iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF (NASDAQ:EWZS – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant increase in short interest during the month of March. As of March 15th, there was short interest totalling 121,600 shares, an increase of 339.0% from the February 28th total of 27,700 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 56,600 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 2.1 days.
iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF Stock Performance
Shares of NASDAQ:EWZS traded up $0.02 during trading on Wednesday, reaching $11.41. 21,749 shares of the stock traded hands, compared to its average volume of 57,304. The stock has a 50-day moving average of $11.91 and a two-hundred day moving average of $12.48. iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF has a 52-week low of $10.63 and a 52-week high of $17.97. The stock has a market cap of $73.59 million, a P/E ratio of 6.33 and a beta of 1.07.
iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF alerts:
Institutional Investors Weigh In On iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF
Institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in the company. Heartwood Wealth Advisors LLC boosted its holdings in iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF by 6.1% in the third quarter. Heartwood Wealth Advisors LLC now owns 28,435 shares of the company's stock worth $365,000 after purchasing an additional 1,637 shares during the last quarter. Mayflower Financial Advisors LLC bought a new position in iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF in the third quarter worth approximately $128,000. UBS Group AG raised its position in iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF by 457.2% in the third quarter. UBS Group AG now owns 5,505 shares of the company's stock worth $71,000 after acquiring an additional 4,517 shares during the period. JPMorgan Chase & Co. bought a new position in iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF in the first quarter worth approximately $53,000. Finally, OLD Mission Capital LLC bought a new position in iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF in the fourth quarter worth approximately $97,000.
About iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF
(Get Rating)
iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF, formerly iShares MSCI Brazil Small Cap Index Fund (the Fund), is an exchange traded fund. The Fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance of the MSCI Brazil Small Cap Index (the Underlying Index). The Underlying Index is a free-float adjusted market capitalization weighted index designed to measure the performance of equity securities in the bottom 14% by market capitalization of equity securities listed on stock exchanges in Brazil.
Further Reading
- Get a free copy of the research report on iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap ETF (EWZS)
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IShares MSCI巴西小盤股ETF(納斯達克:EWZS-GET評級)在3月份獲得了空頭股數的大幅增持。截至3月15日,空頭股數共有121,600股,比2月28日的27,700股增加了339.0%。以日均成交量56,600股計算,目前天數與回補比率為2.1天。
IShares MSCI巴西小盤股ETF股票表現
納斯達克:EWZS股價週三上漲0.02美元,至11.41美元。該股有21,749股易手,而其平均成交量為57,304股。該股的50日移動均線切入位為11.91美元,200日移動均線切入位為12.48美元。IShares MSCI巴西小盤股ETF的52周低點為10.63美元,52周高點為17.97美元。該股市值為7359萬美元,本益比為6.33倍,貝塔係數為1.07。
IShares MSCI巴西小盤股ETF警報:
機構投資者參與iShares MSCI巴西小盤股ETF
機構投資者最近對他們在該公司的頭寸進行了調整。第三季度,哈特伍德財富顧問公司將其在iShares MSCI巴西小盤ETF的持有量增加了6.1%。哈特伍德財富顧問公司現在擁有28,435股該公司股票,價值365,000美元,在上個季度又購買了1,637股。五月花金融顧問公司在第三季度購買了iShares MSCI巴西小盤ETF的新頭寸,價值約12.8萬美元。瑞銀集團第三季度將其在iShares MSCI巴西小盤ETF的持倉量提高了457.2%。瑞銀集團(UBS Group AG)在此期間增持了4,517股,目前持有5,505股該公司股票,價值71,000美元。今年第一季度,摩根大通購買了iShares MSCI巴西小盤股ETF的新頭寸,價值約53,000美元。最後,Old Space Capital LLC在第四季度購買了iShares MSCI巴西小盤股ETF的新頭寸,價值約97,000美元。
關於iShares MSCI巴西小盤股ETF
IShares MSCI巴西小型股ETF,前身為iShares MSCI巴西小型股指數基金(The Fund),是一隻交易所買賣基金。該基金尋求與摩根士丹利資本國際巴西小盤股指數(標的指數)的價格和收益表現大體一致的投資結果。基礎指數是一個自由浮動的調整後的市值加權指數,旨在衡量在巴西證券交易所上市的股本證券市值最低14%的股本證券的表現。
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