
The Power Play by The Market Herald Releases New Interviews With Strategic Resources, Rush Rare Metals, ARway Corp, SPC Nickel, Liberty Defense Holdings, Adamera Minerals and Candente Copper Discussing Their Latest News

The Power Play by The Market Herald Releases New Interviews With Strategic Resources, Rush Rare Metals, ARway Corp, SPC Nickel, Liberty Defense Holdings, Adamera Minerals and Candente Copper Discussing Their Latest News

《市場先驅報》發佈了對戰略資源、Rush Rare Metals、ArWay Corp、SPC Nickel、Liberty Defense Holdings、Adamera Minerals和Candente Copper的新訪談,討論他們的最新消息
Accesswire ·  2023/05/02 15:25

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 2, 2023 / The Power Play by The Market Herald has announced the release of new interviews with Strategic Resources, Rush Rare Metals, ARway Corp, SPC Nickel, Liberty Defense Holdings, Adamera Minerals and Candente Copper discussing their latest news.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 5 月 2 日/ 《市場先驅報》的Power Play宣佈發佈了對戰略資源、Rush Rare Metals、ArWay Corp、SPC Nickel、Liberty Defense Holdings、Adamera Minerals和Candente Copper的新訪談,討論了他們的最新消息。

The Power Play by The Market Herald provides investors with a quick snapshot of what they need to know about the company's latest press release through exclusive insights and interviews with company executives.

The Market Herald的Power Play通過獨家見解和對公司高管的採訪,爲投資者提供了他們需要了解的有關公司最新新聞稿的簡要信息。

Strategic Resources (TSXV:SR), a new critical metals player with big backers

Strategic Resources(TSXV: SR),一家擁有大支持者的新關鍵金屬公司

For the full interview with Sean Cleary and to learn about Strategic Resources, click here.


Rush Announces Expansion of Claim Area at Boxi Property in Quebec


RUSH RARE METALS CORP. is pleased to announce that it has expanded the claim area around its wholly owned Boxi Property located 70 km north of Mont Laurier, Quebec, in a district well known for rare earth and lithium prospects.

RUSH RARE METALS CORP. 欣然宣佈,它已擴大了其全資擁有的 Boxi Property 的索賠範圍,該地產位於魁北克省洛里爾山以北70公里處,該地區以稀土和鋰礦勘探聞名。

For the full interview with Pete Smith and to learn about Rush Rare Metals, click here.

要查看對皮特·史密斯的完整採訪以及有關 Rush Rare Metals 的信息,請單擊此處。 Announces Magic Leap AR Glasses Integration 宣佈集成 Magic Leap AR 眼

ARway Corporation is disrupting the Augmented Reality Wayfinding market with a no-code, no beacon augmented reality experience platform enabled by visual marker tracking. ARway is pleased to announce it has begun integration development and expects to complete the integration in the next 60-days for one of the most widely used AR Glasses; Magic Leap Glasses.

ArWay Corporation正在通過視覺標記跟蹤支持的無代碼、無信標增強現實體驗平臺,顛覆增強現實尋路市場。ArWay很高興地宣佈,它已開始集成開發,預計將在未來60天內完成使用最廣泛的增強現實眼鏡之一Magic Leap Glasses的集成。

For the full interview with Evan Gappelberg and to learn about ARway, click here.

要查看對埃文·加佩爾伯格的完整採訪和了解 ARWay,請單擊此處。

SPC Nickel (TSXV:SPC) reports positive new assay results from West Graham Nickel and Copper Project in Sudbury, Ontario

SPC Nickel(TSXV: SPC)報告了位於安大略省薩德伯裏的西格雷厄姆鎳礦和銅礦項目取得積極的新化驗結果

SPC Nickel Corp., is pleased to announce new assay results from its Phase 1 drilling campaign, including the complete assay results from hole WG-23-026, at the recently consolidated West Graham and Crean Hill 3 properties located in the world-class Nickel-Copper mining district of Sudbury, Ontario.

SPC Nickel Corp. 很高興地宣佈其第一階段鑽探活動的新化驗結果,包括在最近合併的位於安大略省薩德伯裏世界一流的鎳銅礦區的West Graham和Crean Hill 3號礦業進行的 WG-23-026 洞的完整化驗結果。

For the full interview with Grant Mourre and to learn about SPC Nickel Corp, click here.

要了解格蘭特·莫爾的完整採訪以及SPC Nickel Corp,請單擊此處。

Liberty Provides an Update on its Recent Sales Activity

Liberty 提供了其近期銷售活動的最新情況

Liberty Defense Holdings Ltd. , a leading technology provider of AI-based next generation detection solutions for concealed weapons and threats, is pleased to provide an update on its sales activities.

Liberty Defense Holdings Ltd.是基於人工智能的下一代隱蔽武器和威脅檢測解決方案的領先技術提供商,很高興提供其銷售活動的最新情況。

For the full interview with Bill Frain and to learn about Liberty Defense Holdings, click here.

要查看對比爾·弗雷恩的完整採訪以及有關 Liberty Defense Holdings 的信息,請單擊此處。

Adamera Identifies New Gold Targets on South Hedley Property

Adamera 確定了南赫德利房地產的新黃金目標

Adamera Minerals Corp. has identified two extensive gold in soil targets on the South Hedley Property, 5 kilometres south of the Mascot and Nickel Plate gold mines near Hedley, British Columbia.

Adamera Minerals Corp. 在不列顛哥倫比亞省赫德利附近的Mascot和Nickel Plate金礦以南5公里處的南赫德利地產(South Hedley)發現了兩個大量的土壤中金礦目標。

For the full interview with Mark Kolebaba and to learn about Adamera Minerals, click here.

要查看 Mark Kolebaba 的完整採訪以及瞭解 Adamera Minerals,請單擊此處。

Candente Copper Outlines Plans for 2023


Candente Copper Corp. is very pleased to provide an update and plans for 2023 as it advances its 100% owned Cañariaco Copper Project located in Northern Peru.

Candente Copper Corp. 很高興提供2023年的最新情況和計劃,因爲該公司正在推進其位於祕魯北部的100%擁有的CanaRiaco銅礦項目。

For the full interview with Joanne Freeze and to learn about Candente Copper, click here.

要查看 Joanne Freeze 的完整採訪以及瞭解 Candente Copper,請單擊此處。

Interviews for The Power Play by The Market Herald are released daily. To learn more about the companies featured in The Power Play or to explore our other interviews visit The Power Play by The Market Herald.

《市場先驅報》的《Power Play》訪談每天都會發布。要了解有關The Power Play中精選公司的更多信息或瀏覽我們的其他訪談,請訪問 《市場先驅報》的《Power Play》。

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The Market Herald Canada is the leading source of authoritative breaking stock market news for self-directed investors. Our team of Canadian markets reporters, editors and technologists covers the entire listed company universe in Canada. We cover over 3,985 businesses, their people, their investors, and their customers. We write the stories that move the Canadian capital markets.

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The Market Herald


SOURCE: The Market Herald

來源: 《市場先驅報》

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