
NVIDIA Corp. (NVDA) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

NVIDIA Corp. (NVDA) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

英偉達公司 (NVDA) 2024 年第二季度業績電話會議記錄
moomoo資訊 ·  2023/08/23 23:57

Company Management


Jensen Huang - Co-Founder, CEO & President

Colette Kress - EVP & CFO

Simona Jankowski - VP, IR


Colette Kress-執行副總裁兼首席財務官




Joseph Moore - Morgan Stanley

Vivek Arya - Bank of America

Toshiya Hari - Goldman Sachs

Matt Ramsay - Cowen

Mark Lipacis - Jefferies

Atif Malik - Citi

Timothy Arcuri - UBS

Benjamin Reitzes - Melius

Stacy Rasgon - Bernstein Research


Vivek Arya-美國銀行

Toshiya Hari-高盛

Matt Ramsay-Cowen


Atif Malik-花旗

Timothy Arcuri-瑞銀

Benjamin Reitzes-Melius

Stacy Rasgon-伯恩斯坦研究



Good afternoon. My name is David, and I'll be your conference operator today. At this time, I'd like to welcome everyone to NVIDIA's Second Quarter Earnings Call. Today's conference is being recorded. All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any background noise. After the speakers’ remarks, there will be a question-and-answer session. [Operator Instructions]

下午好。我叫大衛,今天我將成爲你的會議接線員。此時,我想歡迎大家參加 NVIDIA 的第二季度業績電話會議。今天的會議正在錄製中。爲了防止任何背景噪音,所有線路都已設置爲靜音。發言者發言後,將進行問答環節。[操作員說明]

Thank you. Simona Jankowski, you may begin your conference.


Simona Jankowski


Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to NVIDIA's conference call for the second quarter of fiscal 2024. With me today from NVIDIA are Jensen Huang, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Colette Kress, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. I'd like to remind you that our call is being webcast live on NVIDIA's Investor Relations website. The webcast will be available for replay until the conference call to discuss our financial results for the third quarter of fiscal 2024. The content of today's call is NVIDIA's property. It can't be reproduced or transcribed without our prior written consent.

謝謝。大家下午好,歡迎參加英偉達2024財年第二季度的電話會議。今天和我一起來自 NVIDIA 的有總裁兼首席執行官黃仁森和執行副總裁兼首席財務官科萊特·克雷斯。我想提醒大家,我們的電話會議將在NVIDIA的投資者關係網站上進行網絡直播。在討論我們2024財年第三季度財務業績的電話會議之前,網絡直播將可供重播。今天的電話會議內容是 NVIDIA 的財產。未經我們事先書面同意,不得對其進行復制或轉錄。

During this call, we may make forward-looking statements based on current expectations. These are subject to a number of significant risks and uncertainties, and our actual results may differ materially. For a discussion of factors that could affect our future financial results and business, please refer to the disclosure in today's earnings release, our most recent Forms 10-K and 10-Q and the reports that we may file on Form 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All our statements are made as of today, August 23, 2023, based on information currently available to us. Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update any such statements.


During this call, we will discuss non-GAAP financial measures. You can find a reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP financial measures in our CFO commentary, which is posted on our website.


And with that, let me turn the call over to Colette.

然後,讓我把電話交給 Colette。

Colette Kress

Colette Kress

Thanks, Simona. We had an exceptional quarter. Record Q2 revenue of $13.51 billion was up 88% sequentially and up 101% year-on-year, and above our outlook of $11 billion.


Let me first start with Data Center. Record revenue of $10.32 billion was up 141% sequentially and up 171% year-on-year. Data Center compute revenue nearly tripled year-on-year, driven primarily by accelerating demand from cloud service providers and large consumer Internet companies for HGX platform, the engine of generative AI and large language models.


Major companies, including AWS, Google Cloud, Meta, Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud as well as a growing number of GPU cloud providers are deploying, in volume, HGX systems based on our Hopper and Ampere architecture Tensor Core GPUs. Networking revenue almost doubled year-on-year, driven by our end-to-end InfiniBand networking platform, the gold standard for AI.

包括AWS、谷歌雲、Meta、微軟 Azure 和甲骨文雲在內的各大公司以及越來越多的 GPU 雲提供商正在批量部署基於我們的 Hopper 和 Ampere 架構 Tensor Core GPU 的 HGX 系統。在我們的端到端 InfiniBand 網絡平台(人工智能的黃金標準)的推動下,網絡收入同比幾乎翻了一番。

There is tremendous demand for NVIDIA accelerated computing and AI platforms. Our supply partners have been exceptional in ramping capacity to support our needs. Our data center supply chain, including HGX with 35,000 parts and highly complex networking has been built up over the past decade. We have also developed and qualified additional capacity and suppliers for key steps in the manufacturing process such as [indiscernible] packaging.

對NVIDIA加速計算和人工智能平台的需求巨大。我們的供應合作伙伴在提高能力以滿足我們的需求方面表現出色。我們的數據中心供應鏈,包括擁有 35,000 個零件和高度複雜網絡的 HGX,在過去十年中已經建立起來。我們還爲製造過程中的關鍵步驟(例如 [難以辨別的] 包裝)開發並認證了額外的產能和供應商。

We expect supply to increase each quarter through next year. By geography, data center growth was strongest in the U.S. as customers direct their capital investments to AI and accelerated computing. China demand was within the historical range of 20% to 25% of our Data Center revenue, including compute and networking solutions.


At this time, let me take a moment to address recent reports on the potential for increased regulations on our exports to China. We believe the current regulation is achieving the intended results. Given the strength of demand for our products worldwide, we do not anticipate that additional export restrictions on our Data Center GPUs, if adopted, would have an immediate material impact to our financial results.


However, over the long term, restrictions prohibiting the sale of our Data Center GPUs to China, if implemented, will result in a permanent loss and opportunity for the U.S. industry to compete and lead in one of the world's largest markets.


Our cloud service providers drove exceptional strong demand for HGX systems in the quarter, as they undertake a generational transition to upgrade their data center infrastructure for the new era of accelerated computing and AI. The NVIDIA HGX platform is culminating of nearly two decades of full stack innovation across silicon, systems, interconnects, networking, software and algorithms.

我們的雲服務提供商在本季度推動了對HGX系統的異常強勁需求,因爲他們進行了代際過渡,以升級其數據中心基礎設施,以迎接加速計算和人工智能的新時代。NVIDIA HGX 平台是將近二十年來在芯片、系統、互連、網絡、軟件和算法方面的全棧創新的結晶。

Instances powered by the NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs are now generally available at AWS, Microsoft Azure and several GPU cloud providers, with others on the way shortly. Consumer Internet companies also drove the very strong demand. Their investments in data center infrastructure purpose-built for AI are already generating significant returns. For example, Meta, recently highlighted that since launching Reels, AI recommendations have driven a more than 24% increase in time spent on Instagram.

由NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPU提供支持的實例現已在AWS、Microsoft Azure和多家GPU雲提供商上市,其他提供商也即將推出。消費互聯網公司也推動了非常強勁的需求。他們對專爲人工智能構建的數據中心基礎設施的投資已經產生了可觀的回報。例如,Meta最近強調,自推出Reels以來,人工智能推薦已使在Instagram上花費的時間增加了24%以上。

Enterprises are also racing to deploy generative AI, driving strong consumption of NVIDIA powered instances in the cloud as well as demand for on-premise infrastructure. Whether we serve customers in the cloud or on-prem through partners or direct, their applications can run seamlessly on NVIDIA AI enterprise software with access to our acceleration libraries, pre-trained models and APIs.

企業也在競相部署生成式人工智能,這推動了雲端NVIDIA支持的實例的強勁消費以及對本地基礎設施的需求。無論我們通過合作伙伴還是直接在雲端或本地爲客戶提供服務,他們的應用程序都可以在NVIDIA AI企業軟件上無縫運行,並可以訪問我們的加速庫、預訓練模型和API。

We announced a partnership with Snowflake to provide enterprises with accelerated path to create customized generative AI applications using their own proprietary data, all securely within the Snowflake Data Cloud. With the NVIDIA NeMo platform for developing large language models, enterprises will be able to make custom LLMs for advanced AI services, including chatbot, search and summarization, right from the Snowflake Data Cloud.

我們宣佈與Snowflake建立合作伙伴關係,爲企業提供更快的途徑,讓他們使用自己的專有數據創建定製的生成式人工智能應用程序,所有這些應用程序都安全地在Snowflake數據雲中完成。藉助用於開發大型語言模型的 NVIDIA NeMo 平台,企業將能夠直接從 Snowflake 數據云爲高級人工智能服務(包括聊天機器人、搜索和摘要)製作自定義 LLM。

Virtually, every industry can benefit from generative AI. For example, AI Copilot such as those just announced by Microsoft can boost the productivity of over 1 billion office workers and tens of millions of software engineers. Billions of professionals in legal services, sales, customer support and education will be available to leverage AI systems trained in their field. AI Copilot and assistants are set to create new multi-hundred billion dollar market opportunities for our customers.

實際上,每個行業都可以從生成式人工智能中受益。例如,像微軟剛剛宣佈的那樣的人工智能副駕駛可以提高超過100億辦公室工作人員和數千萬軟件工程師的工作效率。數十億法律服務、銷售、客戶支持和教育領域的專業人員將可以利用在其領域接受過培訓的人工智能系統。AI Copilot和助手將爲我們的客戶創造數千億美元的新市場機會。

We are seeing some of the earliest applications of generative AI in marketing, media and entertainment. WPP, the world's largest marketing and communication services organization, is developing a content engine using NVIDIA Omniverse to enable artists and designers to integrate generative AI into 3D content creation. WPP designers can create images from text prompts while responsibly trained generative AI tools and content from NVIDIA partners such as Adobe and Getty Images using NVIDIA Picasso, a foundry for custom generative AI models for visual design.

我們看到了生成式人工智能在營銷、媒體和娛樂領域的一些最早應用。全球最大的營銷和傳播服務組織WPP正在使用NVIDIA Omniverse開發內容引擎,使藝術家和設計師能夠將生成式人工智能集成到3D內容創作中。WPP設計師可以根據文本提示創建圖像,同時使用NVIDIA Picasso(一家爲視覺設計定製生成人工智能模型的代工廠)提供來自Adobe和Getty Images等NVIDIA合作伙伴的負責任的生成人工智能工具和內容。

Visual content provider Shutterstock is also using NVIDIA Picasso to build tools and services that enables users to create 3D scene background with the help of generative AI. We've partnered with ServiceNow and Accenture to launch the AI Lighthouse program, fast tracking the development of enterprise AI capabilities. AI Lighthouse unites the ServiceNow enterprise automation platform and engine with NVIDIA accelerated computing and with Accenture consulting and deployment services.

視覺內容提供商Shutterstock還使用NVIDIA Picasso開發工具和服務,使用戶能夠在生成式人工智能的幫助下創建3D場景背景。我們已經與ServiceNow和埃森哲合作啓動了人工智能燈塔計劃,以快速跟蹤企業人工智能能力的發展。AI Lighthouse 將 ServiceNow 企業自動化平台和引擎與 NVIDIA 加速計算以及埃森哲諮詢和部署服務相結合。

We are collaborating also with Hugging Face to simplify the creation of new and custom AI models for enterprises. Hugging Face will offer a new service for enterprises to train and tune advanced AI models powered by NVIDIA HGX cloud. And just yesterday, VMware and NVIDIA announced a major new enterprise offering called VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA, a fully integrated platform featuring AI software and accelerated computing from NVIDIA with multi-cloud software for enterprises running VMware.

我們還與Hugging Face合作,以簡化爲企業創建新的和自定義的人工智能模型。Hugging Face將爲企業提供一項新服務,用於訓練和調整由NVIDIA HGX雲支持的高級人工智能模型。就在昨天,VMware和NVIDIA宣佈與NVIDIA推出一項名爲VMware Private AI Foundation的大型新企業產品。NVIDIA是一個完全集成的平台,具有人工智能軟件和來自NVIDIA的加速計算,適用於運行VMware

VMware's hundreds of thousands of enterprise customers will have access to the infrastructure, AI and cloud management software needed to customize models and run generative AI applications such as intelligent chatbot, assistants, search and summarization. We also announced new NVIDIA AI enterprise-ready servers featuring the new NVIDIA L40S GPU built for the industry standard data center server ecosystem and BlueField-3 DPU data center infrastructure processor.

VMware成千上萬的企業客戶將可以使用定製模型和運行生成式人工智能應用程序(例如智能聊天機器人、助手、搜索和摘要)所需的基礎架構、人工智能和雲管理軟件。我們還宣佈推出全新 NVIDIA AI 企業級服務器,該服務器採用專爲行業標準數據中心服務器生態系統構建的全新 NVIDIA L40S GPU 和 BlueField-3 DPU 數據中心基礎設施處理器。

L40S is not limited by [indiscernible] supply and is shipping to the world's leading server system makers (ph). L40S is a universal data center processor designed for high volume data center standing out to accelerate the most compute-intensive applications, including AI training and inventing through the designing, visualization, video processing and NVIDIA Omniverse industrial digitalization.

L40S不受 [難以辨別的] 供應的限制,而是向世界領先的服務器系統製造商(ph)出貨。L40S 是一款通用數據中心處理器,專爲大容量數據中心而設計,可通過設計、可視化、視頻處理和 NVIDIA Omniverse 工業數字化加速計算密集型應用程序,包括人工智能訓練和發明。

NVIDIA AI enterprise ready servers are fully optimized for VMware, Cloud Foundation and Private AI Foundation. Nearly 100 configurations of NVIDIA AI enterprise ready servers will soon be available from the world's leading enterprise IT computing companies, including Dell, HP and Lenovo. The GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip which combines our ARM-based Grace CPU with Hopper GPU entered full production and will be available this quarter in OEM servers. It is also shipping to multiple supercomputing customers, including Atmos (ph), National Labs and the Swiss National Computing Center.

NVIDIA AI 企業就緒型服務器已針對 VMware、雲基礎和私有 AI 基金會進行了全面優化。包括戴爾、惠普和聯想在內的全球領先的企業IT計算公司將很快推出近100種NVIDIA AI企業級就緒型服務器配置。將我們基於 ARM 的 Grace CPU 與 Hopper GPU 相結合的 GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip 已進入全面生產,並將於本季度在 OEM 服務器上市。它還向多個超級計算客戶發貨,包括Atmos(ph)、國家實驗室和瑞士國家計算中心。

And NVIDIA and SoftBank are collaborating on a platform based on GH200 for generative AI and 5G/6G applications. The second generation version of our Grace Hopper Superchip with the latest HBM3e memory will be available in Q2 of calendar 2024. We announced the DGX GH200, a new class of large memory AI supercomputer for giant AI language model, recommendator systems and data analytics. This is the first use of the new NVIDIA [indiscernible] switch system, enabling all of its 256 Grace Hopper Superchips to work together as one, a huge jump compared to our prior generation connecting just eight GPUs over [indiscernible]. DGX GH200 systems are expected to be available by the end of the year, Google Cloud, Meta and Microsoft among the first to gain access.

NVIDIA 和軟銀正在合作開發一個基於 GH200 的平台,用於生成式人工智能和 5G/6G 應用程序。配備最新HBM3e內存的Grace Hopper Superchip的第二代版本將於2024年第二季度上市。我們發佈了 DGX GH200,這是一款用於巨型 AI 語言模型、推薦器系統和數據分析的新型大內存 AI 超級計算機。這是首次使用新的NVIDIA [難以辨認] 交換機系統,它使所有256個Grace Hopper Superchips能夠作爲一個整體協同工作,與我們的上一代僅連接八個GPU相比,這是一個巨大的飛躍 [難以辨認]。DGX GH200 系統預計將於今年年底上市,谷歌雲、Meta和微軟是最早獲得訪問權限的系統之一。

Strong networking growth was driven primarily by InfiniBand infrastructure to connect HGX GPU systems. Thanks to its end-to-end optimization and in-network computing capabilities, InfiniBand delivers more than double the performance of traditional Ethernet for AI. For billions of dollar AI infrastructures, the value from the increased throughput of InfiniBand is worth hundreds of [indiscernible] and pays for the network. In addition, only InfiniBand can scale to hundreds of thousands of GPUs. It is the network of choice for leading AI practitioners.

網絡的強勁增長主要是由連接HGX GPU系統的InfiniBand基礎設施推動的。得益於其端到端優化和網絡內計算能力,InfiniBand 爲人工智能提供的性能是傳統以太網的兩倍多。對於價值數十億美元的人工智能基礎設施來說,InfiniBand增加吞吐量所帶來的價值相當於數百個 [難以辨認],並且爲網絡付出了代價。此外,只有 InfiniBand 可以擴展到數十萬個 GPU。它是領先的人工智能從業者的首選網絡。

For Ethernet-based cloud data centers that seek to optimize their AI performance, we announced NVIDIA Spectrum-X, an accelerated networking platform designed to optimize Ethernet for AI workloads. Spectrum-X couples the Spectrum or Ethernet switch with the BlueField-3 DPU, achieving 1.5x better overall AI performance and power efficiency versus traditional Ethernet. BlueField-3 DPU is a major success. It is in qualification with major OEMs and ramping across multiple CSPs and consumer Internet companies.

對於尋求優化 AI 性能的基於以太網的雲數據中心,我們宣佈推出了 NVIDIA Spectrum-X,這是一款旨在針對人工智能工作負載優化以太網的加速網絡平台。Spectrum-X 將 Spectrum 或以太網交換機與 BlueField-3 DPU 相結合,與傳統以太網相比,整體 AI 性能和能效提高了 1.5 倍。Bluefield-3 DPU 取得了重大成功。它已獲得主要原始設備製造商的資格,並已擴展到多家通信服務提供商和消費互聯網公司。

Now moving to gaming. Gaming revenue of $2.49 billion was up 11% sequentially and 22% year-on-year. Growth was fueled by GeForce RTX 40 Series GPUs for laptops and desktop. End customer demand was solid and consistent with seasonality. We believe global end demand has returned to growth after last year's slowdown. We have a large upgrade opportunity ahead of us. Just 47% of our installed base have upgraded to RTX and about 20% of the GPU with an RTX 3060 or higher performance.

現在轉向遊戲。博彩收入爲24.9億美元,環比增長11%,同比增長22%。適用於筆記本電腦和臺式機的 GeForce RTX 40 系列 GPU 推動了增長。終端客戶需求穩健,且與季節性一致。我們認爲,在去年的經濟放緩之後,全球終端需求已恢復增長。我們面前還有很大的升級機會。我們只有 47% 的安裝量升級到了 RTX,大約 20% 的 GPU 升級到了 RTX 3060 或更高的性能。

Laptop GPUs posted strong growth in the key back-to-school season, led by RTX 4060 GPUs. NVIDIA's GPU-powered laptops have gained in popularity, and their shipments are now outpacing desktop GPUs from several regions around the world. This is likely to shift the reality of our overall gaming revenue a bit, with Q2 and Q3 as the stronger quarters of the year, reflecting the back-to-school and holiday build schedules for laptops.

在RTX 4060 GPU的帶動下,筆記本電腦GPU在關鍵的返校季節實現了強勁的增長。NVIDIA基於GPU的筆記本電腦越來越受歡迎,其出貨量現在已超過全球多個地區的臺式機GPU。這可能會稍微改變我們總體遊戲收入的現實,第二季度和第三季度是今年最強勁的季度,這反映了筆記本電腦的返校和假日建造時間表。

In desktop, we launched the GeForce RTX 4060 and the GeForce RTX 4060 TI GPUs, bringing the Ada Lovelace architecture down to price points as low as $299. The ecosystem of RTX and DLSS games continue to expand. 35 new games added to DLSS support, including blockbusters such as Diablo IV and Baldur’s Gate 3.

在臺式機方面,我們推出了GeForce RTX 4060和GeForce RTX 4060 TI GPU,使Ada Lovelace架構的價格降至299美元。RTX和DLSS遊戲的生態系統繼續擴大。增加了35款新遊戲支持DLSS,包括諸如《暗黑破壞神IV》和《博德之門3》等大片。

There's now over 330 RTX accelerated games and apps. We are bringing generative AI to gaming. At COMPUTEX, we announced NVIDIA Avatar Cloud Engine or ACE for games, a custom AI model foundry service. Developers can use this service to bring intelligence to non-player characters. And it harnesses a number of NVIDIA Omniverse and AI technologies, including NeMo, Riva and Audio2Face.

現在有 330 多款 RTX 加速遊戲和應用程序。我們正在將生成式人工智能引入遊戲中。在COMPUTEX上,我們宣佈推出用於遊戲的NVIDIA Avatar雲引擎或ACE,這是一項定製的人工智能模型鑄造服務。開發者可以使用此服務爲非玩家角色提供情報。它還利用了許多 NVIDIA Omniverse 和人工智能技術,包括 NeMo、Riva 和 Audio2Face。

Now moving to Professional Visualization. Revenue of $375 million was up 28% sequentially and down 24% year-on-year. The Ada architecture ramp drove strong growth in Q2, rolling out initially in laptop workstations with a refresh of desktop workstations coming in Q3. These will include powerful new RTX systems with up to 4 NVIDIA RTX 6000 GPUs, providing more than 5,800 teraflops of AI performance and 192 gigabytes of GPU memory. They can be configured with NVIDIA AI enterprise or NVIDIA Omniverse inside.

現在轉向專業可視化。收入爲3.75億美元,環比增長28%,同比下降24%。Ada架構的升級推動了第二季度的強勁增長,最初在筆記本電腦工作站中推出,第三季度將更新臺式機工作站。這將包括功能強大的全新 RTX 系統,配備多達 4 個 NVIDIA RTX 6000 GPU,可提供超過 5,800 萬億次浮點運算的人工智能性能和 192 GB 的 GPU 內存。它們可以在內部配置 NVIDIA AI 企業版或 NVIDIA Omniverse。

We also announced three new desktop workstation GPUs based on the Ada generation. The NVIDIA RTX 5000, 4500 and 4000, offering up to 2x the RT core throughput and up to 2x faster AI training performance compared to the previous generation. In addition to traditional workloads such as 3D design and content creation, new workloads in generative AI, large language model development and data science are expanding the opportunity in pro visualization for our RTX technology.

我們還宣佈推出三款基於 Ada 一代的新臺式機工作站 GPU。與上一代產品相比,NVIDIA RTX 5000、4500 和 4000 可提供高達 2 倍的 RT 核心吞吐量和高達 2 倍的人工智能訓練性能。除了 3D 設計和內容創作等傳統工作負載外,生成式 AI、大型語言模型開發和數據科學領域的新工作負載也在擴大我們的 RTX 技術在專業可視化領域的機會。

One of the key themes in Jensen's keynote [indiscernible] earlier this month was the conversion of graphics and AI. This is where NVIDIA Omniverse is positioned. Omniverse is OpenUSD's native platform. OpenUSD is a universal interchange that is quickly becoming the standard for the 3D world, much like HTML is the universal language for the 2D [indiscernible]. Together, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Pixar and NVIDIA form the Alliance for OpenUSD. Our mission is to accelerate OpenUSD's development and adoption. We announced new and upcoming Omniverse cloud APIs, including RunUSD and ChatUSD to bring generative AI to OpenUSD workload.

詹森本月早些時候的主題演講 [難以辨認] 的關鍵主題之一是圖形和人工智能的轉換。這就是 NVIDIA Omniverse 的定位。Omniverse 是 OpenUSD 的原生平台。OpenUSD是一種通用交換,正在迅速成爲3D世界的標準,就像HTML是2D的通用語言一樣 [難以辨認]。Adobe、蘋果、Autodesk、Pixar和NVIDIA共同組成了OpenUSD聯盟。我們的使命是加快 OpenUSD 的開發和採用。我們宣佈了新的和即將推出的Omniverse雲API,包括runUSD和ChatUSD,爲OpenUSD工作負載帶來生成人工智能。

Moving to automotive. Revenue was $253 million, down 15% sequentially and up 15% year-on-year. Solid year-on-year growth was driven by the ramp of self-driving platforms based on [indiscernible] or associated with a number of new energy vehicle makers. The sequential decline reflects lower overall automotive demand, particularly in China. We announced a partnership with MediaTek to bring drivers and passengers new experiences inside the car. MediaTek will develop automotive SoCs and integrate a new product line of NVIDIA's GPU chiplet. The partnership covers a wide range of vehicle segments from luxury to entry level.

轉向汽車。收入爲2.53億美元,環比下降15%,同比增長15%。基於 [難以辨認] 或與多家新能源汽車製造商相關的自動駕駛平台的興起推動了穩健的同比增長。連續下降反映了整體汽車需求的下降,尤其是在中國。我們宣佈與聯發科建立合作伙伴關係,爲駕駛員和乘客帶來全新的車內體驗。聯發科將開發汽車 SoC,並整合 NVIDIA GPU 芯片的新產品線。該合作伙伴關係涵蓋了從豪華車到入門級的廣泛汽車細分市場。

Moving to the rest of the P&L. GAAP gross margins expanded to 70.1% and non-GAAP gross margin to 71.2%, driven by higher data center sales. Our Data Center products include a significant amount of software and complexity, which is also helping drive our gross margin. Sequential GAAP operating expenses were up 6% and non-GAAP operating expenses were up 5%, primarily reflecting increased compensation and benefits. We returned approximately $3.4 billion to shareholders in the form of share repurchases and cash dividends. Our Board of Directors has just approved an additional $25 billion in stock repurchases to add to our remaining $4 billion of authorization as of the end of Q2.


Let me turn to the outlook for the third quarter of fiscal 2024. Demand for our Data Center platform where AI is tremendous and broad-based across industries on customers. Our demand visibility extends into next year. Our supply over the next several quarters will continue to ramp as we lower cycle times and work with our supply partners to add capacity. Additionally, the new L40S GPU will help address the growing demand for many types of workloads from cloud to enterprise.

讓我來談談2024財年第三季度的展望。對我們的數據中心平台的需求,在這個平台上,人工智能非常龐大,並且在客戶身上有廣泛的基礎。我們的需求可見度將延續到明年。隨着我們縮短週期時間並與供應合作伙伴合作增加產能,我們在未來幾個季度的供應將繼續增加。此外,全新 L40S GPU 將有助於滿足從雲到企業的多種工作負載不斷增長的需求。

For Q3, total revenue is expected to be $16 billion, plus or minus 2%. We expect sequential growth to be driven largely by Data Center with gaming and ProViz also contributing. GAAP and non-GAAP gross margins are expected to be 71.5% and 72.5%, respectively, plus or minus 50 basis points. GAAP and non-GAAP operating expenses are expected to be approximately $2.95 billion and $2 billion, respectively.


GAAP and non-GAAP other income and expenses are expected to be an income of approximately $100 million, excluding gains and losses from non-affiliated investments. GAAP and non-GAAP tax rates are expected to be 14.5%, plus or minus 1%, excluding any discrete items. Further financial details are included in the CFO commentary and other information available on our IR website.


In closing, let me highlight some upcoming events for the financial community. We will attend the Jefferies Tech Summit on August 30 in Chicago, the Goldman Sachs Conference on September 5 in San Francisco, the Evercore Semiconductor Conference on September 6 as well as the Citi Tech Conference on September 7, both in New York. And the BofA Virtual AI conference on September 11. Our earnings call to discuss the results of our third quarter of fiscal 2024 is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21.


Operator, we will now open the call for questions. Could you please poll for questions for us? Thank you.


Question-and-Answer Session




Thank you. [Operator Instructions] We'll take our first question from Matt Ramsay with TD Cowen. Your line is now open.

謝謝。[操作員說明] 我們將從 TD Cowen 的 Matt Ramsay 那裏回答第一個問題。您的線路現已開放。

Matt Ramsay


Yes. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Obviously, remarkable results. Jensen, I wanted to ask a question of you regarding the really quickly emerging application of large model inference. So I think it's pretty well understood by the majority of investors that you guys have very much a lockdown share of the training market. A lot of the smaller market -- smaller model inference workloads have been done on ASICs or CPUs in the past.


And with many of these GPT and other really large models, there's this new workload that's accelerating super-duper quickly on large model inference. And I think your Grace Hopper Superchip products and others are pretty well aligned for that. But could you maybe talk to us about how you're seeing the inference market segment between small model inference and large model inference and how your product portfolio is positioned for that? Thanks.

而且,對於其中許多GPT和其他非常大的模型,這種新的工作負載正在快速加速大型模型推理。而且我認爲你的 Grace Hopper Superchip 產品和其他產品在這方面非常一致。但是,你能否和我們談談你如何看待小模型推理和大型模型推理之間的推理細分市場,以及你的產品組合在這方面的定位如何?謝謝。

Jensen Huang


Yeah. Thanks a lot. So let's take a quick step back. These large language models are fairly -- are pretty phenomenal. It does several things, of course. It has the ability to understand unstructured language. But at its core, what it has learned is the structure of human language. And it has encoded or within it -- compressed within it a large amount of human knowledge that it has learned by the corpuses that it studied. What happens is, you create these large language models and you create as large as you can, and then you derive from it smaller versions of the model, essentially teacher-student models. It's a process called distillation.

是的。非常感謝。因此,讓我們快速退後一步。這些大型語言模型相當——非常了不起。當然,它做了幾件事。它能夠理解非結構化語言。但從本質上講,它所學到的是人類語言的結構。它已經編碼了或者在裏面—— 在裏面壓縮了它從研究的屍體中學到的大量人類知識。發生的事情是,你創建了這些大型語言模型,然後你創建了儘可能大的語言模型,然後你從中衍生出模型的較小版本,本質上是師生模型。這是一個叫做蒸餾的過程。

And so when you see these smaller models, it's very likely the case that they were derived from or distilled from or learned from larger models, just as you have professors and teachers and students and so on and so forth. And you're going to see this going forward. And so you start from a very large model and it has a large amount of generality and generalization and what's called zero-shot capability. And so for a lot of applications and questions or skills that you haven't trained it specifically on, these large language models miraculously has the capability to perform them. That's what makes it so magical.


On the other hand, you would like to have these capabilities in all kinds of computing devices, and so what you do is you distill them down. These smaller models might have excellent capabilities on a particular skill, but they don't generalize as well. They don't have what is called as good zero-shot capabilities. And so they all have their own unique capabilities, but you start from very large models.




Okay. Next, we'll go to Vivek Arya with BofA Securities. Your line is now open.

好吧。接下來,我們將和美國銀行證券一起去Vivek Arya。您的線路現已開放。

Vivek Arya

Vivek Arya

Thank you. Just had a quick clarification and a question. Colette, if you could please clarify how much incremental supply do you expect to come online in the next year? You think it's up 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%? So just any sense of how much supply because you said it's growing every quarter.


And then Jensen, the question for you is, when we look at the overall hyperscaler spending, that buy is not really growing that much. So what is giving you the confidence that they can continue to carve out more of that pie for generative AI? Just give us your sense of how sustainable is this demand as we look over the next one to two years? So if I take your implied Q3 outlook of Data Center, $12 billion, $13 billion, what does that say about how many servers are already AI accelerated? Where is that going? So just give some confidence that the growth that you are seeing is sustainable into the next one to two years.


Colette Kress

Colette Kress

So thanks for that question regarding our supply. Yes, we do expect to continue increasing ramping our supply over the next quarters as well as into next fiscal year. In terms of percent, it's not something that we have here. It is a work across so many different suppliers, so many different parts of building an HGX and many of our other new products that are coming to market. But we are very pleased with both the support that we have with our suppliers and the long time that we have spent with them improving their supply.


Jensen Huang


The world has something along the lines of about $1 trillion worth of data centers installed, in the cloud, in enterprise and otherwise. And that $1 trillion of data centers is in the process of transitioning into accelerated computing and generative AI. We're seeing two simultaneous platform shifts at the same time. One is accelerated computing. And the reason for that is because it's the most cost-effective, most energy effective and the most performant way of doing computing now.


So what you're seeing, and then all of a sudden, enabled by generative AI, enabled by accelerated compute and generative AI came along. And this incredible application now gives everyone two reasons to transition to do a platform shift from general purpose computing, the classical way of doing computing, to this new way of doing computing, accelerated computing. It's about $1 trillion worth of data centers, call it, $0.25 trillion of capital spend each year.


You're seeing the data centers around the world are taking that capital spend and focusing it on the two most important trends of computing today, accelerated computing and generative AI. And so I think this is not a near-term thing. This is a long-term industry transition and we're seeing these two platform shifts happening at the same time.




Next, we go to Stacy Rasgon with Bernstein Research. Your line is open.

接下來,我們去找伯恩斯坦研究中心的 Stacy Rasgon。您的線路已打開。

Stacy Rasgon


Hi, guys. Thanks for taking my question. I was wondering, Colette, if you could tell me like how much of Data Center in the quarter, maybe even the guide is like systems versus GPU, like DGX versus just the H100? What I'm really trying to get at is, how much is like pricing or content or however you want to define that [indiscernible] versus units actually driving the growth going forward. Can you give us any color around that?

嗨,夥計們。感謝你回答我的問題。我想知道,Colette,你能否告訴我本季度有多少數據中心,也許指南就像系統對比 GPU,比如 DGX 對比 H100?我真正想說的是,在多大程度上像定價或內容,或者你想如何定義 [難以辨認] 與實際推動未來增長的單位相比。你能給我們點什麼顏色嗎?

Colette Kress

Colette Kress

Sure, Stacy. Let me help. Within the quarter, our HGX systems were a very significant part of our Data Center as well as our Data Center growth that we had seen. Those systems include our HGX of our Hopper architecture, but also our Ampere architecture. Yes, we are still selling both of these architectures in the market. Now when you think about that, what does that mean from both the systems as a unit, of course, is growing quite substantially, and that is driving in terms of the revenue increases. So both of these things are the drivers of the revenue inside Data Center.

當然,Stacy。讓我來幫忙。在本季度內,我們的HGX系統是我們數據中心的重要組成部分,也是我們所看到的數據中心增長的重要組成部分。這些系統包括我們的 Hopper 架構的 HGX,還有我們的 Ampere 架構。是的,我們仍在市場上銷售這兩種架構。現在,當你考慮這個問題時,這兩個系統作爲一個單元意味着什麼,當然,它們正在大幅增長,這推動了收入的增長。因此,這兩個因素都是數據中心內部收入的驅動力。

Our DGXs are always a portion of additional systems that we will sell. Those are great opportunities for enterprise customers and many other different types of customers that we're seeing even in our consumer Internet companies. The importance there is also coming together with software that we sell with our DGXs, but that's a portion of our sales that we're doing. The rest of the GPUs, we have new GPUs coming to market that we talk about the L40S, and they will add continued growth going forward. But again, the largest driver of our revenue within this last quarter was definitely the HGX system.

我們的 DGX 始終是我們將要出售的其他系統的一部分。對於企業客戶和許多其他不同類型的客戶來說,這些都是絕佳的機會,即使在我們的消費互聯網公司中也是如此。將我們與 DGX 一起出售的軟件整合在一起也很重要,但這是我們正在進行的銷售的一部分。其餘的GPU,我們有新的GPU上市,我們談論的是L40S,它們將在未來增加持續增長。但同樣,上個季度我們收入的最大驅動力肯定是HGX系統。

Jensen Huang


And Stacy, if I could just add something. You say it’s H100 and I know you know what your mental image in your mind. But the H100 is 35,000 parts, 70 pounds, nearly 1 trillion transistors in combination. Takes a robot to build – well, many robots to build because it’s 70 pounds to lift. And it takes a supercomputer to test a supercomputer. And so these things are technology marvels, and the manufacturing of them is really intensive. And so I think we call it H100 as if it’s a chip that comes off of a fab, but H100s go out really as HGXs sent to the world’s hyperscalers and they’re really, really quite large system components, if you will.

還有 Stacy,如果我能補充點東西的話。你說現在是 H100 我知道你知道自己在腦海中的心理形象。但是H100是35,000個零件,70磅,總共將近1萬億個晶體管。需要一個機器人來建造 —— 好吧,要建造很多機器人,因爲它要舉起 70 磅。而且,測試超級計算機需要一臺超級計算機。因此,這些東西是技術奇蹟,它們的製造非常密集。所以我想我們稱之爲 H100,就好像它是一款從晶圓廠生產的芯片一樣,但是 H100 實際上是 HGX 發往世界超大規模公司的樣子,如果你願意的話,它們確實是相當大的系統組件。



Next, we go to Mark Lipacis with Jefferies. Your line is now open.

接下來,我們去找傑富瑞集團的 Mark Lipacis。您的線路現已開放。

Mark Lipacis


Hi. Thanks for taking my question and congrats on the success. Jensen, it seems like a key part of the success -- your success in the market is delivering the software ecosystem along with the chip and the hardware platform. And I had a two-part question on this. I was wondering if you could just help us understand the evolution of your software ecosystem, the critical elements. And is there a way to quantify your lead on this dimension like how many person years you've invested in building it? And then part two, I was wondering if you would care to share with us your view on the -- what percentage of the value of the NVIDIA platform is hardware differentiation versus software differentiation? Thank you.

你好。感謝你回答我的問題,恭喜你成功了。詹森,這似乎是成功的關鍵部分——你在市場上的成功在於提供軟件生態系統以及芯片和硬件平台。我對此有一個由兩部分組成的問題。我想知道你能否幫助我們了解你的軟件生態系統的演變,即關鍵要素。有沒有辦法量化你在這個維度上的領先優勢,比如你花了多少人年時間來建造這個維度?然後是第二部分,我想知道你是否願意和我們分享你對 NVIDIA 平台價值的看法 —— 硬件差異化與軟件差異化在NVIDIA平台的價值中所佔的百分比是多少?謝謝。

A – Jensen Huang

A — Jensen Huang

Yeah, Mark, I really appreciate the question. Let me see if I could use some metrics, so we have a run time called AI Enterprise. This is one part of our software stack. And this is, if you will, the run time that just about every company uses for the end-to-end of machine learning from data processing, the training of any model that you like to do on any framework you'd like to do, the inference and the deployment, the scaling it out into a data center. It could be a scale-out for a hyperscale data center. It could be a scale-out for enterprise data center, for example, on VMware.

是的,馬克,我真的很感激這個問題。讓我看看能否使用一些指標,所以我們有一個名爲 AI Enterprise 的運行時間。這是我們軟件堆棧的一部分。如果你願意的話,這就是幾乎每個公司用於端到端機器學習的運行時間,包括數據處理、在你想做的任何框架上訓練你想做的任何模型、推理和部署、將其擴展到數據中心。它可能是超大規模數據中心的橫向擴展。它可能是企業數據中心的橫向擴展,例如,在 VMware 上。

You can do this on any of our GPUs. We have hundreds of millions of GPUs in the field and millions of GPUs in the cloud and just about every single cloud. And it runs in a single GPU configuration as well as multi-GPU per compute or multi-node. It also has multiple sessions or multiple computing instances per GPU. So from multiple instances per GPU to multiple GPUs, multiple nodes to entire data center scale. So this run time called NVIDIA AI enterprise has something like 4,500 software packages, software libraries and has something like 10,000 dependencies among each other.

你可以在我們的任何 GPU 上執行此操作。我們在現場有數億個 GPU,雲端有數百萬個 GPU,幾乎每個雲都有。而且它可以在單個 GPU 配置中運行,也可以爲每個計算或多節點運行多 GPU。每個 GPU 也有多個會話或多個計算實例。因此,從每個 GPU 的多個實例到多個 GPU,從多個節點到整個數據中心規模。因此,這個名爲 NVIDIA AI Enterprise 的運行時有大約 4,500 個軟件包、軟件庫,彼此之間有大約 10,000 個依賴關係。

And that run time is, as I mentioned, continuously updated and optimized for our installed base for our stack. And that's just one example of what it would take to get accelerated computing to work. The number of code combinations and type of application combinations is really quite insane. And it's taken us two decades to get here. But what I would characterize as probably our -- the elements of our company, if you will, are several. I would say number 1 is architecture.

正如我所提到的,該運行時間會不斷更新和優化,以適應我們堆棧的安裝量。而這只是讓加速計算發揮作用需要做的事情的一個例子。代碼組合的數量和應用程序組合的類型實在是太瘋狂了。我們花了二十年的時間才到達這裏。但是我想描述的可能是我們的 —— 如果你願意的話,我們公司的要素有幾個。我想說第一是建築。

The flexibility, the versatility and the performance of our architecture makes it possible for us to do all the things that I just said, from data processing to training to inference, for preprocessing of the data before you do the inference to the post processing of the data, tokenizing of languages so that you could then train with it. The amount of -- the workflow is much more intense than just training or inference. But anyways, that's where we'll focus and it's fine. But when people actually use these computing systems, it's quite -- requires a lot of applications. And so the combination of our architecture makes it possible for us to deliver the lowest cost ownership. And the reason for that is because we accelerate so many different things.

我們架構的靈活性、多功能性和性能使我們能夠完成我剛才所說的所有事情,從數據處理到訓練再到推理,在推理之前對數據進行預處理,再到數據的後期處理,對語言進行標記化以便你可以用它進行訓練。量 —— 工作流程要緊張得多,而不僅僅是訓練或推理。但不管怎樣,這就是我們要關注的地方,沒關係。但是,當人們真正使用這些計算系統時,確實如此 —— 需要大量的應用程序。因此,我們的架構組合使我們能夠實現最低的擁有成本。其原因是因爲我們加速了很多不同的事情。

The second characteristic of our company is the installed base. You have to ask yourself, why is it that all the software developers come to our platform? And the reason for that is because software developers seek a large installed base so that they can reach the largest number of end users, so that they could build a business or get a return on the investments that they make.


And then the third characteristic is reach. We're in the cloud today, both for public cloud, public-facing cloud because we have so many customers that use -- so many developers and customers that use our platform. CSPs are delighted to put it up in the cloud. They use it for internal consumption to develop and train and to operate recommender systems or search or data processing engines and whatnot all the way to training and inference. And so we're in the cloud, we're in enterprise.

然後第三個特徵是觸及率。如今,我們處於雲端,無論是公共雲,還是面向公衆的雲,因爲我們有太多的客戶在使用,很多開發人員和客戶都在使用我們的平台。CSP 很高興將其放在雲端。他們將其用於內部消費,用於開發和訓練以及操作推薦系統、搜索或數據處理引擎等等,一直到訓練和推理。因此,我們在雲中,我們在企業中。

Yesterday, we had a very big announcement. It's really worthwhile to take a look at that. VMware is the operating system of the world's enterprise. And we've been working together for several years now, and we're going to bring together -- together, we're going to bring generative AI to the world's enterprises all the way out to the edge. And so reach is another reason. And because of reach, all of the world's system makers are anxious to put NVIDIA's platform in their systems. And so we have a very broad distribution from all of the world's OEMs and ODMs and so on and so forth because of our reach.

昨天,我們有一個非常重要的公告。看一看真的很值得。VMware 是全球企業的操作系統。我們已經合作了好幾年,我們將團結起來—— 團結起來,我們將把生成式人工智能帶給世界各地的企業,一直到邊緣。因此,覆蓋面是另一個原因。而且,由於覆蓋範圍的原因,世界上所有的系統製造商都急於將NVIDIA的平台應用到他們的系統中。因此,由於我們的影響力,我們擁有來自全球所有原始設備製造商和原始設計製造商等的非常廣泛的分佈。

And then lastly, because of our scale and velocity, we were able to sustain this really complex stack of software and hardware, networking and compute and across all of these different usage models and different computing environments. And we're able to do all this while accelerating the velocity of our engineering. It seems like we're introducing a new architecture every two years. Now we're introducing a new architecture, a new product just about every six months. And so these properties make it possible for the ecosystem to build their company and their business on top of us. And so those in combination makes us special.




Next, we'll go to Atif Malik with Citi. Your line is open.


Atif Malik


Hi. Thank you for taking my question. Great job on results and outlook. Colette, I have a question on the core L40S that you guys talked about. Any idea how much of the supply tightness can L40S help with? And if you can talk about the incremental profitability or gross margin contribution from this product? Thank you.

你好。感謝你回答我的問題。在業績和前景方面做得很好。Colette,我有一個關於核心 L40S 的問題,你們談過。知道L40S能在多大程度上緩解供應緊張嗎?你能否談談這個產品的增量盈利能力或毛利率貢獻?謝謝。

Jensen Huang


Yeah, Atif. Let me take that for you. The L40S is really designed for a different type of application. H100 is designed for large-scale language models and processing just very large models and a great deal of data. And so that's not L40S' focus. L40S' focus is to be able to fine-tune models, fine-tune pretrained models, and it'll do that incredibly well. It has a transform engine. It's got a lot of performance. You can get multiple GPUs in a server. It's designed for hyperscale scale-out, meaning it's easy to install L40S servers into the world's hyperscale data centers. It comes in a standard rack, standard server, and everything about it is standard and so it's easy to install.

是的,Atif。讓我來幫你拿吧。L40S 實際上是爲不同類型的應用而設計的。H100 專爲大型語言模型而設計,僅處理非常大的模型和大量數據。因此,這不是 L40 的重點。L40S的重點是能夠微調模型,微調預訓練的模型,它會做得非常好。它有一個變換引擎。它的性能很高。你可以在一臺服務器中安裝多個 GPU。它專爲超大規模橫向擴展而設計,這意味着可以輕鬆地將 L40S 服務器安裝到全球超大規模數據中心中。它採用標準機架和標準服務器,其所有內容均爲標準配置,因此易於安裝。

L40S also is with the software stack around it and along with BlueField-3 and all the work that we did with VMware and the work that we did with Snowflakes and ServiceNow and so many other enterprise partners. L40S is designed for the world's enterprise IT systems. And that's the reason why HPE, Dell, and Lenovo and some 20 other system makers building about 100 different configurations of enterprise servers are going to work with us to take generative AI to the world's enterprise. And so L40S is really designed for a different type of scale-out, if you will. It's, of course, large language models. It's, of course, generative AI, but it's a different use case. And so the L40S is going to -- is off to a great start and the world's enterprise and hyperscalers are really clamoring to get L40S deployed.

L40S 還包括圍繞它的軟件堆棧、BlueField-3、我們在 VMware 上所做的所有工作以及我們與 Snowflakes 和 ServiceNow 以及許多其他企業合作伙伴所做的工作。L40S 專爲全球企業 IT 系統而設計。這就是爲什麼慧與、戴爾和聯想以及其他約20家構建約100種不同企業服務器配置的系統製造商將與我們合作,將生成式人工智能帶入全球企業的原因。因此,如果你願意的話,L40S 實際上是爲另一種類型的橫向擴展而設計的。當然,這是大型語言模型。當然,這是生成式人工智能,但它是一個不同的用例。因此,L40S將如此 —— 有了一個良好的開端,全世界的企業和超大規模企業都在大聲疾呼要部署 L40S。



Next, we'll go to Joe Moore with Morgan Stanley. Your line is open.


Joseph Moore


Great. Thank you. I guess the thing about these numbers that's so remarkable to me is the amount of demand that remains unfulfilled, talking to some of your customers. As good as these numbers are, you sort of more than tripled your revenue in a couple of quarters. There's a demand, in some cases, for multiples of what people are getting. So can you talk about that? How much unfulfilled demand do you think there is? And you talked about visibility extending into next year. Do you have line of sight into when you get to see supply-demand equilibrium here?


Jensen Huang


Yeah. We have excellent visibility through the year and into next year. And we're already planning the next-generation infrastructure with the leading CSPs and data center builders. The demand – easiest way to think about the demand, the world is transitioning from general-purpose computing to accelerated computing. That's the easiest way to think about the demand. The best way for companies to increase their throughput, improve their energy efficiency, improve their cost efficiency is to divert their capital budget to accelerated computing and generative AI. Because by doing that, you're going to offload so much workload off of the CPUs, but the available CPUs is -- in your data center will get boosted.

是的。我們全年和明年的知名度都非常好。而且,我們已經在與領先的通信服務提供商和數據中心建設商一起規劃下一代基礎架構。需求——考慮需求的最簡單方法,世界正在從通用計算向加速計算過渡。這是考慮需求的最簡單方法。企業提高吞吐量、提高能源效率、提高成本效益的最佳方法是將資本預算轉用於加速計算和生成式人工智能。因爲這樣做,你將從 CPU 上卸下這麼多工作負載,但可用的 CPU 確實如此 —— 數據中心中的可用CPU將得到提升。

And so what you're seeing companies do now is recognizing this -- the tipping point here, recognizing the beginning of this transition and diverting their capital investment to accelerated computing and generative AI. And so that's probably the easiest way to think about the opportunity ahead of us. This isn't a singular application that is driving the demand, but this is a new computing platform, if you will, a new computing transition that's happening. And data centers all over the world are responding to this and shifting in a broad-based way.

因此,你看到的公司現在所做的就是意識到這一點 —— 這裏的轉折點,認識到這種過渡的開始,並將資本投資轉移到加速計算和生成人工智能上。因此,這可能是思考擺在我們面前的機會的最簡單方法。這不是推動需求的單一應用程序,但如果你願意的話,這是一個新的計算平台,正在發生新的計算過渡。世界各地的數據中心都在對此做出回應,並以廣泛的方式進行轉變。



Next, we go to Toshiya Hari with Goldman Sachs. Your line is now open.


Toshiya Hari

Hari Toshiya

Hi. Thank you for taking the question. I had one quick clarification question for Colette and then another one for Jensen. Colette, I think last quarter, you had said CSPs were about 40% of your Data Center revenue, consumer Internet at 30%, enterprise 30%. Based on your remarks, it sounded like CSPs and consumer Internet may have been a larger percentage of your business. If you can kind of clarify that or confirm that, that would be super helpful.

你好。感謝你回答這個問題。我有一個簡短的澄清問題要給 Colette 然後又有一個問題要給 Jensen。Colette,我想上個季度,你曾說過,通信服務提供商約佔你的數據中心收入的40%,消費互聯網佔30%,企業佔30%。根據你的評論,聽起來通信服務提供商和消費者互聯網在你的業務中所佔的比例可能更大。如果你能澄清這一點或確認這一點,那將非常有幫助。

And then Jensen, a question for you. Given your position as the key enabler of AI, the breadth of engagements and the visibility you have into customer projects, I'm curious how confident you are that there will be enough applications or use cases for your customers to generate a reasonable return on their investments. I guess I ask the question because there is a concern out there that there could be a bit of a pause in your demand profile in the out years. Curious if there's enough breadth and depth there to support a sustained increase in your Data Center business going forward. Thank you.

然後是 Jensen,一個問題要問你。考慮到你作爲人工智能關鍵推動者的地位、參與的廣度以及你對客戶項目的知名度,我很好奇你對有足夠的應用程序或用例讓你的客戶產生合理的投資回報有多有信心。我想我之所以問這個問題,是因爲有人擔心在過去的幾年中,你的需求狀況可能會有一些停頓。想知道那裏是否有足夠的廣度和深度來支持您的數據中心業務未來持續增長。謝謝。

Colette Kress

Colette Kress

Okay. So thank you, Toshiya, on the question regarding our types of customers that we have in our Data Center business. And we look at it in terms of combining our compute as well as our networking together. Our CSPs, our large CSPs are contributing a little bit more than 50% of our revenue within Q2. And the next largest category will be our consumer Internet companies. And then the last piece of that will be our enterprise and high performance computing.


Jensen Huang


Toshi, I'm reluctant to guess about the future and so I'll answer the question from the first principle of computer science perspective. It is recognized for some time now that general purpose computing is just not and brute forcing general purpose computing. Using general purpose computing at scale is no longer the best way to go forward. It's too energy costly, it's too expensive, and the performance of the applications are too slow.


And finally, the world has a new way of doing it. It's called accelerated computing and what kicked it into turbocharge is generative AI. But accelerated computing could be used for all kinds of different applications that's already in the data center. And by using it, you offload the CPUs. You save a ton of money in order of magnitude, in cost and order of magnitude and energy and the throughput is higher and that's what the industry is really responding to.

最後,世界有了一種新的方法來做到這一點。它被稱爲加速計算,推動它進入渦輪增壓狀態的是生成式人工智能。但是加速計算可以用於數據中心中已經存在的各種不同應用程序。通過使用它,你可以卸載 CPU 的負載。在數量級、成本、數量級和能源方面,您可以節省大量資金,吞吐量更高,這才是該行業真正做出的回應。

Going forward, the best way to invest in the data center is to divert the capital investment from general purpose computing and focus it on generative AI and accelerated computing. Generative AI provides a new way of generating productivity, a new way of generating new services to offer to your customers, and accelerated computing helps you save money and save power. And the number of applications is, well, tons. Lots of developers, lots of applications, lots of libraries. It's ready to be deployed.


And so I think the data centers around the world recognize this, that this is the best way to deploy resources, deploy capital going forward for data centers. This is true for the world's clouds and you're seeing a whole crop of new GPU specialty -- GPU specialized cloud service providers. One of the famous ones is CoreWeave and they're doing incredibly well. But you're seeing the regional GPU specialist service providers all over the world now. And it's because they all recognize the same thing, that the best way to invest their capital going forward is to put it into accelerated computing and generative AI.

因此,我認爲世界各地的數據中心都意識到這一點,這是爲數據中心部署資源和部署資金的最佳方式。世界上的雲就是這樣,你會看到一大堆新的GPU專業——GPU專業的雲服務提供商。其中一個著名的是CoreWeave,他們的表現非常出色。但是你現在看到的區域性 GPU 專業服務提供商遍佈世界各地。正是因爲他們都認識同樣的事情,所以未來投資資金的最佳方法是將其投入到加速計算和生成人工智能中。

We're also seeing that enterprises want to do that. But in order for enterprises to do it, you have to support the management system, the operating system, the security and software-defined data center approach of enterprises, and that's all VMware. And we've been working several years with VMware to make it possible for VMware to support not just the virtualization of CPUs but a virtualization of GPUs as well as the distributed computing capabilities of GPUs, supporting NVIDIA's BlueField for high-performance networking.

我們還看到,企業希望這樣做。但是,爲了讓企業做到這一點,你必須支持企業的管理系統、操作系統、安全和軟件定義的數據中心方法,僅此而已 VMware。多年來,我們一直在與VMware合作,使VMware不僅能夠支持CPU的虛擬化,還支持GPU的虛擬化以及GPU的分佈式計算功能,從而支持NVIDIA的BlueField進行高性能聯網。

And all of the generative AI libraries that we've been working on is now going to be offered as a special SKU by VMware's sales force, which is, as we all know, quite large because they reach some several hundred thousand VMware customers around the world. And this new SKU is going to be called VMware Private AI Foundation. And this will be a new SKU that makes it possible for enterprises. And in combination with HP, Dell, and Lenovo's new server offerings based on L40S, any enterprise could have a state-of-the-art AI data center and be able to engage generative AI.

我們一直在研究的所有生成式人工智能庫現在都將由VMware的銷售人員作爲特殊的SKU提供,衆所周知,銷售人員規模相當大,因爲它們覆蓋了全球約數十萬VMware客戶。這個新的 SKU 將被命名爲 VMware Private AI 基金會。這將是一個新的SKU,使企業成爲可能。再加上惠普、戴爾和聯想基於L40S的新服務器產品,任何企業都可以擁有最先進的人工智能數據中心,並能夠使用生成式人工智能。

And so I think the answer to that question is hard to predict exactly what's going to happen quarter-to-quarter. But I think the trend is very, very clear now that we're seeing a platform shift.




Next, we'll go to Timothy Arcuri with UBS. Your line is now open.


Timothy Arcuri


Thanks a lot. Can you talk about the attach rate of your networking solutions to your -- to the compute that you're shipping? In other words, is like half of your compute shipping with your networking solutions more than half, less than half? And is this something that maybe you can use to prioritize allocation of the GPUs? Thank you.

非常感謝。你能否談談你的網絡解決方案對你的 —— 你所運送的計算機 —— 的附着率?換句話說,您的網絡解決方案大約有一半的計算出貨量是否超過一半,不到一半?也許你可以用這個來確定GPU分配的優先順序嗎?謝謝。

Jensen Huang


Well, working backwards, we don't use that to prioritize the allocation of our GPUs. We let customers decide what networking they would like to use. And for the customers that are building very large infrastructure, InfiniBand is, I hate to say it, kind of a no-brainer. And the reason for that because the efficiency of InfiniBand is so significant, some 10%, 15%, 20% higher throughput for $1 billion infrastructure translates to enormous savings. Basically, the networking is free.

好吧,向後看,我們不會用它來確定我們的 GPU 分配的優先級。我們讓客戶決定他們想要使用哪種網絡。對於正在建設非常大型基礎設施的客戶來說,我不想這麼說,InfiniBand有點不費吹灰之力。其原因是,由於InfiniBand的效率非常高,100億美元基礎設施的吞吐量提高了約10%、15%、20%,這意味着可以節省大量資金。基本上,網絡是免費的。

And so, if you have a single application, if you will, infrastructure or it’s largely dedicated to large language models or large AI systems, InfiniBand is really a terrific choice. However, if you’re hosting for a lot of different users and Ethernet is really core to the way you manage your data center, we have an excellent solution there that we had just recently announced and it’s called Spectrum-X. Well, we’re going to bring the capabilities, if you will, not all of it, but some of it, of the capabilities of InfiniBand to Ethernet so that we can also, within the environment of Ethernet, allow you to – enable you to get excellent generative AI capabilities.

因此,如果你有一個應用程序(如果你願意的話)、基礎架構,或者它主要用於大型語言模型或大型人工智能系統,那麼InfiniBand確實是一個不錯的選擇。但是,如果你爲許多不同的用戶託管,而以太網確實是你管理數據中心的核心,那麼我們有一個很好的解決方案,我們最近剛剛宣佈了這個解決方案,它叫做 Spectrum-X。好吧,如果你願意的話,我們會將InfiniBand的全部功能,而是部分功能,帶到以太網,這樣我們也可以在以太網環境中允許你——使你能夠獲得出色的生成人工智能功能。

So Spectrum-X is just ramping now. It requires BlueField-3 and it supports both our Spectrum-2 and Spectrum-3 Ethernet switches. And the additional performance is really spectacular. BlueField-3 makes it possible and a whole bunch of software that goes along with it. BlueField, as all of you know, is a project really dear to my heart, and it’s off to just a tremendous start. I think it’s a home run. This is the concept of in-network computing and putting a lot of software in the computing fabric is being realized with BlueField-3, and it is going to be a home run.

所以 Spectrum-X 現在才剛剛起步。它需要 BlueField-3,並且同時支持我們的 Spectrum-2 和 Spectrum-3 以太網交換機。而且額外的表現真的很壯觀。BlueField-3 使之成爲可能,還有一大堆隨之而來的軟件。衆所周知,BlueField是一個我非常珍視的項目,而且開局不錯。我認爲這是本壘打。這是網絡內計算的概念,BlueField-3正在實現將大量軟件放入計算結構,這將是本壘打。



Our final question comes from the line of Ben Reitzes with Melius. Your line is now open.

我們的最後一個問題來自 Ben Reitzes 和 Melius 的臺詞。您的線路現已開放。

Benjamin Reitzes

Benjamin Reitzes

Hi. Good afternoon. Good evening. Thank you for the question, putting me in here. My question is with regard to DGX Cloud. Can you talk about the reception that you're seeing and how the momentum is going? And then Colette, can you also talk about your software business? What is the run rate right now and the materiality of that business? And it does seem like it's already helping margins a bit. Thank you very much.

你好。下午好。晚上好。謝謝你的提問,讓我來這裏。我的問題是關於 DGX Cloud 的。你能談談你所看到的接待情況以及勢頭如何嗎?然後 Colette,你還能談談你的軟件業務嗎?現在的運行率是多少,該業務的重要性如何?而且看來它已經在一定程度上提高了利潤率。非常感謝。

Jensen Huang


DGX Cloud's strategy, let me start there. DGX Cloud's strategy is to achieve several things: number one, to enable a really close partnership between us and the world's CSPs. We recognize that many of our -- we work with some 30,000 companies around the world. 15,000 of them are startups. Thousands of them are generative AI companies and the fastest-growing segment, of course, is generative AI. We're working with all of the world's AI start-ups. And ultimately, they would like to be able to land in one of the world's leading clouds. And so we built DGX Cloud as a footprint inside the world's leading clouds so that we could simultaneously work with all of our AI partners and help blend them easily in one of our cloud partners.

DGX Cloud 的策略,讓我從這裏開始。DGX Cloud的戰略是實現幾件事:第一,在我們和全球的CSP之間建立非常緊密的夥伴關係。我們認識到,我們的許多公司——我們與全球約3萬家公司合作。其中15,000家是初創公司。其中成千上萬是生成式人工智能公司,當然,增長最快的細分市場是生成式人工智能。我們正在與世界上所有的人工智能初創企業合作。最終,他們希望能夠降落在世界領先的雲層之一。因此,我們將 DGX Cloud 打造成了全球領先雲端的足跡,這樣我們就可以同時與所有的人工智能合作伙伴合作,幫助他們輕鬆融入我們的雲合作伙伴之一。

The second benefit is that it allows our CSPs and ourselves to work really closely together to improve the performance of hyperscale clouds, which is historically designed for multi-tenancy and not designed for high-performance distributed computing like generative AI. And so to be able to work closely architecturally to have our engineers work hand in hand to improve the networking performance and the computing performance has been really powerful, really terrific.


And then thirdly, of course, NVIDIA uses very large infrastructures ourselves. And our self-driving car team, our NVIDIA research team, our generative AI team, our language model team, the amount of infrastructure that we need is quite significant. And none of our optimizing compilers are possible without our DGX systems. Even compilers these days require AI, and optimizing software and infrastructure software requires AI to even develop. It's been well publicized that our engineering uses AI to design our chips.

第三,當然,NVIDIA自己使用非常大的基礎架構。而我們的自動駕駛汽車團隊、我們的 NVIDIA 研究團隊、我們的生成人工智能團隊、我們的語言模型團隊,我們需要的基礎設施數量相當可觀。如果沒有我們的 DGX 系統,我們的任何優化編譯器都不可能實現。如今,即使是編譯器也需要人工智能,而優化軟件和基礎架構軟件甚至需要人工智能才能開發。衆所周知,我們的工程使用人工智能來設計我們的芯片。

And so the internal -- our own consumption of AI, our robotics team, so on and so forth, Omniverse teams, so on and so forth, all needs AI. And so our internal consumption is quite large as well, and we land that in DGX Cloud. And so DGX Cloud has multiple use cases, multiple drivers, and it's been off to just an enormous success. And our CSPs love it, the developers love it and our own internal engineers are clamoring to have more of it. And it's a great way for us to engage and work closely with all of the AI ecosystem around the world.

因此,內部 —— 我們自己對人工智能的消費、我們的機器人團隊等等、Omniverse 團隊等等,都需要人工智能。因此,我們的內部消耗也相當大,我們將其存放在DGX Cloud中。因此,DGX Cloud有多個用例,多個驅動因素,並且取得了巨大的成功。而且我們的 CSP 喜歡它,開發人員也喜歡它,我們自己的內部工程師也在大聲疾呼要擁有更多。這是我們與全球所有人工智能生態系統互動和密切合作的絕佳方式。

Colette Kress

Colette Kress

And let's see if I can answer your question regarding our software revenue. In part of our opening remarks that we made as well, remember, software is a part of almost all of our products, whether they're our Data Center products, GPU systems or any of our products within gaming and our future automotive products. You're correct, we're also selling it in a standalone business. And that stand-alone software continues to grow where we are providing both the software services, upgrades across there as well.


Now we're seeing, at this point, probably hundreds of millions of dollars annually for our software business, and we are looking at NVIDIA AI enterprise to be included with many of the products that we're selling, such as our DGX, such as our PCIe versions of our H100. And I think we're going to see more availability even with our CSP marketplaces. So we're off to a great start, and I do believe we'll see this continue to grow going forward.

現在,我們看到我們的軟件業務每年可能有數億美元的收入,我們正在考慮將NVIDIA人工智能企業版納入我們銷售的許多產品中,例如我們的DGX,例如我們的PCIe版本的H100。而且我認爲,即使在我們的 CSP 市場上,我們也會看到更多的可用性。因此,我們有了一個良好的開端,我確實相信未來我們會看到這種情況繼續增長。



And that does conclude today's question-and-answer session. I'll turn the call back over to Jensen Huang for any additional or closing remarks.


Jensen Huang


A new computing era has begun. The industry is simultaneously going through 2 platform transitions, accelerated computing and generative AI. Data centers are making a platform shift from general purpose to accelerated computing. The $1 trillion of global data centers will transition to accelerated computing to achieve an order of magnitude better performance, energy efficiency and cost. Accelerated computing enabled generative AI, which is now driving a platform shift in software and enabling new, never-before possible applications. Together, accelerated computing and generative AI are driving a broad-based computer industry platform shift.


Our demand is tremendous. We are significantly expanding our production capacity. Supply will substantially increase for the rest of this year and next year. NVIDIA has been preparing for this for over two decades and has created a new computing platform that the world’s industry -- world’s industries can build upon. What makes NVIDIA special are: one, architecture. NVIDIA accelerates everything from data processing, training, inference, every AI model, real-time speech to computer vision, and giant recommenders to vector databases. The performance and versatility of our architecture translates to the lowest data center TCO and best energy efficiency.

我們的需求是巨大的。我們正在顯著擴大我們的生產能力。今年剩餘時間和明年的供應量將大幅增加。二十多年來,NVIDIA一直在爲此做準備,並創建了一個新的計算平台,世界各行各業都可以在此基礎上再接再厲。NVIDIA的特別之處在於:第一,架構。NVIDIA 加速了從數據處理、訓練、推理、每個 AI 模型、實時語音到計算機視覺、巨型推薦器到矢量數據庫的所有內容。我們架構的性能和多功能性可轉化爲最低的數據中心總擁有成本和最佳能效。

Two, installed base. NVIDIA has hundreds of millions of CUDA-compatible GPUs worldwide. Developers need a large installed base to reach end users and grow their business. NVIDIA is the developer’s preferred platform. More developers create more applications that make NVIDIA more valuable for customers. Three, reach. NVIDIA is in clouds, enterprise data centers, industrial edge, PCs, workstations, instruments and robotics. Each has fundamentally unique computing models and ecosystems. System suppliers like OEMs, computer OEMs can confidently invest in NVIDIA because we offer significant market demand and reach. Scale and velocity. NVIDIA has achieved significant scale and is 100% invested in accelerated computing and generative AI. Our ecosystem partners can trust that we have the expertise, focus and scale to deliver a strong road map and reach to help them grow.

二、安裝基地。英偉達在全球擁有數億個兼容 CUDA 的 GPU。開發人員需要龐大的安裝量來吸引最終用戶並發展他們的業務。NVIDIA 是開發者的首選平台。更多的開發人員創建了更多的應用程序,從而讓 NVIDIA 對客戶來說更有價值。第三,伸手可及。NVIDIA 涉足雲端、企業數據中心、工業邊緣、PC、工作站、儀器和機器人技術。每個模型都有本質上獨特的計算模型和生態系統。像原始設備製造商、計算機原始設備製造商這樣的系統供應商可以放心地投資NVIDIA,因爲我們提供了巨大的市場需求和覆蓋範圍。比例和速度。NVIDIA 已經實現了可觀的規模,並將 100% 投資於加速計算和生成式人工智能。我們的生態系統合作伙伴可以相信,我們擁有專業知識、專注力和規模,可以提供強有力的路線圖和影響力,幫助他們發展。

We are accelerating because of the additive results of these capabilities. We’re upgrading and adding new products about every six months versus every two years to address the expanding universe of generative AI. While we increased the output of H100 for training and inference of large language models, we’re ramping up our new L40S universal GPU for scale, for cloud scale-out and enterprise servers. Spectrum-X, which consists of our Ethernet switch, BlueField-3 Super NIC and software helps customers who want the best possible AI performance on Ethernet infrastructures. Customers are already working on next-generation accelerated computing and generative AI with our Grace Hopper.

我們之所以加速,是因爲這些功能的累加成果。我們大約每六個月升級和添加一次新產品,而不是每兩年更新一次,以應對不斷擴大的生成人工智能領域。雖然我們增加了 H100 用於訓練和推斷大型語言模型的輸出,但我們正在爲擴展、雲橫向擴展和企業服務器增加全新 L40S 通用 GPU。Spectrum-X 由我們的以太網交換機、BlueField-3 Super NIC 和軟件組成,可幫助希望在以太網基礎設施上獲得最佳人工智能性能的客戶。客戶已經在使用我們的 Grace Hopper 開發下一代加速計算和生成式人工智能。

We’re extending NVIDIA AI to the world’s enterprises that demand generative AI but with the model privacy, security and sovereignty. Together with the world’s leading enterprise IT companies, Accenture, Adobe, Getty, Hugging Face, Snowflake, ServiceNow, VMware and WPP and our enterprise system partners, Dell, HPE, and Lenovo, we are bringing generative AI to the world’s enterprise. We’re building NVIDIA Omniverse to digitalize and enable the world’s multi-trillion dollar heavy industries to use generative AI to automate how they build and operate physical assets and achieve greater productivity. Generative AI starts in the cloud, but the most significant opportunities are in the world’s largest industries, where companies can realize trillions of dollars of productivity gains. It is an exciting time for NVIDIA, our customers, partners and the entire ecosystem to drive this generational shift in computing. We look forward to updating you on our progress next quarter.

我們正在將 NVIDIA AI 擴展到全球需要生成人工智能但具有隱私、安全和主權模型的企業。我們與全球領先的企業IT公司埃森哲、Adobe、Getty、Hugging Face、Snowflake、ServiceNow、VMware和WPP以及我們的企業系統合作夥伴戴爾、慧與和聯想一起,爲全球企業帶來生成式人工智能。我們正在構建 NVIDIA Omniverse,以實現數字化,使全球價值數萬億美元的重工業能夠使用生成人工智能來自動構建和運營有形資產,從而提高生產力。生成式人工智能始於雲端,但最重要的機會來自世界上最大的行業,在這些行業中,公司可以實現數萬億美元的生產率提高。對於 NVIDIA、我們的客戶、合作伙伴和整個生態系統來說,這是一個激動人心的時刻,推動計算領域的這一代際轉變。我們期待在下個季度向你通報最新進展情況。



This concludes today's conference call. You may now disconnect.


(Tips:This transcript is converted by recording, we will do our best, but cannot fully guarantee the accuracy of the conversion, it is for reference only.)


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