
Starrex International Announces Non-Binding Letter of Intent To Acquire the Magnolia Group of Companies

Starrex International Announces Non-Binding Letter of Intent To Acquire the Magnolia Group of Companies

Starrex International 宣佈收購 Magnolia 集團公司的不具約束力的意向書
Accesswire ·  2023/05/01 21:20

CALGARY, AB / ACCESSWIRE / May 1, 2023 / Starrex International, Ltd ("Starrex" or the "Company") (CSE:STX)(OTCQB:STXMF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent dated April 30, 2023, (the "LOI") with four U.S. entities which operate real estate title businesses in Texas, Florida and Arkansas (collectively, "Magnolia Title"). Starrex is proposing a transaction that would see it own 100% of the entities (the "Proposed Acquisition"). The aggregate purchase price for Magnolia Title is US$18.6 million, with potential additional performance based consideration payable up to a maximum amount to be determined by the parties. In addition, in connection with the LOI, Starrex has taken security over Magnolia Title to secure approximately US$3 million that has been advanced to date (the "Magnolia Loans").

卡爾加裡,AB/ACCESSWIRE/2023年5月1日 /Starrex International,Ltd(“斯塔雷克斯“或”公司)(CSE:STX)(OTCQB:STXMF)高興地宣佈,它已於2023年4月30日簽訂了一份不具約束力的意向書。意向書)與在德克薩斯州、佛羅裡達州和阿肯色州經營房地產所有權業務的四家美國實體(合計)白玉蘭頭銜“)。Starrex正在提出一項交易,它將擁有這些實體的100%(”擬議中的收購“)。白玉蘭所有權的總收購價為1860萬美元,潛在的額外履約對價最高可由雙方決定。此外,關於意向書,Starrex已對白玉蘭所有權進行擔保,以確保迄今已預付的約300萬美元(白玉蘭貸款“)。

The Proposed Acquisition is expected to be considered a "related party transaction" for the purposes of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101") by virtue of the fact that a shareholder of Starrex is also a holder of approximately 24% of Magnolia Title. In addition, certain of the Magnolia Loans may also be considered a related party transaction for the purposes of MI 61-101. See Related Party Aspects below.

就多邊文書61-101而言,擬議的收購預計將被視為“關聯方交易”--特殊交易中少數股權持有人的保護(“米其林61-101“)由於Starrex的股東也持有約24%的Magnolia所有權。此外,就MI 61-101而言,某些Magnolia貸款也可被視為關聯方交易。見關聯方方面下面。

About Magnolia Title


The Magnolia Title entities were founded in 2020 and 2021. Today, Magnolia Title operates out of 21 offices and currently employs 72 employees providing title and escrow services in Texas, Florida and Arkansas..

白玉蘭產權實體成立於2020年和2021年。如今,Magnolia Title在21個辦事處運營,目前有72名員工,在德克薩斯州、佛羅裡達州和阿肯色州提供所有權和託管服務。

Matthew D. Hill, President and Chief Executive Officer of Starrex stated, "The acquisition of Magnolia Title would constitute another significant milestone in the execution of Starrex's strategic vision to enter the US real estate title space on a nationwide basis. With the addition of the Magnolia Team, Starrex would be able to maximize complementary synergies and efficiencies in leadership, systems, and operations when coupled with our initial acquisition of All American Title."

馬修·D·希爾、總裁和Starrex的首席執行官表示:收購Magnolia所有權將成為Starrex在全國範圍內進入美國房地產所有權領域的戰略願景執行過程中的又一個重要里程碑。隨著白玉蘭團隊的加入,Starrex將能夠在我們最初收購All American冠軍的同時,在領導力、系統和運營方面最大限度地發揮互補的協同效應和效率。

The Proposed Acquisition


Pursuant to the LOI, Starrex has agreed to negotiate definitive agreements to acquire Magnolia Title indirectly through a U.S. subsidiary corporation with such terms to be finalized following completion of a review of securities law and taxation matters. The current intent is for the parties to complete the Proposed Acquisition on or before June 30, 2023.


The LOI provides for certain binding provisions, including Magnolia Title agreeing to deal exclusively with Starrex in connection with a possible transaction until the earlier of the execution of definitive agreements and June 30, 2023. The LOI also contains binding provisions including (i) a covenant that the business of Magnolias Title be conducted only in the usual and ordinary course of business consistent with past practices, (ii) that the parties maintain confidentiality and (iii) a covenant by Starrex not to solicit employees or independent contractors of Magnolia Title for a period of 18 months following any termination of the LOI. Starrex intends to issue a further press release providing an update as matters progress.


Magnolia Loans


Through a wholly owned subsidiary, Starrex has advanced funds to Magnolia Title in the aggregate amount of approximately US$3 million, with a potential to advance an aggregate amount up to a maximum of US$4 million prior to closing of the Proposed Acquisition. Pursuant to the LOI, Magnolia Title has granted security over all of its present and after acquired property to Starrex to secure the Magnolia Loans.

通過一家全資子公司,Starrex已向Magnolia Title預付了總計約300萬美元的資金,並有可能在擬議收購完成前預支總額最高為400萬美元的資金。根據意向書,木蘭花所有權已將其目前和收購後的所有財產的抵押品授予Starrex,以獲得木蘭花貸款。

Related Party Aspects


A shareholder of Starrex that beneficially owns or has control and direction over Starrex Shares (19.1% of the Starrex Shares) (the "Related Party") also owns an average of 23.6% of the Magnolia Title entities, but does not control all of the Magnolia Title entities as another holder holds an average of 35% of the Magnolia Title entities.


One or more of the Magnolia Loans may be considered a "related party transaction" for the purposes of MI 61-101 thereby necessitating that Starrex obtain a formal valuation for, and minority approval of the Proposed Acquisition in the absence of exemptions from such requirements. The Magnolia Loans are exempt from the formal valuation requirement of MI 61-101 pursuant to section 5.5(b) of MI 61-101, on the basis that no securities of Starrex are listed or quoted on the markets specified in that section. The Magnolia Loans are also exempt from the minority approval requirements of MI 61-101 on the basis that the fair market value of Magnolia Loans to related parties does not exceed 25% of the market capitalization of Starrex, in accordance with Sections 5.5 and 5.7 of MI 61-101.

就MI 61-101而言,一筆或多筆白玉蘭貸款可被視為“關聯方交易”,因此,在沒有豁免此類要求的情況下,Starrex必須獲得擬議收購的正式估值和少數人批准。根據MI 61-101第5.5(B)節的規定,基於Starrex的證券沒有在該節指定的市場上市或報價,白玉蘭貸款不受MI 61-101正式估值要求的約束。根據MI 61-101第5.5和5.7節的規定,基於向關聯方提供的木蘭貸款的公平市值不超過Starrex市值的25%,木蘭花貸款也不受MI 61-101規定的少數批准要求的限制。

Upon Starrex entering into the definitive agreements with the Related Party, the Proposed Acquisition will become a "related party transaction" within the meaning of MI 61-101, thereby necessitating that Starrex obtain a formal valuation for, and minority approval of, the Proposed Acquisition in the absence of exemptions from such requirements. The Proposed Acquisition is expected to be exempt from the formal valuation requirement of MI 61-101 pursuant to section 5.5(b) of MI 61-101, on the basis that no securities of Starrex are listed or quoted on the markets specified in that section. The Proposed Acquisition may or may not be exempt from the minority approval requirements of MI 61-101 depending upon the circumstances that exist at the time the definitive agreements are entered into. Accordingly, an assessment will be made at the appropriate time and Starrex will seek Minority Approval (as defined below) at a meeting of the Starrex shareholders in respect of the acquisition from the Related Party, if required pursuant to MI 61-101. The Starrex Shares held by the Related currently represent an aggregate of 3,113,698 Starrex Shares. Should there be no exemption from the Minority Approval under 61-101, the Starrex Shares held by the Related Party will be excluded for the purposes of determining whether shareholder approval (the "Minority Approval") has been obtained in respect of Proposed Acquisition.

於Starrex與關聯方訂立最終協定後,建議收購將成為MI 61-101所指的“關聯方交易”,因此Starrex須就建議收購取得正式估值,並在沒有豁免的情況下獲得少數股東批准。根據MI 61-101第5.5(B)節的規定,基於Starrex的證券沒有在該節指定的市場上市或報價,擬議收購預計將獲得豁免,不受MI 61-101的正式估值要求的約束。擬議的收購可能豁免也可能不豁免MI 61-101的少數批准要求,這取決於簽訂最終協定時存在的情況。因此,根據MI 61-101的要求,Starrex將在適當的時間進行評估,並將在Starrex股東大會上就收購向關聯方尋求少數批准(定義見下文)。相關公司持有的Starrex股票目前總計為3,113,698股Starrex股票。如果在第61-101條中沒有少數股東批准的豁免,關聯方持有的Starrex股票將被排除在外,以確定股東批准(少數人同意“)已就擬進行的收購取得。

About Starrex International, Ltd.


Starrex is a national provider of real estate title and credit reporting services to mortgage lenders and real estate brokers in the US whose leading-edge technology platform and specialized business model provides a streamlined approach for our clients, resulting in faster turnaround times. We are committed to investing in our employees, delivering value to our customers, ethically managing our suppliers and professional networks, and supporting the outside communities within which we work.


Our business is driven by subsidiaries that operate across various segments of the mortgage value chain, including title and credit services, and are committed to delivering value and growth to Starrex shareholders. MFI Credit Solutions, LLC provides consumer credit reports to mortgage lenders, mortgage brokers, and credit unions for homebuyers or refinancers in all states, along with risk mitigation, flood and verification services.

我們的業務由子公司推動,這些子公司在抵押貸款價值鏈的不同部分運營,包括所有權和信貸服務,並致力於為Starrex股東提供價值和增長。MFI Credit Solutions,LLC為所有州的購房者或再融資者向抵押貸款機構、抵押貸款經紀人和信用合作社提供消費者信用報告,以及風險緩解、洪水和驗證服務。

Starrex shares are traded on the Canadian Securities Exchange symbol "STX", and on the OTC QB market in the United States symbol "STXMF".


For further information please contact:


Matthew D. Hill, President & Chief Executive Officer: or Debbie Merritt, Chief Financial Officer of Starrex, at (281) 406-8621, email address:,
Scott Koyich, Investor Relations, Brisco Capital Partners, (403) 619-2200 |

斯科特·科伊奇,投資者關係,Brisco Capital Partners,(403)619-2200|郵箱

Additional Information


Additional information relating to Starrex and other public filings, is available on SEDAR at .


Forward Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements relating to the timing and completion of the future operations of the Company and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "will", "may", "should", "anticipate", "expects" and similar expressions. All statements other than statements of historical fact, included in this release.


Forward-looking information reflects current expectations of management regarding future events and operating performance as of the date of this news release. Such information involves significant risks and uncertainties, should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether or not such results will be achieved. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking information, including, without limitation: the risk that the acquisition of Magnolia Title will not be completed within the time frame contemplated, on the terms announced, or at all; the risk that conditions precedent to the closing of the transaction and third-party consents, may not be satisfied or waived. Should any of the foregoing risks materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking information prove incorrect, actual results, performance, activities or achievements could vary materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking information contained in this news release. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of risks is not exhaustive.


The forward-looking information contained herein is expressly qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement. Forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and is based on information currently available to Starrex. The forward-looking information is made as of the date of this news release and Starrex assumes no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as may be required by applicable law.


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its regulation services provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Starrex International Ltd.


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