
Zinc-Copper-Silver Drill Target Identified at Nakoro; Planned Site Visit by U.S. State Department and Corporate Updates

Zinc-Copper-Silver Drill Target Identified at Nakoro; Planned Site Visit by U.S. State Department and Corporate Updates

newsfile ·  2023/04/20 08:51
  • Induced polarisation (IP) geophysical survey supports drill target at Nakoro project in Fiji.
  • Chargeability/resistivity target is coincident with gossan and surface sampling.
  • U.S. State Department Minerals Program Director visiting Thunderstruck projects in relation to its critical minerals initiative.
  • 誘導極化(IP)地球物理調查爲斐濟納科羅項目的鑽探目標提供了支持。
  • 電荷率/電阻率目標與gossan和表面採樣一致。
  • 美國國務院礦產項目主任訪問了與其關鍵礦產計劃有關的Thunderstruck項目。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 20, 2023) - Thunderstruck Resources Ltd. (TSXV: AWE) (OTC PINK: THURF) ("The Company") reports that the scope for a substantial increase in the scale of the Nakoro zinc/copper/silver prospect has been provided through a recent IP geophysical survey.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2023 年 4 月 20 日)- 雷霆資源有限公司 多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AWE)(場外交易PINK:THURF)(“公司”)報告稱,最近的一項知識產權地球物理調查提供了納科羅鋅/銅/白銀勘探規模大幅增加的餘地。

Nakoro is one of four projects being advanced by Thunderstruck on the main island of Fiji. The current work follows up on exploration by Anglo Pacific in the 1970s. Historic drilling includes 12 meters grading 12.7% zinc, 0.3% copper, 56 g/t silver. Volcanic Massive Sulphides (VMS) deposits, like this one at Nakoro, typically occur in clusters. The work by Thunderstruck is aimed at expanding outward from the area of the historic work.

納科羅是Thunderstruck在斐濟主島上推進的四個項目之一。目前的工作是繼1970年代盎格魯太平洋的勘探之後進行的。歷史性鑽探包括 12 米,鋅品位爲 12.7%,銅含量爲 0.3%,銀品位爲 56 g/t。像納科羅這樣的火山塊狀硫化物(VMS)礦牀通常成羣存在。Thunderstruck的作品旨在從歷史作品的領域向外擴展。

Lawrence Roulston, Director, commented: "These results show the potential for size in a deposit where earlier drilling has already demonstrated favourable grades."

董事Lawrence Roulston評論說:“這些結果表明,該礦牀有可能擴大規模,而早期的鑽探已經顯示出良好的成績。”

Nakoro Prospect - IP Geophysics


The recent IP survey outlined a chargeability/resistivity target 200 meters from the area of historic drilling by Anglo where Thunderstruck geologists identified outcropping mineralization and gossans. (See Figure 1 below).

最近的知識產權調查概述了電荷率/電阻率目標,該目標距離Anglo的歷史鑽探區域200米,Thunderstruck的地質學家在那裏發現了露頭礦化和戈桑。(參見下面的圖 1)。

Zonge Engineering, a highly regarded international firm specializing in geophysics, conducted the IP survey utilizing a pole-dipole electrode configuration with electrodes spaced at 50m (dipoles) along 200m spaced lines. The survey included a total of 2.5-line kilometres across two lines and identified multiple geophysical features to assist interpretation and target definition.

Zonge Engineering是一家備受尊敬的專門從事地球物理的國際公司,它利用極子-偶極子電極配置進行了知識產權調查,電極間隔爲50m(偶極子),沿200米間隔的線路。該調查包括橫跨兩條線的總長度爲2.5線千米,並確定了多個地球物理特徵,以幫助解釋和確定目標。

The survey has successfully identified a priority drill target that aligns with the mineralization at surface. The chargeability/resistivity signature is characteristic of VMS targets. Figure 3 shows the chargeability and resistivity profiles along the two lines.

該調查已成功確定了與地表礦化相一致的優先鑽探目標。可充電性/電阻率特徵是 VMS 目標的特徵。圖 3 顯示了這兩條線上的可充電性和電阻率曲線。

Figure 1: Summary map of Nakoro Prospect, showing location of previous drilling, geology and completed PDIP surveying coverage

圖 1:Nakoro Prospect 摘要地圖,顯示了先前鑽探的位置、地質情況和已完成的 PDIP 測量範圍

Further areas of gossan and mineralization at surface offer further upside potential and will be followed up after drill testing this target.


Figure 2: Map of Nakoro showing newly mapped area and some points of Interest.

圖 2:納科羅地圖,顯示了新繪製的區域和一些興趣點。

Thunderstruck's geological team carried out further geological mapping and sampling at Nakoro, which features an 8 km untested prospective geologic horizon highlighted through the interpretation of regional magnetics. (See Figure 2.) That work revealed a significant extension to the mineralized system at Nakoro. Extensive gossan outcrops were discovered along the Navakaruku creek area with one instance of massive sulphide mineralization associated with quartz veins within the gossan. The gossans are associated with strong limonite staining and small chlorite-epidote veinlets and amygdules. These results are typical for a VMS system, which typically occur in clusters.

Thunderstruck的地質團隊在納科羅進行了進一步的地質測繪和採樣,通過對區域磁學的解釋,突顯了納科羅的8公里未測試的遠景地質地平線。(參見圖 2。)這項工作揭示了納科羅礦化系統的重大延伸。在納瓦卡魯庫河地區發現了大量的戈桑露頭,其中一次在戈桑河中發現了與石英脈相關的巨大硫化物礦化。gossans 與強烈的褐鐵礦染色以及小亞氯酸表皮脈和杏仁核有關。這些結果是 VMS 系統的典型結果,通常發生在羣集中。

Site Visit by U.S. State Department


At the request of the U.S. State Department Minerals Program Director, the director and his team plan to visit Thunderstruck's copper-zinc VMS projects in April as part of the on-going efforts by the U.S. Government to expand supplies of critical raw materials from reliable sources. The purpose of their visit is to learn more about Fiji's mineral sector and discuss potential opportunities. Thunderstruck, as a leading explorer in Fiji, is hosting part of the visit intended to inform the U.S. Government of the critical resource potential of Fiji.


Share Consolidation Update


Thunderstruck Resources Ltd. (The "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received the approval from the TSX Venture Exchange for the previously announced five to one share consolidation (the "Consolidation"),as previously announced on April 10, 2023.

Thunderstruck Resources Ltd.(以下簡稱 “公司”)欣然宣佈,該公司已獲得多倫多證券交易所風險交易所對先前宣佈的五比一股合併(“合併”)的批准,該合併(“合併”)已獲得多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的批准,該合併(以下簡稱 “合併”),該合併(

The common shares will commence trading on a post-consolidation basis effective as at April 24, 2023. Post consolidation, the Company will have approximately 25,402,562 shares outstanding. The Company's shares will continue to trade under the existing symbol "AWE". The CUSIP and ISIN of the Company's shares will change to 88606V203 and CA 88606V2030 respectively.

普通股將在合併後的基礎上開始交易,自2023年4月24日起生效。合併後,公司將有約25,402,562股已發行股份。該公司的股票將繼續以現有代碼 “AWE” 進行交易。公司股票的 CUSIP 和 ISIN 將分別變更爲 88606V203 和 CA 88606V2030。

As previously announced, a letter of transmittal will be sent by the Company's transfer agent, Odyssey Trust Company, to the registered shareholders providing instructions to surrender the share certificates evidencing their pre‐consolidated common shares for replacement certificates representing the number of post‐consolidated common shares they are entitled to as a result of the consolidation. Until surrendered, each certificate representing the pre‐consolidated common shares will be deemed to represent the number of post‐consolidated common shares of the company that the holder thereof is entitled to as a result of the consolidation.


Warrant Price Update


Further to Thunderstruck's news release dated, April 10, 2023, please note that the full warrant attached to the private placement is 0.50 per unit, not 0.75. We apologize for the error.


About Thunderstruck Resources


Thunderstruck Resources is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of high-value mineral deposits on Fiji's main island of Viti Levu. Fiji has a long history of mining, including the Vatukoula Gold Mine which has already produced seven million ounces. Other Fiji deposits include Lion One's Tuvatu gold mine, which has just commenced mining, and the 1.8 billion tonne Namosi porphyry copper-gold deposit of Newcrest Mining.

Thunderstruck Resources是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於在斐濟主島維提島上發現高價值的礦牀。斐濟的採礦歷史悠久,包括瓦圖庫拉金礦,該金礦已經生產了700萬盎司。斐濟的其他礦牀包括剛剛開始開採的Lion One的圖瓦圖金礦,以及Newcrest Mining的18億噸納莫西斑岩銅金礦牀。

Thunderstruck has exclusive exploration rights over 284 square kms, making it one of the largest holders of mineral rights in Fiji. Projects include gold-silver epithermal and copper-gold porphyry targets along with the two VMS projects.


The Company provides investors with exposure to a diverse portfolio of exploration projects with potential for copper, zinc, gold and silver in a politically safe and stable jurisdiction.


Thunderstruck trades on the Toronto Venture Exchange (TSXV) under the symbol "AWE" and United States OTC under the symbol "THURF."

Thunderstruck在多倫多風險交易所(TSXV)上市,交易代碼爲 “AWE”,在美國場外交易所的交易代碼爲 “THURF”。

Qualified Person Statement


The technical information in this news release was reviewed by Peter Duerden, RPGeo, an advisor to Thunderstruck Resources, and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101).

本新聞稿中的技術信息由RPGeo的彼得·杜爾登審閱,他是Thunderstruck Resources的顧問,也是National Instruck 43-101(NI 43-101)定義的合格人員。

For additional information, please contact:
Rob Christl, VP Business Development and Investor Relations
P: 1-778 840-7180
or, visit our website:

Rob Christl,業務發展和投資者關係副總裁
P: 1-778 840-7180

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange Inc. 及其監管服務提供商(該術語在多倫多證券交易所的政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". Although Thunderstruck believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Thunderstruck's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, Thunderstruck undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新聞稿包含某些可能被視爲 “前瞻性陳述” 的陳述。儘管Thunderstruck認爲此類前瞻性陳述中表達的預期是基於合理的假設,但此類陳述並不能保證未來的業績,實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述中存在重大差異。前瞻性陳述基於Thunderstruck管理層在聲明發表之日的信念、估計和觀點。除非法律要求,否則如果管理層的信念、估計或觀點或其他因素髮生變化,Thunderstruck沒有義務更新這些前瞻性陳述。

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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