
People Aren't Keeping Up With Car Payments — And It Hasn't Been This Bad Since 2009

People Aren't Keeping Up With Car Payments — And It Hasn't Been This Bad Since 2009

人們沒有跟上汽車付款 — 它一直沒有這麼糟糕,因為 2009
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2023/01/27 10:10

A recent tweet by "CarDealershipGuy" grabbed a lot of attention.

最近的鳴叫 「汽車經銷商人」 抓住了很多關注。

About 1.84% of auto loans are now "severely delinquent," he said, citing Cox Automotive data. That's the highest rate since February 2009 — a time when the global automotive industry spiraled as a result of the Great Recession.

他援引說,現時約有 1.84% 的汽車貸款被「嚴重拖欠」 考克斯汽車 資料。這是自 2009 年 2 月以來的最高水平,這是全球汽車行業因經濟大衰退而出現螺旋的時期。

Here's the thing: That's not as bad as it sounds, a Cox Automotive spokesman explained to Benzinga.

事情是這樣:這並不像聽起來那麼糟糕,考克斯汽車發言人向 Beninga 解釋。

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"In 2009, unemployment was high and when there's high unemployment, delinquencies often turn into defaults which become repossessions," Cox Automotive's Mark Schirmer says.

考克斯汽車公司的馬克·施爾默說:「2009 年,失業率很高,失業率很高時,拖欠經常變成違約,這成為重新財產。

Today, he adds, "the job picture is so much stronger."


Still, defaults are on the rise, too.


Here's A Breakdown Of The Data


  • Auto loan performance in December saw further deterioration as "delinquent by more than 60 days" increased by 5.3% and was up 26.7% from a year ago.
  • Of all loans, 1.84% were severely delinquent — an increase from 1.74% in November and the highest rate since February 2009.
  • Compared to a year ago, the severe delinquency rate was 39 basis points higher.
  • In December, 7.11% of subprime loans were "severely delinquent" — up from 6.75% the prior month.
  • The subprime severe delinquency rate was 163 basis points higher than a year ago, and the December rate was the highest in the data series back to 2006.
  • Loan defaults declined 13.5% from November but were up 16.9% from a year ago. The annualized auto loan default rate in December was 2.56% — lower than the 2.98% rate in December 2019.
  • The default rate in 2022 was 2.28%, up from a low of 1.98% last year but still lower than the 2.90% rate in 2019.
  • 12 月份汽車貸款表現進一步惡化,因「拖欠超過 60 日」上升 5.3%,較一年前上升 26.7%。
  • 在所有貸款中,1.84% 的貸款被嚴重拖欠,較十一月份的 1.74% 上升,增幅為二零零九年二月以來的最高貸款。
  • 與一年前比較,嚴重拖欠率高出 39 個基點。
  • 在十二月,次級貸款中,7.11% 的次級貸款「嚴重拖欠」,較上一個月的 6.75% 為高。
  • 次級嚴重拖欠率較一年前高出 163 個基點,而 12 月份的比率在 2006 年的數據系列中是最高的。
  • 違約貸款較 11 月份下跌 13.5%,但較一年前上升 16.9%。12 月份汽車貸款拖欠利率為 2.56%,低於二零一九年十二月的 2.98%。
  • 2022 年的違約率為 2.28%,較去年的 1.98% 低位上升,但仍低於二零一九年的 2.90%。

While Cox Automotive expected auto loan defaults to continue to increase, "we are coming off of super-low auto default rates in 2020 and 2021 and beginning of 2022," Schirmer adds.

儘管考克斯汽車預計汽車貸款違約將繼續增加,但「我們將在 2020 年和 2021 年以及 2022 年初獲得超低汽車違約利率,」Schirmer 補充道。

Tickers To Watch


Delinquencies for Ally Financial Inc (NYSE:ALLY) gradually increased throughout 2022. In the fourth quarter, 30-day delinquency rates rose to 3.56%. That's up from 2.93% in the third quarter; 2.52% in the second quarter; and 2% in the first quarter of 2022.

的拖欠 盟友金融公司 紐約證券交易所代碼:艾利)在整個 2022 年逐漸增加。第四季,逾期 30 天的拖欠率上升至 3.56%。這比第三季度的 2.93%、第二季度的 2.52% 和 2022 年第一季度的 2% 有所上升。

Observers of this trend would be wise to tune in on Jan. 31 when Credit Acceptance Corp. (NASDAQ:CACC), a financing program company that enables automobile dealers to sell vehicles to consumers regardless of their credit history, releases fourth-quarter earnings.

這種趨勢的觀察者將是明智的調整在 1 月 31 日 信用接受公司 (NASDAQ: CACC) 是一家融資計劃公司,無論其信用記錄如何,汽車經銷商都能向消費者銷售汽車,並釋放第四季度盈利。

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Photo: Courtesty Pixabay


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