達州的村莊和佐治亞州的桃樹市,那裏的低速電動汽車是主要的交通方式和地位的象徵。2023年1月,隨着SR1單人高爾夫球車的首次亮相,該行業還將首次看到車隊球車的真正革命。

Special Projects Coordinator


John Brda
P. 314-920-0890

P. 314-920-0890

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Forward-looking statements or information are based on several factors and assumptions which have been used to develop such statements and information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to: negative cash flow and future financing requirements to sustain operations, dilution, limited history of operations and revenues and no history of earnings or dividends, competition, economic changes, delays in the Company's expansion plans, regulatory changes, and the impact of and risks associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic including the risk of disruption at the Company's facilities or in its supply and distribution channels. The forward-looking information in this news release reflects the current expectations, assumptions and/or beliefs of the Company based on information currently available to the Company.


Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by our forward-looking statements are described under the captions "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year 2019 and our subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K, all filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this release, and we expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

其他可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述預期的結果大不相同的因素在我們提交給美國證券交易委員會的2019財年Form 10-K年度報告和隨後的Form 10-Q季度報告以及當前的Form 8-K報告中的“風險因素”和“管理層對財務狀況和經營結果的討論和分析”標題下進行了描述。前瞻性陳述是在本新聞稿發佈之日作出的,我們明確表示不承擔任何義務或承諾更新前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述或信息明確受本警示聲明的限制。



  • DSG Global Inc.
  • DSG Global Inc.
  • DSG Global Inc.
  • DSG Global Inc.

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