Reunion Neuroscience On The Brink Of Going Private With Final Court Approval
Reunion Neuroscience On The Brink Of Going Private With Final Court Approval
Clinical-stage psychedelics company Reunion Neuroscience (NASDAQ:REUN) is about to close on its take-private transaction with MPM BioImpact affiliates, as shareholders voted for a special resolution approving the proposed arrangement plan on July 12. Following suit, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted a final order approving the proposed arrangement under Section 192 of Canada's BCA.
臨床階段的迷幻藥公司Reunion Neuroscience(納斯達克股票代碼:REUN)即將完成與MPM BioImpact子公司的私有化交易,因爲股東們於7月12日投票通過了一項批准擬議安排計劃的特別決議。此後,安大略省高等法院下達了最終命令,批准了加拿大BCA第192條規定的擬議安排。
Both companies entered a definitive arrangement agreement for the acquisition of Reunion in an all-cash transaction of $13.1 million this past May 31. They anticipate closing on or about July 21, 2023.
The arrangement resolution required the approval of at least two-thirds (66%) of the votes cast by shareholders present or by proxy at Reunion's special meeting. Results showed 99% of the votes cast at the meeting in favor of the arrangement, moving it forward.
該安排決議要求出席Reunion特別會議的股東或代理人投票的至少三分之二(66%)獲得批准。結果顯示,會議上 99% 的選票贊成該安排,推動該安排向前發展。
Following its terms and conditions, all holders of Reunion's outstanding common shares will be entitled to receive $1.12 in cash for each one held prior to the arrangement.
What Happened
Former Field Trip Health split in mid-2022 into two independent companies: Reunion, conceived as the drug R&D branch and Field Trip Health & Wellness (OTC:FTHWF) or the business providing psychedelic-assisted therapies.
前Field Trip Health於2022年年中分拆爲兩家獨立公司:Reunion(設想爲藥物研發部門)和Field Trip Health & Wellness(場外交易代碼:FTHWF)或提供迷幻輔助療法的公司。
While Field Trip H&W furthered its ketamine clinic offerings into what some predicted would become a market bubble, Reunion developed lead asset RE104, a novel serotonergic psychedelic compound and "the only 4-OH-DiPT prodrug in clinical development," as a potential treatment for postpartum depression (PPD.)
雖然 Field Trip H&W 將其氯胺酮診所產品進一步推向了某些人預測的市場泡沫,但 Reunion 開發了領先資產 RE104,這是一種新型的血清素能迷幻化合物,也是 “臨床開發中唯一的 4-OH-dipt 前藥”,作爲產後抑鬱症(PPD.)的潛在治療方法
RE104 is protected under a U.S. patent, issued on April 5, 2022, for its composition of matter, methods of manufacturing, formulations and methods of use of multiple tryptamines; although the company entered a court battle earlier this year suing Mindset Pharma Inc. (OTC:MSSTF) over the latter's claims on a Novel Chemical Entity (NCE) reportedly identical to RE104.
RE104 因其物質成分、製造方法、配方和多種色胺的使用方法而受到2022年4月5日頒發的美國專利的保護;儘管該公司在今年早些時候就Mindset Pharma Inc.(場外交易代碼:MSSTF)對據報道與 RE104 相同的新化學實體(NCE)的主張提起訴訟。
This April, Reunion announced it no longer met Nasdaq's minimum bid price for continued listing in the stock and entered the "compliance period." While aiming to regain it, quarterly numbers showed a descent of liquidity and already included the take-private arrangement as the likely road to follow.
今年4月,Reunion宣佈不再達到納斯達克繼續上市的最低出價,並進入了 “合規期”。在旨在恢復流動性的同時,季度數據顯示流動性下降,並且已經將私有化安排列爲可能的未來之路。
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Photo: Benzinga edit with photo by anaterate and sergeitokmakov on Pixabay.
照片:Benzinga 編輯,照片由 anaterate 和 sergeitokmakov 在 Pixabay 上。