
Vatu Aurum Gold Project Cornerstone Permit Renewed

Vatu Aurum Gold Project Cornerstone Permit Renewed

Vatu Aurum 黃金項目基石許可證續期
Accesswire ·  2023/07/31 09:20
  • The Mineral Resources Department, Government of Republic of Fiji, has renewed Kalo Gold Corp., 100% owned, Special Prospecting License (SPL) 1464 for a term of five years on 4 July 2028.
  • SPL 1464 is Kalo Gold's cornerstone SPL permit which covers 22,160 hectares and hosts the high priority gold exploration targets of Qiriyaga Hill, Wainikoro and Mouta Caldera complexes.
  • 斐濟共和國政府礦產資源部於2028年7月4日將擁有100%股權的Kalo Gold Corp.的特別勘探許可證(SPL)1464續期五年。
  • SPL 1464是Kalo Gold的基石SPL許可證,佔地22,160公頃,擁有齊裡亞加山、Wainikoro和Mouta Caldera綜合體的高優先級金礦勘探目標。

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2023 / KALO GOLD CORP. ("Kalo", "Kalo Gold" or the "Company") is pleased report the renewal of the cornerstone Special Prospecting License 1464 ("SPL 1464"), one of two SPLs, that make up the 366.91 square kilometer, 100% owned, Vatu Aurum Gold Project (the "Project") located in the Republic of Fiji.

溫哥華,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2023年7月31日/Kalo Gold Corp.(“Kalo“,”Kalo Gold““或”公司很高興地報告基石特別勘探許可證1464(“SPL1464”)的續簽,這是構成366.91平方公里、100%擁有的Vatu Aurum金礦專案的兩個SPL之一。專案“)位於斐濟共和國。

The Company has been granted this extension after a rigorous assessment process that considered not only the geological and economic potential of the Project, but included an environmental review, an assessment of local landowner, and community relationships. The Company has made payment of a performance and environmental bond, as required under Section 16 of the Fiji Mining Act 1965 and associated rental fees. In accordance with Regulation 31 of the Mining Regulation 1966, the Company is required to submit Quarterly and Annual Exploration Reports and provide a copy of any compensation agreements with respective landowning units.


The Project consists of two permits, SPL 1464 and SPL 1511, that cover a total of 366.91 square kilometers. SPL 1464 covers 22,160 hectares and hosts the Qiriyaga Hill, Wainikoro and Mouta Caldera complexes. SPL 1511 covers 14,531 hectares, and the Coquelo Caldera complex, and is subject to renewal on the 14 September 2024.

該專案包括兩個許可證,SPL1464和SPL1511,總佔地366.91平方公里。SPL 1464佔地22,160公頃,擁有齊裡亞加山、Wainikoro和Mouta Caldera建築群。SPL 1511佔地14,531公頃,以及Coquelo Caldera建築群,將於2024年9月14日續簽。

President and CEO, Terry L. Tucker, P.Geo commented "Kalo Gold is extremely pleased with the tremendous support of the Mineral Resources Department in achieving this very important milestone. The early license renewal and support provides security and confidence in the Company's ability to continue to explore and develop the exceptional Vatu Aurum Gold Project and that Fiji continues to be open to public markets which can access critical capital to enable mineral exploration in the country for the benefit of shareholders and all stakeholders in Fiji."

P.Geo首席執行官總裁和首席執行官特裡·L·塔克表示:“Kalo Gold對礦產資源部為實現這一非常重要的里程碑提供的巨大支持感到非常高興。早期的許可證續期和支持為公司繼續勘探和開發特殊的Vatu Aurum金礦專案的能力提供了安全和信心,斐濟繼續向公開市場開放,這些市場可以獲得關鍵資本,使斐濟的礦產勘探能夠造福於斐濟的股東和所有利益相關者。”



Kalo Gold Corp, a gold exploration company, is focused on exploration for low sulphidation epithermal gold deposits of the Vatu Aurum Gold Project on the island of Vanua Levu (North Island) in the Republic of Fiji. Kalo holds a 100% interest in two Special Prospecting Licenses, covering 367 km2 that hosts a minimum of seven volcanic arc related calderas ranging between 1 km to 10 km in diameter in a geological setting that could be analogous to the alkaline related low sulphidation epithermal gold deposits of both the neighbouring Vatukoula Gold Mine and the Lion One Metals' Tuvatu Alkaline Gold Project. Historical exploration work concentrated on the Qiriyaga Hill and Vuinubu Ridge Gold Deposits and resulted in the identification of over fourteen priority epithermal gold exploration targets.

Kalo Gold Corp是一家黃金勘探公司,專注於斐濟共和國瓦努阿列武島(北島)Vatu Aurum金礦專案的低硫化低溫熱液金礦勘探。Kalo擁有兩個特殊勘探許可證的100%權益,覆蓋367公里2.該地區至少有七個與火山弧有關的火山口,直徑在1公里至10公里之間,其地質環境類似於鄰近的瓦圖庫拉金礦和Lion One Metals的Tuvatu鹼性金礦專案中與鹼性有關的低硫化低溫熱液金礦床。歷史勘探工作集中在奇裡亞加山和維努布山脊金礦床上,確定了14個優先的淺成熱液金礦勘探目標。

Both Viti Levu, (South Island), and Vanua Levu are on the prolific Pacific "Ring of Fire", a trend that has produced numerous large deposits, including Porgera, Lihir and Grasberg and on Viti Levu, the exceptional Vatukoula Gold Mine. The Vatukoula Gold Mine has produced more than 7 million ounces of gold since 1937. The island of Viti Levu also hosts the fully permitted Tuvatu Alkaline Gold Project, where Lion One Metals is fast tracking a high-grade underground gold mining operation.

南島的Viti Levu和Vanua Levu都位於多產的太平洋“火環”上,這一趨勢已經產生了許多大型礦藏,包括Porgera、Lihir和Grasberg,以及特殊的Vatukoula金礦Viti Levu。自1937年以來,瓦圖庫拉金礦已經生產了700多萬盎司黃金。Viti Levu島還擁有完全許可的Tuvatu鹼性金礦專案,Lion One Metals正在快速追蹤一個高品位地下金礦開採業務。

Qualified Person


The technical disclosure in this news release has been approved by Terry L. Tucker, P.Geo. a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators.

本新聞稿中的技術披露已得到Terry L.Tucker,P.Geo的批准。加拿大證券管理人的國家文書43-101所定義的合格人員。

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Kalo Gold Corp.

我謹代表Kalo Gold Corp.董事會發言。

Terry L. Tucker, P.Geo
President and Chief Executive Officer
Kevin Ma, CPA, CA
Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Director


Kevin Ma,註冊會計師,加利福尼亞州

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Forward Looking Statements Disclaimer


Certain statements in this release are forward-looking statements, which are statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions regarding the future. Forward looking statements in this news release include statements relating to the Company's proposed drilling timeline and the proposed expansion of the exploration program, and the Company's plans for future exploration on the Vatu Aurum Gold Project. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "will", "may", "should", "anticipate", "expects" and similar expressions. All statements included in this news release, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results, and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, the Company's inability to raise the necessary capital to be fully able to implement its business strategies, and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's filing statement dated February 9, 2021 and latest interim Management Discussion and Analysis filed with certain securities commissions in Canada.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述是前瞻性陳述,這些陳述不是純粹的歷史性陳述,包括任何有關對未來的信念、計劃、預期或意圖的陳述。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括與公司擬議的鑽井時間表和擬議的勘探計劃擴大有關的陳述,以及公司未來在Vatu Aurum Gold的勘探計劃 專案。前瞻性陳述通常用“將”、“可能”、“應該”、“預期”、“預期”和類似的表達方式來識別。除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中包含的所有陳述均為前瞻性陳述,涉及風險和不確定因素。不能保證這些陳述將被證明是準確和實際的結果,未來的事件可能與這些陳述中預期的大不相同。可能導致實際結果與公司預期大相徑庭的重要因素包括可能存在的任何礦藏的質量和數量、公司無法獲得其活動所需的任何必要許可、同意或授權、公司無法籌集必要的資本以充分實施其業務戰略,以及公司在2021年2月9日的申報聲明和最近提交給加拿大某些證券委員會的中期管理層討論和分析中披露的其他風險和不確定因素。

The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking statements herein may prove to be incorrect. Events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking information. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect, and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company will update or revise publicly any of the included forward-looking statements as expressly required by Canadian securities law.


SOURCE: Kalo Gold Corp.


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