
Santacruz Silver Reports Fourth Quarter and Year End 2022 Financial Results

Santacruz Silver Reports Fourth Quarter and Year End 2022 Financial Results

newsfile ·  2023/06/05 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 5, 2023) - Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd. (TSXV: SCZ) ("Santacruz" or "the Company") reports its financial and operating results for the fourth quarter ("Q4") and year end 2022. The full version of the financial statements and accompanying management discussion and analysis can be viewed on the Company's website at or on SEDAR at . All financial information is prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and all dollar amounts are expressed in thousands of US dollars, except per unit amounts, unless otherwise indicated.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年6月5日)-聖塔克魯斯銀礦有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SCZ)(“Santacruz”或“本公司”)報告其第四季度(“Q4”)和2022年年底的財務和經營業績。財務報表的完整版本以及隨附的管理層討論和分析可在公司網站上查看,或在SEDAR上查看。除另有說明外,所有財務資訊均根據國際財務報告準則(“IFRS”)編制,除單位金額外,所有美元金額均以千美元表示。

2022 Highlights


  • Processed 1,646,272 tonnes of material, a 125% increase year-over-year
  • Silver equivalent ounces sold of 19,612,692, a 562% increase year-over-year
  • Cash cost per silver ounce sold of $17.58, a 10% decrease year-over-year
  • AISC per silver ounce sold of $20.05, an 18% decrease year-over-year
  • Revenue of $278,594,000, an increase of 422% year-over-year
  • Adjusted EBITDA of $11,385,000, a 1,497% increase year-over-year
  • 加工材料1,646,272噸,同比增長125%
  • 銀當量盎司成交19,612,692盎司,同比增長562%
  • 每售出銀盎司的現金成本為17.58美元,同比下降10%
  • 鞍鋼每盎司白銀售價20.05美元,同比下降18%
  • 收入278,594,000美元,同比增長422%
  • 調整後的EBITDA為11,385,000美元,同比增長1,497%

Arturo Préstamo, Executive Chairman of Santacruz, commented, "Santacruz is building a mid-tier precious and base metals producer, and the acquisition of the Bolivian assets transformed us into a multi-million-ounce silver equivalent producer, with year-over-year production increasing four times. In addition, we have strengthened our management team with seasoned professionals both on the operational and financial sides of the business. While our significant growth came with its challenges, the team's determination has been vital in establishing a solid platform from which to grow the Company."

Santacruz執行主席Arturo PréStamo表示:“Santacruz正在打造一家中端貴金屬和賤金屬生產商,收購玻利維亞資產將我們轉變為一家年產量數百萬盎司的銀當量生產商,年產量同比增長四倍。此外,我們在業務運營和財務方面加強了我們的管理團隊,擁有經驗豐富的專業人士。雖然我們的顯著增長伴隨著挑戰,但團隊的決心對於建立一個堅實的平臺來發展公司至關重要。”

Mr. Préstamo emphasized, "With our next consideration payment to Glencore now not due till March 2024, we have near-term financial flexibility which will enable us to strengthen our balance sheet and re-invest in the Company. This strategic approach will fuel sustainable growth and going forward, we will look for opportunities to further streamline and identify synergies among all mining operations in order to maximize value from each of our assets and for our shareholders."


Selected consolidated financial and operating information for the year ended 2022 and 2021 are presented below. The Bolivian Assets have been consolidated from March 18, 2022.


2022 Annual Highlights


2022 2021 2020 Change
'22 vs '21 (%)

Material Processed (tonnes milled) 1,646,272 730,411 652,424 125%
Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces)1 14,382,494 3,170,053 3,590,450 354%
Silver Ounces Produced 5,599,223 1,289,171 1,135,714 334%
Lead Tonnes Produced 10,065 3,204 3,828 214%
Zinc Tonnes Produced 72,533 12,007 10,869 504%
Copper Tonnes Produced 1,287 1,073 1,543 20%
Silver Equivalent Sold (payable ounces)1,2 19,612,692 2,961,535 2,500,355 562%
Cash Cost of Production per Tonne3 117.99 53.16 46.53 122%
Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold ($/oz)3 17.58 19.62 18.53 (10%)
All-in Sustaining Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold ($/oz)3 20.05 24.53 20.82 (18%)
Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold ($/oz)3,4 20.93 23.89 19.58 (13%)

Revenues 278,594 53,334 33,097 422%
Gross Profit 22,874 8,526 988 204%
Net Loss (22,261 ) (11,565 ) (1,493 ) 92%
Net Loss Per Share - Basic ($/share) (0.07 ) (0.03 ) (0.01 ) 232%
Adjusted EBITDA3 11,385 713 (181 ) 1,497%
Cash and Cash Equivalent 4,609 938 430 391%
Working Capital (Deficiency) 6,531 (19,821 ) 22,514 (133%)

Loss per share - Basic and diluted (0.07 ) (0.04 ) (0.01 ) 75%
2022年 2021年 2020年 變化

已加工材料(噸) 1646,272 730,411 652,424 百分之一百二十五
生產的銀當量(盎司)1 14,382,494 3,170,053 3590,450人 354%
生產的銀盎司 5,599,223 1,289,171 1,135,714 334%
生產的鉛噸數 10065 3,204 3828 214%
生產的鋅噸 72,533 12,007 10,869 504%
生產的銅噸 1287 1,073 1,543 20%
售出的銀當量(應付盎司)1、2. 19612692 2961,535 2,500,355 562%
每噸現金生產成本3. 117.99 53.16 46.53 122%
每售出銀當量盎司的現金成本(美元/盎司)3. 17.58 19.62 18.53 (10%)
每售出銀當量盎司的全部持續現金成本(美元/盎司)3. 20.05 24.53 20.82 (18%)
每盎司銀當量售出的平均實現價格(美元/盎司)3、4. 20.93 23.89 19.58 (13%)

收入 278,594 53,334 33,097 422%
毛利 22,874 8526 九百八十八 204%
淨虧損 (22,261) ) (11565 ) (1,493 ) 百分之九十二
每股淨虧損-基本(美元/股) (0.07 ) (0.03 ) (0.01 ) 232%
調整後的EBITDA3. 11,385 七百一十三 (181 ) 1497%
現金和現金等價物 4,609 938 四百三十 391%
營運資金(不足) 6531 (19821 ) 22,514 (133%)

每股虧損--基本虧損和攤薄虧損 (0.07 ) (0.04 ) (0.01 ) 75%

2022 Annual Production Summary - By Mine


Bolivar5 Porco5 Caballo Blanco Group San Lucas Zimapan Rosario Project Consolidated
Material Processed (tonnes milled) 210,847 153,377 213,886 246,007 822,155 - 1,646,272
Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces)1 2,854,607 1,631,529 2,671,145 3,914,284 3,310,928 - 14,382,493
Silver Ounces Produced 1,402,289 518,986 1,139,576 1,244,089 1,294,283 - 5,599,223
Lead Tonnes Produced 974 713 2,540 1,914 3,923 - 10,064
Zinc Tonnes Produced 13,243 10,171 12,779 24,252 12,087 - 72,532
Copper Tonnes Produced N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,287 - 1,287
Average head grades per mine:
Silver (g/t) 230 119 183 185 73 - 128
Zinc (%) 6.88 7.02 6.51 10.77 2.13 - 5.05
Lead (%) 0.65 0.61 1.54 1.13 0.65 - 0.84
Copper (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.37 - 0.37
Silver Equivalent Sold (payable ounces)2 3,579,214 2,258,846 3,448,726 6,703,747 3,622,159 - 19,612,692
玻利瓦爾5. 波爾科5. Caballo Blanco集團 聖盧卡斯 澤馬潘 羅薩裡奧專案 已整合
已加工材料(噸) 210,847 153,377 213,886 246,007 822,155 - 1646,272
生產的銀當量(盎司)1 2854,607 1631,529 2671,145 3914,284 3310,928 - 14,382,493
生產的銀盎司 1402289 518,986 1139,576 1244,089 1,294,283 - 5,599,223
生產的鉛噸數 974 七百一十三 2540 1,914 3923 - 10064
生產的鋅噸 13,243 10,171 12,779 24252 12,087 - 72,532
生產的銅噸 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 1287 - 1287
銀(克/噸) 230 119 一百八十三 185 73 - 128
鋅(%) 6.88 7.02 6.51 10.77 2.13 - 5.05
銷售線索(%) 0.65 0.61 1.54 1.13 0.65 - 0.84
銅(%) 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 0.37 - 0.37
售出的銀當量(應付盎司)2. 3,579,214 2258,846 3448,726 6,703,747 3622,159 - 19612692

Notes for both tables above:
1Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces) have been calculated, for all periods presented, using prices of $25.60/oz, $0.94/lb, $1.20/lb and $4.01/lb for silver, lead, zinc and copper respectively applied to the metal production divided by the silver price.
2Silver Equivalent Sold (payable ounces) have been calculated using the Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold stated in the table above, applied to the payable metal content of the concentrates sold from Zimapan, Bolivar, Porco, the Caballo Blanco Group, and San Lucas in 2022 and Zimapan and Rosario Project in 2021.
3The Company reports non-GAAP measures, which include Cash Cost of Production per Tonne, Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold, All-in Sustaining Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold, Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold, Adjusted EBITDA. These measures are widely used in the mining industry as a benchmark for performance, but do not have a standardized meaning and may differ from methods used by other companies with similar descriptions. See ''Non-GAAP Measures'' section below for definitions.
4Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold is prior to all treatment, smelting and refining charges.
5Bolivar and Porco are presented at 100% whereas the Company records 45% of revenues and expenses in its consolidated financial statements.

2.已售出銀當量(應付盎司)已按上表所述的每盎司售出銀當量的平均實現價格計算,適用於從Zimapan、玻利瓦爾、Porco、Caballo Blanco Group及San Lucas出售的精礦於2022年及Zimapan及Rosario Project於2021年出售的應付金屬含量。

Cease Trade Order Update
The Company has notified the British Columbia Securities Commission that its 2022 financial documents have been filed and they are in the process or reviewing Santacruz's continuous disclosure record to ensure all is in order before trading recommences. We anticipate trading of our shares resuming on the TSX.V soon.


Refiling of Third Quarter Financial Results
The Company refiled its 2022 third quarter financial results and these documents are available the Company's website at or on SEDAR at .


About Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd.
Santacruz Silver is engaged in the operation, acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral properties in Latin America. The Bolivian operations are comprised of the Bolivar, Porco and the Caballo Blanco Group, which consists of the Tres Amigos, Reserva and Colquechaquita mines. The Soracaya exploration project and San Lucas ore sourcing and trading business are also in Bolivia. The Zimapan mine is in Mexico.

Santacruz Silver從事拉丁美洲礦產資源的運營、收購、勘探和開發。玻利維亞的業務由玻利瓦爾礦、波爾科礦和Caballo Blanco集團組成,後者由Tres Amigos礦、Reserve va礦和Colquechaquita礦組成。索拉卡亞勘探專案和聖盧卡斯礦石採購和貿易業務也在玻利維亞。齊馬潘礦位於墨西哥。



Arturo Préstamo Elizondo,
Executive Chairman
For further information please contact:

Arturo PréStamo Elizabeth ondo,

Arturo Préstamo
Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd.
Telephone: +1 (528) 183 785707

Arturo PréStamo
電話:+1 183 785707

Sabina Srubiski
Manager, Investor Relations
Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd.
Telephone: +1 (604) 351 7909


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends", "expects" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or will "potentially" or "likely" occur. This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding the financial flexibility of the Company at its impact on investment in the Company, growth strategies of the Company, and the timing of Santacruz's shares resuming trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV').


These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, risks that the near-term financial flexibility of Company will not translate into sustainable growth, that the Company will be unsuccessful in streamlining or synergizing its mining operation, that the Company's shares will not resume trading on the TSXV soon, if at all, risks related to changes in general economic, business and political conditions, including changes in the financial markets, changes in applicable laws, and compliance with extensive government regulation, as well as those risk factors discussed or referred to in the Company's disclosure documents filed with the securities regulatory authorities in certain provinces of Canada and available at .


In making the forward-looking statements in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, the assumption that near-term investment in the Company will translate into sustainable growth, that streamlining and synergizing the Company's mining operations will lead to increase in value for the Company's assets and for Santacruz's shareholders, and that the Company's shares will resume trading on the TSXV soon.


There can be no assurance that any forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader should not place any undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information or statements, other than as required by applicable law.


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