
E-Tech Resources Inc. Announces Positive Soil Sampling Results From Target 9 on Its Eureka REE Project

E-Tech Resources Inc. Announces Positive Soil Sampling Results From Target 9 on Its Eureka REE Project

E-Tech Resources Inc. 宣佈其 Eureka REE 項目的 Target 9 土壤採樣結果良好
newsfile ·  2023/04/19 08:21

Halifax, Nova Scotia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 19, 2023) - E-Tech Resources Inc. (TSXV: REE) ("E-Tech" or the "Company") reports soil sample results from drill target T09, located ~800 m north from Zone 1 of its Eureka REE Project ("Eureka" or the "Project").

新斯科舍省哈利法克斯--(Newsfile Corp.——2023 年 4 月 19 日)-E-Tech Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:REE)(”電子科技 或 “公司“) 報告了鑽探目標 T09 的土壤樣本結果,該目標位於其 Eureka REE 項目 1 區以北約 800 米處 (”Eureka” 或 “項目“)。

The Eureka T09 soil sampling program has resulted in the delineation of a large-scale, well-defined, drill-ready REE target, which will now be referred to as the "Adder target".

Eureka T09土壤採樣計劃最終確定了一個大規模、定義明確、可鑽探的稀土目標,該目標現在將被稱爲 “加法目標”。

Jim Megann, CEO of E-Tech Resources, commented: "Our previous drilling program in Zones 1-4 has yielded promising results, with a robust number of intercepts demonstrating significant mineralization. The outreach soil samples we are reporting here are located 800 m north of Zone 1 and indicate that our outreach program is identifying new areas for exploration. Moreover, we have identified numerous targets and are awaiting assay results that may confirm that they are as promising as Zones 1-4. This ongoing validation further supports our belief that the Eureka Dome may have several mineral-rich targets. As we continue to interpret the Dome's structure, we hope to identify even more drilling targets in the near future.''

E-Tech Resources首席執行官吉姆·梅根評論說:”我們之前在1-4區的鑽探項目取得了令人鼓舞的結果,大量的截面顯示出顯著的礦化作用。我們在這裏報告的外展土壤樣本位於1區以北800米處,這表明我們的宣傳計劃正在尋找新的勘探區域。此外,我們已經確定了許多靶點,正在等待化驗結果,這些結果可能證實它們與1-4區一樣有希望。這項持續的驗證進一步支持了我們的信念,即尤里卡巨蛋可能有幾個富含礦物質的目標。隨着我們繼續解釋穹頂的結構,我們希望在不久的將來能確定更多的鑽探目標。”

The Adder target is approximately 450 m long and 250 m wide and is coincident with anomalous Thorium (Th) radiometric response. Thorium is used as an effective exploration targeting tool due to its association with the REE-bearing monazite mineralization (see Figure 1 below) identified at Eureka.

Adder 目標長約 450 米,寬 250 米,與異常的釷 (Th) 輻射響應一致。釷被用作有效的勘探瞄準工具,因爲它與在尤里卡發現的含鉛的獨居石礦化(見下圖 1)有關。

An in-situ soil pXRF survey was conducted on the Adder target on a tight 20 m by 10 m spaced sample grid. Approximately 72% of all points analyzed on the Adder target returned anomalous grades ≥500 ppm (0.05%) TREO in soil, with the highest returning 0.32% TREO in soil. The anomalous concentrations of REE found in the soil are consistent with the discovery of mineralized rock chip grab samples, (see News Release April 13, 2023) providing further confirmation of this target.

一個 原地 土壤 pxRF 調查是在間隔爲 20 m x 10 m 的狹窄樣本網格上對 Adder 目標進行的。在對Adder目標進行分析的所有點中,約有72%在土壤中返回了≥500 ppm(0.05%)TREO的異常等級,最高的在土壤中返回了0.32%的TREO。土壤中發現的稀土異常濃度與礦化岩屑採集樣本的發現一致(見2023年4月13日新聞稿),進一步證實了這一目標。

The measured background REE concentrations are <0.03% TREO. The target is open-ended and has the potential to extend beyond its current interpreted surface area which is being investigated with further detailed groundwork. Exploration activities to date have included systematic detailed prospect-scale mapping and surface geochemical sampling, augmented by high-resolution magnetic and radiometric surveys.

測得的背景稀土濃度小於 0.03% TREO。該目標是開放式的,有可能超出其目前的解釋表面積,目前正在進行進一步的詳細基礎研究。迄今爲止的勘探活動包括系統的詳細勘探尺度測繪和地表地球化學取樣,並輔之以高分辨率磁和輻射測量。

Use of the pXRF enables the field team to rapidly identify target areas with anomalous REE, and the designed detailed soil sampling work programs are then completed to further delineate drill targets.


Figure 1: Location of the Adder Target

圖 1:加法器目標的位置

Eureka Project Technical Disclosure


The current Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the Eureka Project was prepared by SRK Consulting (UK) ("SRK") effective from August 2, 2021. An Independent Technical Report titled "Independent Technical Report: Eureka, Rare Earth Project, Namibia" was released on September 15, 2021 and prepared by SRK, supporting the disclosure of the MRE, and is available on SEDAR and the Corporation's website. ()

尤里卡項目的當前礦產資源估算(“MRE”)由SRK諮詢(英國)(“SRK”)編制,自2021年8月2日起生效。一份題爲 “獨立技術報告:尤里卡,納米比亞稀土項目” 的獨立技術報告於2021年9月15日發佈,由SRK編寫,支持MRE的披露,可在SEDAR和公司的網站上查閱。()

pXRF Technical Disclosure:

pxRF 技術披露:

Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) analyzers measure the presence of an element in a sample by identifying the element's characteristic X-ray emission wavelength or energy (i.e. fluorescence) when the sample is struck by a primary X-ray source/beam emitted by the instrument's X-ray tube. The amount of an element present is quantified by measuring the intensity of that element's characteristic X-ray emission. pXRF results provide only a preliminary indication of the presence of REE mineralization in samples. Accurate determination of REE content still requires analysis of samples by an accredited, certified laboratory.

便攜式 X 射線熒光 (pxRF) 分析儀通過識別樣品被儀器 X 射線管發出的主 X 射線源/光束撞擊時該元素的特性 X 射線發射波長或能量(即熒光)來測量樣品中元素的存在。通過測量元素的特性 X 射線發射強度來量化元素的存在量。pxRF 結果僅提供樣品中存在稀土礦化的初步跡象。準確測定稀土含量仍然需要經過認可的認證實驗室對樣品進行分析。

E-Tech is using a SciAps X-555 pXRF analyzer equipped with a 55kV X-ray tube enabling it to detect seven (7) of the REEs (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd) and Y, along with a range of transition elements and heavy metals. This enables the Company to have live preliminary results for TREO which are based on pXRF assays. From the pXRF results1, the TREO2 is the sum of the oxides of the analyzed REEs (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd) plus Y. Comparisons between the internal pXRF results and ActLabs laboratory assay results for historical analytical work has confirmed the reliability of the Company's pXRF results. In the current conditions, pXRF results give the Company a strong indication of which samples are mineralized.

E-Tech 正在使用配備 55kV X 射線管的 sciAPS X-555 pxRF 分析儀,使其能夠檢測七 (7) 個 REE(La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Sm、Eu 和 Gd)和 Y,以及一系列過渡元素和重金屬。這使公司能夠獲得基於pxRF分析的TREO的實時初步結果。根據pxRF的結果1,TREO2 是所分析的稀土元素(La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Sm、Eu 和 Gd)的氧化物加上 Y。內部pxRF結果與歷史分析工作中ActLabs實驗室化驗結果的比較證實了公司pxRF結果的可靠性。在當前條件下,pxRF結果有力地表明瞭哪些樣品是礦化的。

Samples prepared during the procedure described above are analyzed through the 40-micron sample bag with the Company's X-555 pXRF analyzer with read times of 120 seconds (40 seconds per beam).

使用該公司的 X-555 pxRF 分析儀通過 40 微米樣品袋對上述程序中製備的樣品進行分析,讀取時間爲 120 秒(每束光束 40 秒)。

Sample processing techniques for pXRF analysis:

pxRF 分析的樣本處理技術:

The pre-loaded sample point is located using the GPS. The sampling area (i.e. pXRF analyzing spot on the ground) is swept free from the overlying gravel/rubble/pebbles using a broom. Soil material is loosened with the edge of a spade and scooped into a sieve. The material is poured through a sieve and the ≤1 mm fraction is collected in a container. A 100-micron plastic sample bag is placed over the fine material to prevent the pXRF from coming in contact with the soil. The pXRF analyzes the fine material in the container and the test results are saved. Samples prepared during the procedure described above are analyzed through the 40-micron sample bag with the Company's X-555 pXRF analyzer with read times of 120 seconds (40 seconds per beam).

使用 GPS 定位預加載的採樣點。使用掃把採樣區域(即pxRF分析地面上的斑點)從上方的碎石/瓦礫/鵝卵石中清理出來。用鐵鏟的邊緣將土壤材料鬆開,然後撈入篩子裏。將材料倒入篩子中,≤1 mm 的餾分收集到容器中。在精細材料上放置一個 100 微米的塑料樣品袋,以防止 pxRF 與土壤接觸。pxRF 分析容器中的精細材料並保存測試結果。使用該公司的 X-555 pxRF 分析儀通過 40 微米樣品袋對上述程序中製備的樣品進行分析,讀取時間爲 120 秒(每束光束 40 秒)。

Quality Assurance / Quality Control


The pXRF is calibrated at the start with two (2) standards. Blanks (pulverized marble rock chips) and REE standards are inserted in the analyzing sequence for every 20 samples analyzed to continually monitor the performance of the instrument. All equipment used during sample preparation is cleaned before proceeding to the next sample to prevent carry-over/contamination. Regular analysis of the blank material indicates minimal issues regarding sample contamination caused by the in-field preparation method. Each sample is thus assigned a pXRF La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Eu, Gd, and Y value (in parts per million (ppm)) which will then be superseded by lab quality assay results when they are received.

pxRF 在開始時使用兩 (2) 個標準進行校準。每分析 20 個樣品,在分析序列中插入空白(粉碎的大理石碎片)和 REE 標準,以持續監測儀器的性能。樣品製備過程中使用的所有設備在進入下一個樣品之前都要進行清潔,以防止殘留/污染。對空白材料的定期分析表明,現場製備方法造成的樣品污染問題微乎其微。因此,爲每個樣本分配了 pxRF La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Eu、Gd 和 Y 值(以百萬分之一 (ppm) 爲單位),該值將在收到實驗室質量的檢測結果時被實驗室質量的檢測結果所取代。

Qualified Person


Pete Siegfried, BSc. (Hons), M.Sc., is a Consulting Geologist and director of GeoAfrica Prospecting Services CC. Mr. Siegfried has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information in this news release. Mr. Siegfried is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) membership number: 221116 (CP Geology), and a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

皮特·齊格弗裏德,理學學士。(榮譽),理學碩士,是一名諮詢地質學家,也是GeoAfrica勘探服務CC的主任。齊格弗裏德先生審查並批准了本新聞稿中的科學和技術信息。齊格弗裏德先生是澳大利亞礦業和冶金學會(AusiMM)的會員,會員編號:221116(CP Geology),也是國家儀器43-101的合格人士- 礦產項目披露標準

About E-Tech Resources Inc.


E-Tech Resources Inc. (TSXV: REE) is a rare earth exploration and development company focused on developing its Eureka Rare Earths Project in Namibia. The Eureka Project is located approximately 250 km north-west of Namibia's capital city Windhoek and 140 km east of Namibia's main industrial port Walvis Bay. The project is situated next to the national B1 highway in the Erongo Region of Namibia. The Eureka deposit lies in the Southern Central Zone of the Neoproterozoic Damara Belt within EPL 6762. which covers Eureka Farm 99 and Sukses Farm 90. Namibia is recognized as one of Africa's most politically stable jurisdictions, with an extremely well-established national infrastructure and a clear and transparent mining law. The Corporation continues to assess new project opportunities and expand its Southern African portfolio.

E-Tech Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:REE)是一家稀土勘探和開發公司,專注於開發其在納米比亞的尤里卡稀土項目。尤里卡項目位於納米比亞首都溫得和克西北約250公里處,納米比亞主要工業港口沃爾維斯灣以東140公里處。該項目位於納米比亞埃龍戈地區的B1國道旁邊。尤里卡礦牀位於 EPL 6762 內新元古代達馬拉地帶的中南部區域,包括 Eureka Farm 99 和 Sukses Farm 90。納米比亞被公認爲非洲政治最穩定的司法管轄區之一,擁有非常完善的國家基礎設施和明確透明的採礦法。該公司繼續評估新的項目機會,擴大其南部非洲的投資組合。

Further details are available on the Corporation's website at or contact Jim Megann, Interim CEO of E-Tech Resources Inc., at +1 902 334 1949.

更多詳情可在公司網站上查閱,或致電 +1 與 E-Tech Resources Inc. 臨時首席執行官吉姆·梅根聯繫 902 334 1949。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This press release may contain forward-looking information, such as statements regarding the completion of the work in Namibia by E-Tech and future plans and objectives of E-Tech, including acquisition of EPL 8748 by E-Tech which is subject to granting of EPL 8748 by Namibian authorities, regulatory approval and closing conditions. This information is based on current expectations and assumptions (including assumptions in connection with the continuance of the applicable company as a going concern and general economic and market conditions) that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict, including risks relating to the ability to satisfy the conditions to completion of exploration programmes and work in Namibia. Actual results may differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking information. E-Tech assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information in this release, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking information unless and until required by applicable securities laws. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in filings made by E-Tech with Canadian securities regulators, copies of which are available at .

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性信息,例如有關E-Tech在納米比亞完成工作的聲明以及E-Tech的未來計劃和目標,包括E-Tech收購EPL 8748,這取決於納米比亞當局批准的EPL 8748、監管部門的批准和成交條件。這些信息基於當前的預期和假設(包括與相關公司繼續作爲持續經營企業有關的假設以及總體經濟和市場狀況),這些預期和假設受到難以預測的重大風險和不確定性的影響,包括與滿足在納米比亞完成勘探計劃和工作的條件有關的風險。實際結果可能與任何前瞻性信息中建議的結果存在重大差異。除非適用的證券法有要求,否則E-Tech沒有義務更新本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息,也沒有義務更新實際業績可能與前瞻性信息中反映的結果不同的原因。識別風險和不確定性的其他信息包含在E-Tech向加拿大證券監管機構提交的文件中,其副本可在以下網址查閱

1pXRF results are for screening purposes and are semi-quantitative only. Only 7 of the REE elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd) and Y are analyzed with pXRF analyzer.
2TREO: Total Rare Earth Oxide Incl. Yttrium oxide (Y2O3)

1pxRF 結果僅用於篩選目的,僅爲半定量結果。使用pxRF分析儀僅分析了7種稀土元素(La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Sm、Eu和Gd)和Y。
2TREO:包括氧化釔在內的總稀土氧化物 (Y2O3)

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