What's Going On With Camber Energy Stock?
What's Going On With Camber Energy Stock?
Camber Energy Inc (AMEX:CEI) shares are trading higher on abnormally high volume Wednesday amid increased retail investor attention. Here's what you need to know.
坎伯能源公司 由於散戶投資者的注意力增加,週三交易量異常高,(AMEX: CEI) 股價走高。以下是你需要知道的。
What's Going On: Camber Energy's average session volume is about 723,000. Wednesday's trading volume has already exceeded 17 million at the time of writing, according to Benzinga Pro.
發生了甚麼: Camber Energy的平均交易量約爲72.3萬個。根據Benzinga Pro的數據,在撰寫本文時,週三的交易量已經超過1700萬。
Camber Energy shares are down more than 94% over the last year and more than 40% in just the last three months.
Camber Energy的股價比去年下跌了94%以上,在過去三個月中下跌了40%以上。
Last month, Camber Energy announced that NYSE American accepted the company's business plan to regain compliance with the exchange's continued listing requirements. However, shares continued to trend lower.
上個月,Camber Energy宣佈,紐約證券交易所美國人接受了該公司的商業計劃,以重新遵守該交易所的持續上市要求。然而,股價繼續走低。
The stock is seeing increased message volume across social media platforms like Twitter and Stocktwits this week. CEI is overwhelmingly popular among Twitter's "FinTwit" community. The stock was allegedly "pumped" by several traders on the platform toward the end of last year.
本週,該股在Twitter和Stocktwits等社交媒體平臺上的消息量有所增加。CEI在Twitter的 “FinTwit” 社區中非常受歡迎。據稱,去年年底,該平臺上的幾位交易者 “抽水” 了該股。
In December, the SEC brought charges against eight individuals in a $100 million securities fraud scheme in which they used Twitter to manipulate stock prices. Camber Energy was among the stocks that were heavily touted by the individuals.
在十二月, 美國證券交易委員會提出了指控 在一項耗資1億美元的證券欺詐計劃中針對八名個人,在該計劃中,他們利用Twitter操縱股價。Camber Energy是受到個人大力吹捧的股票之一。
Check This Out From Last Year: What's Going On With Camber Energy's Stock Today?
看看去年的這個:Camber Energy 今天的股票怎麼了?
Camber Energy is a growth-oriented diversified energy company. The company provides custom energy and power solutions to commercial and industrial clients in North America and owns interests in oil and natural gas assets in the United States.
Camber Energy是一家以增長爲導向的多元化能源公司。該公司爲北美的商業和工業客戶提供定製的能源和電力解決方案,並在美國擁有石油和天然氣資產的權益。
CEI Price Action: Camber Energy shares were up 53.2% at $1.05 at the time of publication, according to Benzinga Pro.
CEI 價格走勢: 根據Benzinga Pro的數據,在發佈之時,Camber Energy的股價上漲了53.2%,至1.05美元。
Photo: Lorenzo Cafaro from Pixabay.
照片:來自 Pixabay 的洛倫佐·卡法羅。