
Canada Silver Cobalt Finalizes Option Agreement for LCT Lithium Property Near Power Metals Corp Case Lake Project

Canada Silver Cobalt Finalizes Option Agreement for LCT Lithium Property Near Power Metals Corp Case Lake Project

加拿大銀鈷完成電力金屬公司 Case Lake 項目附近 LCT 鋰物業的期權協議
newsfile ·  2023/02/06 09:06

The property package is approximately 240 km2 and is contiguous with Power Metals' Case Lake Lithium LCT property near Cochrane, Ontario.

該物業面積約240平方公里,與Power Metals位於安大略省科克倫附近的凱斯湖鋰LCT物業毗鄰。

Coquitlam, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 6, 2023) - Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. (TSXV: CCW) (OTCQB: CCWOF) (FSE: 4T9B) (the "Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt") announces it has finalized and signed the Option Agreement to acquire a large prospective LCT Pegmatite land package (Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum) near Power Metals Case Lake Project. The Company has strategically staked a large package surrounding both the claims provided by the Option Agreement and claims adjacent to the Power Metals Case Lake LCT Lithium project for a total holding of close to 240 square kilometres. The Property and project will be focused on exploring the LCT potential in the area.

不列顛哥倫比亞省高貴林-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年2月6日)-加拿大銀鈷工程有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CCW)(場外交易代碼:CCWOF)(證券交易所股票代碼:4T9B)(以下簡稱“公司”或“加拿大銀鈷”)宣佈,已敲定並簽署期權協議,收購Power Metals Case Lake項目附近一個大型LCT偉晶巖地塊(鋰-銫-鉭)。本公司已策略性地圍繞購股權協議所提供的權益及與Power Metals Case Lake LCT鋰項目毗鄰的權益訂立一大包權益,合共持有近240平方公里土地。該地產和項目將專注於探索該地區的LCT潛力。

Gerhard Kiessling, P.Geo. VP Exploration, commented, "The location, size, and proximity to existing lithium discoveries has our team excited to get started working on this property. With the demand for lithium increasing, we feel that we are in the right place at the right time, and are currently in the process of planning a substantial exploration program for the 2023 field season."


The claim package is contiguous with Power Metal's Case Lake Lithium Property to the east, where their West Joe Dyke and Main Dyke areas have identified some significant lithium grades such as 1.86% Li2O (Lithium) over 19.00m in hole PWM-22-135, 1.58 % Li2O over 15.00m in PWM-22-134 (See Power Metals Corp News Release September 8, 2022), and 1.11% Li2O & 2.15% Cs2O (Cesium) over 6.84m in hole PWM-22-128 (See Power Metals Corp News Release August 19, 2022),

索賠包與Power Metals的凱斯湖鋰資產毗鄰,他們在那裏的西Joe堤壩和主要堤防區域已經確定了一些重要的鋰品位,如19.00米以上含1.86%Li2O(鋰)在井PWM-22-135中,15.00米以上的Li2O含量為1.58%在PWM-22-134中(參見Power Metals Corp新聞稿,2022年9月8日),以及6.84m以上的1.11%Li2O和2.15%Cs2O(銫)在孔PWM-22-128中(見Power Metals Corp新聞稿,2022年8月19日),

The Property acquisition had focused on two important requirements. The first requirement was land that is both proximal to known mineralization (Power Metals Case Lake) and land that contains pegmatites identified at surface from historical bedrock, quaternary, or engineering maps. The second requirement was whether the property contained the contact between Archean sedimentary rock and Archean massive to foliated granodiorite. The Property covers approximately 52 kilometres of this potentially critical contact. This age of rock and type of contact is a common environment for the occurrence of (Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum) LCT-type pegmatites. As very limited historical work has been done on these claims and geological mapping is available only at a large scale, the property has very significant potential for discoveries of new pegmatite dykes - the primary source of lithium in this geological environment. These pegmatitic dykes can contain spodumene which is a Lithium aluminium inosilicate, otherwise known as a lithium ore mineral, and other elements such as Cesium and Tantalum that make up the ore minerals in LCT type deposits.

財產購置的重點是兩個重要要求。第一個要求是既靠近已知礦化的土地(Power Metals Case Lake),也是從歷史基巖、第四紀或工程地圖上發現的地表含有偉晶巖的土地。第二個要求是該財產是否包含太古宙沉積巖與太古宙塊狀至面片狀花崗閃長巖之間的接觸。該地產覆蓋了這一潛在關鍵聯繫的大約52公里。這種巖石時代和接觸類型是(鋰-銫-鉭)LCT型偉晶巖產生的共同環境。由於對這些主張所做的歷史工作非常有限,而且地質測繪只能在大範圍內進行,因此該財產具有發現新的偉晶巖牆的巨大潛力--偉晶巖牆是這種地質環境中鋰的主要來源。這些偉晶巖脈可能含有鋰輝石,這是一種鋰鋁硅酸鹽,也被稱為鋰礦石礦物,以及其他元素,如銫和鉭,構成LCT型礦牀中的礦石礦物。

The Property acquisition consists of 2 separate agreements and four claim 'blocks'. The Company and Optionor shall enter into two Option Agreements whereby the Optionor shall grant to the Company the right to acquire an undivided 100% interest in and to the Properties as follows:


  1. Combined cash payment of $20,000 and issuance of 200,000 shares of the Company to be paid to the Optionor, upon TSX Venture Exchange ("Exchange") approval to the Definitive Agreement;

  2. The Company incurs a total exploration expenditure on the Property in the amount $40,000 on or before the one-year anniversary of the Definitive Agreement, to earn an undivided 50% interest in the Property;

  3. Combined cash payment of $40,000, and issuance of 400,000 shares of the Company to the Optionor by the one-year anniversary of the Definitive Agreement date;

  4. The Company incurs a total exploration expenditure in the amount $80,000 on or before the second-year anniversary of the Definitive Agreement, to earn an undivided 100% interest in the Property;

  5. Upon exercise of the Option by the Company, the Company grants to the Optionor a 2% NSR on each of the 1-block and 3-block Properties and on Claims within a 2-kilometre area of influence from the perimeter of the 3-block package as well as to certain CCW claims in between and within a 2-kilometre area of influence from the perimeter of the 1-block property. The Company retains the option to buy back 1% of each NSR for $500,000; and

  6. Upon the filing of a NI 43-101 compliant Resource Estimate, where the resource is located within the area of interest, the Company will issue 150,000 shares to the Optionor if on the three-block property; or 50,000 shares if on the one-block property.

  1. 於最終協議獲多倫多證券交易所創業板(“交易所”)批准後,現金支付20,000美元及發行200,000股本公司股份予購股權人;

  2. 公司在最終協議一週年當日或之前對該物業產生的勘探支出總額為40,000美元,以賺取該物業50%的不可分割權益;

  3. 合併現金支付40,000美元,並在最終協議日期一週年前向認購人發行400,000股公司股票;

  4. 公司在最終協議兩週年或之前產生的勘探支出總額為80,000美元,以賺取該物業不可分割的100%權益;

  5. 在本公司行使選擇權後,本公司會就1座物業及3座物業的每一處物業、3座物業周邊2公里範圍內的索償,以及位於1座物業周邊2公里範圍內及之間2公里範圍內的某些《特定常規武器公約》索償,授予期權持有人2%的淨資產淨值。該公司保留以50萬美元回購每項NSR 1%的選擇權;以及

  6. 在提交符合NI 43-101的資源評估後,如果資源位於感興趣的區域內,公司將向Optionor發行150,000股,如果是三個街區的物業,則發行50,000股;如果是一個街區的物業,則發行50,000股。

Figure 1


Qualified person


The technical information in this news release was approved and prepared under the supervision of Mr. Matthew Halliday, P.Geo., (PGO), President and COO of Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc., a qualified person accordance with National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息是在加拿大銀鈷工廠有限公司的Matthew Halliday先生,P.Geo,(PGO),總裁和首席運營官的監督下批准和準備的,他是符合National Instrument 43-101的合格人員。

About Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.


Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. recently discovered a major high-grade silver vein system at Castle East located 1.5 km from its 100%-owned, past-producing Castle Mine near Gowganda in the prolific and world-class silver-cobalt mining district of Northern Ontario. The Company has completed a 60,000m drill program aimed at expanding the size of the deposit with an update to the resource estimate underway.

加拿大銀鈷工廠公司最近在Castle East發現了一個主要的高品位銀礦脈系統,該公司位於安大略省北部多產的世界級銀鈷礦區Gowganda附近,距離其100%擁有的過去生產的Castle礦1.5公里。該公司已經完成了一項6萬米的鑽探計劃,旨在擴大礦藏的規模,並正在對資源估計進行更新。

In May 2020, based on a small initial drill program, the Company published the region's first 43-101 resource estimate that contained a total of 7.56 million ounces of silver in Inferred resources, comprising very high-grade silver (8,582 grams per tonne un-cut or 250.2 oz/ton) in 27,400 tonnes of material from two sections (1A and 1B) of the Castle East Robinson Zone, beginning at a vertical depth of approximately 400 meters. Note that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Please refer to Canada Silver Cobalt Works Press Release May 28, 2020, for the resource estimate. Report reference: Rachidi, M. 2020, NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimate for Castle East, Robinson Zone, Ontario, Canada, with an effective date of May 28, 2020, and a signature date of July 13, 2020.

2020年5月,根據一項小型的初步鑽探計劃,公司公佈了該地區首個43-101年資源評估報告,其中推斷資源中包含總計756萬盎司的銀,其中包括來自Castle East Robinson區兩個區段(1A和1B)的27,400噸極高品位銀(未切割的8,582克/噸或250.2盎司/噸),從垂直深度約400米開始。請注意,不屬於礦產儲備的礦產資源不具有證明的經濟可行性。有關資源估計,請參閲加拿大銀鈷工廠2020年5月28日的新聞稿。報告編號:Rchidi,M.2020,NI 43-101加拿大安大略省羅賓遜地區城堡東部礦產資源評估技術報告,生效日期為2020年5月28日,簽署日期為2020年7月13日。

The Company also has: (1) 14 battery metals properties in Northern Quebec where it has recently completed a nearly 15,000-metre drill program on the Graal property; and (2) the prospective 1,000-hectare Eby-Otto gold property close to Agnico Eagle's high-grade Macassa Mine near Kirkland Lake, Ontario where it is exploring. (3) lithium property - 230 square kilometers of greenfield exploration ground focused along a significant volcanic sedimentary rock - Archean granite contact near Cochrane, Ontario contiguous to Power Metals' Case Lake Lithium properties.

公司還擁有:(1)魁北克北部的14處電池金屬礦,該礦最近完成了Graal礦近15,000米的鑽探項目;(2)預期中的1,000公頃Eby-Otto金礦,靠近Agnico Eagle正在勘探的安大略省Kirkland Lake附近的高品位Macassa礦。(3)鋰資產-230平方公里的綠地勘探場地集中在一塊重要的火山沉積巖-安大略省科克倫附近的太古宙花崗巖接觸處,毗鄰Power Metals的凱斯湖鋰資產。

Canada Silver Cobalt's flagship silver-cobalt Castle mine and 78 sq. km Castle Property feature strong exploration upside for silver, cobalt, nickel, gold, and copper. With underground access at the fully owned Castle Mine, an exceptional high-grade silver discovery at Castle East, a pilot plant to produce cobalt-rich gravity concentrates, a processing facility (TTL Laboratories) in the town of Cobalt, and a proprietary hydrometallurgical process known as Re-2Ox (for the creation of technical-grade cobalt sulphate as well as nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) formulations), Canada Silver Cobalt is strategically positioned to become a Canadian leader in the silver-cobalt space. More information at .

加拿大銀鈷城堡的旗艦銀鈷礦,面積78平方英尺。KM城堡地產的特點是銀、鈷、鎳、金和銅的勘探前景強勁。憑藉全資擁有的Castle礦的地下通道、Castle East異常高品位的銀髮現、生產富鈷重力精礦的試點工廠、鈷鎮的加工設施(TTL實驗室)以及名為Re-2Ox的專有濕法冶金工藝(用於生產技術級硫酸鈷以及鎳錳鈷(NMC)配方),加拿大銀鈷具有成為加拿大銀鈷領域領導者的戰略地位。有關更多信息,請訪問。

"Frank J. Basa"
Frank J. Basa, P. Eng.
Chief Executive Officer


For further information, contact:
Frank J. Basa, P.Eng.
Chief Executive Officer


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release may contain forward-looking statements which include, but are not limited to, comments that involve future events and conditions, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Except for statements of historical facts, comments that address resource potential, upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt and security of mineral property titles, availability of funds, and others are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may vary materially from those statements. General business conditions are factors that could cause actual results to vary materially from forward-looking statements. A detailed discussion of the risk factors encountered by Canada Silver Cobalt is available in the Company's Annual Information Form dated July 19, 2021 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 available under the Company's profile on SEDAR at .


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