United Utilities Group PLC (LON:UU) Given Average Recommendation of "Hold" by Brokerages
United Utilities Group PLC (LON:UU) Given Average Recommendation of "Hold" by Brokerages
United Utilities Group PLC (LON:UU – Get Rating) has received a consensus rating of "Hold" from the six analysts that are presently covering the firm, MarketBeat Ratings reports. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, three have issued a hold recommendation and two have issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average twelve-month price objective among brokerages that have updated their coverage on the stock in the last year is GBX 1,145 ($14.17).
MarketBeat Ratings報告稱,聯合公用事業集團有限公司(LON: UU — 獲取評級)已獲得目前報道該公司的六位分析師的 “持有” 共識評級。一位股票研究分析師對該股進行了評級,提出了賣出建議,三位發佈了持有建議,兩位對該公司發佈了買入建議。去年更新了該股報道的經紀商的十二個月平均目標價格爲1,145英鎊(14.17美元)。
Separately, Royal Bank of Canada lifted their target price on shares of United Utilities Group from GBX 1,025 ($12.68) to GBX 1,100 ($13.61) and gave the company a "sector perform" rating in a research note on Monday, February 13th.
另外,加拿大皇家銀行在2月13日星期一的一份研究報告中將聯合公用事業集團股票的目標價格從1,025英鎊(12.68美元)上調至1,100英鎊(13.61美元),並給該公司評爲 “行業表現”。
United Utilities Group Stock Up 0.7 %
UU stock opened at GBX 1,082.50 ($13.40) on Friday. United Utilities Group has a twelve month low of GBX 813.20 ($10.06) and a twelve month high of GBX 1,172.50 ($14.51). The company has a market cap of £7.38 billion, a PE ratio of 1,462.84, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 138.87 and a beta of 0.43. The business's 50-day simple moving average is GBX 1,049.97 and its 200 day simple moving average is GBX 1,015.51. The company has a quick ratio of 1.13, a current ratio of 1.38 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 264.63.
週五,UU股票開盤價爲1,082.50英鎊(13.40美元)。聯合公用事業集團創下十二個月低點GBX 813.20美元(10.06美元),十二個月高點爲1,172.50英鎊(14.51美元)。該公司的市值爲73.8億英鎊,市盈率爲1,462.84,市盈率爲138.87,beta值爲0.43。該公司的50天簡單移動平均線爲1,049.97英鎊,其200天簡單移動平均線爲1,015.51英鎊。該公司的速動比率爲1.13,流動比率爲1.38,債務與權益比率爲264.63。
Insiders Place Their Bets
In other United Utilities Group news, insider Steven L. Mogford sold 35,000 shares of the company's stock in a transaction on Wednesday, March 15th. The shares were sold at an average price of GBX 1,054 ($13.04), for a total transaction of £368,900 ($456,502.91). Company insiders own 0.07% of the company's stock.
About United Utilities Group
(Get Rating)
United Utilities Group PLC provides water and wastewater services in the United Kingdom. It is also involved in the renewable energy generation, corporate trustee, financing, and property management activities; and provision of consulting, and project management services. The company operates 42,000 kilometers of water pipes; and 78,000 km of wastewater pipes.
聯合公用事業集團有限公司在英國提供水和廢水服務。它還參與可再生能源發電、公司受託人、融資和物業管理活動;以及提供諮詢和項目管理服務。該公司運營着 42,000 千米的水管和 78,000 千米的污水管道。
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