
Li3 Lithium Corp. Reports up to 4.14% Lithium Oxide in Surface Rock Samples at the Mutare Lithium Project

Li3 Lithium Corp. Reports up to 4.14% Lithium Oxide in Surface Rock Samples at the Mutare Lithium Project

Li3 Lithium Corp. 報告稱,在Mutare鋰項目的地表岩石樣本中,氧化鋰含量高達4.14%
newsfile ·  2023/05/30 08:42

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 30, 2023) - Li3 Lithium Corp. (TSXV: LILI) (FSE: WD9) ("Li3 Lithium" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has identified high-grade lithium targets from its ongoing exploration program at the Mutare Lithium Project, located in Zimbabwe. Li3 Lithium holds a 50% ownership interest in the Mutare Lithium Project, with the remaining 50% owned by Premier Africa Minerals Limited, operator of the Zulu Lithium and Tantalum Mine in Zimbabwe.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp. ——2023 年 5 月 30 日)-Li3 Lithi (TSXV: LILI) (FSE: WD9) (”Li3 鋰電池“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,它已經在津巴布韋的Mutare鋰項目正在進行的勘探計劃中確定了高品位鋰目標。Li3 Lithium持有Mutare鋰項目50%的所有權,其餘50%由津巴布韋祖魯鋰礦和鉭礦運營商Premier Africa Minerals Limited持有。

The Company, as operator of the Mutare Lithium Project, has received assay results from seventy-two grab samples collected during the initial phase of the 2023 exploration program. The exploration program includes geological mapping, and a surface rock sampling program to assist in identifying priority targets for the trenching and 5,000-meter exploration drilling program, scheduled to start in the coming weeks.




  • 72 samples sent for analysis in April
  • Highest grade returned in initial phase is 4.14% Lithium Oxide ("Li2O") from the Nels Luck group of licenses
  • 四月份有72份樣本送去分析
  • 初始階段返回的最高等級是來自Nels Luck集團許可證的4.14%氧化鋰(“Li2O”)

The preliminary surface rock sampling program consisted of 72 samples taken from across the Mutare Lithium Project (Table 1, Figures 1-2,). The grab samples were from the central and eastern section of property, including the Nels Luck group of licenses, situated in the Mutare Greenstone Belt ("MGB") East zone, one of many target areas within the Mutare Lithium Project, comprised of approximately 2,000 hectares of licences retained in the MGB. The Nels Luck license hosts a group of lepidolite, spodumene, and tantalite, bearing lithium-cesium-tantalum pegmatites with an approximate surface expression of 600 meters by 20 meters (up to 50m) (Figure 2). The Nels Luck group of licenses is situated about 15 km northeast in the same stratigraphic package, on the southern limb of a regional syncline, that hosts the Sabi Star Lithium Tantalum Mine.

初步的地表岩石採樣計劃包括從整個穆塔雷鋰項目採集的72個樣本(表1,圖1-2)。搶奪的樣本來自財產的中部和東部,包括位於穆塔雷綠石帶的Nels Luck集團許可證(”MGB“) 東區是穆塔雷鋰項目內衆多目標區域之一,由MGB保留的大約2,000公頃許可證組成。Nels Luck 許可證包含一組鋰雲母、鋰輝石和鉭鐵礦,它們含有鋰銫鉭偉晶岩,表面長度約爲 600 米 x 20 米(最長 50 米)(圖 2)。Nels Luck許可證組位於同一地層組東北約15公里處,位於薩比之星鋰鉭礦所在的區域同步線的南端。

Table 1: Summary of Lithium Oxide (Li2O) results from the Nels Luck area greater than 0.500%. Values are rounded to the nearest 0.001

表 1:氧化鋰(Li)摘要2O) 來自 Nels Luck 區域的結果大於 0.500%。值四捨五入到最接近的 0.001

Sample ID Zone Source X Y Description Li2O%
A8549 Nels Luck Stockpile 403476 7885187 Lepidolite-Quartz-feldspar 3.437
A8550 Nels Luck Stockpile 403466 7885186 Lepidolite-feldspar-quartz 3.788
A8552 Nels Luck Stockpile 403925 7885353 Feldspar(spodumene?)-quartz-green mica 2.508
A8553 Nels Luck Outcrop 403925 7885353 Feldspar-tourmaline-spodumene? 1.542
A8557 Nels Luck Stockpile 403455 7885142 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 4.144
A8558 Nels Luck Stockpile 403440 7885149 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 4.084
A8559 Nels Luck Outcrop 403381 7885169 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 3.898
A8560 Nels Luck Stockpile 403371 7885177 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 1.387
A8562 Nels Luck Stockpile 403427 7885194 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 3.712
A8563 Nels Luck Stockpile 403420 7885138 Spodumene-feldspar 3.96
A8564 Nels Luck Outcrop 403465 7885194 Banded-quartz-feldspar-tourmaline 0.702
A8565 Nels Luck Outcrop 403475 7885197 Quartz-green mica-tourmaline 0.846
樣本編號 區域 來源 X Y 描述 2O%
A8549 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403476 7885187 lepidolite-Quartz-Feldspar 3.437
A8550 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403466 7885186 lepidolite-Feldspar-Quartz 3.788
A8552 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403925 7885353 長石(鋰輝石?)-石英綠色雲母 2.508
A8553 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403925 7885353 Feldspar-Toumaline-Podumene? 1.542
A8557 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403455 7885142 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 4.144
A8558 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403440 7885149 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 4.084
A8559 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403381 7885169 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 3.898
A8560 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403371 7885177 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 1.387
A8562 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403427 7885194 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 3.712
A8563 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403420 7885138 鋰輝石-長石 3.96
A8564 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403465 7885194 Banded-Quartz-Feldspar-Tourmaline 0.702
A8565 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403475 7885197 石英綠色雲母碧璽 0.846

Figure 1: Mutare Lithium Project License and Location map, identifying the location of the initial surface samples across the Mutare Lithium Project

圖 1:Mutare Lithium 項目許可證和位置圖,確定了 Mutare Lithium 項目初始地表樣本的位置

François Auclair, P.Geo, M.Sc., CEO and President of Li3 Lithium commented, "The initial high-grade results, up to 4.14% lithium oxide, suggest the potential for high-grade lithium oxide mineralization at surface and at depth within the Eastern section of the property. We are anxious to commence the 5,000-meter exploration drilling program across the property with emphasis on the Nels Luck group of pegmatites."

Li3 Lithium首席執行官兼總裁Francois Auclair,P.Geo,理學碩士評論說:“最初的高品位結果表明,該礦產東段的表面和深度有可能出現高品質的氧化鋰礦化。我們急於開始跨越該地塊的5000米勘探鑽探計劃,重點是Nels Luck偉晶岩羣。”

Figure 2: Summary of grab sample results at Nels Luck greater than 0.50 %

圖 2:Nels Luck 大於 0.50% 的抓取樣本結果摘要

Mutare Lithium Project, Zimbabwe


The Mutare Lithium Project is located adjacent to the Sabi Star Lithium Tantalum Mine in eastern Zimbabwe's Mutare Greenstone Belt, an emerging lithium district. Li3 Lithium is evaluating the acquisition of additional prospective ground, either through staking or agreements with potential vendors. The area was deemed prospective for lithium-cesium-tantalum pegmatites based on prior target generation work. Management believes the lithium exploration potential of the MGB is analogous to that of the Pilbara Craton pegmatites in Western Australia.

穆塔雷鋰項目毗鄰津巴布韋東部穆塔雷綠石帶的薩比之星鋰鉭礦,這是一個新興的鋰區。Li3 Lithium 正在評估通過質押或與潛在供應商達成協議收購更多潛在場地。根據先前的靶點生成工作,該地區被認爲是鋰銫鉭偉晶岩的前景。管理層認爲,MGB的鋰勘探潛力與西澳大利亞州皮爾巴拉克拉頓偉晶岩的潛力類似。

Zimbabwe, which is estimated to hold Africa's largest lithium resources and the fifth largest globally, is rapidly emerging as an important player within the lithium supply chain. Over the past year and a half, major Chinese battery metals companies have committed approximately US$1.4 billion to acquire and develop lithium projects in Zimbabwe.


Technical information


Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Li3 Lithium's sampling programs are under the control of the Company's geological employees and are consistent with industry best practices. Grab samples are transported by Li3 Lithium's employees following a defined chain of custody, to Zimlabs in Harare, Zimbabwe. All samples were pulverized to produce a 30g charge and then analyzed by G706 (multi acid digestion with AAS finish). Zimlabs is a subsidiary of GNK laboratories and an internationally accredited laboratory testing provider with ISO/IEC 17025:2005 certification (Laboratory Accreditation Number: TEST-S 0010 (lSO/lEC t7025:20t7l).

Li3 Lithium 採樣計劃的質量保證和質量控制由公司地質員工控制,符合行業最佳實踐。採集樣本由Li3 Lithium的員工按照明確的監管鏈運送到津巴布韋哈拉雷的Zimlabs。將所有樣品粉碎以產生 30g 的電荷,然後由 G706 進行分析(多酸消解,經過 AAS 處理)。Zimlabs是GNK實驗室的子公司,也是獲得ISO/IEC 17025:2005 認證的國際認可的實驗室測試提供商(實驗室認證編號:TEST-S 0010(lso/lec t 7025:20 t7l)。

The Company intends to transport the pulp of the grab samples for analysis of Niobium (Nb), Tantalum (Ta), and Caesium (Cs) at an accredited laboratory in South Africa. Grab samples are selective by nature and reported values are not necessarily indicative of mineralized zones.


Qualified Person


François Auclair, QP, M.Sc, Quebec Order of Geologists, CEO and President of Li3 Lithium, is the non-independent qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for the technical disclosure contained in this news release. Mr. Auclair has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release

Francois Auclair,QP、魁北克地質學家勳章碩士、Li3 Lithium 首席執行官兼總裁,是 National Instrument 43-101 所定義的非獨立合格人士- 礦產項目披露標準 用於本新聞稿中包含的技術披露。奧克萊爾先生已審查並批准了本新聞稿中包含的技術披露

About Li3 Lithium Corp.

關於 Li3 Lithium公司

Li3 Lithium is focused on acquiring and developing hard rock spodumene lithium assets in Zimbabwe and Argentina, where the founders have significant experience and relationships. As evidenced by recent market growth, hard rock lithium deposits are forecast to continue to dominate the global supply of lithium given the scarcity, complexity and capex-intensive nature of alternative brine sources.

Li3 Lithium 專注於在津巴布韋和阿根廷收購和開發硬巖鋰輝石鋰資產,那裏的創始人擁有豐富的經驗和關係。正如最近的市場增長所證明的那樣,鑑於替代鹽水來源的稀缺性、複雜性和資本支出密集性質,預計硬巖鋰礦牀將繼續主導全球鋰供應。

Contact Information:
Li3 Lithium Corp.
Francois Auclair, P.Geo, M.Sc., CEO and President
Tel: 514-889-5089

Li3 鋰業公司



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This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "would", "potential", "proposed" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. These statements are only predictions. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the information is provided, and is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward- looking information. For a description of the risks and uncertainties facing the Company and its business and affairs, readers should refer to the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change, unless required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

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APPENDIX 1: Grab sample summary table, coordinates are in WGS84 UTM Zone 36S

附錄 1:獲取示例彙總表,座標位於 WGS84 UTM Zone 36S

Sample ID Zone Source X Y Description Li2O%
A8002 Bepe West Outcrop 389940 7876227 Feldspar-quartz-tantalite 0.004
iA8003 Bepe West Outcrop 389824 7876216 Quartz-Feldspar-tantalite 0.003
A8004 Bepe West Outcrop 389801 7876207 Feldspar dominated-10% tantalite 0.011
A8005 Bepe West Outcrop 389621 7876166 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.003
A8006 Bepe West Outcrop 390778 7875824 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.003
A8007 Bepe West Outcrop 390073 7875309 Feldspar-quartz-mica-tourmaline 0.002
A8589 Bepe West Outcrop 389801 7875655 Quartz-feldspar-garnet 0.004
A8590 Bepe West Outcrop 389824 7875660 Quartz-feldspar-garnet-tantalite 0.003
A8591 Bepe West Outcrop 389874 7875667 Feldspar dominated-10% tantalite 0.011
A8592 Bepe West Outcrop 389855 7875660 Quartz-Feldspar-tantalite 0.005
A8593 Bepe West Outcrop 389900 7875552 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.026
A8594 Bepe West Outcrop 389852 7875541 Feldspar dominated-10% tantalite 0.034
A8595 Bepe West Outcrop 389813 7875513 Quartz-feldspar-garnet-mica 0.038
A8596 Bepe West Boulder 390521 7875762 Feldspar dominated-15% tantalite 0.002
A8597 Bepe West Outcrop 390577 7875819 Feldspar dominated-10% tantalite 0.003
A8598 Bepe West Outcrop 390514 7875954 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.001
A8599 Bepe West Outcrop 390863 7875699 Quartz-feldspar-tantalite 0.003
A8600 Bepe West Outcrop 390834 7875693 Quartz-feldspar-tantalite 0.005
A8536 Madheu Zone Historical
393193 7876279 Feldspar-quartz 0.003
A8537 Madheu Zone Stockpile 393201 7876289 Feldspar-quartz-green mica 0.171
A8538 Madheu Zone Historical
393202 7876297 Feldspare-quartz 0.008
A8539 Madheu Zone Stockpile 393205 7876294 Feldspar-quartz-green mica 0.015
A8540 Madheu Zone Stockpile 393205 7876294 Feldspar-green mica-beryl-tantalite 0.005
A8541 Nels Luck Outcrop 403798 7885270 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.04
A8542 Nels Luck Outcrop 403787 7885276 Feldspar-quartz-green mica 0.017
A8543 Nels Luck Outcrop 403787 7885275 Quartz-feldspar-tantalite 0.008
A8544 Nels Luck Outcrop 403762 7885280 Feldspar-quartz-tantalite 0.018
A8545 Nels Luck Outcrop 403760 7885279 Quartz-mica-feldspar 0.107
A8546 Nels Luck Outcrop 403712 7885240 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.027
A8547 Nels Luck Stockpile 403515 7885193 Quartz-feldspar-green mica 0.054
A8548 Nels Luck Historical
403474 7885199 Quartz-mica-green mica-tourmaline 0.128
A8549 Nels Luck Stockpile 403476 7885187 Lepidolite-Quartz-feldspar 3.437
A8550 Nels Luck Stockpile 403466 7885186 Lepidolite-feldspar-quartz 3.788
A8551 Nels Luck Stockpile 403510 7885215 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.099
A8552 Nels Luck Stockpile 403925 7885353 Feldspar(spodumene?)-quartz-green mica 2.508
A8553 Nels Luck Outcrop 403925 7885353 Feldspar-tourmaline-spodumene? 1.542
A8554 Nels Luck Outcrop 403956 7885360 Quartz-feldspar-tantalite 0.006
A8555 Nels Luck Outcrop 403952 7885372 Feldspar-quartz-tantalite 0.033
Sample ID Zone Source X Y Description Li2O%
A8556 Nels Luck Outcrop 403960 7885394 Feldspar-quartz-tantalite 0.031
A8557 Nels Luck Stockpile 403455 7885142 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 4.144
A8558 Nels Luck Stockpile 403440 7885149 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 4.084
A8559 Nels Luck Outcrop 403381 7885169 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 3.898
A8560 Nels Luck Stockpile 403371 7885177 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 1.387
A8561 Nels Luck Outcrop 403376 7885168 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.065
A8562 Nels Luck Stockpile 403427 7885194 Lepidolite-felspar-quartz 3.712
A8563 Nels Luck Stockpile 403420 7885138 Spodumene-feldspar 3.96
A8564 Nels Luck Outcrop 403465 7885194 Banded-quartz-feldspar-tourmaline 0.702
A8565 Nels Luck Outcrop 403475 7885197 Quartz-green mica-tourmaline 0.846
A8566 Nels Luck Outcrop 403784 7885266 Feldspar-quartz 0.001
A8567 Nels Luck Outcrop 403783 7884693 Felsdpar-quartz-mica 0.005
A8568 Nels Luck Outcrop 402783 7884688 Felsdpar-quartz-mica 0.001
A8569 Nels Luck Outcrop 402643 7884617 Felsdpar-quartz-mica 0.058
A8570 Nels Luck Outcrop 402936 7884775 Felsdpar-quartz-mica-tantalite 0.1
A8571 Nels Luck Outcrop 402936 7884775 Felsdpar-quartz-mica-tantalite 0.043
A8572 Nels Luck Outcrop 402936 7884775 Felsdpar-quartz-mica-tantalite 0.062
A8573 Nels Luck Outcrop 402946 7884796 Felsdpar-quartz-mica-tantalite 0.005
A8574 Nels Luck Outcrop 405183 7885564 Quartz-mica-feldspar-tourmaline 0.016
A8575 Nels Luck Outcrop 405054 7885663 Quartz-mica-feldspar 0.017
A8576 Nels Luck Outcrop 405033 7885646 Quartz-mica-feldspar 0.06
A8577 Nels Luck Outcrop 404991 7885698 Quartz-mica-feldspar-beryl-tantalite 0.009
A8578 Nels Luck Historical
404948 7885566 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.002
A8579 Nels Luck Historical
404948 7885566 Feldspar-mica-quartz 0.001
A8580 Nels Luck Outcrop 404734 7885158 Quartz-mica-feldspar-tantalite 0.003
A8587 Nels Luck Outcrop 403093 7886874 Quartz-feldspar-mica 0
A8001 Tals 5 Outcrop 399053 7882205 Quartz-feldspar-mica 0.005
A8581 Tals 5 Outcrop 399783 7882182 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.002
A8582 Tals 5 Outcrop 399793 7882180 Feldspar-quartz-mica 0.001
A8583 Tals 5 Outcrop 399807 7882199 Quartz-feldspar-mica 0.013
A8584 Tals 5 Outcrop 399739 7882124 Feldspar-quartz-lepidolite? 0.049
A8585 Tals 5 Outcrop 399739 7882111 Feldspar-quartz-lepidolite? 0.04
A8586 Tals 5 Outcrop 399720 7882074 Feldspar-quartz-mica-garnet 0.005
A8588 Tals 5 Stockpile 399686 7882021 Feldspar-quartz-mica-garnet 0.001
樣本編號 區域 來源 X Y 描述 Li2O%
A8002 Bepe West 露頭 389940 7876227 Feldspar-Quartz-Tantalite 0.004
ia8003 Bepe West 露頭 389824 7876216 石英長石-TantaLite 0.003
A8004 Bepe West 露頭 389801 7876207 長石占主導地位 -10% 鉭鐵礦 0.011
A8005 Bepe West 露頭 389621 7876166 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.003
A8006 Bepe West 露頭 390778 7875824 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.003
A8007 Bepe West 露頭 390073 7875309 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica-Tourmaline 0.002
A8589 Bepe West 露頭 389801 7875655 石英長石石榴石 0.004
A8590 Bepe West 露頭 389824 7875660 石英長石-石榴石-鉭鐵礦 0.003
A8591 Bepe West 露頭 389874 7875667 長石占主導地位 -10% 鉭鐵礦 0.011
A8592 Bepe West 露頭 389855 7875660 石英長石-TantaLite 0.005
A8593 Bepe West 露頭 389900 7875552 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.026
A8594 Bepe West 露頭 389852 7875541 長石占主導地位 -10% 鉭鐵礦 0.034
A8595 Bepe West 露頭 389813 7875513 Quartz-Feldspar-Garnet-Mica 0.038
A8596 Bepe West 博爾德 390521 7875762 長石佔據主導地位 -15% 鉭石 0.002
A8597 Bepe West 露頭 390577 7875819 長石占主導地位 -10% 鉭鐵礦 0.003
A8598 Bepe West 露頭 390514 7875954 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.001
A8599 Bepe West 露頭 390863 7875699 石英長石-TantaLite 0.003
A8600 Bepe West 露頭 390834 7875693 石英長石-TantaLite 0.005
A8536 Madheu Zone 歷史的
393193 7876279 長石石英 0.003
A8537 Madheu Zone 儲存 393201 7876289 Feldspar-Quartz-Green 雲母 0.171
A8538 Madheu Zone 歷史的
393202 7876297 Feldspare-Quartz 0.008
A8539 Madheu Zone 儲存 393205 7876294 Feldspar-Quartz-Green 雲母 0.015
A8540 Madheu Zone 儲存 393205 7876294 長石綠色雲母-綠柱石-鉭鐵礦 0.005
A8541 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403798 7885270 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.04
A8542 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403787 7885276 Feldspar-Quartz-Green 雲母 0.017
A8543 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403787 7885275 石英長石-TantaLite 0.008
A8544 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403762 7885280 Feldspar-Quartz-Tantalite 0.018
A8545 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403760 7885279 Quartz-Mica-Feldspar 0.107
A8546 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403712 7885240 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.027
A8547 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403515 7885193 石英長石綠色雲母 0.054
A8548 內爾斯運氣 歷史的
403474 7885199 石英雲母綠色雲母碧璽 0.128
A8549 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403476 7885187 lepidolite-Quartz-Feldspar 3.437
A8550 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403466 7885186 lepidolite-Feldspar-Quartz 3.788
A8551 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403510 7885215 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.099
A8552 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403925 7885353 長石(鋰輝石?)-石英綠色雲母 2.508
A8553 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403925 7885353 Feldspar-Toumaline-Podumene? 1.542
A8554 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403956 7885360 石英長石-TantaLite 0.006
A8555 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403952 7885372 Feldspar-Quartz-Tantalite 0.033
樣本編號 區域 來源 X Y 描述 Li2O%
A8556 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403960 7885394 Feldspar-Quartz-Tantalite 0.031
A8557 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403455 7885142 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 4.144
A8558 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403440 7885149 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 4.084
A8559 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403381 7885169 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 3.898
A8560 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403371 7885177 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 1.387
A8561 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403376 7885168 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.065
A8562 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403427 7885194 lepidolite-felspar-Quartz 3.712
A8563 內爾斯運氣 儲存 403420 7885138 鋰輝石-長石 3.96
A8564 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403465 7885194 Banded-Quartz-Feldspar-Tourmaline 0.702
A8565 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403475 7885197 石英綠色雲母碧璽 0.846
A8566 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403784 7885266 長石石英 0.001
A8567 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403783 7884693 felsdpar-Quartz-Mica 0.005
A8568 內爾斯運氣 露頭 402783 7884688 felsdpar-Quartz-Mica 0.001
A8569 內爾斯運氣 露頭 402643 7884617 felsdpar-Quartz-Mica 0.058
A8570 內爾斯運氣 露頭 402936 7884775 felsdpar-Quartz-mica-Tantalite 0.1
A8571 內爾斯運氣 露頭 402936 7884775 felsdpar-Quartz-mica-Tantalite 0.043
A8572 內爾斯運氣 露頭 402936 7884775 felsdpar-Quartz-mica-Tantalite 0.062
A8573 內爾斯運氣 露頭 402946 7884796 felsdpar-Quartz-mica-Tantalite 0.005
A8574 內爾斯運氣 露頭 405183 7885564 Quartz-Mica-Feldspar-Tourmaline 0.016
A8575 內爾斯運氣 露頭 405054 7885663 Quartz-Mica-Feldspar 0.017
A8576 內爾斯運氣 露頭 405033 7885646 Quartz-Mica-Feldspar 0.06
A8577 內爾斯運氣 露頭 404991 7885698 Quartz-mica-Feldspar-beryl-taTalite 0.009
A8578 內爾斯運氣 歷史的
404948 7885566 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.002
A8579 內爾斯運氣 歷史的
404948 7885566 Feldspar-Mica-Quartz 0.001
A8580 內爾斯運氣 露頭 404734 7885158 Quartz-Mica-Feldspar-Tantalite 0.003
A8587 內爾斯運氣 露頭 403093 7886874 Quartz-Feldspar-Mica 0
A8001 Tals 5 露頭 399053 7882205 Quartz-Feldspar-Mica 0.005
A8581 Tals 5 露頭 399783 7882182 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.002
A8582 Tals 5 露頭 399793 7882180 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica 0.001
A8583 Tals 5 露頭 399807 7882199 Quartz-Feldspar-Mica 0.013
A8584 Tals 5 露頭 399739 7882124 Feldspar-Quartz-lepidolite? 0.049
A8585 Tals 5 露頭 399739 7882111 Feldspar-Quartz-lepidolite? 0.04
A8586 Tals 5 露頭 399720 7882074 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica-Garnet 0.005
A8588 Tals 5 儲存 399686 7882021 Feldspar-Quartz-Mica-Garnet 0.001

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