
Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE:SF) Shares Sold by Strs Ohio

Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE:SF) Shares Sold by Strs Ohio

Stris Ohio 出售了 Stifel Financial Corp.(紐約證券交易所代碼:SF
Defense World ·  2023/04/10 05:33

Strs Ohio reduced its stake in Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE:SF – Get Rating) by 8.3% during the 4th quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 103,327 shares of the financial services provider's stock after selling 9,378 shares during the quarter. Strs Ohio's holdings in Stifel Financial were worth $6,031,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.

根據俄亥俄州Strs向美國證券交易委員會提交的最新13F表格,其在第四季度將其在Stifel Financial Corp.(紐約證券交易所代碼:SF — Get Rating)的股份減少了8.3%。該機構投資者在本季度出售了9,378股股票後,擁有該金融服務提供商的103,327股股票。截至最近一個季度末,俄亥俄州Strs在Stifel Financial的持股價值6,031,000美元。

Several other institutional investors have also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. Advanced Research Investment Solutions LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Stifel Financial during the 3rd quarter valued at about $57,000. Ronald Blue Trust Inc. boosted its position in Stifel Financial by 175.4% in the 3rd quarter. Ronald Blue Trust Inc. now owns 1,129 shares of the financial services provider's stock valued at $63,000 after buying an additional 719 shares during the last quarter. Quantbot Technologies LP acquired a new stake in shares of Stifel Financial during the third quarter valued at about $73,000. Rockefeller Capital Management L.P. grew its stake in Stifel Financial by 72.5% during the 3rd quarter. Rockefeller Capital Management L.P. now owns 2,230 shares of the financial services provider's stock valued at $115,000 after purchasing an additional 937 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Wipfli Financial Advisors LLC acquired a new position in shares of Stifel Financial in the 3rd quarter valued at approximately $143,000. 83.02% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

其他幾位機構投資者最近也增加了或減少了在該業務中的股份。Advanced Research Investment Solutions LLC在第三季度收購了Stifel Financial的新股份,價值約羅納德·布魯信託公司在第三季度將其在Stifel Financial的地位提高了175.4%。羅納德·布魯信託公司在上個季度又購買了719股股票後,現在擁有這家金融服務提供商的1,129股股票,價值63,000美元。Quantbot Technologies LP在第三季度收購了Stifel Financial的新股份,價值約爲73,000美元。洛克菲勒資本管理有限責任公司在第三季度將其在Stifel Financial的股份增加了72.5%。洛克菲勒資本管理有限責任公司在上個季度又購買了937股股票後,現在擁有這家金融服務提供商的2,230股股票,價值11.5萬美元。最後,Wipfli Financial Advisors LLC在第三季度收購了Stifel Financial股票的新頭寸,價值約爲14.3萬美元。該股目前由機構投資者和對沖基金持有。

Stifel Financial

Wall Street Analyst Weigh In


Several research firms recently issued reports on SF. JMP Securities reaffirmed a "market outperform" rating and issued a $95.00 price target on shares of Stifel Financial in a report on Monday, March 13th. cut Stifel Financial from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a research note on Wednesday, March 29th.

幾家研究公司最近發佈了有關SF的報告。JMP Securities在3月13日星期一的一份報告中重申了 “市場跑贏大盤” 的評級,並對Stifel Financial的股票發佈了95.00美元的目標股價。StockNews.com在3月29日星期三的一份研究報告中將Stifel Financial的評級從 “買入” 下調至 “持有” 評級。

Insider Activity


In other Stifel Financial news, CEO Ronald J. Kruszewski acquired 2,500 shares of the business's stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, March 13th. The shares were purchased at an average price of $55.00 per share, with a total value of $137,500.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the chief executive officer now owns 1,377,326 shares in the company, valued at $75,752,930. The acquisition was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available at this link. In related news, insider James M. Zemlyak bought 20,000 shares of Stifel Financial stock in a transaction dated Friday, March 24th. The shares were bought at an average cost of $56.05 per share, for a total transaction of $1,121,000.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the insider now owns 1,250,652 shares of the company's stock, valued at $70,099,044.60. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is accessible through this hyperlink. Also, CEO Ronald J. Kruszewski bought 2,500 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction dated Monday, March 13th. The shares were bought at an average price of $55.00 per share, with a total value of $137,500.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the chief executive officer now directly owns 1,377,326 shares in the company, valued at approximately $75,752,930. The disclosure for this purchase can be found here. Insiders have acquired 32,500 shares of company stock worth $1,848,500 in the last 90 days. Company insiders own 3.30% of the company's stock.

在Stifel Financial的其他新聞中,首席執行官羅納德·克魯謝夫斯基在3月13日星期一進行的一筆交易中收購了該公司的2,500股股票。這些股票的平均購買價格爲每股55.00美元,總價值爲137,500.00美元。交易完成後,首席執行官現在擁有該公司1,377,326股股票,價值75,752,930美元。此次收購是在向美國證券交易委員會提交的一份文件中披露的,該文件可在以下網址查閱 這個鏈接。在相關新聞中,內部人士詹姆斯·澤姆利亞克在3月24日星期五的一筆交易中購買了2萬股Stifel Financial的股票。購買這些股票的平均成本爲每股56.05美元,總交易額爲1,121,000.00美元。交易完成後,該內部人士現在擁有該公司1,250,652股股票,價值70,099,044.60美元。該交易是在向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中披露的,該文件可通過以下方式查閱 這個超鏈接。此外,首席執行官羅納德·克魯謝夫斯基在3月13日星期一的交易中購買了該公司2500股股票。這些股票的平均價格爲每股55.00美元,總價值爲137,500.00美元。交易完成後,首席執行官現在直接擁有該公司的1,377,326股股票,價值約75,752,930美元。本次收購的披露可以找到 這裏。在過去的90天內,內部人士收購了價值1,848,500美元的32,500股公司股票。公司內部人士擁有該公司3.30%的股票。

Stifel Financial Price Performance

Stifel 金融價格表現

NYSE:SF opened at $56.28 on Monday. The company has a quick ratio of 0.80, a current ratio of 0.82 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.30. The business's 50-day moving average price is $62.89 and its 200 day moving average price is $60.68. Stifel Financial Corp. has a 52-week low of $49.31 and a 52-week high of $70.26. The firm has a market cap of $6.01 billion, a P/E ratio of 10.58 and a beta of 1.25.

紐約證券交易所:SF 週一開盤價爲56.28美元。該公司的速動比率爲0.80,流動比率爲0.82,債務與權益比率爲0.30。該公司的50天移動平均價格爲62.89美元,其200天移動平均線價格爲60.68美元。Stifel Financial Corp. 創下52周低點49.31美元,創52周高點70.26美元。該公司的市值爲60.1億美元,市盈率爲10.58,beta值爲1.25。

Stifel Financial (NYSE:SF – Get Rating) last released its earnings results on Wednesday, January 25th. The financial services provider reported $1.58 EPS for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $1.64 by ($0.06). The business had revenue of $1.12 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $1.14 billion. Stifel Financial had a net margin of 15.08% and a return on equity of 15.84%. The firm's revenue for the quarter was down 14.0% on a year-over-year basis. During the same period in the prior year, the company earned $2.23 earnings per share.

Stifel Financial(紐約證券交易所代碼:SF — 獲取評級)最後一次公佈財報是在1月25日星期三。這家金融服務提供商公佈的本季度每股收益爲1.58美元,低於市場普遍預期的1.64美元(0.06美元)。該業務本季度的收入爲11.2億美元,而分析師的估計爲11.4億美元。Stifel Financial的淨利潤率爲15.08%,股本回報率爲15.84%。該公司本季度的收入同比下降了14.0%。去年同期,該公司的每股收益爲2.23美元。

Stifel Financial Increases Dividend

Stifel 金融增加股息

The firm also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Wednesday, March 15th. Investors of record on Wednesday, March 1st were paid a $0.36 dividend. This is an increase from Stifel Financial's previous quarterly dividend of $0.30. This represents a $1.44 annualized dividend and a yield of 2.56%. The ex-dividend date was Tuesday, February 28th. Stifel Financial's dividend payout ratio is currently 27.07%.

該公司最近還披露了季度股息,該股息已於3月15日星期三支付。3月1日星期三登記在冊的投資者獲得了0.36美元的股息。這比Stifel Financial之前的0.30美元季度股息有所增加。這意味着年化股息爲1.44美元,收益率爲2.56%。除息日爲2月28日星期二。Stifel Financial目前的股息支付率爲27.07%。

Stifel Financial Profile

Stifel 財務概況

(Get Rating)


Stifel Financial Corp. provides securities brokerage, investment banking, trading, investment advisory, and related financial services. It operates through the following segments: Global Wealth Management, Institutional Group, and Other. The Global Wealth Management segment provides securities transaction, brokerage, and investment services to clients.

Stifel Financial Corp. 提供證券經紀、投資銀行、交易、投資諮詢和相關金融服務。它通過以下部門運營:全球財富管理、機構集團和其他。全球財富管理部門爲客戶提供證券交易、經紀和投資服務。

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