
Xali Gold Provides Update on Cash Flow Assets in Mexico

Xali Gold Provides Update on Cash Flow Assets in Mexico

Xali Gold提供墨西哥現金流資產的最新情況
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/07/13 07:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Xali Gold Corp. (TSXV:XGC) ("Xali Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on both the El Oro Tailings Project and the San Dieguito de Arriba ("SDA") Plant in Western Mexico.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2023年7月13日(環球通訊社)--哈雷黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:XGC)(以下簡稱“哈雷黃金”或“公司”)很高興地向您介紹位於墨西哥西部的El Oro尾礦專案和San Diguito de Arriba(“SDA”)工廠的最新情況。

El Oro Tailings Project (the "Project")

El Oro尾礦專案(“專案”)

As per the Xali Gold News Release dated May 4, 2023, Sun River Gold Corp ("Sun River") received notice of approval for a change in soil use permit which is the main permit required for the El Oro Tailings Project in Mexico. To complete the permitting process, Sun River then had a short time period to pay 1,426,364 Pesos (approximately US$84,500) to the Fondo Forestal Mexicano to receive the permit. The complete permit was received this week and allows the Tailings to be removed from the historical deposition site, which is within the town of El Oro, to the industrial processing site outside of the town. Having paid all fees pertaining to this permit, Sun River can now commence work on the Project.

根據日期為2023年5月4日的《薩利黃金新聞》,太陽河黃金公司(太陽河)收到了變更土壤使用許可證的批准通知,這是墨西哥El Oro尾礦專案所需的主要許可證。為了完成許可程式,太陽河公司隨後有很短的時間向墨西哥豐多森林公司支付1,426,364披索(約合84,500美元),以獲得許可。完整的許可證已於本週收到,允許將尾礦從El Oro鎮內的歷史沉積地點移至該鎮外的工業加工廠。在支付了與該許可證有關的所有費用後,太陽河現在可以開始該專案的工作。

Additionally, Sun River continues to make advanced Net Profit Interest ("NPI") payments, as part of the option agreement to acquire 100% of the Project from Minera CCM El Oro Jales (Xali Gold's subsidiary). For an outline of payments and extensions granted, please refer to the January 4, 2023 News Release.

此外,太陽河繼續支付預付淨利潤利息(“NPI”),作為從Minera CCM El Oro Jales(Xali Gold的子公司)收購該專案100%的期權協定的一部分。有關已批准的付款和延期的概述,請參閱2023年1月4日的新聞稿。

"We are very pleased that Sun River continues to advance our Tailings Project and that the team has such extensive permitting and mining experience in Mexico," says Joanne Freeze, President and CEO of Xali Gold. "With Sun River making advanced NPI payments, we have been able to continue working on other opportunities without incurring equity dilution."

夏利黃金首席執行官兼首席執行官瓊恩妮·弗萊克表示:“我們非常高興太陽河繼續推進我們的尾礦專案,我們的團隊在墨西哥擁有如此廣泛的許可和採礦經驗。隨著Sun River提前支付NPI款項,我們能夠繼續致力於其他機會,而不會導致股權稀釋。“

Sun River is a private Arizona based corporation managed by an experienced team of mining professionals with a combined 80 years of mining experience in Mexico, including specific experience in the reprocessing of historical gold and silver tailings.


The Tailings Project at El Oro contains an Inferred Resource* of 1,267,400 Tonnes grading 2.94 gold grams per tonne ("g/t"), 75.12 silver g/t containing 119,900 ounces of gold and 3,061,200 ounces of silver.

El Oro尾礦專案的推斷資源量*為1,267,400噸,品位為每噸2.94克黃金,含119,900盎司黃金和3,061,200盎司銀,每噸含銀75.12克。

*Note: Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures have been rounded to reflect the accuracy of the estimate. For more information see "National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report on the Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of the Mexico Mine Tailings" prepared by Nadia Caira, P.Geo. and Allan Reeves, P.Geo., dated August 25, 2014 with an effective date of July 8, 2014 available at

*注:礦產資源不是礦產儲量,沒有證明的經濟可行性。所有數位都經過四捨五入,以反映估計的準確性。欲瞭解更多資訊,請參閱Nadia Casa,P.Geo編寫的“國家儀器43-101墨西哥尾礦推斷礦產資源量估算技術報告”。和艾倫·裡夫斯,P.Geo,日期為2014年8月25日,生效日期為2014年7月8日,可在

SDA Plant


The Company has decided to terminate the Binding Letter of Intent (the "Agreement") on the SDA Plant with Minera Cinco Reales S.A. de C.V. ("MCR") due to their failure to meet timelines and the number of other groups showing interest in collaboration on operating the plant. The Company is now in discussions with several other parties regarding terms to get the SDA Plant fully operational. The first step was to upgrade the power supply at the SDA Plant, which has been completed. Fabrication of initial replacement parts for the plant is still in progress, as is the Environmental Impact Permit.

本公司已決定終止與Minera Cinco Reales C.V.(“MCR”)就SDA廠房訂立的具約束力的意向書(“協定”),原因是雙方未能如期完成,以及有多個其他集團對營運該廠房表現出興趣。該公司目前正在與其他幾家公司就使SDA工廠全面運營的條款進行談判。第一步是對SDA工廠的電源進行升級,目前已經完成。工廠的初始替換部件的製造仍在進行中,環境影響許可證也是如此。

"While we are disappointed that MCR was unable to meet its commitments, we are excited to be in talks with several other local mining companies to continue bringing the SDA Plant into operation," says Joanne Freeze, President and CEO of Xali Gold. "The Profit Sharing Agreements on the SDA plant, as well as with Sun River Gold on the El Oro Tailings project, will allow us to put our assets to work and provide cash flow while we continue to evaluate other opportunities."

夏利黃金首席執行官兼首席執行官瓊恩妮·弗萊克表示:“雖然我們對MCR無法履行承諾感到失望,但我們很高興能與其他幾家當地礦業公司就繼續運營SDA工廠進行談判。”SDA工廠的利潤分享協定,以及與太陽河黃金公司就El Oro尾礦專案達成的利潤分享協定,將使我們能夠在繼續評估其他機會的同時,將我們的資產投入運營並提供現金流。

About Xali Gold


Xali Gold has a growth strategy to acquire gold and silver projects with near surface exploration potential, near-term production potential and previous mining histories in Mexico. Xali Gold plans to advance our growing bank of gold and silver assets internally and/or with industry partners.

Xali Gold有一項增長戰略,即收購具有近地表勘探潛力、近期生產潛力和墨西哥以往採礦歷史的金銀專案。夏利黃金計劃在內部和/或與行業合作夥伴推進我們不斷增長的黃金和白銀資產銀行。

El Oro is a district scale gold project encompassing a well-known prolific high-grade gold dominant gold-silver epithermal vein system in Mexico. The project covers 20 veins with past production and more than 57 veins in total, from which approximately 6.4 million ounces of gold and 74 million ounces of silver were reported to have been produced from just two of these veins (Ref. Mexico Geological Service Bulletin Nr. 37, Mining of the El Oro and Tlapujahua Districts. 1920, T. Flores).

El Oro是一個地區規模的金礦專案,包括墨西哥著名的多產高品位金-銀淺成熱液礦脈系統。該專案涵蓋了20個過去生產過的礦脈,總共超過57個礦脈,據報道僅其中兩個礦脈就生產了大約640萬盎司黃金和7400萬盎司白銀。墨西哥地質局公告第37號,埃爾奧羅區和特拉普賈瓦區的採礦。1920年,T.Flores)。

Modern understanding of epithermal vein systems indicates that several of the El Oro district's veins hold excellent discovery potential, particularly below and adjacent to the historic workings of the San Rafael Vein, which was mined to an average depth of only 200 metres.

對低溫礦脈系統的現代認識表明,El Oro區的幾個礦脈具有很好的發現潛力,特別是在San Rafael礦脈歷史悠久的開採井下方和附近,該礦脈的平均開採深度僅為200米。

Xali Gold is dedicated to being a responsible Community partner.


Joanne C. Freeze, P.Geo., President, CEO and Matthew Melnyk, CPG., Director Operations, are Qualified Persons as defined by National Instrument 43-101 for the projects discussed above. Ms. Freeze and Mr. Melnyk have reviewed and approved the contents of this release.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-looking Information
This news release may contain forward-looking information (as such term is defined under Canadian securities laws) including but not limited to the mineral resource estimate for the Mexico Mine Tailings and information regarding references to historical resource estimates, the potential for discovery on the El Oro Property and other statements that are not historical facts. While such forward-looking information is expressed by Xali Gold in good faith and believed by Xali Gold to have a reasonable basis, they address future events and conditions and are therefore subject to inherent risks and uncertainties including those set out in Xali Gold's MD&A. Factors that cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking information include, without limitation, gold prices, results of exploration and development activities, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, potential environmental issues, availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Xali Gold expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性資訊(該術語根據加拿大證券法定義),包括但不限於對墨西哥尾礦的礦產資源估計、與歷史資源估計有關的資訊、El Oro礦藏的潛在發現以及其他非歷史事實的陳述。雖然該等前瞻性資訊乃由Xali Gold真誠表達,並相信其有合理的基礎,但該等資訊涉及未來事件和條件,因此會受到固有風險和不確定性的影響,包括在Xali Gold的MD&A報告中闡明的風險和不確定性。導致實際結果與前瞻性資訊中陳述的內容存在實質性差異的因素包括但不限於金價、勘探和開發活動的結果、監管規定的變化、所有權的缺陷、材料和設備的可用性、政府批准的及時性、潛在的環境問題、資金和融資的可用性以及總體經濟、市場或商業狀況。除非根據適用的證券法,否則Xali Gold明確表示不打算也不承擔任何因新資訊、未來事件或其他原因而更新或修改任何前瞻性資訊的意圖或義務。

On behalf of the Board of Xali Gold Corp.


"Joanne Freeze" P.Geo.
President, CEO and Director


For further information please contact:
Joanne Freeze, President & CEO
Tel: + 1 (604) 689-1957


NR 201

NR 201

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