
GBM Resources (ASX:GBZ) - Queensland Gold Explorer

GBM Resources (ASX:GBZ) - Queensland Gold Explorer

GBM Resources(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:GBZ)-昆士蘭黃金探險家
sharecafe ·  2023/09/06 06:50

GBM Resources Limited (ASX:GBZ) Managing Director Peter Rohner provides an update on the company's projects, discussing the JV with Newcrest Mining (ASX:NCM) and recent divestments.


Abbey Phillipps: We're talking today to the Managing Director and CEO of GBM Resources (ASX:GBZ), Peter Rohner. Peter, thanks for joining us, and welcome to the network.


Peter Rohner: Thanks, Abby. Thanks for the invite.


Abbey Phillipps: First up, for new investors, could you please provide an introduction to the company?


Peter Rohner: GBM is a gold exploration company and our main focus over the last three years has been the Drummond Basin assets in Queensland, where we've pulled together about 1.8 million ounces of gold. And then we've got some ancillary projects in Queensland and Cloncurry and a small operating gold mine in South Australia and some other tenements near Rockhampton, but the gold focus is where we're spending all our time and energy on.


Abbey Phillipps: Peter, could you tell us a bit about the history of the Drummond Basin?


Peter Rohner: Look, when I got involved in 2019, GBM had a small footprint in the Drummond Basin, and Peter Mullins and Steve Nano had spent a lot of time in South America looking at similar epithermal districts in Santa Cruz that turned out to be multimillion ounce deposits found in that district. So, we spent the last three years basically consolidating the Yandan Project area as well as tenements around Yandan and purchasing the Twin Hills asset off Minjar. We like the basin, it's very prospective and it's obviously a third party validation with Newcrest (ASX:NCM) doing the farm-in on the eastern part of our tenements. They wouldn't be coming into the ground if they didn't expect to find something significant. And also the basin over 30 years had a very fragmented ownership. The gold price was a lot lower in the early 2000s and all the owners were really looking for ore that could be trucked up to the Pajingo Mill that was owned in the northern part of the district. So, we're really pleased that we've got a very extensive land package there, and obviously we've got to fund expiration activities and that's partly why we brought Newcrest in.

彼得·羅納:聽著,當我在2019年參與進來時,GBM在德拉蒙德盆地有一小塊足跡,彼得·穆林斯和史蒂夫·納諾花了很多時間在南美洲聖克魯斯的類似熱液地區尋找,結果發現在該地區發現了數百萬盎司的礦藏。因此,在過去的三年裡,我們基本上整合了燕丹專案區以及燕丹周圍的物業,並購買了Minjar附近的Twin Hills資產。我們喜歡這個盆地,它非常有前景,顯然是第三方的驗證,Newcrest(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:NCM)在我們公寓的東部進行了現場驗證。如果他們沒有預料到會發現什麼有意義的東西,他們就不會進入地下。此外,30多年來,該盆地的所有權非常分散。在21世紀初,金價要低得多,所有的礦主都在尋找可以用卡車運到該地區北部的Pajingo Mill的礦石。因此,我們真的很高興我們在那裡獲得了非常廣泛的土地套餐,顯然我們必須為到期活動提供資金,這也是我們引入Newcrest的部分原因。

Abbey Phillipps: What is the status of the Mount Coolon JV with Newcrest, and what's been completed so far?


Peter Rohner: So, Newcrest, we signed the JV last year and probably early this year they really hit the ground running. They've completed a large harmonisation of the assays, so historical samples that only had gold assays. They've assayed for all the other minor elements. They have started an IP program. They've completed about 30 line kilometres of IP surveys north of where we did a major survey in 2020. And they're doing soil lines across that IP program and they're doing a large aerial, aeromagnetic and radiometric survey across the entire tenement package. We're certainly happy with the volume of work they're doing. They've been spending a lot of time over the last six months working. They're using our field technicians on the programs and we're hopeful that they'll start drilling towards the back end of this year.


Abbey Phillipps: So, Peter, since the acquisition of the Twin Hills Gold project, the company has now identified several exploration targets. What geological, geophysical and geochemical work has led the company to identify these targets?

艾比·菲利普斯:那麼,彼得,自從收購Twin Hills Gold專案以來,該公司現在已經確定了幾個勘探目標。是什麼地質、地球物理和地球化學工作導致該公司確定了這些目標?

Peter Rohner: Yeah, look, we acquired the project from Minjar in 2020 and we sort of raced straight into a drilling program in the early part of last calendar year. We didn't have time to really sit back and look at all the historical data sets, which there was an enormous amount of data. It's had a, I suppose, chequered ownership history over the last 30 years. And most of the owners of the bulk of the Twin Hills package owned the Pajingo Mine, which is an operating plant to the north. They always were looking for higher-grade, surface, small open pit material that they could truck up the road. And we've basically had the last six months to really integrate all the techniques, review some of the old geophysical data, actually field test and field truth the prospects, and now we've identified some really compelling targets that obviously need drilling. Maybe a little bit more geophysical work around the Southern Sister, Lone Sister trend. But we're pretty excited about doing more work on the ground as the market improves and as asset sales provide some funding.

彼得·羅納:是的,聽著,我們於2020年從Minjar手中收購了這個專案,去年年初我們直接進入了一個鑽探專案。我們沒有時間真正坐下來查看所有的歷史數據集,因為那裡有大量的數據。我想,在過去的30年裡,它的所有權經歷了起伏不定的歷史。Twin Hills專案的大部分所有者都擁有Pajingo礦,這是一座位於北部的運營工廠。他們一直在尋找更高品級的、表面的、小型露天礦場材料,以便用卡車運到路上。在過去的六個月裡,我們基本上已經整合了所有的技術,回顧了一些舊的地球物理數據,實際上進行了現場測試,現場證實了前景,現在我們已經確定了一些非常引人注目的目標,顯然需要鑽探。也許更多的地球物理工作圍繞著南方姐妹,孤獨姐妹的趨勢。但隨著市場好轉和資產出售提供一些資金,我們對在實地開展更多工作感到相當興奮。

Abbey Phillipps: Adding on, what drilling plans are in place going forward for the Twin Hills project?


Peter Rohner: Look, in the short term, as I say, we're just firming up where we want to drill, and probably the drilling is a function of asset sales that are ongoing with White Dam and Mount Morgan. We're really leveraging at the moment the joint venture spend that Newcrest is doing in the Mount Coolon district. And our Japanese joint venture partners in Cloncurry are also looking to drill later this calendar year.


Abbey Phillipps: The company recently announced some tenement sales and alliances relating to White Dam. What was the rationale behind these activities considering GBM's plans to divest?


Peter Rohner: Look, with anything, it's a bit like sprucing up the house before you sell it. We like the asset, it's not core, it's generating some cash. The sale of a small tenement to Havilah (ASX:HAV) was really about a non-core tenement that had some minor potential, but gaining some access to some gold, copper potential resources just near our tenement boundary. And then the alliance with the owner of Portia is really about potentially toll treating some material that he has on site and providing opportunity for near-term revenue for both projects and maybe looking longer term at how that asset might fold together with White Dam with a potential buyer. We've certainly had interest on the asset, and I think the two assets potentially together might be a stronger proposition for an incoming purchaser.

彼得·羅納:聽著,做任何事,都有點像在賣房子之前先把房子收拾乾淨。我們喜歡這項資產,它不是核心資產,它能產生一些現金。向Havilah(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:HV)出售一套小型物業實際上是關於一個非核心物業,它具有一些微小的潛力,但就在我們的物業邊界附近獲得了一些金、銅的潛在資源。然後,與Portia的所有者結盟實際上是為了潛在地處理他在現場擁有的一些材料,並為這兩個專案提供短期收入的機會,或許還會著眼於更長期的資產如何與White Dam一起與潛在買家合併。我們肯定對這項資產感興趣,我認為這兩項資產可能合併在一起,對即將到來的買家來說可能是一個更好的提議。

Abbey Phillipps: What is the status of the company's remaining divestment program, and how will this assist in funding demands?


Peter Rohner: Obviously, White Dam, selling White Dam, will bring some additional funding into the business, which we'll redirect into the Drummond Basin projects. Look, we've done about $9m worth of asset divestments over the last three years. We don't want to just throw things overboard. We're trying to be respectful of shareholders' interests, and if we get the right price and the right deal, we'll sell that asset. The Mount Morgan spin out that we announced with Smartset some time ago that we cancelled earlier this year, we've got a process now to look at how that gets funded and move forward in its own vehicle.

彼得·羅納:顯然,出售White Dam將為業務帶來一些額外的資金,我們將把這些資金重新定向到德拉蒙德盆地專案中。聽著,在過去的三年裡,我們進行了價值約900萬美元的資產剝離。我們不想把事情扔到浬去。我們正在努力尊重股東的利益,如果我們得到了合適的價格和合適的交易,我們將出售這項資產。我們不久前與SmartSet宣佈取消的摩根山脈分拆,我們現在有一個流程來看看如何獲得資金,並在自己的工具中向前推進。

Abbey Phillipps: Peter, thanks for joining us today. All the best for the future.


Peter Rohner: Okay, thanks Abby. Thanks for your time and thanks for the invite.





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