
Bold Ventures Reports Progress at the Farwell Gold-Copper Project

Bold Ventures Reports Progress at the Farwell Gold-Copper Project

Bold Ventures報告了法威爾金銅項目的進展
Accesswire ·  2023/04/18 08:05

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / April 18, 2023 / Bold Ventures Inc. (BOL:TSXV) (the "Company" or "Bold") is pleased to report additional results and interpretation of the VTEM Electromagnetic and Magnetic survey carried out by Geotech Ltd. of Aurora, Ontario on its Farwell Gold-Copper Project. The survey results have now been incorporated into the existing data base in order to prioritize anomalies for future exploration and ultimately for drill testing.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 4 月 18 日/Bold Ventures Inc. (BOL: TSXV)(“公司” 或 “Bold”) 很高興地報告安大略省奧羅拉市Geotech Ltd.就其Farwell Gold-Copper項目進行的VTEM電磁和磁學調查的更多結果和解釋調查結果現已納入現有數據庫,以便爲未來的勘探和最終的鑽探測試確定異常的優先順序。

Bold Ventures Inc. recently contracted Scott Hogg and Associates Ltd. to provide a study of 2 airborne geophysical surveys conducted over the Farwell Gold-Copper Project located 55 km northwest of Wawa, Ontario. One survey was a Dighem airborne magnetic-electromagnetic survey completed by the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) in 1987 and the second was the VTEM survey flown for Bold in the fall of 2022.

Bold Ventures Inc.最近與Scott Hogg and Associates Ltd.簽訂合同,對位於安大略省瓦瓦西北55公里的Farwell Gold-Copper項目進行的兩次空中地球物理調查進行研究。一項調查是安大略省地質調查局 (OGS) 於 1987 年完成的 Dighem 機載磁電磁測量,第二項調查是 2022 年秋季爲 Bold 進行的 VTEM 調查。

Geophysical analysis indicates the presence of a regional northwest-southeast structural feature following a magnetic low, which crosscuts the property geology and the extension to the Iron Lake Deformation Zone in the central portion of the claim group - see map. The structural axis has been traced in a regional context from the northwest portion of the Farwell claims to Wesdome Gold Mines Mishi Open Pit Mine southeast of the property (a distance of approximately 12 km). Production at the Mishi Mine in 2021 was 36,508 t milled @ 2.4 g/t Au for a total of 2283 oz Au (OGS Open File Report 6384, Azadbakht et al. 2022). This feature may represent a possible location for gold and base metal mineralization. As a result of this interpretation, further work is recommended in the form of a detailed high resolution airborne magnetic survey along the identified structure.

地球物理分析表明,在磁低點之後存在一個區域性的西北-東南結構特徵,該低點橫穿了財產地質和向索賠組中部延伸至鐵湖變形區的延伸部分——見地圖。結構軸線是在區域背景下追蹤的,從法威爾主張的西北部分到該物業東南部的Wesdome Gold Mines Mishi露天礦(距離約爲12公里)。2021 年,米希礦的產量爲 36,508 噸 @ 2.4 g/t Au,總產量爲 2283 盎司金(OGS Open File Report 6384,Azadbakht 等人 2022)。該特徵可能代表了金和賤金屬礦化的可能位置。根據這種解釋,建議進一步開展工作,沿已確定的結構進行詳細的高分辨率航空磁測量。

Significant, coincident, magnetic-electromagnetic anomalies associated with the Bibis Copper Occurrence (located immediately west of the regional NW-SE structure), were also identified in the Farwell Sulphide Zone within the south-central portion of the property. Historic diamond drilling returned 1.47% Cu over 5.2 m in this area. Two well-defined EM conductors, revealed by both the Dighem and VTEM surveys, with coincident moderate magnetic signatures, were located east (500 m) and northeast (300 m) of the known copper mineralization. The study indicated that since the confirmed copper mineralization is near but not coincident with the conductors this could imply the main body was overlooked. Diamond drilling was recommended for both these targets.

在該地中南部的法威爾硫化物區還發現了與比比斯銅礦點(位於西北-東南地區結構以西)相關的重大、重合的磁電磁異常。歷史上在該地區鑽探的銅含量超過 5.2 米,回收率爲 1.47%。Dighem 和 VTEM 調查顯示,兩個定義明確的電磁導體位於已知銅礦化區的東部(500 m)和東北部(300 m),它們具有相同的中等磁特徵。該研究表明,由於已確認的銅礦化位於導體附近,但與導體不一致,這可能意味着主體被忽視了。建議對這兩個目標進行鑽石鑽探。

The geology of the Farwell property is oriented in a general East-Northeast to West-Southwest direction. The convention for property wide surveying is to survey across the general strike of the geology in order to obtain an optimum signal. At Farwell, the magnetic low trend cuts across the geology and is therefore sub parallel to the flight lines. This is less than ideal for obtaining an optimal geophysical definition of this feature.


Taking these factors into account and to enhance the drill targets that have been located by the VTEM survey, a high-resolution airborne magnetometer survey is recommended to cover the magnetic low trend and the area to the west within the claims.


Bold's 2022 VTEM program is the first large-scale airborne survey completed over the Farwell Property since a 1987 Dighem MAG-EM survey flown by the OGS, which was part of a much larger area covering the Michipicoten and Mishibishu Greenstone Belts. Current advancements in digital technology provide greater accuracy with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) location, increased depth penetration and enhanced target resolution compared to historical surveys.

Bold的2022 VTEM計劃是自1987年OGS進行Dighem MAG-EM調查以來對法威爾地產完成的首次大規模空中調查,該調查是覆蓋Michipicoten和Mishibishu綠石帶的更大區域的一部分。與歷史調查相比,當前數字技術的進步提供了更高的全球定位系統(GPS)定位精度、更高的深度穿透率和更高的目標分辨率。

Farwell Gold - Copper Project

Farwell Gold——銅項目

Historical work within the Farwell claims indicates a high potential for significant concentrations of copper, gold, zinc, lead and silver. A major regional structure known as the Iron Lake Deformation Zone (ILDZ), passes through the central east part of the claim area. Immediately east of the Farwell Property within the ILDZ, Tundra Gold Mines reported samples up to 35.5 g/t gold (Au) in 1988 (Argo Gold Inc. 2020).

Farwell索賠中的歷史研究表明,銅、金、鋅、鉛和銀極有可能大量集中。一個被稱爲鐵湖變形區 (ILDZ) 的主要區域結構穿過索賠區的中東部。就在ILDZ法威爾地產以東,Tundra Gold Mines在1988年報告了高達35.5克/噸的黃金(Au)的樣本(Au)(Argo Gold Inc. 2020)。

For the purpose of reporting the initial property exploration, the claim group has been divided into three key areas.


The Farwell Sulphide Zone


In the southeast portion of the property, historical work has recorded numerous samples anomalous in Copper (Cu), Silver (Ag), Gold (Au), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn). A grab sample recorded by the Ontario geological Survey in 1968 returned 5.58% Cu and 20.5 g/t Ag. Historical, near surface diamond drilling results ranged up to 1.47% Cu over 5.2 m at the Bibis showing. Grab samples also collected during the same period over a 10.7 m zone of heavy to massive sulphide mineralization, at the Burex showing, returned up to 0.18% Cu and 0.9 g/t Ag associated with pyrrhotite (Po), pyrite (Py) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) (Bennett and Thurston 1977).

在該物業的東南部,歷史工作記錄了大量銅(Cu)、銀(Ag)、金(Au)、鉛(Pb)和鋅(Zn)的異常樣本。安大略省地質調查局在1968年記錄的採集樣本返回了 5.58% 的銅和 20.5 g/t 的銀。在Bibis展上,歷史上,近地表金剛石鑽探結果在5.2米處的銅含量高達1.47%。同期還在Burex的10.7米重型至塊狀硫化物礦化區域內採集的採集樣本返回了高達0.18%的銅和0.9 g/t Ag,與磁黃鐵礦(Po)、黃鐵礦(Py)和黃銅礦(CuFE)有關2)(貝內特和瑟斯頓 1977)。

The Tundra Gold Horizon


Located in the east-central portion of the claim group, the Tundra Gold Horizon is mapped as an extension of the ILDZ in contact with "Tamiskiming" style metasediments (Bennet and Thurston 1977).

Tundra Gold Horizon 位於索賠組的中東部,被繪製爲 ILDZ 的延伸部分,與 “Tamiskiming” 風格的元深度物接觸(Bennet and Thurston 1977)。

Soil sampling carried out along the ILDZ by Precambrian Ventures in 2008 located strong Au and Cu anomalies within the Farwell claims. Of these areas, particular attention will be paid to the Brown Lake Occurrence (high Au in a Mobile Metal Ion anomaly with 0.83% Cu), the Conductor B Occurrence (712 ppb Au in association with sulphide mineralization) and the location of a grab sample taken by Tundra Gold Mines in 1985 that assayed 7.5 g/t Au, 1.58% Cu and 19.9 g/t Ag (Campbell 2010).

2008年,Precambrian Ventures在ILDZ沿線進行了土壤採樣,發現Farwell主張中存在強烈的金和銅異常。在這些區域中,將特別關注布朗湖事件(銅含量爲0.83%的移動金屬離子異常中的高金含量)、導體B存在(與硫化物礦化相關的712 ppb Au)以及苔原金礦在1985年採集的抽取樣本的位置,該採集樣本測定了7.5g/t Au、1.58%Cu和19.9 g/t Ag(坎貝爾,2010)。

The Koala Gold Area


The Koala Gold area occupies the west portion of the claim group and has been explored sporadically over the years and highlights three locations for follow up exploration. From 1986 to 1988, Koala Resources drilled a number of shallow drill holes that returned 3.4 g/t Au over 0.66m (Henriksen 1988) and 12.8 g/t Au over 1.52m (White 1987) at two separate locations. A third location that exhibited a soil geochemical anomaly of 557 ppb Au, was drill tested and logged as a sulphidized Iron formation hosting 40% Po and 5% Py (Henriksen 1988). No gold values were posted on the historical logs.

考拉金礦區位於索賠組的西部,多年來一直在偶爾進行勘探,重點是三個有待後續勘探的地點。從 1986 年到 1988 年,Koala Resources 在兩個不同的地點鑽出了許多淺層鑽孔,這些鑽孔在 0.66 米以上返回 3.4 克/噸 Au(Henriksen 1988),返回了 12.8 g/t Au,超過 1.52 米(White 1987)。第三個地點的土壤地球化學異常爲557 ppb Au,經鑽探測試並記錄爲含有 40% Po 和 5% Py 的硫化鐵層(Henriksen 1988)。歷史日誌上沒有公佈任何黃金價值。

The technical and scientific disclosures in this news release have been reviewed and approved by Gerald D. White, B.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person (QP) under National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術和科學披露已由美國國家儀器43-101的合格人士(QP)、理學學士Gerald D. White審查和批准。

About Bold Ventures Inc.


The Company explores for Gold and Battery Metals in Canada. Bold is exploring properties located within active gold camps of Northern Ontario. Bold also holds significant assets located within and around the emerging multi-metals district dubbed the Ring of Fire region, located in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario.

該公司在加拿大勘探黃金和電池金屬。Bold正在探索位於安大略省北部活躍的黃金營地內的房產。Bold還持有大量資產,這些資產位於安大略省北部的詹姆斯灣低地,被稱爲 “火環地區” 的新興多金屬區及其周圍。

As a result of the current COVID-19 virus concerns, the Company's management and contractors are following public guidelines and taking recommended steps to protect the health and safety of all personnel while carrying out operations. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic giving rise to local and national anti-virus measures, the scheduling of activities is subject to change. COVID-19 impacts may affect timing and availability of goods and services for the foreseeable future.

由於當前對 COVID-19 病毒的擔憂,公司的管理層和承包商正在遵循公共指導方針,並採取建議措施,在開展運營時保護所有人員的健康和安全。由於 COVID-19 疫情引發了地方和國家的反病毒措施,活動的日程安排可能會發生變化。在可預見的將來,COVID-19 的影響可能會影響商品和服務的時間和可用性。

For additional information about Bold Ventures and our projects please visit or contact us at 416-864-1456 or email us at

有關 Bold Ventures 和我們項目的更多信息,請訪問 或者致電 416-864-1456 聯繫我們或發送電子郵件至。

"David B Graham"
David Graham
President and CEO

“大衛 B 格雷厄姆”

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SOURCE: Bold Ventures Inc.

來源: 博爾德風險投資公司

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