
Lucira Health (LHDXQ) Versus The Competition Head-To-Head Survey

Lucira Health (LHDXQ) Versus The Competition Head-To-Head Survey

Lucira Health(LHDXQ)與競爭對手的正面交鋒調查
Financial News Live ·  2023/04/19 08:03

Lucira Health (NASDAQ:LHDXQ – Get Rating) is one of 42 public companies in the "Diagnostic substances" industry, but how does it weigh in compared to its competitors? We will compare Lucira Health to similar businesses based on the strength of its profitability, earnings, dividends, risk, institutional ownership, valuation and analyst recommendations.

Lucira Health(納斯達克股票代碼:LHDXQ — 獲取評級)是 “診斷物質” 行業的42家上市公司之一,但與競爭對手相比,它的權重如何?我們將根據Lucira Health的盈利能力、收益、股息、風險、機構所有權、估值和分析師建議的實力,將Lucira Health與同類業務進行比較。

Volatility & Risk


Lucira Health has a beta of 3.38, indicating that its stock price is 238% more volatile than the S&P 500. Comparatively, Lucira Health's competitors have a beta of 1.38, indicating that their average stock price is 38% more volatile than the S&P 500.

Lucira Health的beta值爲3.38,這表明其股價的波動性比標準普爾500指數高238%。相比之下,Lucira Health的競爭對手的beta值爲1.38,這表明他們的平均股價的波動性比標準普爾500指數高38%。

Lucira Health



This table compares Lucira Health and its competitors' net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

該表比較了Lucira Health及其競爭對手的淨利潤率、股本回報率和資產回報率。

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Lucira Health -67.54% -13.55% -8.47%
Lucira Health Competitors -1,439.59% -124.55% -31.42%
淨利潤 股本回報率 資產回報率
露西拉健康 -67.54% -13.55% -8.47%
露西拉健康競爭對手 -1,439.59% -124.55% -31.42%

Earnings and Valuation


This table compares Lucira Health and its competitors top-line revenue, earnings per share and valuation.

該表比較了Lucira Health及其競爭對手的收入情況、每股收益和估值。

Gross Revenue Net Income Price/Earnings Ratio
Lucira Health $93.06 million -$64.83 million -0.05
Lucira Health Competitors $466.17 million $9.58 million -52.03
總收入 淨收入 市盈率
露西拉健康 9306 萬美元 -6,483 萬美元 -0.05
露西拉健康競爭對手 4.6617 億美元 958 萬美元 -52.03

Lucira Health's competitors have higher revenue and earnings than Lucira Health. Lucira Health is trading at a higher price-to-earnings ratio than its competitors, indicating that it is currently more expensive than other companies in its industry.

Lucira Health的競爭對手的收入和收益高於Lucira Health。Lucira Health的交易市盈率高於競爭對手,這表明它目前比該行業的其他公司更昂貴。

Analyst Recommendations


This is a breakdown of current ratings and recommmendations for Lucira Health and its competitors, as reported by

據Marketbeat.com報道,這是Lucira Health及其競爭對手目前的評級和建議的明細。

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Strong Buy Ratings Rating Score
Lucira Health 0 0 0 0 N/A
Lucira Health Competitors 362 626 1235 19 2.41
賣出評級 保持收視率 買入評級 強勁的買入評級 評分分數
露西拉健康 0 0 0 0 不適用
露西拉健康競爭對手 362 626 1235 19 2.41

As a group, "Diagnostic substances" companies have a potential upside of 37.65%. Given Lucira Health's competitors higher possible upside, analysts clearly believe Lucira Health has less favorable growth aspects than its competitors.

作爲一個整體,“診斷物質” 公司的潛在上漲空間爲37.65%。鑑於Lucira Health的競爭對手可能有更大的上行空間,分析師顯然認爲Lucira Health的增長方面不如競爭對手。

Insider & Institutional Ownership


57.0% of Lucira Health shares are held by institutional investors. Comparatively, 45.4% of shares of all "Diagnostic substances" companies are held by institutional investors. 30.4% of Lucira Health shares are held by company insiders. Comparatively, 14.1% of shares of all "Diagnostic substances" companies are held by company insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that endowments, hedge funds and large money managers believe a stock will outperform the market over the long term.

Lucira Health的57.0%股票由機構投資者持有。相比之下,所有 “診斷物質” 公司的45.4%的股份由機構投資者持有。Lucira Health的股份中有30.4%由公司內部人士持有。相比之下,所有 “診斷物質” 公司的14.1%的股份由公司內部人士持有。強大的機構所有權表明,捐贈基金、對沖基金和大型基金經理認爲,從長遠來看,股票的表現將優於市場。



Lucira Health beats its competitors on 7 of the 10 factors compared.

在比較的10個因素中,Lucira Health在7個因素上擊敗了競爭對手。

About Lucira Health

關於 Lucira Health

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Lucira Health Inc. is a medical technology company. It is focused on the development and commercialization of transformative and infectious disease test kits. Lucira Health Inc. is based in Emeryville, California.

Lucira Health Inc. 是一家醫療技術公司。它專注於變革性和傳染病檢測試劑盒的開發和商業化。Lucira Health Inc. 總部位於加利福尼亞州的埃默裏維爾。

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