Deal Alert: Grab The iPhone 13 Pro Max At A Hefty $220 Discount
Deal Alert: Grab The iPhone 13 Pro Max At A Hefty $220 Discount
The iPhone 13 Pro Max is still one of the best smartphones you can buy in 2023. With Prime Day 2023 coming up on July 11 and Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) preparing to launch the iPhone 15 series in September, we are starting to see some great discounts on the iPhone 13 series.
這個 iPhone 13 專業版 Max 仍然是你能在 2023 年買到的最好的智能手機之一。隨着 2023 年 Prime Day 將於 7 月 11 日到來 蘋果公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AAPL) 準備在9月推出iPhone 15系列,我們開始看到iPhone 13系列有一些很大的折扣。
What Is The Deal: The Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max is available at a discount of $220 on Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), bringing down the price to just $879, from $1,099. Note that this deal is applicable with a carrier plan, and the $220 discount is available on the Alpine Green color.
這筆交易是甚麼: 蘋果 iPhone 13 Pro Max 的折扣爲 220 美元 亞馬遜公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AMZN),將價格從1,099美元降至僅879美元。請注意,此優惠適用於運營商套餐,220 美元的折扣適用於阿爾卑斯綠色。
Click this link to grab the deal.
點擊此鏈接 抓住這筆交易。
See Also: Free Amazon Credits To Invite-Only Deals: How To Prepare For Amazon Prime Day 2023
另請參閱: 僅限受邀者優惠的免費亞馬遜積分:如何爲 2023 年亞馬遜 Prime Day 做準備
In addition to this, Amazon is also offering a discount of up to $100 over 24 months, offsetting some of the cost of your monthly carrier plan.
Still A Powerful Smartphone: The iPhone 13 Pro Max was launched in September 2021. At the time, it delivered the biggest camera upgrade in an iPhone along with a high refresh rate display.
仍然是一款功能強大的智能手機: iPhone 13 Pro Max 於 2021 年 9 月推出。當時,它實現了iPhone中最大的攝像頭升級以及高刷新率的顯示屏。
To recall, the iPhone 13 Pro Max features a 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR OLED display with 120Hz refresh rate. It is powered by the Apple A15 Bionic chipset that is still powerful enough two years later to run whatever apps and games you can throw at it.
回想一下,iPhone 13 Pro Max 配備 6.7 英寸 Super Retina XDR OLED 顯示屏,刷新率爲 120Hz。它由Apple A15 Bionic芯片組提供支持,該芯片組在兩年後仍然足夠強大,可以運行任何你能使用的應用程序和遊戲。
Adorning the back are three 12MP cameras, in a wide-angle, telephoto, and ultrawide angle setup, along with a 3D sensing LiDAR scanner that is useful for augmented reality features. There is a 12MP selfie camera on the front.
背面裝飾着三個 1200 萬像素攝像頭,採用廣角、長焦和超廣角設置,還有一臺可用於增強現實功能的 3D 感應 LiDAR 掃描儀。正面有一個 1200 萬像素的自拍相機。
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