
EOM Pharmaceutical Holdings Announces Topline Results of Its COVID-19 Clinical Trial of EOM613 in Brazil

EOM Pharmaceutical Holdings Announces Topline Results of Its COVID-19 Clinical Trial of EOM613 in Brazil

EOM Pharmaceutical Holdings 公佈其在巴西的 EOM613 COVID-19 臨床試驗的頭條結果
PR Newswire ·  2023/09/06 07:00

Results indicate that EOM613 treatment mitigates cytokine release in patients with COVID-19 pulmonary vascular inflammation


MONTVALE, N.J., Sept. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- EOM Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc (OTC: IMUC) ("EOM") today announced the results of its completed clinical trial in hospitalized COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms treated with its investigational immune-regulating drug product EOM613. The trial was conducted in Brazil.


This exploratory Phase 1/2a clinical trial (NCT05212532), designated RESCUE, was a proof-of-concept, open-label study evaluating the safety, tolerability, and preliminary efficacy measures, such as the effects on serum cytokines, when EOM613 was added to the standard-of-care therapy. The trial included two cohorts of patients hospitalized for COVID-19: one cohort was in the intensive care unit (ICU) and the other cohort was not (non-ICU). The study was conducted at four different medical centers in the Brazilian states of Sao Paolo and Goaia.


The trial was originally designed to enroll a total of 40 patients – 20 in each cohort. The trial was redesigned, however, due to challenges in patient enrollment during the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of Brazil's successful vaccination program which led to a reduction in eligible hospitalized patients. The redesigned trial enrolled a total of 23 patients eligible for evaluation. The study's Principal Investigator was Florentino Cardoso Filho, MD, at the Casa de Saude Hospital in Campinas, Sao Paolo, and former President of the Brazilian Medical Association.


Topline Results


The study's topline results indicate that:


  • EOM613, administered by subcutaneous (SC) injection was well-tolerated by hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
  • EOM613 treatment produced a reduction in certain pro-inflammatory serum cytokine levels in line with its postulated mechanism of action of immune modulation.
  • The non-ICU cohort was comprised of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 receiving supplemental oxygen therapy by mask or nasal prongs, corresponding to degrees 4-5 of the WHO Ordinal Clinical Scale for Disease Severity (WHO-OSDS). The ICU cohort was comprised of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 under mechanical ventilation in an ICU, corresponding to degrees 6 or 7 of WHO-OSDS.
  • Both cohorts received the standard-of-care therapy for COVID-19 as defined by the participating hospitals, with the addition of any medications necessary for the study participant's special needs, such as diabetes, hypertension, etc., but excluding other experimental drugs and any drugs used off-label.
  • Of the total of 23 patients enrolled in the study, 5 patients were in the non-ICU cohort and 18 patients with severe respiratory inflammation symptoms requiring mechanical ventilation support were in the ICU cohort. For the non-ICU patients, EOM613 was administered SC at a dose of 2 mL once daily (QD) for 10 days, for a total of 20 mL. The ICU cohort received EOM613 SC at a dose of 2 mL twice daily (BID) for 5 days followed by 2 mL once daily (QD) for 5 days, for a total of 30 mL. All patients were followed for 28 days. A clinical data evaluation was made of the evolution of WHO-OSDS, and laboratory exams and adverse events were compared with historic controls treated for COVID-19 at the same hospitals.
  • The results of the trial indicate that, EOM613 administered SC at a dose level of 2 mL QD for 10 days was well tolerated in COVID-19 non-ICU patients. Study drug was discontinued for only one enrolled patient in the ICU cohort after the first day of treatment due to hemodynamic worsening (Grade 4). In ICU patients receiving a dose level of 2 mL BID for 5 days followed by 2 mL QD for 5 days, a somewhat higher frequency of adverse events (AEs) of the cardiovascular system was observed than in the non-ICU cohort as would be expected with mechanically ventilated patients, but these AEs were not deemed related to EOM613 treatment by the clinical investigators. Both treatment group regimens had no negative effect on clinical laboratory parameters (complete blood count, SMA-18 metabolic panel, biochemistry) of patients with COVID-19 infection.
  • Post-baseline clinically significant beneficial changes were seen with EOM613 treatment for two of the blood serum cytokines involved in the cytokine storm in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, namely, soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) and interleukin-10 (IL-10). In the seriously affected ICU cohort, changes were also observed in other cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-13, in line with EOM613's mechanism of action as a broad-spectrum immune regulator.
  • For example, at screening levels of sIL-2R cytokine were meaningfully higher in the ICU cohort patients with mean values of 1721.69 (± 720.31) pg/mL (median1602.30 pg/mL). sIL-2R levels decreased during the study in both study cohorts. A statistically significant change from baseline was observed on Day 8 in the ICU cohort, i.e., a drop of -512.15 (± 698.10), median -412.80 (p = 0.0214). Similarly, in the non-ICU cohort the mean baseline value at screening on Day 28 showed mean IL-2R levels were 588.55 (± 537.76) pg/mL (median 484.60) in the non-ICU cohort and 726.96 (± 331.70) pg/mL (median 861.50) in the ICU cohort. Median changes from baseline in sIL2-R were -485.35 pg/mL and -444.90 pg/mL, respectively.
  • 住院新冠肺炎患者對皮下注射EOM613耐受性良好。
  • EOM613治療可降低某些促炎血清細胞因數水準,這與其免疫調節作用機制相一致。
  • 非重症監護病房隊列包括因新冠肺炎而住院的患者,他們通過面罩或鼻尖接受補充氧療,對應於世衛組織疾病嚴重程度臨床序貫量表(WHO-OSDs)的4-5級。重症監護病房隊列包括在重症監護病房機械通氣下因新冠肺炎住院的患者,相當於世衛組織OSDS6級或7級。
  • 兩個隊列都接受了參與醫院定義的新冠肺炎標準治療,添加了研究參與者特殊需要所需的任何藥物,如糖尿病、高血壓等,但不包括其他實驗藥物和任何標籤外使用的藥物。
  • 在總共登記參加研究的23名患者中,5名患者在非ICU隊列中,18名患有嚴重呼吸道炎症癥狀需要機械通氣的患者在ICU隊列中。對於非ICU患者,EOM613口服SC,每日2毫升,每日1次,療程10天,共20毫升。ICU組給予EOM613SC 2mL2次/d,連服5d,後2mL1次/d,連服5d,共30mL。所有患者均隨訪28天。對WHO-OSD的演變進行臨床資料評估,並將實驗室檢查和不良事件與同一醫院接受新冠肺炎治療的歷史對照進行比較。
  • 試驗結果表明,新冠肺炎非ICU患者對EOM613 SC的耐受性良好,劑量為2mLqd,連用10天。由於血流動力學惡化(4級),ICU隊列中只有一名入選患者在治療第一天後停用了研究藥物。在ICU患者中,接受2mLBid的劑量水準為5天,然後2mLqd為5天,觀察到心血管系統不良事件(AEs)的頻率略高於非ICU隊列中的機械通氣患者,但臨床研究人員認為這些AEs與EOM613的治療無關。兩組治療方案對新冠肺炎感染患者的臨床實驗室指標(全血細胞計數、SMA-18代謝板、生化)均無不良影響。
  • 治療後,新冠肺炎患者血清中參與細胞因數風暴的兩種細胞因數,即可溶性白介素2受體(sIL-2R)和白介素10(IL-10)在基線後發生了顯著的臨床有益變化。在受影響嚴重的ICU隊列中,還觀察到了其他細胞因數的變化,如腫瘤壞死因數-α、IL-1β、IL-6和IL-13,符合EOM613的S作為廣譜免疫調節劑的作用機制。
  • 例如,在篩查時,ICU隊列患者的sIL-2R細胞因數水準顯著較高,平均值為1721.69(±720.31)pg/mL(中位數1602.30 pg/ml)。在這兩個研究隊列中,sIL-2R水準在研究期間都有所下降。在重症監護病房隊列中,第8天觀察到與基線相比有統計學意義的變化,即-512.15(±698.10),中位數-412.80(p=0.0214)。同樣,在非ICU隊列中,第28天篩查時的平均基線值顯示,非ICU隊列的平均IL-2R水準為588.55(±537.76)pg/mL(中位數484.60),ICU隊列中的平均IL-2R水準為726.96(±331.70)pg/mL(中位數861.50)。SIL-2-R較基線變化的中位數分別為-485.35 pg/m L和-444.90 pg/m L。

Shalom Z. Hirschman, MD, Chief Medical Officer of EOM Pharmaceuticals, stated: "I am encouraged by the results of this trial indicating that EOM613 was well-tolerated even in this group of seriously affected hospitalized COVID-19 patients, as it had earlier been shown to be trials in patients with AIDS, cancer cachexia and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, I am pleased that the serum cytokine measurements in COVID-19 patients validate the putative mechanism of action of EOM613 as a broad-spectrum immunomodulating agent affecting pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels, as these results are consistent with previous results in cell culture in immune cells. Both sIL-2R and IL-10 cytokines have been implicated in the scientific literature as biomarkers for the progression of severe COVID-19 infection, with elevated levels of sIL-2R in particular being a predictor of hospital mortality. Thus, an agent that can be shown to diminish serum levels of this cytokine may prove beneficial. Cytokines such as sIL-2R are also associated in various other chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis in which enhanced T-cell activation is involved."

夏洛姆·Z·赫希曼EOM製藥公司首席醫療官,MD說:“這項試驗的結果表明,即使在這群嚴重感染住院的新冠肺炎患者中,EOM 613的耐受性也很好,這讓我感到鼓舞,因為它早些時候被證明是用於艾滋病、癌症惡病質和類風濕性關節炎患者的試驗。此外,我很高興新冠肺炎患者的血清細胞因數測量證實了EOM 613作為影響促炎和抗炎細胞因數水準的廣譜免疫調節劑的假定作用機制,因為這些結果與先前免疫細胞細胞培養的結果一致。在科學文獻中,sIL-2R和IL-10細胞因數都被認為是嚴重新冠肺炎感染進展的生物標誌物,特別是sIL-2R水準升高是醫院死亡率的預測因數。因此,一種可以降低血清中這種細胞因數水準的藥物可能會被證明是有益的。細胞因數,如sIL-2R,也與各種其他慢性炎症性疾病有關,如類風濕性關節炎,其中涉及T細胞的增強激活。

"The results of this trial further elucidate EOM613's mechanism of action in patients, thus corroborating the earlier preclinical lab research, and suggesting broader potential utility. This provides an additional support for EOM's future clinical drug development in various chronic inflammatory diseases," added Irach B. Taraporewala, PhD, CEO of EOM Pharmaceuticals. "A well-tolerated broad-spectrum immune regulating agent such as EOM613 which can modulate multiple cytokines involved in disease pathogenesis could have meaningful therapeutic value. We look forward to conducting additional investigation of EOM613's potential utility."

EOM製藥公司首席執行官伊拉赫·B·塔拉波雷瓦拉補充說:“這項試驗的結果進一步闡明瞭EOM 613在患者中的作用機制,從而證實了早期的臨床前實驗室研究,並提出了更廣泛的潛在用途。這為EOM未來治療各種慢性炎症性疾病的臨床藥物開發提供了額外的支持。”“一種耐受性良好的廣譜免疫調節劑,如EOM613,可以調節參與疾病發病機制的多種細胞因數,可能具有有意義的治療價值。我們期待著對EOM613的S潛在用途進行進一步的研究。”

About EOM613


EOM's lead asset, EOM613, is an investigational, novel peptide-nucleic acid solution immunomodulator believed to have both anti- and pro-inflammatory broad-spectrum cytokine effects. In human cell culture studies, EOM613 demonstrated a unique "dynamic dual action" by suppressing or stimulating monocytes and macrophages depending on the activation state and environment of those key immune cells. It is hypothesized that this dynamic dual-action may overcome a limitation of many approved immunomodulators that only reduce the inflammatory state without achieving immune system balance


About EOM Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc.

EOM製藥公司簡介 控股公司

EOM Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc. is a clinical-stage company focused on developing novel drugs with the potential to transform therapeutic paradigms and improve quality of life in patients suffering from debilitating and sometimes deadly diseases. The Company was founded with a specific vision to pursue innovative approaches to rescue, repair, and restore health of patients with urgent and unmet medical needs. For more information about EOM Pharmaceuticals, please visit .


Forward Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In some cases, you can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as "may," "will," "continue," "anticipate," "intend," "could," "project," "expect" or the negative or plural of these words or similar expressions, and other similar terms. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those anticipated, including, but not limited to, EOM's ability to develop and commercialize its product candidates; EOM's ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval of product candidates; EOM's ability to operate in a competitive industry and compete successfully against competitors that have greater resources; EOM's reliance on third parties; EOM's ability to obtain and adequately protect intellectual property rights for product candidates; and the effects of COVID-19 on clinical programs and EOM's business operations. Any forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release. EOM assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date of this press release.


SOURCE EOM Pharmaceutical Holdings


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