
Avila Energy Corporation Announces the Signing of a Non-Binding Letter of Intent With Insight Acquisition Corp To Combine With the Company

Avila Energy Corporation Announces the Signing of a Non-Binding Letter of Intent With Insight Acquisition Corp To Combine With the Company

阿維拉能源公司宣佈與 Insight 收購公司簽署非約束性意向書,以與公司結合
Accesswire ·  2023/01/26 12:37

CALGARY, AB / ACCESSWIRE / January 26, 2023 / Avila Energy Corporation (CSE:VIK) ("Avila" or the "Company") announces the signing on January 24, 2023 of a preliminary non-binding Letter of Intent (the "LOI") with Insight Acquisition Corp. (INAQ.U) ("IAC"), a Delaware corporation and a Special Purpose Acquisition Company, pursuant to which IAC has agreed to combine with the Company in a transaction that assumes an enterprise value of the combined company of U.S. $185,280,000 and will result in the combined company being publicly listed for trading on a major stock exchange in the United States, subject to exchange approval (the "Transaction"). The Transaction remains subject to the approval of the boards of directors and stockholders of each of IAC and the Company, as well as other customary closing conditions, including negotiation and execution of a definitive business combination agreement for the Transaction (the "Definitive Business Combination Agreement"), which may or may not occur. The parties to the LOI have agreed to negotiate the terms of a Transaction, including a Definitive Business Combination Agreement, on an exclusive basis through February 24, 2023, at which point IAC may extend such term for an additional 15 calendar days. The parties may also further extend such term on a mutually agreeable basis. Avila will issue a subsequent news release with terms once a Definitive Business Combination Agreement has been signed.

卡爾加里,AB/ACCESSWIRE/2023年1月26日/阿維拉能源公司(CSE:VIK)("阿維拉“或”公司宣佈於2023年1月24日簽署了一份初步的不具約束力的意向書(意向書“)與Insight Acquisition Corp.(INAQ.U)(”IAC“)、特拉華州一家公司和一家特殊目的收購公司,據此,IAC已同意與本公司合併一項交易,該交易假定合併後公司的企業價值為185,280,000美元,並將導致合併後的公司在美國一家主要證券交易所上市交易,但須獲得交易所批准(”交易記錄)。該交易仍需得到IAC和本公司各自的董事會和股東的批准,以及其他慣常的成交條件,包括談判和執行交易的最終業務合併協議(“最終業務合併協議意向書各方已同意在2023年2月24日之前以排他性方式談判交易條款,包括最終的企業合併協議,屆時IAC可以將期限再延長15個歷日。雙方也可以在雙方同意的基礎上進一步延長期限。一旦最終的企業合併協議簽署,Avila將發佈後續新聞稿和條款。

While non-binding and subject to change, the LOI contemplates terms of the Transaction which may include:


  • The Company or a newly-formed company affiliated with the Company will combine with IAC so that all of the issued and outstanding securities of the Company and IAC will be exchanged for shares of the Surviving Company (as defined below) based on a fully diluted enterprise value of the Surviving Company of U.S. $185,280,000. The Transaction, which will constitute the de-SPAC transaction of IAC, is expected to close later this year (the "Closing").
  • There are 111,437,322 issued and outstanding Class A common shares of the Company (basic) and 185,725,972 common shares ("Company Shares") outstanding on a fully-diluted basis (assuming the planned conversion of all currently-outstanding warrants, convertible securities and options of the Company).
  • The Transaction will create a surviving company (the "Surviving Company"), the shareholders of which will be composed of the then current shareholders of Avila and shareholders and participating parties of IAC including Burkhan LLC, and Insight Acquisition Sponsor LLC (the "Sponsor"). The Sponsor is the current sponsor of IAC.
  • IAC currently has approximately U.S. $241,200,000 in trust. In connection with the Closing, the shareholders of IAC will be entitled to seek redemption of any outstanding public shares, in exchange for a pro rata portion of such trust proceeds. Any proceeds that remain in trust following such redemption will be available to the Surviving Company at the Closing.
  • It is anticipated that the current shareholders of Avila will, excluding any additional financing that may be raised in connection with the Transaction and before considering any redemption of the IAC shareholders, hold approximately 68% of the issued shares of the Surviving Company upon Closing of the Transaction.
  • No minimum cash condition or other required financing is expected to be a condition to Closing the Transaction. However, the parties may consider one or more financing alternatives, including a convertible note financing, to provide additional working capital for the Company following the Closing. In addition, Burkhan LLC is expected to provide IAC with working capital funding at the time of signing a Definitive Business Combination Agreement.
  • The final structuring of the Transaction shall be subject to receipt of corporate, securities and tax advice for both Avila and IAC and Closing of the Transaction shall be subject to successful negotiation and signing of the Definitive Business Combination Agreement and satisfaction of Burkhan LLC's obligation to provide Sponsor working capital funding at the time of signing and Closing (the "Definitive Agreements"), as well as approval by Canadian and US securities regulators, approval by the IAC shareholders of an extension of the time by which they must consummate an initial business combination, listing approval by a United States exchange and approval by the boards of directors and shareholders of IAC and Avila, as applicable.
  • The Board of Directors of the Surviving Company is expected to consist of seven persons, five of which shall be appointed by persons designated by Avila, including three independent directors, and Leonard Van Betuw will remain the CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Surviving Company.
  • Avila has agreed to fully cooperate with IAC in the preparation of all documents required to be filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (including all exhibits and amendments thereto), or any other regulatory body, in connection with the Transaction; the intent being that following the Closing the shares of the Surviving Company will be listed for trading on a major stock exchange in the U.S.
  • As part of the Transaction, employment agreements are expected to be entered into between current members of Avila management and the Surviving Company, which will also provide for a grant of shares of the Surviving Company to be made to certain persons (all to be named and are to include employee executives, such as Leonard Van Betuw) based on stock price performance on an earnout structure to be agreed upon between the parties.
  • 本公司或與本公司關聯的新成立公司將與IAC合併,從而本公司及IAC的所有已發行及已發行證券將按尚存公司的完全攤薄企業價值185,280,000美元交換尚存公司的股份(定義如下)。這項交易將構成IAC的De-Spac交易,預計將於今年晚些時候完成。結業").
  • 本公司已發行及已發行A類普通股(基本)111,437,322股,普通股185,725,972股(“公司股份“)在完全攤薄的基礎上發行(假設計劃轉換本公司目前所有未發行的認股權證、可轉換證券和期權)。
  • 這筆交易將創建一家倖存下來的公司(The“the”倖存的公司),其股東將由當時Avila的現任股東和IAC的股東和參與方組成,包括Burkhan LLC和Insight收購贊助商LLC(The贊助商“)。贊助商是IAC的當前贊助商。
  • IAC目前有大約241,200,000美元的信託資金。與交易結束相關,IAC的股東將有權尋求贖回任何已發行的公眾股票,以換取按比例分配的信託收益。在贖回後仍受信託管理的任何收益將在交易結束時提供給尚存的公司。
  • 預計Avila的現有股東將在交易完成時持有尚存公司約68%的已發行股份,不包括可能與交易相關的任何額外融資,並將在考慮贖回IAC股東之前持有尚存公司約68%的已發行股份。
  • 預計最低現金條件或其他所需融資都不會成為完成交易的條件。然而,各方可考慮一種或多種融資選擇,包括可轉換票據融資,以在交易完成後為公司提供額外的營運資金。此外,Burkhan LLC預計將在簽署最終業務合併協議時向IAC提供營運資金。
  • 交易的最終結構應取決於收到Avila和IAC的公司、證券和税務建議,交易的完成應取決於最終企業合併協議的成功談判和簽署,以及Burkhan LLC在簽署和完成時履行向保薦人提供營運資金的義務(最終協議“),以及加拿大和美國證券監管機構的批准、IAC股東批准延長其完成初始業務合併的時間、美國交易所批准上市以及IAC和Avila的董事會和股東批准(視情況而定)。
  • 尚存公司的董事會預計將由七人組成,其中五人將由Avila指定的人士任命,其中包括三名獨立董事,Leonard Van Betuw將繼續擔任尚存公司的首席執行官和董事會主席。
  • Avila已同意與IAC充分合作,準備與交易有關的所有文件,提交給美國證券交易委員會(SEC)或任何其他監管機構,包括所有證物和修正案;其意圖是在交易結束後,倖存公司的股票將在美國一家主要證券交易所上市交易。
  • 作為交易的一部分,預計Avila管理層的現任成員將與尚存公司簽訂僱傭協議,其中還將規定根據雙方商定的溢價結構的股價表現,向某些人(所有人都將被點名,並將包括員工高管,如Leonard Van Betuw)授予尚存公司的股票。

About, Avila Energy Corporation


The Company is an emerging CSE listed corporation trading under the symbol ('VIK'), and in combination with an expanding portfolio of 100% Owned and Operated oil and natural gas production, pipelines and facilities is a licensed producer, explorer, and developer of energy in Canada. The Company, through the implementation of a closed system of carbon capture and sequestration and an established path underway towards the material reduction of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 emissions, continues to work towards becoming a Vertically Integrated low-cost Carbon Neutral Energy Producer. The Company continues to grow and achieve its results by focusing on the application of a combination of proven geological, geophysical, engineering, and production techniques.


About, Insight Acquisition Corp.

關於Insight Acquisition Corp.

Insight Acquisition Corp. is a special purpose acquisition company formed solely to effect a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization, or similar business combination with one or more businesses. Insight Acquisition Corp. is sponsored by Insight Acquisition Sponsor LLC.

Insight Acquisition Corp.是一家專門為與一家或多家企業進行合併、資本股票交換、資產收購、股票購買、重組或類似業務合併而成立的特殊目的收購公司。Insight Acquisition Corp.由Insight收購贊助商LLC贊助。

For further information, please contact:


Ronnie Shporer, Investor Relations, North America or

Ronnie Shporer,北美投資者關係部或

Peter Nesveda, Investor Relations, International or

Peter Nesveda,投資者關係部,國際或

Leonard B. Van Betuw, President & CEO of Avila Energy Corporation.


Emails: Ronnie Shporer:


Peter Nesveda:


Leonard B. Van Betuw:

Leonard B.Van



Leonard B. Van Betuw
President & CEO


Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements


Certain information set forth in this news release contains "forward-looking statements" with respect to the proposed business combination between the Company and IAC. Forward-looking statements may generally be identified by the use of words such as "believe," "may," "will," "estimate," "continue," "anticipate," "intend," "expect," "should," "would," "plan," "project," "forecast," "predict," "potential," "seem," "seek," "future," "outlook," "target" or other similar expressions (or the negative versions of such words or expressions) that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections, and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this communication. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as, and must not be relied on by an investor as, a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction, or a definitive statement of fact or probability. Many actual events and circumstances are beyond the control of the Company and IAC.


All statements in this news release, other than statements of ‎historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements, ‎including, but not limited to entrance into a Business Combination Agreement, the occurrence of and the anticipated date of closing of the Transaction, the availability of financing for the Transaction and IAC at the time of signing, and the post-Closing governance of the Surviving Company. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of ‎which are beyond the Company's and IAC's control, including completion of customary due diligence with respect to the Transaction, negotiation of the definitive documentation including the Business Combination Agreement, approval of the Transaction by Company and IAC shareholders, approval by the IAC shareholders of an extension of the time by which they must consummate an initial business combination, listing approval by a United States exchange and the impact of general economic conditions, ‎industry conditions, the regulatory environment, volatility of commodity prices, currency fluctuations, environmental risks, operational risks, ‎competition from other industry participants and stock market volatility. Although the Company and IAC believe that the ‎expectations in its forward-looking statements are reasonable, its forward-looking statements have been based ‎on factors and assumptions concerning future events which may prove to be inaccurate. Those factors and ‎assumptions are based upon currently available information. Such statements are subject to known and ‎unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could influence actual results or events and cause actual ‎results or events to differ materially from those stated, anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. ‎Accordingly, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, as no ‎assurance can be provided as to future results, levels of activity or achievements. Risks, uncertainties, ‎material assumptions and other factors that could affect actual results are discussed in the Company's public disclosure documents available at and IAC's public disclosure documents available through the EDGAR filing system at Furthermore, the forward-looking ‎statements contained in this document are made as of the date of this document and, except as required by ‎applicable law, neither the Company nor IAC undertake any obligation to publicly update or to revise any of the ‎included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The ‎forward-looking statements contained in this document are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.‎

本新聞稿中除有關‎歷史事實的陳述外,涉及公司預計將發生的事件或發展的所有陳述均為前瞻性陳述,‎包括但不限於簽訂商業合併協議、交易的發生和預期的完成日期、簽署時交易的融資情況以及交易結束後對公司的治理。就其性質而言,前瞻性陳述會受到許多風險和不確定因素的影響,其中一些風險和不確定性是公司和公司無法控制的,包括對交易完成慣常盡職調查、最終文件(包括企業合併協議)的談判、公司和公司股東批准交易、公司股東批准延長完成初始業務合併的時間、美國交易所批准上市以及總體經濟狀況、‎行業條件、監管環境、大宗商品價格波動、匯率波動、環境風險、運營風險、來自其他行業參與者的‎競爭以及股市波動。儘管本公司和國際會計準則委員會認為其前瞻性陳述中的‎預期是合理的,但其前瞻性陳述是基於有關未來事件的因素和假設,而這些因素和假設可能被證明是不準確的。這些因素和‎假設是基於目前可用的信息。此類陳述會受到已知和‎未知風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些風險、不確定性和其他因素可能會影響實際結果或事件,並導致實際‎結果或事件與前瞻性陳述中陳述、預期或暗示的內容大不相同。相應的‎, 告誡讀者不要過度依賴前瞻性陳述,因為不能對未來的結果、活動水平或成就提供‎保證。風險、不確定性、‎重大假設和其他可能影響實際結果的因素在公司的公開披露文件中進行了討論,網址為:和IAC的公開披露文件,可通過EDGAR備案系統www.sec.gov獲得。此外,本文中包含的前瞻性‎表述是截至本文發佈之日作出的,除‎適用法律要求外,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因,本公司和‎都沒有義務公開更新或修改任何前瞻性表述。本文中包含的‎前瞻性陳述明確受本警告性聲明的限制。‎

SOURCE: Avila Energy Corporation


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