
Mad Paws Holdings (ASX:MPA) Discusses the $30 Billion Australian Pet Industry

Mad Paws Holdings (ASX:MPA) Discusses the $30 Billion Australian Pet Industry

Mad Paws Holdings (ASX: MPA) 討論了價值300億美元的澳大利亞寵物業
sharecafe ·  2023/05/25 01:30

Mad Paws Limited (ASX:MPA) Managing Director Justus Hammer discusses the company's business model, effects of the macro environment, competition and differentiation, the company's online marketplace and ecosystem, M&A opportunities, the integration of Pet Chemist and outlook.

Mad Paws Limited (ASX: MPA) 董事總經理賈斯圖斯·哈默爾討論了公司的商業模式、宏觀環境的影響、競爭和差異化、公司的在線市場和生態系統、併購機會、Pet Chemist的整合和前景。

Tim McGowen: We're talking today with Mad Paws (ASX:MPA). We have with us the company's Managing Director, Justus Hammer. It's got a market cap of around $40m and an ASX code of "MPA". Justus, thanks for your time.

蒂姆·麥高文: 我們今天在和 Mad Paws (ASX: MPA) 談話。我們有公司的董事總經理賈斯圖斯·哈默爾在場。它的市值約爲4000萬美元,澳大利亞證券交易所的代碼爲 “MPA”。Justus,謝謝你抽出時間。

Justus Hammer: Thanks for having me.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 謝謝你邀請我。

Tim McGowen: Now, we were just talking about the pet industry. It's fascinating. Can you describe the business model of Mad Paws?

蒂姆·麥高文: 現在,我們只是在談論寵物行業。太迷人了。你能描述一下 Mad Paws 的商業模式嗎?

Justus Hammer: Sure. So, Mad Paws is really a pet services and products ecosystem. So, you find pretty much everything for your dog, whether that's one of our 40,000 pet sitters where you can find somebody to look after your pet when you're going overseas or on a holiday, or whether it's, you know, a health product or anything else that you need to keep your dog or cat or any other pet as healthy as possible.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 當然。因此,Mad Paws實際上是一個寵物服務和產品生態系統。所以,你可以爲你的狗找到幾乎所有東西,無論是我們的 40,000 名寵物保姆中的一個,在你出國或度假時你可以找人照顧你的寵物,或者是健康產品或其他任何你需要讓你的狗、貓或任何其他寵物儘可能保持健康的東西。

Tim McGowen: And, of course, the industry's had really strong tailwinds. I'm interested in that business model. You start off with the basics, but people are buying other items for their dogs moving forward. How does the macro picture affect your business? Rising interest rates, does that affect the discretionary spend in the pet industry?

蒂姆·麥高文: 當然,該行業的利好因素確實很強勁。我對這種商業模式很感興趣。你從基礎知識開始,但人們會爲未來的狗購買其他物品。宏觀形勢如何影響您的業務?利率上升,這會影響寵物行業的全權支出嗎?

Justus Hammer: I think we're really lucky in the sense that the pet industry in general is very recession-proof. We've seen this in the last recession that there was very little change in the spend for pets. And I think over the last couple of years, the relationship to our pets has significantly changed. Now pets are, you know, sleeping in their owners' beds. They're being looked after as good as any other family member. So, we're feeling very sure where we're at, even if a recession is coming, with people probably reducing their spend on themselves a little bit more than they would on their pets.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 從某種意義上說,我認爲我們真的很幸運,因爲寵物行業總體上可以抵禦衰退。在上一次經濟衰退中,我們已經看到,寵物支出幾乎沒有變化。而且我認爲,在過去的幾年中,我們與寵物的關係發生了重大變化。你知道,現在寵物正在主人的牀上睡覺。他們得到的照顧與其他家庭成員一樣好。因此,即使經濟衰退即將來臨,我們也非常確定自己所處的位置,人們減少自己的支出可能比在寵物身上的支出要多一點。

Tim McGowen: And, of course, as I said, it's a growing industry. I think Bunnings are now talking about allocating 10 per cent of their floor space to pet care, if you like.

蒂姆·麥高文: 當然,正如我所說,這是一個成長中的行業。如果你願意,我想 Bunnings 現在正在談論將 10% 的佔地面積分配給寵物護理。

Justus Hammer: Yeah.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 是啊。

Tim McGowen: Is it too competitive, the industry?

蒂姆·麥高文: 這個行業競爭太激烈了嗎?

Justus Hammer: No, I don't think so. I think there's still a lot of room. And I mean, Bunnings in particular is a very specific offering. You know, we are very specialised, more in the premium end probably, in terms of the pet owners. Bunnings is probably more a price-saving play at the moment. But I think they all have a space. There's enough room for us to grow. There's 25 per cent more pet owners now in Australia than before the pandemic. So, I think the industry is still growing a lot faster than any other industry.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 不,我不這麼認爲。我認爲還有很大的空間。我的意思是,特別是 Bunnings 是一款非常具體的產品。你知道,就寵物主人而言,我們非常專業,可能更多地處於高端水平。目前,Bunnings可能更像是一種省價的遊戲。但我認爲他們都有空間。我們有足夠的成長空間。現在,澳大利亞的寵物主人比大流行前增加了25%。因此,我認爲該行業的增長速度仍然比其他任何行業都快得多。

Tim McGowen: You spoke about differentiation. How do you differentiate yourself from those competitors?

蒂姆·麥高文: 你談到了差異化。您如何將自己與這些競爭對手區分開來?

Justus Hammer: One of the things we're most passionate about is kind of data. We are coming from a marketplace perspective. We built the pet services marketplace first. You can't build a hyper local services marketplace without actually being data obsessed. And so data is kind of what we pride ourselves on. And I think we've got a huge advantage over your traditional retailers. Traditional retail, you know, it's very hard to ask you 50 questions about your pet if you're just trying to buy the cheapest kibble. But if we're looking at the marketplace, we're trying to find the best pet sitter for you. So, you're very inclined as a client to give us a lot of data about your pets. So, this is not just, you know, the name and breed, or age, but this is about where do you live, what kind of behavioural traits the dog might have, is there any health issues with the dog, do they take any medication? So, all that information is given to us throughout the marketplace, and we then use that to fire up our cross-sell and make sure that we can put the right products and services in front of you at the right time.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 我們最熱衷的一件事是數據種類。我們是從市場的角度出發。我們首先建立了寵物服務市場。如果不真正沉迷於數據,就無法建立超本地服務市場。因此,數據是我們引以爲豪的。而且我認爲與您的傳統零售商相比,我們有巨大的優勢。你知道,傳統零售業,如果你只是想買最便宜的粗糧,就很難問你關於寵物的50個問題。但是,如果我們在看市場,我們正在努力尋找最適合你的寵物保姆。因此,作爲客戶,你非常傾向於向我們提供大量關於你的寵物的數據。所以,你知道,這不僅僅是名字和品種或年齡,還關係到你住在哪裏,狗可能具有甚麼樣的行爲特徵,狗有健康問題嗎,它們是否服用任何藥物?因此,所有這些信息都會在整個市場上提供給我們,然後我們利用這些信息來啓動交叉銷售,並確保我們能夠在正確的時間向您提供正確的產品和服務。

Tim McGowen: I think I saw that your online marketplace has an enormous subscriber base. Is that correct?

蒂姆·麥高文: 我想我看到你的在線市場擁有龐大的訂閱者羣。這是正確的嗎?

Justus Hammer: Yeah, so we've got over 300,000 customers on the marketplace, over 40,000 sitters. And I think the sitters are particularly interesting for us as well. They're really kind of ambassadors for us. They love working with us. They love what they're doing. They're looking after pets. And so it's a huge opportunity for us to get them more involved into the ecosystem and actually ultimately also using them to sell other products for us. So, this is certainly something that we're looking to do over the next couple of years.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 是的,所以我們在市場上有超過30萬名客戶,超過40,000名保姆。而且我認爲保姆對我們來說也特別有趣。他們真的是我們的大使。他們喜歡和我們一起工作。他們喜歡他們正在做的事情。他們在照顧寵物。因此,對於我們來說,這是一個巨大的機會,可以讓他們更多地參與生態系統,並最終利用它們爲我們銷售其他產品。因此,這無疑是我們在未來幾年中想要做的事情。

Tim McGowen: And in terms of consolidation, is that where Mad Paws sees the opportunity, a roll-up of other businesses? I note that... Perhaps you could discuss your Pet Chemist acquisition and highlight what it means when you're making an acquisition, what you're actually looking for.

蒂姆·麥高文: 在整合方面,這是Mad Paws看到機遇的地方,是其他業務的整合嗎?我注意到...也許你可以討論一下你收購 Pet Chemist,強調收購時的含義,你到底在尋找甚麼。

Justus Hammer: We've done three acquisitions over the last two years, some of them bigger, like Pet Chemist. And it was always a strategy for us to acquire businesses to grow the marketplace, grow our kind of verticals that we're selling. And Pet Chemist kind of fit right in because it's a health offering. It was very important for us to have an offering in the health sector because it's a particularly fast-growing sector for us. So, if we're looking at M&A, we're always looking to see that we find something that fits into the verticals that we already have, and something that we can cross sell to from the businesses that we already have. And so this is something that we are still active in. Currently, our main concern for the business is becoming profitable. We are looking to be profitable within the next couple of months, and that's kind of the first milestone we want to hit. And then we'll see what happens with M&A thereafter.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 在過去的兩年中,我們進行了三次收購,其中一些規模更大,比如Pet Chemist。而且,收購企業以發展市場,發展我們正在銷售的垂直行業一直是我們的策略。而且 Pet Chemist 有點合適,因爲它是一種健康產品。在健康領域提供產品對我們來說非常重要,因爲對我們來說,這是一個增長特別快的行業。因此,如果我們考慮併購,我們一直在尋找適合我們已經擁有的垂直行業的東西,以及我們可以從已經擁有的業務中交叉銷售的東西。因此,這是我們仍在積極參與的事情。目前,我們對業務的主要關注點是實現盈利。我們希望在未來幾個月內實現盈利,這是我們想要達到的第一個里程碑。然後我們將看看此後併購會發生甚麼。

Tim McGowen: And Pet Circle, for example, one of your competitors, I believe recently announced an insurance product. Is that a vertical you'd consider moving into?

蒂姆·麥高文: 舉個例子,Pet Circle,你的競爭對手之一,我相信最近發佈了一款保險產品。你會考慮進入這個垂直行業嗎?

Justus Hammer: Yeah, so we've got a small kind of insurance offering at the moment already with Mad Paws, but it's certainly something that we feel we can improve on, in terms of the offering. I think, for us, particularly interesting from the ecosystem play. You know, people spend a lot more money on their pets now, want to make sure that they've looked after as good as possible. So, having the right insurance offering for us can be really a driver to keep people within the ecosystem. So, it's something that we are actively looking at and want to build on.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 是的,所以我們目前已經在Mad Paws上提供了一種小型的保險產品,但就產品而言,我們認爲這無疑是我們可以改進的地方。我認爲,對我們來說,生態系統遊戲特別有趣。你知道,現在人們花在寵物身上的錢要多得多,他們希望確保他們儘可能地照顧得好。因此,爲我們提供合適的保險確實可以推動人們留在生態系統中。因此,這是我們正在積極研究並希望在此基礎上再接再厲。

Tim McGowen: And those verticals, are they all performing in line with expectations, like marketplace, for example?

蒂姆·麥高文: 而那些垂直行業,它們的表現是否都符合預期,比如市場?

Justus Hammer: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we've seen incredible growth over the last couple of years coming out of COVID. We've seen pent-up demand for the marketplace. People wanted to travel again. If, you know, they're anything like me, I'm going to Europe in a couple of weeks, and I haven't been in four years. So, it's been a long time. And we've seen that in the marketplace kind of play out. People really went back to going overseas, longer stays, which helps the marketplace in particular. But also the other verticals, like Pet Chemist. We've seen huge growth there. We've doubled the business pretty much from 12 months ago when we bought it. And that's a sign of kind of what we do best, which is professionalising their marketing functions, making sure they've got the right processes, but then, on top of that, cross-selling from the different verticals we already have.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 是的,絕對可以。我的意思是,在過去的幾年中,我們看到了COVID帶來的驚人增長。我們已經看到市場需求被壓抑了。人們想再次旅行。如果你知道,如果他們和我一樣,我過幾周就會去歐洲,而我已經四年沒去過歐洲了。所以,已經很長時間了。我們已經在市場上看到了這種情況。人們確實回到了海外,停留時間更長,這對市場尤其有幫助。但還有其他垂直行業,例如 Pet Chemist。我們在那裏看到了巨大的增長。與12個月前收購時相比,我們的業務幾乎翻了一番。這在某種程度上表明了我們最擅長的事情,那就是對他們的營銷職能進行專業化,確保他們有正確的流程,但最重要的是,從我們已經擁有的不同垂直行業進行交叉銷售。

Tim McGowen: And what's the feedback from the marketplace? You're out there talking to institutions and investors, I assume. What's their feedback in regards to Mad Paws?

蒂姆·麥高文: 那來自市場的反饋是甚麼?我猜你在外面和機構和投資者說話。他們對 Mad Paws 有何反饋?

Justus Hammer: Yeah, so I think we've got a lot of interest at the moment. Talking to a lot of new institutional investors that look at the business as well. And I think we're just on the brink now, where we're going to get to profitability soon. A couple of people on the sideline probably to look at whether this happens, but I think that's why it's an interesting time to get in now. I think, from a pricing perspective, we're well priced at the moment, and I think we're getting a lot of interest. A lot of people are getting their head around the pet industry and seeing that this is not a cottage industry, it's a $30 billion industry in Australia. So, there's a huge opportunity here to build a much bigger business than we are now.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 是的,所以我認爲我們現在很感興趣。與許多關注該業務的新機構投資者交談。而且我認爲我們現在正處於邊緣,我們很快就會實現盈利。有幾個人可能在場邊看看這是否會發生這種情況,但我認爲這就是爲甚麼現在是一個有趣的時機。我認爲,從定價的角度來看,我們目前的價格合理,而且我認爲我們引起了極大的興趣。很多人都在關注寵物行業,他們發現這不是一個家庭產業,而是一個價值300億美元的澳大利亞產業。因此,這裏有建立比現在大得多的業務的巨大機會。

Tim McGowen: Justus Hammer, thanks for your time.

蒂姆·麥高文: Justus Hammer,謝謝你抽出時間。

Justus Hammer: Thanks so much.

賈斯圖斯·哈默: 非常感謝。




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