
Advance United Holdings Inc. Shareholder Update June 29, 2023

Advance United Holdings Inc. Shareholder Update June 29, 2023

Advance United Holdings Inc. 2023 年
newsfile ·  2023/06/29 09:29

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 29, 2023) - Advance United Holdings Inc. (CSE: AUHI) (OTCQB: AUHIF) (FSE: 9I0) (the "Company" or "Advance United") is pleased to announce a shareholders update.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年6月29日)-Advance United Holdings Inc.(CSE:AUHI)(OTCQB:AUHIF)(FSE:9I0)(以下簡稱“公司”或“Advance United”)高興地宣佈股東最新情況。

Dear Shareholders,


We are pleased to provide you with an update on the company's progress and recent developments.


Property Summary:


The company completed exploration work on four of our properties in 2022.


Drilling and surface sampling at Buck Lake copper property were successful in identifying a zone of High-grade copper mineralization in a 500 m long massive sulphide deposit (see Press Release dated December 20, 2022). The deposit is open at both ends and down dip. Our success at Buck Lake motivated us to expand the property to over 4,000 Ha (9600 acres) to cover similar occurrences of copper and zinc and to include other areas potentially indicative of similar mineralization. Past work in the newly acquired areas has discovered copper and zinc mineralization and has pointed out the presence of over 20 prospective anomalies (AFRI File Number 41N01NE0226, 20006965). Follow-up work is planned for the in the newly acquired areas will include mapping, sampling and stripping to expose the anomalous areas.

Buck Lake銅礦的鑽探和地表採樣成功地在500米長的塊狀硫化物礦床中確定了高品位銅礦化帶(見2022年12月20日的新聞稿)。礦床兩端敞開,向下傾斜。我們在Buck Lake取得的成功促使我們將該礦區擴大到4,000公頃(9600英畝)以上,以涵蓋類似的銅和鋅礦藏,幷包括其他可能指示類似礦化的區域。過去在新收購地區的工作已發現銅和鋅礦化,並指出存在20多個預期異常(AFRI檔案號41N01NE0226,20006965)。計劃在新獲得的地區開展後續工作,包括測繪、取樣和剝離,以揭露異常地區。

Drilling at the Melba gold property in the Kirkland Lake area confirmed the presence of high-grade gold in the known veins but even more significantly discovered a new type of gold mineralization never before explored (or even identified) on the property. The new style of mineralization is typified by highly anomalous gold values associated with disseminated pyrite in porphyry dikes that cross the property (see Press Release dated March 2023 - drill hole MEL-22-05 or 06 are examples). Further mapping and sampling of these new gold occurrences followed by drilling is indicated We are excited to explore this type of mineralization as it has potential for large tonnage deposits.

Kirkland Lake地區Melba金礦的鑽探證實了已知礦脈中存在高品位金礦,但更重要的是發現了一種以前從未在該礦區勘探(甚至識別)的新型金礦。這種新的礦化類型的典型特徵是與穿過該礦區的斑岩巖脈中浸染的黃鐵礦有關的高度異常的金值(參見2023年3月的新聞稿-Drill hole MEL-22-05或06就是例子)。在鑽探之後,我們將對這些新的金礦床進行進一步的測繪和取樣。我們很高興能探索這種類型的礦化,因為它具有大噸位礦床的潛力。

Noteworthy, Kirkland Lake Discoveries (formerly Warrior Gold) whose property adjoins Melba to the east has announced a large exploration program on their property and are in the process of raising $7.8M (press release dated May 24th) and a significant airborne geophysical study of the area (press release (press release dated June 8th). The reader is cautioned that while this points to the potential of the area the results found on adjacent properties may not be extended onto the Melba Property.

值得注意的是,柯克蘭湖發現公司(前身為Warrior Gold)宣佈了一項關於其物業的大型勘探專案,目前正在籌集780萬美元(日期為5月24日的新聞稿),並對該地區進行了一項重大的航空地球物理研究(新聞稿日期為6月8日)。讀者需要注意的是,雖然這表明了該地區的潛力,但在鄰近物業上發現的結果可能不會擴展到梅爾巴物業。

Compilation of assessment work, prospecting and sampling at the Doyle Gold Property has been carried out. A recent LiDAR survey over the property assisted our geological staff to identify several large structures associated with the known gold occurrences. The identified structures show great promise for hosting further gold mineralization and will be explored in the summer of 2023. The main features correspond to known gold mineralization in a drill hole , completed by Tri Origin Exploration in 1995. Hole T95-34 intersected banded pyrite in sheared felsic tuffs over a 12.0 metre interval that contained visible gold and returned an assay of 10,457 ppb gold (0.34 troy oz/t) from the 312.0 to 313.0 metres.

多伊爾金礦的評估工作、探礦和取樣工作已經完成。最近對該地產進行的LiDAR調查幫助我們的地質工作人員確定了與已知金礦床有關的幾個大型構造。已確定的構造顯示出蘊藏進一步金礦的巨大希望,並將於2023年夏天進行勘探。主要特徵與已知的鑽孔中的金礦化相對應,該鑽孔由Tri Origin勘探公司於1995年完成。T95-34孔與剪切的長英質凝灰岩中的條帶狀黃鐵礦相交,間隔12.0米,其中含有可見的金,並在312.0米至313.0米範圍內返回了10,457 ppb的金(0.34金衡盎司/噸)。

Further to our press release dated May 23, 2023, described an exciting new development at the Paint Lake Road JV. Airborne surveys carried out by Bold Ventures on their property to the north has indicated a large shear zone that crosses their property and enters the central area of the PLR JV property. Some indications suggest that this structure continues to the Mishi Open Pit of Wesdome Mines approximately 5 km to the east. Furthermore, several of their magnetic and EM anomalies continue onto the southern part of the PLR JV Property. The anomalies discovered on Bold's Property have been described as "prospective for gold mineralization" by their consulting geophysicist. Advance United completed a ground EM survey in 2022 which also identified anomalies in the northern part of the property.

繼我們2023年5月23日的新聞稿後,我們描述了油漆湖路合資公司令人興奮的新發展。Bold Ventures對其北部財產進行的航空勘測表明,穿過其財產並進入PLR合資財產中心區域的大剪切帶。一些跡象表明,這一構造繼續延伸到Wesdome礦以東約5公里處的Mishi露天礦。此外,它們的幾個磁異常和電磁異常繼續延伸到PLR合資物業的南部。在Bold的財產上發現的異常被他們的諮詢地球物理學家描述為“金礦成礦遠景”。Advance United於2022年完成了一項地面EM調查,調查還發現了該物業北部的異常情況。

Property Expansion


We have continued to focus on expanding our property portfolio and entering new partnerships. As previously mentioned, knowledge gained at our existing properties has been used to expand our properties. In addition, research efforts have resulted in identification of two properties in South Carolina which are being examined for acquisition. To this end Advance United contracted a regional compilation around one of the properties to identify possible expansion opportunities. We look forward to reporting back on these opportunities.


Operational Changes and Increased Efficiencies


Efficiency and optimization remain key priorities for our company. We have implemented various operational initiatives aimed at streamlining processes, reducing costs, and improving overall productivity.


One of the main efforts in this area was the hiring of an Exploration Manager. He has extensive experience in First Nations consultation. Project management and government liaison and has been very helpful in alleviating some of the workload from the CEO as well as coordinating the field activities of our staff.


The Board has recommended the Mr. Kevin Wright, who has resigned as a director of AUHI and accepted appointment to lead the continued development of the Au Marketplace and technology platform. Subject to Exchange approval, the Company intends to spin out the technology platform into a subsidiary, Minebanq Inc. We look forward to continuing to keep our shareholders informed of the developments of the spin out in the coming weeks.

董事會已推薦凱文·賴特先生,他已辭去澳新國際董事的職務,並接受任命,領導友邦市場和技術平臺的持續發展。如果獲得交易所的批准,該公司打算將該技術平臺剝離為一家子公司Minebanq Inc.。我們期待著在未來幾周內繼續向我們的股東通報剝離的進展。

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility


We recognize the importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility in today's business landscape. We have made significant strides in our sustainability initiatives, including reducing our carbon footprint, implementing environmentally friendly practices, and promoting diversity and inclusion within our organization, including our second female prospector, Ashley, which traditionally has been a male dominated role. She has been very successful in identifying prospective areas on our Buck Lake Property in a previously unexplored and unknown area. This exciting discovery will be explored in our upcoming work program.

我們認識到可持續發展和企業社會責任在當今商業格局中的重要性。我們在可持續發展倡議方面取得了重大進展,包括減少碳足跡,實施環境友好做法,以及促進組織內部的多樣性和包容性,包括我們的第二位女性探礦者阿什利,她傳統上一直是男性主導的角色。她非常成功地在我們的Buck Lake地產上發現了潛在的區域,這是一個以前從未勘探和未知的區域。這一令人興奮的發現將在我們即將到來的工作計劃中進行探索。

Secondly, we have a plan in place to reseed and revegetated the areas disrupted during our activities at Buck Lake. Consultation with the local First Nations has allowed us to identify relevant plant species for this Effort. We remain committed to making a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole.

其次,我們已經制定了一項計劃,在我們在Buck Lake活動期間中斷的地區重新播種和重新種植植物。與當地原住民的協商使我們能夠確定這一努力的相關植物物種。我們繼續致力於對環境和整個社會產生積極影響。

Outlook and Future Plans


Looking ahead, we are very optimistic about the company's future. We anticipate continued growth in our core portfolio through exploration and plan to explore new opportunities for expansion. Our focus will remain on exploration innovation, stakeholder returns, and operational excellence.


We recently announced a non-brokered financing private placement through the issuance of up to 5,000,000 units (each, a "Unit") at a price of $0.05 per Unit and up to 6,666,666 flow-through units (each, a "FT Unit") at a price of $0.075 per FT Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $750,000 (the "Offering"), see press release dated June 6, and invite all shareholders to consider participating.


We would like to express our gratitude to our shareholders for their continued support and confidence in our company. We remain committed to delivering value and sustainable growth through our mineral exploration and project acquisition activities. As always, we encourage you to actively engage with us and provide feedback.


Thank you for your continued support and trust.




James Atkinson
CEO, Advance United Holdings

Advance United Holdings首席執行官

About Advance United Holdings

關於Advance United Holdings

Advance United brings an entirely different approach to the mining industry. We don't mine. Rather, we've acquired a portfolio of undervalued gold properties and are increasing their value through the application of modern technology. We have a growing pipeline of similar properties that we are looking to acquire. And now we've launched the Au Marketplace. A first of its kind digital platform that connects owners of mineral commodities and deposits with developers and producers.

Advance United為採礦業帶來了一種完全不同的方式。我們不是我的。相反,我們收購了一系列被低估的黃金資產,並通過應用現代技術來增加它們的價值。我們正在尋求收購越來越多的類似房產。現在我們推出了Au Marketplace。這是首個將礦產商品和礦藏的所有者與開發商和生產商聯繫起來的數位平臺。

We are involved exclusively in the acquisition and advancement of past projects - with no intent to bring them back into production or to mine them ourselves. Our expertise is in identifying and acquiring undervalued properties with significant historical work, which were uneconomic at the time, but we believe have economic value at today's prices.


We fund the development of re-working historic data and applying modern technology to underwrite new qualified reports, document quantifiable resources and reserves to current standards, thereby recognizing the current value.


Our purpose is to bring immediate and long-term value to our partners and shareholders while seeking to eliminate exploration risk, so that we can all advance united in the shortest possible time frame.


For additional information about us, our projects, or to find out how you can list your project in the Au Marketplace, visit .

有關我們、我們的專案的更多資訊,或瞭解如何在Au Marketplace中列出您的專案,請訪問。

Contact Information


James Atkinson, P. Geo., CEO
Tel: (647) 278-7502

James Atkinson,P.Geo,首席執行官

Qualified Person


James Atkinson M.Sc., P. Geo., a Qualified Person ("QP") as such term is defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the geological information reported in this news release. The Qualified Person has not completed sufficient work to verify all historic information on the Property, particularly with regards to historical sampling, drill results, and technical work provided by Noranda and others. The Qualified Person assumes that sampling and analytical results were completed to industry standard practices. The information provides an indication of the exploration potential of the Property but may not be representative of expected results.

國家儀器43-101-礦產專案披露標準定義的合格人士(“QP”)James Atkinson M.Sc.,P.Geo已審核並批准本新聞稿中報道的地質資訊。合格人員沒有完成足夠的工作來核實關於該財產的所有歷史資訊,特別是關於諾蘭達和其他人提供的歷史採樣、鑽探結果和技術工作。合格人員假定採樣和分析結果是按照行業標準實踐完成的。這些資訊提供了對該物業勘探潛力的指示,但可能不代表預期結果。

Forward-Looking Information and Cautionary Statements


This news release may contain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to the trading of the Company's securities and the focus of the Company's business. Any such forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "contemplates", "believes", "projects", "plans" and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this news release include statements regarding the Company's ability to increase the value of its current and future mineral exploration properties and, in connection therewith, any long-term shareholder value, the Company's ability to mitigate or eliminate exploration risk, and the Company's intention to develop a portfolio of historic gold properties. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. These statements should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from those implied by such statements. Although such statements are based on management's reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that the Company will continue its business as described above. Readers are encouraged to refer to the Company's annual and quarterly management's discussion and analysis and other periodic filings made by the Company with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities under the Company's profile on SEDAR at . The Company assumes no responsibility to update or revise forward-looking information to reflect new events or circumstances or actual results unless required by applicable law


To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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