
Egide: Success of the Capital Increase

Egide: Success of the Capital Increase

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/09/05 11:30

Press release
Bollène, 5 September 2023 – 7:30 (CET)


A successful capital increase
with gross proceeds of 1.9 million euros

總收益為 19.百萬歐元

  • Subscription applications received for 6,430,112 new shares, i.e. a subscription rate of 217%
  • 2,956,248 new shares issued for a gross amount of 1,921,561.20
  • 收到的訂閱申請 6.四百三十一百一十二 新的股票即認購率為217百分比
  • 2.九百五十六248發行新股,總金額為歐元1九二一五百六十一20個

The Egide Group (Euronext Growth Paris- ISIN: FR0000072373 - Mnemo: ALGID), the global specialist in the manufacture of hermetic packages and heat-dissipating solutions for sensitive electronic components, is today announcing the success of its capital increase with pre-emptive subscription rights for shareholders, launched on 11 August 2023.

Egide集團(Euronext Growth巴黎-ISINFR0000072373-Mnemo:ALGID),敏感電子元件密封封裝和散熱解決方案的全球專業製造商,今天宣佈其增資成功,於2023年8月11日推出股東優先認購權。

By the end of the subscription period, a total of 1,294,566 shares had been applied for in respect of shareholders' subscription rights, 1 971,437 shares as excess shares by shareholders and 3,164,109 shares on a free basis, giving a subscription rate of 217%. 1,661,682 new shares were allotted to applications for excess shares by shareholders, applying a reduction coefficient of 2,91236150.


As the number of shares subscribed for under either shareholders' subscription rights or applications for excess shares was higher than the 2,956,248 shares offered, applications to subscribe for shares on a free basis were not fulfilled and no shares were allotted to Compagnie Nationale de Navigation, which had given a commitment to subscribe on a free basis for an amount of €1,921,561.20, representing 100% of the planned capital increase and thus guaranteeing that the transaction would be completed.

由於根據股東認購權或超額股份申請認購的股份數目高於已發售的2,956,248股股份,因此,免費認購股份的申請未獲履行,亦沒有向Compagnie Nationale de Navigale公司配發股份,後者承諾以1,921,561.20歐元的金額免費認購股份,相當於計劃增資的100%,從而保證交易將完成。

In parallel, Egide entered into on 9 August 2023 a bond issue and subscription agreement in the amount of €750,000 with Compagnie Nationale de Navigation.


Philippe Bringuier, CEO of Egide says:


I am delighted by the successful outcome of this transaction, with applications to subscribe outstripping by 2.2 times the number of new shares available. We would like to thank our shareholders for their trust and commitment. This is an essential step on our strategic roadmap, enabling us to begin the first step to turn our US subsidiaries around.


On this occasion, Egide had planned the entry of the Compagnie Nationale de Navigation (CNN) and its President Mr. Patrick Molis into the capital and the board of directors of the Company in order to accompany and support it both commercially and financially. At this stage, CNN represented by Mr. Patrick Molis having not obtained any shares from Egide, will not be appointed director.

在這一次,埃吉德計劃進入國家導航公司(美國有線電視新聞網)及其總裁先生帕特裡克·莫裡斯進入首都和董事會對公司的影響按順序在商業和財政上給予支持和支持。在現階段,由Patrick Molis先生代表的CNN將不會被任命,因為他沒有從Egide獲得任何股份董事

The gross proceeds of the capital increase are 1,921,561.20, including the issue premium, corresponding to the issuing of 2,956,249 new shares at a subscription price of €0.65 per new share.


The funds raised will in particular enable Egide to:


- begin work on turning around its US subsidiaries;


- recruit a sales team to boost sales;


- finance the increase in its working capital requirement due to higher turnover.


In addition, proceeds from the capital increase may serve to refund the bond issue of €750,000.


Settlement of the transaction and admission of the new shares to trading on Euronext Growth are scheduled for 7 September 2023. The new shares will bear current dividend rights and will give entitlement, as of their issue date, to all distributions decided by Egide as of that date. They will be immediately fungible with Egide's existing shares and will be traded on the same listing line under ISIN FR0000072373.

交易的結算和允許新股在泛歐交易所的增長中交易的計劃是2023年9月7日。新股將具有當前的股息權利,並將在發行日期給予Egide在該日期決定的所有分派的權利。它們將立即與Egide的現有股票互換,並將在同一上市線路上交易,交易代碼為ISIN FR0000072373。

As of 7 September 2023, Egide's share capital will thus be €6,651,558, divided into 13,303,116 shares with a par value of €0.5 each.


Extraordinary general meeting: 12 September 2023


Publication of results for the six months to 30 June 2023: 26 October 2023




Egide Philippe Bringuier – CEO and CFO – +33 4 90 30 35 94 –

埃吉德- 菲利普·布林吉爾-首席執行官兼首席財務官-+33 4 90 30 35

FIN'EXTENSO – Isabelle Aprile – Media Relations – +33 1 39 97 61 22 –

魚鰭Extenso-Isabelle Aprile媒體關系部-+33 1 39 97 61

About the Egide Group – You can find all the latest news about the Group online at: and LinkedIn


Egide is an international group specialising in the manufacture of hermetic packages and heat-dissipating solutions for sensitive electronic components. We are active in cutting-edge markets with high technological barriers in all critical environments (thermal imaging, optoelectronics, hyper-frequency components, power packages, etc.). Egide is the only dedicated global player and has manufacturing operations in France and the United States.


Egide is listed on Euronext Growth Paris- ISIN: FR0000072373 - Mnemo: ALGID




  • Egide-Capital-increase-results-Press-Release-09052023-EN
  • Egide-Capital-increase-results-Press-Release-09052023-EN

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