
55 North Mining Inc. Announces Signing of Exploration Agreement With The Marcel Colomb First Nation Band

55 North Mining Inc. Announces Signing of Exploration Agreement With The Marcel Colomb First Nation Band

55 North Mining Inc. 宣佈與馬塞爾·科隆布原住民樂隊簽署勘探協議
Accesswire ·  2023/05/16 07:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / May 16, 2023 / 55 North Mining Inc. ("55 North" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company and Marcel Colomb First Nations (MCFN) have signed an Exploration Agreement ("the Agreement") outlining a framework for collaboration on the proposed exploration of the Last Hope Gold Project in Lynn Lake, Manitoba.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 5 月 16 日/55 北方礦業公司 (”5 North“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,公司與馬塞爾·科隆布原住民(MCFN)簽署了一項勘探協議(“協議”),概述了曼尼托巴省林恩湖最後希望(Last Hope Gold Project)擬議勘探的合作框架。

The Agreement details how the two parties will work together to progress ongoing exploration activity at the Last Hope Gold Project, which lies within the MCFN Traditional Territory in the Lynn Lake area of Manitoba.

該協議詳細說明了雙方將如何共同努力,推進Last Hope Gold Project正在進行的勘探活動,該項目位於曼尼托巴省林恩湖地區的MCFN傳統領地內。

MCFN Chief, Christopher Colomb, said, "We are in full support of the Last Hope Gold Project moving ahead."


55 North CEO, Bruce Reid, said, "the landmark Agreement is an important step forward in our long-standing relationship with the MCFN Band. We look forward to working closely with MCFN to advance our high-grade Last Hope Gold Project."

55 North首席執行官布魯斯·裏德表示:“具有里程碑意義的協議是我們與MCFN Band的長期關係向前邁出的重要一步。我們期待與MCFN密切合作,推進我們的高品質 “最後的希望” 黃金項目。”

About The Last Hope Gold Project


Since 2017, 55 North Mining Inc. has spent over $5 Million on exploration and community relations at its Last Hope Property. A previous diamond drill program consisting of 11,653 m in 29 holes was conducted in 2020 and 2021. Step-out drilling extended the strike length of the gold mineralization to approximately 1.2 km.

自2017年以來,55 North Mining Inc.已在其 Last Hope Property 的勘探和社區關係上花費了超過500萬美元。之前的金剛石鑽探項目是在2020年和2021年進行的,該項目包括在29個孔中鑽11,653米。分步鑽探將金礦化的走向長度延長到大約1.2公里。

The Phase 2 drill program was completed was in 2020. Drill results from that program included LH-20-08 which returned 19.25 g/t over 15.7 m. Currently, the Last Hope Gold Project hosts an Indicated mineral resource of 408,300 tonnes grading 5.41 g/t Au for 71,100 ounces of gold, and an Inferred resource of 1,553,000 tonnes grading 5.48 g/t Au for 273,800 ounces of gold.

第二階段的演習計劃已於2020年完成。該項目的鑽探結果包括 LH-20-08,其回收率爲19.25克/噸,超過1570萬盎司。目前,Last Hope Gold Project擁有408,300噸的指示礦產資源,品位爲5.41克/噸,金品位爲5.41克/噸,爲71,100盎司黃金,推斷資源爲1,553,000噸。

The Last Hope Property has the potential to define additional Mineral Resources and expand the Mineral Resource area. The Company has planned a Phase 3 drill program. The Phase 3 drill program will comprise of 9,500 m of drilling in 25 holes as a follow up to the 2020-2021 drill program. This program will target possible mineralization for an additional 500 m along strike to the southeast of the present Mineral Resource at a vertical depth of approximately 550 m.

Last Hope Property有可能定義額外的礦產資源並擴大礦產資源面積。該公司已經計劃了第三階段的鑽探計劃。作爲2020-2021年鑽探計劃的後續行動,第三階段的鑽探計劃將包括在25個孔中鑽探9,500米。該計劃將針對當前礦產資源東南部沿着鑽探的另外500米處可能的礦化問題,垂直深度約爲550 m。

About 55 North Mining Inc.

大約 55 北方礦業公司

55 North Mining Inc. is an exploration and development company advancing its high-grade Last Hope Gold Project located in Manitoba, Canada.

55 North Mining Inc. 是一家勘探和開發公司,正在推進其位於加拿大曼尼托巴省的高品質 Last Hope 黃金項目。



Mr. Bruce Reid
Chief Executive Officer, Director
55 North Mining Inc.

55 北方礦業公司



This news release of 55 North contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements." Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

55 North的這份新聞稿包含構成 “前瞻性陳述” 的陳述。此類前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績、業績或成就或該行業的發展與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的預期業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。

SOURCE: 55 North Mining Inc.

來源: 55 北方礦業公司

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