
Exploits Announces Assay Results From Hole BE-23-030 at Bullseye

Exploits Announces Assay Results From Hole BE-23-030 at Bullseye

Exploits 公佈了 Bullseye BE-23-030 洞的化驗結果
newsfile ·  2023/08/23 06:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 23, 2023) - Exploits Discovery Corp. (CSE: NFLD) (OTCQX: NFLDF) (FSE: 634) ("Exploits" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the assay results from the final hole completed during Phase-1 exploration drilling on its 100%-owned Bullseye property located along the Appleton Fault Zone ("AFZ") in central Newfoundland.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年8月23日)——Exploits Discovery Corp.(CSE:NFLD)(OTCQX:NFLD)(FSE:NFLD)(FSE:634)(“漏洞” 或 “公司”)很高興地宣佈其位於阿普爾頓斷層帶(“AFZ”)沿線的100%擁有的Bullseye物業的第一階段勘探鑽探期間完成的最後一個洞的化驗結果紐芬蘭中部。

Highlights Include:


  • BE-23-030 encountered several concentrations of quartz veining over its 502 metre length, generating a 46.12 g/t Au assay value from a 0.40 metre core sample.
  • BE-23-030 在其 502 米長度上遇到了幾種濃度的石英脈紋,從 0.40 米的岩心樣本中生成了 46.12 g/t 的金測定值。
  • Several fine grains of Visible Gold were noted within the local veining that contributed to the 46.12 g/t Au screen-metallic assay. This new mineralization was intersected at a vertical depth of approximately 190 metres below surface and remains open in all directions.

  • Assay results from all 30 drill holes completed during the 11,292 metre Phase-1 drilling campaign have been received and publicly reported.

  • 在局部礦脈中發現了幾顆細小的可見金顆粒,這促成了46.12 g/t的金絲網金屬測定。這種新的礦化區在地表以下約190米的垂直深度相交,並且在各個方向上都保持開放狀態。

  • 已收到並公開報告了在11,292米的第一階段鑽探活動中完成的所有30個鑽孔的化驗結果。

  • The design of Phase 2 drilling program has commenced at Bullseye focusing on:
    • Expansion of the "Horseshoe" gold zone discovery (announced on June 13, 2023).
    • Possible extension of New Found Gold Corp.'s ("NFG") Everest gold discovery onto Bullseye South.
    • Extension of NFG's Jackpot gold discovery on Bullseye South.
    • Information obtained through the upcoming results of NFG's regional seismic survey shall be incorporated into Exploits' interpretation.
    • Assess west side of the Appleton Fault (similar to Keats West) as well as further east of Bullseye.
  • 第二階段鑽探計劃的設計已在 Bullseye 開始,重點是:
    • 擴大 “Horseshoe” 金礦區發現(2023年6月13日宣佈)。
    • New Found Gold Corp. 可能延期s(“NFG”)在 Bullseye South 上發現了珠穆朗瑪峯的黃金。
    • NFG 在 Bullseye South 發現的 Jackpot 金幣的延伸。
    • 通過NFG即將公佈的區域地震調查結果獲得的信息應納入Exploits的解釋中。
    • 評估阿普爾頓斷層的西側(類似於濟慈西部)以及 Bullseye 以東的更遠處。

Jeff Swinoga, President and CEO, commented, "We are very pleased that our initial drilling campaign at Bullseye resulted in our first high-grade discovery called the Horseshoe gold zone. We have also been successful in identifying at least two new high-grade areas of gold mineralization beyond Horseshoe. These two new areas generated double digit gold assays in hole 28 and 30. We believe there is definitely more gold at Bullseye to discover. Our all-local and talented team, based in Gander NL, is excited by the numerous opportunities identified by our first successful drilling program at Bullseye. Equally, we are looking forward to identifying new gold targets with the data accumulated this summer on our large Gazeebow South, with over 7.4 kms along the Appleton Fault."

總裁兼首席執行官Jeff Swinoga評論說:“我們很高興我們在Bullseye的初步鑽探活動導致了我們的第一個高品位發現,名爲Horseshoe金區。除了 Horseshoe 之外,我們還成功地確定了至少兩個新的高品位金礦化區域。這兩個新區域在28號洞和30號洞產生了兩位數的金化驗結果。我們相信 Bullseye 肯定還有更多的黃金可供發現。我們位於荷蘭甘德的全本地化且才華橫溢的團隊對我們在Bullseye的第一個成功鑽探項目所發現的衆多機會感到興奮。同樣,我們期待利用今年夏天在阿普爾頓斷層沿線超過7.4公里的大型Gazeebow South上積累的數據來確定新的黃金目標。”

Bullseye (Horseshoe) Interpretation


Mineralization at the Bullseye property is hosted within a fold-thrust sequence of northeast-striking, steeply dipping, turbidite sequence. These rocks were deposited and deformed during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean and subsequent continent-continent collision. The Appleton Fault Zone is a regional scale deformation zone that developed during this period. The AFZ likely serves as a primary conduit for gold-bearing fluids. Brittle faults within the envelope surrounding the AFZ form a vast network of gold rich quartz veins.

Bullseye 物業的礦化作用位於向東北衝擊、陡峭傾斜的濁巖序列的摺疊推力序列中。這些岩石是在伊阿佩圖斯海關閉和隨後的大陸碰撞期間沉積和變形的。阿普爾頓斷層帶是在此期間形成的區域尺度變形帶。AFZ 很可能是含金液體的主要管道。AFZ周圍包絡內的脆性斷層形成了一個由富含金的石英礦脈組成的龐大網絡。

Visible gold has been noted within 8 drill holes contributing to the locally high-grade intercepts. Several wide intervals of gold mineralization, in the 1.00 - 3.00 g/t range, are linked to quartz veining with elevated sulphide content. Notable sulphide minerals, such as pyrite, arsenopyrite, and boulangerite have been observed within the veins and in the surrounding host rocks. Within the Horseshoe zone, visible gold is found in brecciated and locally annealed vuggy quartz veins, features characteristic of epizonal gold deposits.

在8個鑽孔中發現了可見的黃金,這促成了當地的高品位攔截。在1.00-3.00 g/t範圍內的幾個較寬的金礦化間隔與硫化物含量升高的石英脈相關。在礦脈內和周圍的宿主巖中已經觀察到明顯的硫化物礦物,例如黃鐵礦、黃鐵礦和布朗格里特。在馬蹄帶內,在角礫岩和局部退火的凹凸石英礦脈中發現了可見的金,這是外延金礦牀的特徵。

Corporate Update


The Company also announces that effective August 21, 2023, Mr. Chris Huggins has resigned as director. The Company wishes to thank Mr. Huggins for his contributions to the Company and wishes him success on his new endeavour. Jeff Swinoga commented, "I personally, and on behalf of our Board, want to thank Chris Huggins for his significant contributions to Exploits and congratulate him on his new CEO position at a company also exploring in Newfoundland and Labrador."

公司還宣佈,克里斯·哈金斯先生已辭去董事職務,自2023年8月21日起生效。公司感謝Huggins先生對公司的貢獻,並祝願他在新的工作中取得成功。Jeff Swinoga評論說:“我個人並代表董事會,要感謝克里斯·哈金斯對Exploits的重大貢獻,並祝賀他在紐芬蘭和拉布拉多也在探索的公司擔任新的首席執行官一職。”

Update on Claim Grievances and Appeal


In a staking rush on October 20, 2020, the Company staked three mineral licenses (31452M, 31453M and 31454M) in Central Newfoundland. The Newfoundland and Labrador Mineral Claims Recorder rejected these license applications. The Company has grieved the Mineral Claims Recorder's rejection of these license applications under the Mineral Act. The hearing was held in June 2023 before the Mineral Rights Adjudication Board (the "Adjudication Board"), and the Adjudication Board ruled against the Company. The Company plans to appeal to the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador. Jeff Swinoga commented, "While we respect the Adjudication Board's decision, it is important to note as we prepare our appeal that the Adjudication Board and the Company are agreed that the Company complied in all respects with the Mineral Regulations and the Mineral Act in the staking of these licenses."

在2020年10月20日的質押熱潮中,該公司在紐芬蘭中部持有三份礦產許可證(31.452億份、31.453億份和31.454億份)。紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省礦產索賠記錄機構拒絕了這些許可證申請。該公司對礦產索賠記錄機構根據《礦產法》拒絕這些許可證申請感到悲傷。聽證會於2023年6月在礦權仲裁委員會(“仲裁委員會”)舉行,裁決委員會作出不利於公司的裁決。該公司計劃向紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省最高法院提出上訴。Jeff Swinoga評論說:“儘管我們尊重仲裁委員會的決定,但在準備上訴時,值得注意的是,仲裁委員會和公司一致認爲,公司在質押這些許可證時在各個方面都遵守了《礦產條例》和《礦業法》。”

Bullseye Drilling - Tables of Selected Assays


Table 1: Selected drill assays.

表 1:選定的鑽孔測定。

Bullseye Drilling 2023 - Selected Assays (Exceeding 1.00 g/t Au Value) from Sawn NQ Drill Core
Hole ID From (m) To (m) Sample Length (m) Vertical Depth (m) Below Surface Analysis Method Au Assay (ppb)* Au Assay (g/t) Comments Au - Weighted Average Grade (g/t )**
BE-23-030 297.85 298.25 0.40 ~190 Screen-Met 46,116.47 46.12 VG Noted 46.12 g/t Au over 0.40m
AND 448.05 448.50 0.45 ~280 Screen-Met 1,452.20 1.45 1.45 g/t Au over 0.45m
*Assays reported direct from lab certificate. Screen-Met samples are 'Weighted Averaged ppb' as calculated from lab
**All intersections are core intervals and do not represent true thickness
Bullseye Drilling 2023-來自 Sawn NQ 鑽芯的精選化驗方法(金值超過 1.00 g/t)
Hole ID 從 (m) 到 (m) 樣本長度 (m) 表面以下垂直深度 (m) 分析方法 Au Asay (ppb) * 金測定 (g/t) 評論意見 Au-加權平均等級 (g/t) **
BE-23-030 297.85 298.25 0.40 ~190 Screen-Met 46,116.47 46.12 VG 注意到了 46.12 g/t Au 超過 0.40m
448.05 448.50 0.45 ~280 Screen-Met 1,452.20 1.45 1.45 g/t Au 超過 0.45 米
*直接從實驗室證書中報告的化驗結果。根據實驗室計算,Screen-Met 樣本是 “加權平均 ppb”

Table 2: Drill collar data.

表 2:鑽環數據。

Bullseye - Collar Information for Reported Drill Holes
Hole ID Easting Northing Elevation (m) Azimuth Dip Length (m)
BE-23-030 660025 5430774 60 300 -45 502
Coordinates Reported in NAD-83
Hole ID 向東 北方 海拔 (m) Azimuth 長度 (m)
BE-23-030 660025 5430774 60 300 -45 502
NAD-83 中報告的座標

Bullseye Gold Property


The Bullseye claims were staked by Exploits in September 2022, and are contiguous to the very active targets currently being drilled by both New Found Gold and Labrador Gold. The claims are considered by the Company's geologists to be highly prospective because they directly overlay a 1,200 by 400 metre segment of the Appleton Fault and its related splay structures. Over a dozen exploration drill rigs have been employed by the three companies operating within this structural-stratigraphic setting over the past two years.

Bullseye的索賠是Exploits在2022年9月提出的,與New Found Gold和Labrador Gold目前正在鑽探的非常活躍的目標相鄰。該公司的地質學家認爲這些主張具有很高的前景,因爲它們直接覆蓋了阿普爾頓斷層1200乘400米的部分及其相關的懸浮結構。在過去的兩年中,在這三家結構地層環境中運營的公司已經使用了十幾臺勘探鑽機。

Quality Assurance - Quality Control ("QA/QC")


All prospective NQ core is logged and delineated for sampling by an Exploits' professional geologist. The core is subsequently halved by a diamond-bladed core saw by the Company's technicians with one half being placed in a bag with a unique sample identification. The remaining half core is retained within the Company's secure storage facility in Gander, NL. Sample bags are sealed and then shipped directly to Eastern Analytical Ltd. Certified standards and blanks are inserted at defined intervals following the Company's QA/QC documented procedures, representing approximately 5% of all samples sent for assaying. All core samples are currently analyzed at Eastern Analytical Ltd. of 403 Little Bay Road, Springdale, NL, a commercial laboratory that is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited and completely independent of Exploits. Samples are analyzed using fire assay (30g) with AA finish (Au-FAA 30 ppb process) and/or a four-acid digestion followed by multi-element ICP-OES analysis. All samples with visible gold or assaying above 10.0 g/t Au are further assayed using metallic screen to mitigate the presence of the nugget effect of coarse gold. Metallic screen assays are reported as 'Weighted Averaged ppb' directly calculated from the lab.

所有潛在的NQ岩心都由Exploits的專業地質學家記錄和劃定以供採樣。隨後,公司技術人員用金剛石刀片岩心鋸將岩心切成兩半,其中一半放入裝有獨特樣品標識的袋子裏。其餘一半的核心保留在公司位於荷蘭甘德的安全存儲設施中。樣品袋被密封,然後直接運往東方分析有限公司。經過認證的標準品,並按照公司的質量保證/質量控制文件程序按規定的間隔插入空白,約佔送檢的所有樣本的5%。目前,所有核心樣本都在位於荷蘭斯普林代爾小灣路403號的東方分析有限公司進行分析,這是一家獲得ISO/IEC 17025認證、完全獨立於漏洞利用的商業實驗室。樣品使用火法分析(30g)進行AA表面處理(au-Faa 30 ppb工藝)和/或四酸消解,然後進行多元素ICP-OES分析。使用金屬屏蔽對所有含有可見金或測定值高於10.0 g/t Au的樣品進行進一步分析,以減少粗金的金塊效應的存在。金屬絲網檢測報告爲 “加權平均ppb”,直接由實驗室計算得出。

National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure

美國國家儀器 43-101 披露

Ken Tylee, P.Geo., VP of Exploration with Exploits, is a qualified person within the Provinces of Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. Tylee has reviewed and approved the technical information presented herein.

P.Geo. Ken Tylee,利用漏洞勘探副總裁,是 NI 43-101 所定義的安大略省、紐芬蘭省和拉布拉多省的合格人員。Tylee 先生已審查並批准了此處提供的技術信息。

About Exploits Discovery Corp.

關於 Exploits Disco

Exploits is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of mineral projects in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The Company is focused on discovering high-grade structurally hosted epizonal gold similar to New Found Gold's success along the Appleton Fault zone and parallel structures within the Exploits Subzone.

Exploits是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於收購和開發加拿大紐芬蘭和拉布拉多的礦產項目。該公司專注於在阿普爾頓斷層帶和Exploits Subzone內的平行結構發現類似於New Found Gold在阿普爾頓斷層帶上取得的成功,以及Exploits Subzone內的平行結構。

Exploits is utilizing its experienced, talented local team and geologic understanding with the vision to become one of the most successful explorers in Canada.


On Behalf of the Board


/s/ "Jeff Swinoga"
President and CEO

/s/ “Jeff Swinoga”

For more information, please contact:


Shanda Kilborn
VP, Investor Relations
+1 (778) 819-2708

Shanda Kilborn
+1 (778) 819-2708

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as the term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy of accuracy of this news release.


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, which relate to future events or future performance and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company. Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected including, but not limited to, market conditions, availability of financing, actual results of the Company's exploration and other activities, environmental risks, future metal prices, operating risks, accidents, labor issues, delays in obtaining governmental approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry. All the forward-looking statements made in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those in our continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR+ at . These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances save as required by applicable law.




Exploits Discovery would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Junior Exploration Assistance Program from the Department of Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Exploits Discovery謹感謝紐芬蘭和拉布拉多政府自然資源部對青少年勘探援助計劃的財政支持。

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