
Compass Confirms Down-Dip Extension of Gold Mineralization at the Tarabala Prospect

Compass Confirms Down-Dip Extension of Gold Mineralization at the Tarabala Prospect

newsfile ·  2023/04/18 07:21

Drilling Targeting Deeper Mineralization


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 18, 2023) - Compass Gold Corp. (TSXV: CVB) ("Compass" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the recently completed deep reverse circulation drilling at the Tarabala prospect, located on the Company's Sikasso Property in Southern Mali (Figure 1).

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.——2023年4月18日)- 康帕斯黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CVB)(“Compass” 要麼 “公司”) 很高興提供最近在塔拉巴拉勘探區完成的深度反循環鑽探的最新情況,該勘探區位於該公司位於馬裏南部的錫卡索地產(圖 1)。



  • Drilling at the Tarabala prospect to test 450 m of a 1,000 m zone intercepted higher-grade mineralized areas within wide zones of low-grade mineralization
  • Best interval: 13 m at 3.30 g/t Au (from 84 m), including 8 m @ 4.95 g/t Au (from 84 m)
    • Highest-grade interval: 1 m @ 18.90 m (from 86 m)
  • Widest interval of low-grade mineralization was 19 m at 0.84 g/t Au (from 170 m)
  • Mineralization remains open at depth
  • The Company is considering a metallurgical sample test program of high-grade, near-surface gold mineralization
  • 在塔拉巴拉勘探區進行鑽探,測試了1,000米區域的450米區域,在寬闊的低品位礦化區域內截獲了高品位礦化區域
  • 最佳間隔:在 3.30 g/t Au 時爲 13 m(從 84 米起),包括 8 m @ 4.95 g/t Au(從 84 米起)
    • 最高坡度間隔:1 m @ 18.90 m(從 86 米起)
  • 低品位礦化的最大間隔爲 19 m,在 0.84 g/t Au(從 170 米起)
  • 礦化在深處仍處於開放狀態
  • 該公司正在考慮一項高品位近地表金礦化的冶金樣品測試計劃

Compass CEO, Larry Phillips, said, "These are very positive results for Compass. Our objective has always been to identify an open pit gold deposit along the extensive regional trends that run through our properties. Whereas an open pit mine in Mali can be economic at 0.7 grams per tonne, we have discovered grades in this 450 m section of the Tarabala zone far exceeding that level. And even more exciting is that our drilling intercepted significant down-dip widths of gold mineralization at depths of just 125 m from surface. This includes some of the highest grade intercepts we have seen in this area, including 13 m at 3.30 grams per tonne, which bodes well for follow-up drilling.

康帕斯首席執行官拉里·菲利普斯 說,“對於Compass來說,這些都是非常積極的結果。我們的目標一直是按照貫穿我們物業的廣泛區域趨勢來確定露天金礦牀。儘管馬裏的露天礦可以達到每噸0.7克的經濟效益,但我們發現塔拉巴拉地區這片450米的礦段的坡度遠遠超過這個水平。更令人興奮的是,我們的鑽探在距離地表僅125米的深度處截獲了大量向下傾寬度的金礦化。這包括我們在該地區見過的一些最高等級的截獲物,包括13米,每噸3.30克,這對於後續鑽探來說是個好兆頭。

"Meanwhile, we are awaiting the results of the metallic screen fire assaying to determine if coarse-grained, nuggety gold is present in the samples. If it is, then it is likely that previously reported grades from drilling along the 14 km Tarabala trend were under-reported, which would indicate a huge potential for future resource estimations along several zones of that trend."


Dr. Sandy Archibald, PGeo, Technical Director, added, "I am pleased with the promising results of our recent bedrock drilling at Tarabala, and eagerly await the metallic screen fire assay results to assess the presence of nuggety gold and the potential impact on reported grades."


"Also, during my recent site visit, I was impressed to find that the number of artisanal workings at Tarabala has increased sharply since we last drilled there in August 2021. Field mapping now shows that artisanal workings have extended 1,000 m sporadically along the Tarabala Fault, and they have been excavated to depths up to 15 m. Similar increases in artisanal activity have also been observed within our Moribala permit area. There, these artisanal miners are typically extracting significant amounts of coarse-grained gold. As a result, we are assessing the potential for higher grade mineralization being present near surface along these trends and the economics of accessing that gold."


Next Steps


Based on the recent drilling, the Company now believes that gold mineralization is open at depth and continues to the south of the main workings. Additional drilling is required along the full 800 m length of the target zone structure to enable the Company to perform an initial resource estimation. Preliminary studies suggest that this program will require 3,200 m of air core (AC) and reverse circulation (RC) drilling. A budget for this work will be prepared in order to determine what additional funding would be required.


The Company will also develop a plan for deep trenching and pitting at Tarabala to determine the quantities of near-surface gold mineralization that can be recovered from the laterite. This would involve five 100-m trenches excavated to a depth of 5 m, and the collection and analysis of (2400) 1 m channel samples. A series of 5 m deep pits would be dug every 20 m between the trenches and the channels would be sampled for gold. Metallurgical testing would be performed to determine the gold recovery.


Figure 1: Location of drilled prospects and artisanal workings along the Tarabala and Masala faults.

圖 1: 塔拉巴拉斷層和馬薩拉斷層沿線鑽探礦和手工開採的地點。

Tarabala Drilling Results


Six RC drill holes (1,036 m) were drilled in early March at the Tarabala prospect to test the down-dip extension of mineralization previously identified by near-surface drilling there (See Compass press releases, June 15, 2020, January 20, 2021, and December 6, 2021).

3月初,在塔拉巴拉勘探區鑽探了六個RC鑽孔(1,036米),以測試先前在那裏進行近地鑽探發現的礦化向下延伸部分(參見 Compass 新聞稿,2020 年 6 月 15 日、2021 年 1 月 20 日和 2021 年 12 月 6 日)。

Figure 2: Summary map of drilling on the Tarabala Trend and the location of the recently completed RC drill hole locations.

圖 2: 塔拉巴拉趨勢鑽探摘要圖以及最近完成的鋼筋混凝土鑽孔位置的位置。

The holes were completed over the 450 m strike length of previously drill-tested shallow mineralization to test the grade and continuity at a depth of a 1,000-m panel of the best gold mineralization (Figure 2). Gold mineralization was present in all drill holes and was associated with narrow quartz veins associated with the highly sheared, graphite-rich, Tarabala fault. Wide zones of mineralization greater than 10 m were recorded in five holes: 19 m @ 0.84 g/t Au (from 170 m, SARC022), 13 m @ 3.30 g/t Au (from 84 m, SARC019), 11 m @ 0.46 g/t Au (from 125 m, SARC020), 10 m @ 0.49 g/t Au (from 140 m, SARC017), and 10 m @ 0.42 g/t Au (from 101 m, SARC018). Individual intervals within these mineralized intervals are narrower with higher gold grades (Table 1). For example, SARC019 had a mineralized interval of 8 m @ 4.95 g/t Au (from 84 m), and SARC004 contained an interval of 3 m @ 1.63 g/t Au (from 186 m). No significant mineralized intervals were encountered in SARC021.

這些洞是在先前經過鑽探測試的淺層礦化的 450 米衝擊長度上完成的,目的是測試一塊 1,000 米深度的最佳金礦化面板的等級和連續性(圖 2)。金礦化存在於所有鑽孔中,與狹窄的石英脈有關,這些石英脈與高度剪切、富含石墨的塔拉巴拉斷層有關。在五個洞中記錄了大於10 m的寬礦化區域: 19 m @ 0.84 g/t Au (來自 170 m,SARC022), 13 m @ 3.30 g/t Au (來自 84 m,SARC019), 11 m @ 0.46 g/t Au (從 125 米起,SARC020), 10 m @ 0.49 g/t Au (從 140 米起,SARC017),以及 10 m @ 0.42 g/t Au (從 101 m 開始,SARC018)。這些礦化區間內的個別區間越窄,金等級越高(表 1)。例如,SARC019 的礦化間隔爲 8 m @ 4.95 g/t Au (從 84 米開始),而且 SARC004 的間隔爲 3 m @ 1.63 g/t Au (從186米起)。在 SARC021 中沒有發現明顯的礦化間隔。

SARC022 was the most southerly hole drilled and contained the widest mineralized zone, 19 m @ 0.84 g/t Au (from 170 m). This zone correlated well with previous shallower mineralization, i.e., SAAC080 (7 m @ 0.43 g/t Au, from 37 m; 3 m @ 5.13 g/t Au, from 47 m), SARC005 (13 m @ 0.79 g/t Au, from 84 m), and SADD004 (17 m @ 0.96 g/t Au, from 101 m), and clearly showed that the structure remains open at depth (Figure 2). Drilling occurred beneath an iron-rich crust ("cuirass") where only small amounts of artisanal mining had been performed. However, where the cuirass has been naturally eroded 50 m to the south of SARC022, an extensive series of deep artisanal workings are currently being excavated, showing the workings are present over a distance of 1,000 m, which correlates well with Compass' drilling results.

SARC022 是鑽得最南端的洞,包含最寬的礦化區, 19 m @ 0.84 g/t Au (從 170 米起)。該區域與之前較淺的礦化作用密切相關,即 SAAC080(7 m @ 0.43 g/t Au,來自 37 m;3 m @ 5.13 g/t Au,來自 47 m)、SARC005(13 m @ 0.79 g/t Au,從 84 m 起)和 SADD004(17 m @ 0.96 g/t Au,來自 101 m),並清楚地表明該結構在深度仍然處於開放狀態(圖 2)。鑽探是在富含鐵的地殼(“胸甲”)下進行的,那裏只進行了少量的手工開採。但是,在 SARC022 以南 50 米處,胸甲已受到自然侵蝕,目前正在挖掘一系列深層手工礦物,這表明這些工作存在於 1,000 米的距離內,這與 Compass 的鑽探結果密切相關。

Table 1. Mineralized intervals greater than 3 m and grades greater than 0.4 g/t Au identified during recent RC drilling at the Tarabala prospect

表 1。最近在塔拉巴拉勘探區進行混凝土鑽探時發現的礦化間隔大於 3 m 且品位大於 0.4 g/t Au

Hole ID From (m) To (m) 1, 2 Interval (m) Au (g/t)
SARC017 140 150 10 0.49
inc. 142 143 3 0.59
inc. 149 150 5 0.6
SARC018 81 83 2 1.41
SARC018 119 129 10 0.42
inc. 119 121 2 0.92
inc. 125 126 1 0.77
SARC019 84 97 13 3.30
inc. 84 92 8 4.95
inc. 94 97 3 1.02
SARC020 125 136 11 0.46
inc. 125 128 3 0.99
inc. 131 132 1 0.54
inc. 134 136 2 0.52
SARC022 161 164 3 0.59
SARC022 170 189 19 0.84
inc. 170 178 8 0.81
inc. 181 184 3 1.31
inc. 186 189 3 1.63
Hole ID 從 (m) 到 (m) 1、2 間隔 (m) 金(g/t)
SARC017 140 150 10 0.49
inc。 142 143 3 0.59
inc。 149 150 5 0.6
SARC018 81 83 2 1.41
SARC018 119 129 10 0.42
inc。 119 121 2 0.92
inc。 125 126 1 0.77
SARC019 84 97 13 3.30
inc。 84 92 8 4.95
inc。 94 97 3 1.02
SARC020 125 136 11 0.46
inc。 125 128 3 0.99
inc。 131 132 1 0.54
inc。 134 136 2 0.52
SARC022 161 164 3 0.59
SARC022 170 189 19 0.84
inc。 170 178 8 0.81
inc。 181 184 3 1.31
inc。 186 189 3 1.63

1True thicknesses are interpreted as 70-90% of stated intervals.
2 Intervals use a 0.2-gram-per-tonne gold cut-off value.

1實際厚度被解釋爲規定間隔的 70-90%。
2 間隔使用每噸 0.2 克的黃金截止值。

Tarabala Artisanal Workings Mapping and Nearby Processing Plant


The Compass field team has been mapping the abundance of artisanal workings on the ground and using drone technology on the Sankarani and Moribala permits. It is clear that the workings have grown substantially since they were last mapped from satellite images taken in 2019. Workings at Tarabala now occur over a strike length of 1 km and have been excavated to depths in excess of 15 m. The most extensive workings occur on the Moribala permit, where the Nglokouna workings follow the trace of the Tarabala Fault for 2.6 km, and the Dakouna workings for nearly 1 km on the Moribala Fault.

康帕斯實地團隊一直在繪製大量的地面手工勞動地圖,並在桑卡拉尼和莫里巴拉許可證上使用無人機技術。很明顯,自從上次根據2019年拍攝的衛星圖像繪製地圖以來,運作情況已大幅增加。現在,塔拉巴拉的開採長度超過 1 千米,挖掘的深度已超過 15 米。最廣泛的工作發生在莫里巴拉許可證上,恩格洛庫納礦沿着塔拉巴拉斷層的蹤跡行駛 2.6 千米,達庫納在莫里巴拉斷層上開採近 1 千米。

A site visit was also conducted to a nearby 200-tonne-per-day gold process plant, which is located 1 km northwest of the main area of artisanal gold working at Tarabala. This visit was to assess whether Compass could use similar equipment to process a bulk sample from Tarabala and Massala West to determine the gold recovery. These bulk samples would allow Compass to determine gold recoveries from the high-grade, near-surface portions of mineralization on the Tarabala Fault.


Technical Details


All six RC holes at the Tarabala prospect were drilled at dips of 55°, with azimuths of 270° (towards the west). Hole lengths varied from 115 to 200 m, for a total depth of 1,036 m. Drilling was performed by FTE Drilling, a Canadian company with a Malian subsidiary based in Bamako. All samples were prepared by Compass staff, and an appropriate number of standards, duplicates and blanks were submitted and analysed for gold using cyanide-leach (LeachWELL) analysis at ALS (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), and follow-up metallic screen fire assay at SGS (Bamako, Mali).

塔拉巴拉勘探區的所有六個 RC 孔都是在傾角 55° 時鑽出的,方位角爲 270°(朝西)。鑽孔長度從 115 米到 200 米不等,總深度爲 1,036 米。鑽探由 FTE Drilling 進行,該公司是一家加拿大公司,其子公司位於巴馬科。所有樣本均由Compass工作人員製備,提交了適當數量的標準、副本和空白樣本,並使用ALS(布基納法索瓦加杜古)的氰化物滲濾法(LeachWell)分析和SGS(馬裏巴馬科)的後續金屬屏火檢測,對黃金進行了分析。

About Compass Gold Corp.


Compass, a public company having been incorporated into Ontario, is a Tier 2 issuer on the TSX- V. Through the 2017 acquisition of MGE and Malian subsidiaries, Compass holds gold exploration permits located in Mali that comprise the Sikasso Property. The exploration permits are located in three sites in southern Mali with a combined land holding of 867 sq. km. The Sikasso Property is located in the same region as several multi-million-ounce gold projects, including Morila, Syama, Kalana and Komana. The Company's Mali-based technical team, led in the field by Dr. Madani Diallo and under the supervision of Dr. Sandy Archibald, P.Geo, is conducting the current exploration program. They are examining numerous anomalies first noted in Dr. Archibald's August 2017 "National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report on the Sikasso Property, Southern Mali."

康帕斯是一家在安大略省註冊的上市公司,是多倫多證券交易所的二級發行人。通過2017年收購MGE和馬裏子公司,康帕斯持有構成錫卡索地產的位於馬裏的黃金勘探許可證。勘探許可證位於馬裏南部的三個地點,總佔地面積爲867平方千米。錫卡索地產與幾個數百萬盎司的黃金項目位於同一地區,包括莫里拉、夏馬、卡拉納和科馬納。該公司的馬裏技術團隊由馬達尼·迪亞洛博士領導,在P.Geo的桑迪·阿奇博爾德博士的監督下,正在進行目前的勘探計劃。他們正在研究阿奇博爾德博士2017年8月的 “國家儀器43-101關於馬裏南部錫卡索財產的技術報告》中首次發現的許多異常現象。

Qualified Person


This news release has been reviewed and approved by EurGeol. Dr. Sandy Archibald, P.Geo, Compass's Technical Director, the Qualified Person for the technical information in this news release under National Instrument 43-101 standards.


Forward‐Looking Information
This news release contains "forward‐looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including statements regarding the Company's planned exploration work and management appointments. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward‐looking information. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by such information. The statements in this news release are made as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward‐looking information except as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”,包括有關公司計劃中的勘探工作和管理層任命的聲明。提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性信息。實際結果和發展可能與此類信息所設想的有重大差異。本新聞稿中的聲明自本文發佈之日起作出。除非適用法律要求,否則公司沒有義務更新前瞻性信息。

For further information please contact:


Compass Gold Corporation
Larry Phillips - Pres. & CEO
T: +1 416-596-0996 X 302

T: +1 416-596-0996 X 302

Compass Gold Corporation
Greg Taylor - Dir. Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
T: +1 416-596-0996 X 301

T: +1 416-596-0996 X 301





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