
GoldON Outlines Lithium Pegmatite Discovery Potential at Its McInnes Lake Greenstone Belt Property

GoldON Outlines Lithium Pegmatite Discovery Potential at Its McInnes Lake Greenstone Belt Property

GoldOn 概述了其麥金尼斯湖綠石帶礦產的鋰偉晶岩發現潛力
newsfile ·  2023/04/24 08:38

Elevated lithium values of up to 1,126 ppm in metavolcanic host-rocks distributed proximal to the main plutons triggered comprehensive review


Victoria, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 24, 2023) - GoldON Resources Ltd. (TSXV: GLD) ("GoldON" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an overview of the fertile peraluminous granite plutons and lithium pegmatite potential at its 100%-owned McInnes Lake property (the "Property") that is located approximately 50 kilometres (km) southwest of Frontier Lithium's Pakeagama Lake area lithium deposits and covers the majority of the McInnes Lake greenstone belt in northwestern Ontario.

不列顛哥倫比亞省維多利亞-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年4月24日)-GoldON Resources Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GLD)(“GoldON”或“公司”)我們很高興地概述了其100%擁有的McInnes Lake礦產(“該礦產”)蘊藏的肥沃的過鋁花崗巖深成岩和鋰偉晶巖潛力,該礦產位於Frontier Lithium的Pakeagama Lake地區鋰礦藏西南約50公里(公里)處,覆蓋了安大略省西北部McInnes Lake綠巖帶的大部分。



  • Fertile lithochemical signature recognized in McInnes North pegmatitic granite pluton from GoldON's latest fieldwork on the 11,424-hectare Property.

  • Anomalous bulk rock lithium (Li), beryllium (Be), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), tantalum (Ta), and niobium (Nb) in McInnes Lake pluton compare with fertile, peraluminous granite plutons elsewhere in Ontario such as the Allison Lake batholith and the MNW stock in Georgia Lake region.

  • Analytical results from the latest fieldwork included a database of 480 bulk rock samples with 67 exceeding 50 parts per million (ppm) lithium.

  • Elevated lithium values newly discovered ranging from 50 to 1,126 ppm in metavolcanic host-rocks distributed proximal to the main plutons in the McInnes Lake greenstone belt may reflect exomorphic dispersion outwards from exposed and blind pegmatitic granite plutonic centres.

  • Peraluminous granitic magma generation and emplacement are possibly controlled by the inferred northern continuation of a 100 -750 metres (m) wide, deep seismic tapping, E1/E2 extensional shear zones and associated second order shears, which also underlie the Red Lake Mine Complex and greenstone slivers to the north (Red Lake Extension).

  • Major fault zone control of peraluminous granite plutons and derivative lithium-rich pegmatites is evident elsewhere in northwestern Ontario, including 50 km to northeast of the McInnes North pluton, along the Bearhead fault system at Pakeagama Lake, where Frontier Lithium14 has delineated NI 43-101 Measured & Indicated (M&I) resources of 26 million tonnes (mt) of 1.62% Li2O and Inferred resources of 32.4 mt of 1.41% Li2O.

  • 在麥金尼斯北部偉晶花崗巖巖體中發現了肥沃的岩石化學特徵,這是GoldON在這塊11,424公頃的土地上進行的最新田野調查中發現的。

  • 與安大略省其他地區富饒的過鋁花崗巖相比,麥金斯湖巖體中異常的塊狀岩石鋰(Li)、鈹(Be)、Rb(Rb)、銫(Cs)、鉭(Ta)和Nb(Nb),如艾利森湖岩基和喬治亞湖地區的MNW巖塊。

  • 最新實地考察的分析結果包括一個數據庫,其中包含480個散裝岩石樣品,其中67個樣品的鋰含量超過百萬分之50。

  • 在麥金內斯湖綠巖帶主要深成岩帶附近新發現的變質火山岩寄主岩石中新發現的鋰值從50到1126ppm不等,這可能反映了外貌從暴露的和隱蔽的偉晶花崗巖深成中心向外擴散。

  • 過鋁花崗巖巖漿的產生和侵位可能受控於推測的100-750米寬(M)深地震斷裂帶的北部延續、E1/E2伸展剪切帶和相關的二級剪切,這些剪切也位於紅湖礦山雜巖和北部(紅湖延伸)綠巖條之下。

  • 在安大略省西北部的其他地方,過鋁花崗巖深部和衍生的富鋰偉晶巖的主要斷裂帶控制很明顯,包括麥金尼斯北部巖體東北50公里處,沿著Pakeagama湖的Bearhead斷層系統,Frontier Li14.圈定NI43-101測量和指示(M&I)資源量為2,600萬噸(噸)Li2.32.4Mt及推斷資源量1.41%Li2.O。

"GoldON's fieldwork has discovered several new showings that confirm the presence of a fertile peraluminous granite setting. Geological similarities include the E1 fault that is inferred to pass right through the pluton area and may have been a controlling structure for the emplacement of fertile granites and related lithium-rich pegmatite melts. This is a similar setting to the Pakeagama Lake peraluminous parent granite and derived LCT-petrogenetic family pegmatites located 50 km to the northeast," said GoldON's Technical Advisor, Frederick Breaks, PhD, P.Geo. "The McInnes Lake project checks all the boxes, and I have recommended a follow-up fieldwork program to be conducted as soon as possible."

GoldON的技術顧問Frederick Break,PhD,P.Geo說:“GoldON的野外工作發現了幾個新的跡象,證實了富饒的過鋁花崗巖背景的存在。地質上的相似之處包括被推測直接穿過巖體地區的E1斷層,它可能是富饒的花崗巖和相關的富鋰偉晶巖熔體的控制構造。這與位於東北50公里處的Pakeagama Lake過鋁母花崗巖和衍生的LCT-岩石成因家族偉晶巖類似。”麥金內斯湖專案檢查了所有的盒子,我已經建議儘快進行後續的實地考察計劃。

Recognition of fertile peraluminous granites is obviously one important aspect of exploration for potential derivative rare-element pegmatite deposits of the lithium-cesium-tantalum (LCT) petrogenetic family1. These plutons are widespread in the Superior Province of northern Ontario2 and especially in high to granulite metamorphic grade, migmatized, clastic-metasedimentary-dominant belts, such as the English River and Quetico terranes, where 5,000 sq. km of peraluminous granite was delineated in the former by regional mapping programs of the Ontario Geological Survey3.


This news release documents a fertile granite, the McInnes North pluton (MNP), situated in the McInnes Lake greenstone belt (MLGB) of the North Caribou Lake terrane of northwestern Ontario4, based upon the compilation of existing published lithochemistry data (480 bulk rock samples) and petrographic attributes stemming from an extensive review of the literature.


Fertile Peraluminous Granite Plutons


The degree of chemical evolution varies significantly in the peraluminous granite suite of S-type affiliation, and consanguineous pegmatites with rare-element mineral potential are largely restricted to terrane boundary zones with lower-grade greenstone belt-rich domains such as the western Uchi terrane and associated with major deep crustal fault systems such as the Sydney Lake-Lake St. Joseph fault5.


Examples of fertile granite plutons in this setting are found at the Allison Lake batholith5 and Separation Rapids pluton7, areas of extensive mineral exploration for lithium mineralization.


A second setting involves peraluminous granite plutons entirely enclosed within greenstone belts, such as the 0.5 sq. km, unnamed pluton of tourmaline-garnet-muscovite pegmatitic granite situated just east of the Musselwhite mine6, a plausible source of spodumene pegmatite dykes found in underground workings8, and at the McInnes North and Lower Bay plutons.


The size of fertile pegmatitic granite plutons varies considerably from large batholiths such as the 30 by >100 km Glacier Lake batholith9 to the 1.5 by 2.8 km Separation Rapids pluton, the latter being the most evolved fertile granite known in Ontario7. The McInnes North pluton occurs in the northern part of the Property and, at a minimum size of 1.5 by 1.9 km, is similar in size to the 2,646±2 Ma Separation Rapids pluton. A second, smaller, 0.4 km diameter body, called the Lower Bay pluton, occurs in the southern part of the Property.

肥沃的偉晶花崗巖的大小與大型熔岩的大小有很大的不同,比如30公里×100公里的冰河湖基9.1.5×2.8公里的分離急流花崗巖,後者是安大略省已知的演化最活躍的富饒花崗巖7.。McInnes North巖體位於該礦床的北部,其最小尺寸為1.5×1.9公里,與2646±2 Ma分離急流巖體的大小相似。第二個較小、直徑0.4公里的天體,稱為下灣深成岩體,位於該地產的南部。

Geological Setting


The MLGB is one of several supracrustal slivers that reside in the core of the predominantly Mesoarchean North Caribou Lake terrane4.Cycle 2 intermediate volcanism in the greenstone belt has an age spread of 2,975.4±0.8 Ma to 2,928.7±0.6 Ma13. The peraluminous granite plutonism is undated and plausibly developed late in the history of the terrane.

MLGB是居住在以中太古代為主的北卡裡烏湖地體核心的幾個錶殼薄片之一4.。綠巖帶第二旋迴中火山活動的年齡範圍為2975.4±0.8 Ma至2928.7±0.6 Ma13個過鋁花崗巖深成作用未確定年代,在地體歷史上似乎發展得較晚。

From seismic studiesin the Red Lake area10,11,12, it is inferred that the MLGB lies along the northern continuation of the deep crustal E1/E2 extensional shear zone, which also underlies the Red Lake Mine Complex and greenstone slivers to the south of MLGB, called the Red Lake Extension. The Central sliver13 50 km south of the MLGB, is a shear zone approximately 100 -750 m wide and is coincident with a prominent first vertical derivative magnetic low that has numerous second-order shears.


Deep crustal level fault zones may have importantly acted as peraluminous granitic magma generation sites and conduits for emplacement along the length of the greenstone belt as suggested by the appearance of pegmatite bodies of various sizes distributed in the MLGB over a strike length of at least 30 km.


The Sydney Lake fault, south of Red Lake, demonstrates that significant volumes of peraluminous granitic magma can be generated within major deep crustal fault structures, as exemplified by a conspicuous, linear-shaped, garnet-cordierite-muscovite granite mass, 0.3 to 2 km in breadth and a minimum 130 km in strike length, entirely confined within this major fault system3.


Major fault zone control of peraluminous granite plutons and derivative 2,672 Ma lithium-rich pegmatites is evident elsewhere, as 50 km to northeast of the McInnes North pluton, along the Bearhead fault system at Pakeagama Lake, where Frontier Lithium14 has delineated NI 43-101 resources of 26 mt (M&I) of 1.62% Li2O and 32.4 mt (Inferred) 1.41% Li2O.

過鋁花崗巖及其衍生的2,672 Ma富鋰偉晶巖的主要斷裂帶控制在其他地方很明顯,在McInnes North深成岩體東北50公里處,沿著Pakeagama湖的Bearhead斷裂系統,Frontier Li14.圈定NI43-101資源26 Mt(M&I)1.62%Li2.O和32.4Mt(推斷)1.41%Li2.O。

McInnes North Pluton


The McInnes North pluton (MNP) was previously briefly described in several Ontario Geological Survey mapping studies13,15,16. Rock types comprise massive, undeformed, medium-grained, two-mica granite and associated pegmatitic granite units such as potassic pegmatite15. Graphic K-feldspar megacrysts are also present suggestive of pegmatitic leucogranitephases.Mineralogy comprises deep pink, blocky K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, accessory muscovite, tourmaline, garnet, and biotite13.


The MNP has an apparent exocontact pegmatite swarm that extends for at least 1 km to the southeast18 into mafic and intermediate metavolcanic host rocks. Dykes of similar rock also occur up to 6 km north of the pluton18. The Lower Bay pluton, 20 km south, lacks bulk rock chemistry data but appears similar to the MNP, in descriptions of the previous work15,16,17. Peraluminous granitic pegmatite dykes also are evident and occur through the MLGB13,15,19.




Published lithochemistry data for the MLGB, with Li, Be, Rb, Cs, Ta, and Nb, comprise 142 bulk rock analyses from the 2006 Far North Initiative Ontario Geological Survey mapping project13 and 338 analyses in a 2021 belt-wide mineralization-geochemical investigation19.


Six bulk rock analyses from the McInnes North pluton were compiled from these sources and summarized in Table 1 with a comparison to various fertile granite plutons in other parts of Ontario previously investigated2,5,7. Key attributes of fertile granites and their internal pegmatitic granite phases were initially documented and classifiedin the Cat Lake-Winnipeg River pegmatite field of southeast Manitoba20.

根據這些來源匯編了來自McInnes North深成岩體的六個塊狀岩石分析,並在表1中進行了總結,並與之前調查過的安大略省其他地區的各種富饒的花崗巖進行了比較2,5,7。初步記錄和分類了富饒花崗巖及其內部偉晶花崗巖相的主要屬性。在馬尼託巴省東南部的凱特湖-溫尼伯河偉晶巖田2.0

Table 1. Summary of Rare-Element Bulk Rock Data for McInnes North Pluton
Compared to Other Fertile Peraluminous Granite Complexes in Ontario.

表1.McInnes North Pluton稀有元素塊狀岩石數據摘要

Lithium (ppm) Rubidium (ppm) Cesium (ppm) Niobium (ppm) Tantalum (ppm) K/Rb n Source
Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range
McInnes North pluton 65 49 - 99 384 218 - 526 8.6 7.0 - 10.0 16.8 9.7 - 24.7 2.6 2.12 - 3.25 141 125 - 173 6 1,2
Allison Lake batholith 80 18 - 190 226 117 - 587 17.4 2.7 - 90 10.1 2.7 - 58.7 1.2 0.61 - 12.9 176 49 - 323 19 3
MNW stock 107 45 - 179 390 314 - 660 35.5 12.7 - 36.3 25.1 16.7 - 82 9 2.05 - 66 118 81 - 165 10 4
Barbara Lake stock 108 30 - 415 333 68 - 601 25.6 3.9 - 62.4 23.8 6.9 - 92.1 10.6 1.4 - 91.1 106 51 - 260 17 4
Separation Rapids pluton 160 53 - 235 921 726 - 984 30.0 11.8 - 58 73 41 - 94 22.1 9.2 - 28.7 21 0.6 - 42 5 5
n= number of samples
鋰(Ppm) Rb(Ppm) 銫(Ppm) Nb(Ppm) 鉭(Ppm) K/Rb N 來源
平均 射程 平均 射程 平均 射程 平均 射程 平均 射程 平均 射程
McInnes North Pluton 65 49-99 384 218-526 8.6 7.0-10.0 16.8 9.7-24.7 2.6 2.12-3.25 一百四十一 125-173 6. 1,2
艾利森湖基 80 18-190 226 117-587 17.4 2.7-90 10.1 2.7-58.7 1.2 0.61-12.9 一百七十六 49-323 19個 3.
MNW股票 一百零七 45-179 390 314-660 35.5 12.7-36.3 25.1 16.7-82 9. 2.05-66 一百一十八 81-165 10 4.
芭芭拉湖股票 一百零八 30-415 三百三十三 68-601 25.6 3.9-62.4 23.8 6.9-92.1 10.6 1.4-91.1 106 51-260 17 4.
分離急流塞子 160 53-235 九二一 726-984 30.0 11.8-58 73 41-94 22.1 9.2-28.7 21個歲 0.6-42 5. 5.
  1. MacLachlan, B. and Robertson, C. 2022. GoldON Resources Ltd. Report on the May to June and Sept 2021 Exploration Programs on the McInnes Lake property. Assessment Work Report, Ontario MNDM: Grab samples 277167 -277171.
  2. Buse, S. and Prefontaine, S. 2006. Open File Report 6210, Appendix 2, Sample 06-SP-1104.
  3. Tindle, A.G., Selway, J.B. and Breaks, F.W. 2002. Ontario Geological Survey, MRD 111.
  4. Tindle, A.G., Breaks, F.W., and Selway, J.B. 2008. Ontario Geological Survey, MRD 231.
  5. Breaks, F.W. and Tindle, A.G. (2001). p.172-173 in CIMM Special Volume 53. Industrial Minerals in Canada.
  1. 麥克拉克倫和囉伯遜,C.2022。GoldON Resources Ltd.關於2021年5月至6月和9月麥金內斯湖地產勘探計劃的報告。評估工作報告,安大略省MNDM:抓取樣本277167-277171。
  2. 布斯,S.和普雷方丹,S.2006。打開檔案報告6210,附錄2,樣本06-SP-1104。
  3. Tindle,A.G.,Selway,J.B.和Break,2002年6月。安大略省地質調查局,MRD111。
  4. 首頁--期刊主要分類--期刊細介紹--期刊題錄與文摘--期刊詳細內容安大略省地質調查局,MRD 231。
  5. 劉克思,F.W.和Tindle,A.G.(2001)。見CIMM專捲第53頁第172-173頁。加拿大的工業礦產公司。

Figure 3 depicts Rb vs Li variation in MNP compared with other fertile granite plutons in the region. The MNP plots mid-way between the variation fields of the Allison Lake batholith and Separation Rapids pluton and define a trend of increasing fertile granite evolution. The MNP has elevated lithium (mean 65 ppm; range 53-99 ppm), and Rb values (mean 384 ppm; range 218 to 526 ppm) mostly exceed the Allison Lake batholith (Rb mean 226 ppm; range 117 to 587 ppm), albeit with a small overlap in the data fields (Figure 3). Mean Ta and Nb are higher in the MNP versus Allison Lake batholith with lower mean Cs (8.6 vs 15.6 ppm), but the Cs ranges mutually overlap. The Allison batholith, delineated in 20015, contains several rare-element mineral showings including recently discovered spodumene by Green Technology Metals14.

圖3描繪了Rb和Li在MNP上的變化,並與該地區其他富饒的花崗巖深成岩體進行了比較。MNP位於艾裡森湖岩基和分離急流巖體的變化場之間,並確定了富饒花崗巖演化的趨勢。MNP的鋰含量升高(平均65ppm;範圍53-99ppm),Rb值(平均384ppm;範圍218-526ppm)大多超過艾利森湖岩基(Rb平均值226ppm;範圍117-587ppm),儘管數據區域有少量重疊(圖3)。與艾裡森湖岩基相比,MNP岩基的平均Ta和Nb較高,Cs平均值較低(8.6ppm和15.6ppm),但Cs範圍相互重疊。2001年描繪的艾莉森岩基5.,包含幾種稀有元素礦物顯示,包括最近由Green Technology Metals發現的鋰輝石14.

Lithium Dispersion Halos


Numerous localities along the MLGB trend reveal anomalous lithium values in mafic and intermediate metavolcanic rocks13,19 in the range 55 ppm to 1,126 ppm, relative to the Upper Continental Crust mean lithium abundance of 20 ppm22, that may signify exomorphic dispersion outward from fertile pegmatitic granite bodies.


The highest lithium values of 304, 340, and 1,126 ppm19are situated within 0.8 to 1 km of the McInnes North pluton, and occur in a fragmental, angular, possible debris flow/conglomerate rock of float origin that may represent disrupted parts of a nearby lithium dispersion halo.Other lithium anomalies, in the 68 to 376 ppm range, were documented in metavolcanic and banded iron formation bedrock within 6 km of the MNP19 and such anomalies require further field definition as does a lithium value of 180 ppm in metagabbro situated about 10 km southeast of the MNP23.

鋰的最高值分別為304,340和1,126 ppm19個它們位於距離麥金尼斯北部巖體0.8至1公里的範圍內,產於碎屑狀、稜角狀、可能源於漂浮的土石流/礫巖中,可能代表附近鋰瀰散暈的破碎部分。其他鋰異常,在68至376ppm範圍內,在變火山岩和條帶狀鐵建造基岩中被記錄在案,距離mnp不到6公里。19個這樣的異常需要進一步的野外定義,位於mnp東南約10公里處的變輝長巖中的180ppm鋰值也是如此。2.3.

Follow-up field investigation focused on lithium mineralization in known peraluminous plutons and related exocontact dykes is planned in the forthcoming field to further unravel the potential for LTC-class pegmatites. The source of the numerous lithium anomalies, which may have developed via dispersion from lithium-rich pegmatites hosted in the metavolcanic and banded iron formation bedrock, is presently unclear and will also require further field investigation.


"We originally staked the underexplored McInnes Lake property for its deep crustal-scale features and similarities to the Red Lake Camp and have been successful in discovering several new gold showings. However, the discovery of elevated lithium values that compare with other fertile, peraluminous granite plutons in Ontario is a pleasant surprise," said Mike Romanik, president of GoldON. "Lithium and rare earth exploration is a specialized field, and we are very fortunate to have Dr. Breaks coordinating our exploration strategy."


The technical information presented in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Frederick W. Breaks, PhD, P. Geo, a qualified person for exploration, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中提供的技術資訊已由國家儀器43-101《礦物專案披露標準》定義的勘探合格人員Frederick W.Break博士、P.Geo審核和批准。

About GoldON Resources Ltd.

關於GoldON Resources Ltd.

GoldON is an exploration company focused on discovery-stage properties located in the prolific greenstone belts of northwestern Ontario, Canada. Our current project portfolio includes six properties in the Red Lake Mining District (McDonough, McInnes Lake, Pakwash North, Pipestone Bay, Springpole East, and West Madsen) and a seventh property in the Patricia Mining District (Slate Falls).

GoldON是一家專注於位於加拿大安大略省西北部多產綠巖帶的發現階段物業的勘探公司。我們目前的專案組合包括紅湖礦區的六處物業(McDonough、McInnes Lake、Pakwash North、Pipestone Bay、SpringpolEast和West Madsen)和Patricia礦區(板岩瀑布)的第七處物業。

For more information, you can visit our website at, download our investor presentation by clicking here, and follow us on Twitter at .


Signed "Michael Romanik"
Michael Romanik, President
GoldON Resources Ltd.
Direct line: (204) 724-0613
179 - 2945 Jacklin Road, Suite 416
Victoria, BC, V9B 6J9

不列顛哥倫比亞省維多利亞,V9B 6J9

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Referenced Sources


  1. Černý, P.C. and Ercit, T.S.E. 2005. The Classification of granitic pegmatites revisited. The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 43, pp. 2005-2026.

  2. Breaks, F.W., Selway, J.B. and Tindle, A.G. 2006. Fertile and peraluminous granites and related rare-element mineralization in pegmatites, north-central and northeastern Superior Province, Ontario; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6195, 143p.

  3. Breaks, F.W. and Bond, W.D. 1993. The English River Subprovince - an Archean gneiss belt: geology, geochemistry, and associated mineralization; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report, 5846, 882p.

  4. Stott, G.M., Corkery, M.T., Percival, J.A., Simard, M. and Goutier J. 2010. A Revised Terrane Subdivision of the Superior Province; in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2010, Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6260, p.20-1 to 20-8.

  5. Breaks, F.W., Selway, J.B. and Tindle, A.G. 2003. Fertile peraluminous granites and related rare-element mineralization in pegmatite, Superior Province, northwest and northeast Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6099, 179p.

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