
Signal Gold Inc. Announces Participation in The Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt

Signal Gold Inc. Announces Participation in The Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt

Signal Gold Inc. 宣佈參加在法蘭克福舉行的德意志黃金博覽會
newsfile ·  2023/04/18 09:01

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 18, 2023) - Signal Gold Inc. (TSX: SGNL) (OTCQX: SGNLF) will be participating in the Deutsche Goldmesse, which will take place on May 5th and 6th at The Westin Grand Frankfurt.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.——2023年4月18日)- Signal Gold 公司 (多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SGNL)(OTCQX:SGNLF)將參加德意志黃金博覽會,該展會將於5月5日和6日在法蘭克福威斯汀大酒店舉行。

Members of the Signal Gold Inc. management will be taking meetings throughout the day, and also present at 10:45 AM CET on May 6th to an audience of European investors.

Signal Gold Inc. 管理層的成員將全天開會,還將在歐洲中部時間5月6日上午10點45分向歐洲投資者出席。

An online registration form is available, and Investors can register to attend at: .

提供在線註冊表, 投資者可以在以下地址註冊參加:.

Kai Hoffmann, Managing Director of Soar Financial Partners, remarked, "Following two virtual, and three in-person events, Deutsche Goldmesse has established itself as Germany's premier investment conference in the resource space. Being from Germany myself and working solely in the junior mining space for the last 12 years, I understand what German and European investors are looking for. This is why I have focused on bringing together a selective group of impressive and diverse companies, keynote speakers, mining influencers, HNW investors, asset & fund managers, media partners and more. I am excited to offer this boutique event once again, exclusive to the junior mining sector."

Soar Financial Partners董事總經理凱·霍夫曼表示:“繼兩次虛擬活動和三場面對面活動之後,德意志黃金展覽會已確立了自己作爲德國資源領域首屈一指的投資會議的地位。我本人來自德國,在過去的12年裏只在初級採礦領域工作,我瞭解德國和歐洲投資者的需求。這就是爲甚麼我專注於將一羣精選的令人印象深刻的多元化公司、主題演講者、礦業影響者、高淨值投資者、資產和基金經理、媒體合作伙伴等聚集在一起的原因。我很高興再次舉辦這個專爲初級採礦業而設的精品活動。”

The Deutsche Goldmesse website is updated regularly with attending companies, keynote speakers, schedule, and other important details. ... .

Deutsche Goldmesse網站會定期更新,包括出席的公司、主題演講嘉賓、日程安排和其他重要細節。...

About Signal Gold Inc.

關於 Signal Gold Inc

Signal Gold Inc. is a TSX and OTCQX-listed gold development company advancing the 100%-owned, high-grade Goldboro Project in the Canadian mining jurisdiction of Nova Scotia. The Goldboro Project is a significant growth project subject to a positive Feasibility Study which demonstrates an approximately 11-year open pit life of mine ("LOM") with average gold production of 100,000 ounces per annum and an average diluted grade of 2.26 grams per tonne gold. (Please see the 'NI 43-101 Technical Report and Feasibility Study for the Goldboro Gold Project, Eastern Goldfields District, Nova Scotia' on January 11, 2022, for further details). On August 3, 2022, the Goldboro Project received its environmental assessment approval from the Nova Scotia Minister of Environment and Climate Change, a significant regulatory milestone which enables the Company to commence site-specific permitting processes including the Industrial Approval and Crown Land Lease and Mining Lease applications. The Goldboro Project also has potential for further Mineral Resource expansion, particularly towards the west along strike and at depth. A future study will consider upgrading and expanding potentially mineable underground Mineral Resources as part of the longer-term mine development plan.

Signal Gold Inc. 是一家在多倫多證券交易所和OTCQX上市的黃金開發公司,負責推進位於加拿大礦業管轄區新斯科舍省的100%擁有的高品位戈德伯勒項目。戈德伯勒項目是一個重大的增長項目,尚待一項積極的可行性研究,該研究表明,露天礦山(“LOM”)的使用壽命約爲11年,平均年產金爲100,000盎司,平均攤薄後的品位爲每噸黃金2.26克。(有關更多詳情,請參閱2022年1月11日的 “新斯科舍省東戈德菲爾德區戈德伯勒黃金項目的NI 43-101技術報告和可行性研究”)。2022 年 8 月 3 日,戈德伯勒項目獲得了新斯科舍省環境和氣候變化部長的環境評估批准,這是一個重要的監管里程碑,使公司能夠啓動特定地點的許可程序,包括工業批准和皇家土地租賃和礦業租賃申請。戈德伯勒項目還有可能進一步擴張礦產資源,尤其是沿着鑽井和深度向西擴張。未來的研究將考慮升級和擴大潛在可開採的地下礦產資源,以此作爲長期礦山開發計劃的一部分。

About Deutsche Goldmesse


Deutsche Goldmesse is Germany's premier mining investment conference, based out of Frankfurt- one of Europe's most important financial capitals. We bring together leading minds in the industry to foster new business opportunities and facilitate valuable relationships. The exclusive two-day event showcases industry-leading keynote speakers and up to 35 carefully considered companies in a range of commodities and stages from explorers to producers.

Deutsche Goldmesse是德國首屈一指的礦業投資會議,總部設在歐洲最重要的金融首都之一法蘭克福。我們彙集了業內領先的人才,以創造新的商機並促進寶貴的關係。這項爲期兩天的獨家活動將邀請行業領先的主題演講嘉賓和多達35家經過深思熟慮的公司,這些公司處於從探險家到生產商等各種大宗商品和階段。

Hosted by Soar Financial Partners, we provide a platform where top company management can connect with a vast network of European institutional and HNW investors, retail investors, analysts, influencers, newsletter writers, media, and other local partners.

由Soar Financial Partners主辦,我們提供了一個平臺,頂級公司管理層可以與龐大的歐洲機構和高淨值投資者、散戶投資者、分析師、有影響力的人、時事通訊作者、媒體和其他本地合作伙伴建立聯繫。

For further information:
Signal Gold Inc.
Kevin Bullock
President and CEO

Signal Gold 公司

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