VanEck Australian Subordinated Debt ETF (ASX:SUBD) Increases Dividend to $0.10 Per Share
VanEck Australian Subordinated Debt ETF (ASX:SUBD) Increases Dividend to $0.10 Per Share
VanEck Australian Subordinated Debt ETF (ASX:SUBD – Get Rating) announced a interim dividend on Wednesday, March 1st, MarketIndexAU reports. Investors of record on Wednesday, March 15th will be paid a dividend of 0.10 per share on Wednesday, March 15th. This represents a dividend yield of 0.4%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Tuesday, February 28th. This is a positive change from VanEck Australian Subordinated Debt ETF's previous interim dividend of $0.10.
MarketIndexAU報告稱,VanEck澳大利亞次級債務ETF(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:SUBD —(獲取評級)於3月1日星期三宣佈派發中期股息。3月15日星期三登記在冊的投資者將在3月15日星期三獲得每股0.10美元的股息。這意味着股息收益率爲0.4%。該股息的除息日爲2月28日星期二。與VanEck澳大利亞次級債務ETF之前的0.10美元中期股息相比,這是一個積極的變化。
VanEck Australian Subordinated Debt ETF Stock Performance
VanEck 澳大利亞次級債務ETF股票表現
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