
American Eagle Drills 102 Metres of 1.04% Copper Equivalent Within 473 Metres of 0.62% Copper Equivalent From Surface in NAK23-11

American Eagle Drills 102 Metres of 1.04% Copper Equivalent Within 473 Metres of 0.62% Copper Equivalent From Surface in NAK23-11

在 NAK23-11 中,American Eagle 在距離地表 0.62% 銅當量的 473 米範圍內鑽探 102 米 1.04% 的銅當量
newsfile ·  2023/09/19 06:00



  • NAK23-11 returned 473 m @ 0.62% Copper Equivalent ("CuEq") from surface, including:
    • 214 m @ 0.91% CuEq, in turn including:
    • 102 m @ 1.04% CuEq
  • NAK23-10 returned 359 m @ 0.43% CuEq within:
    • 830 m @ 0.36% CuEq from Surface
  • With two drill holes on a single section returning long intersections of over 0.5% CuEq from surface (NAK23-08 and 11), both size and tenor of the NAK South Zone continue to increase.
  • Holes NAK23-10 and 11 affirm that the northerly trending continuously mineralized zone drill-tested in 2022 also has significant width and higher grades.
  • Assays are pending from drill holes NAK23-12, 13 and 14.
  • Drilling continues, and several more holes are planned for this season.
  • NAK23-11已退回473M@0.62%銅當量(“CuEq”)從表面,包括:
    • 214米@0.91%CuEq,進而包括:
    • 102M@1.04%CuEq
  • NAK23-10退貨3.59百萬@0.43%範圍內的CuEq:
    • 830米@0.36%CuEq從曲面
  • 隨著一個單一區段上的兩個鑽孔從地面返回超過0.5%CuEq的長交叉點(NAK23-08和11),NAK南區的規模和基調都在繼續增加。
  • NAK23-10和11號孔證實了2022年鑽探測試的北向連續礦化帶也具有明顯的寬度和較高的品位。
  • NAK23-12、13和14號鑽孔的化驗工作正在進行中。
  • 鑽探仍在繼續,本季度還計劃再打幾個洞。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 19, 2023) - American Eagle Gold Corp. (TSXV: AE) (OTCQB: AMEGF) ("American Eagle" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has drilled its best hole to date on its NAK copper-gold porphyry project ("NAK" or the "Project"). NAK23-11 intersected 102 metres of 1.04% Copper Equivalent ("CuEq") within 473 metres of 0.62% CuEq from surface.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年9月19日)-美國鷹黃金公司。(TSXV:AE)(OTCQB:AMEGF)(“美國鷹“或”公司NAK23-11在距地表0.62%銅當量(CuEq)的473米範圍內相交了102米的1.04%銅當量(“CuEq”)。

In addition, NAK23-10 intersected 359 metres of 0.43% CuEq within 830 metres of 0.36% CuEq from surface. The results further demonstrate that the NAK mineralizing system has considerable scale and the potential for substantial growth in size and grade.


Sections, Drill Core Images, and a New Video relating to NAK 23-10 and NAK 23-11:

與NAK 23-10和NAK 23-11相關的章節、鑽芯圖像和新視頻:

  • Cross-section showing mineralization for NAK 23-10
  • Cross-section showing mineralization for NAK 23-11
  • Plan view of drilling to date at NAK
  • Core images from holes NAK 23-08 to -11
  • Video detailing the significance of NAK 23-10 and -11
  • 顯示NAK 23-10礦化的橫截面
  • 顯示NAK 23-11礦化的橫截面
  • NAK到目前為止的鑽井平面圖
  • NAK 23-08至-11孔的岩心圖像
  • 詳細介紹NAK 23-10和-11重要性的視頻

"We've seen significant grade improvement in our drilling at NAK. Our discovery hole in 2022 had 0.37% CuEq, followed by 0.5% in our first hole this year. In our latest drill hole, NAK23-11, we intercepted over 0.6% across nearly 500 metres. This increasing grade profile, and fact that NAK's mineralization begins near surface, within an even broader envelope of consistently mineralized rock, and all in an area with excellent year-round access and infrastructure, helps set NAK apart from its peers in British Columbia," said Anthony Moreau, American Eagle's CEO.

American Eagle首席執行官安東尼·莫羅表示:“我們在NAK的鑽探已經看到了顯著的品位提升。我們在2022年發現的孔的CuEq為0.37%,今年第一個孔的CuEq為0.5%。在我們最新的鑽孔NAK23-11中,我們在近500米的範圍內截獲了超過0.6%的CuEq。這種不斷提高的品位分佈,以及NAK的礦化開始於更廣泛的持續礦化的岩石範圍內,以及所有這些都在一個擁有良好的常年通道和基礎設施的地區,有助於使NAK有別於不列顛哥倫比亞省的同行,”American Eagle的首席執行官安東尼·莫羅說。

NAK 23-11 Assay Results: Table 1

NAK 23-11化驗結果:表1

From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au g/t Cu % Ag g/t Mo ppm Cu Eq %*

45.58 707 661.42 0.29 0.20 1.03 136 0.52
Including 45.58 587 541.42 0.34 0.22 1.04 161 0.58
Including 45.58 519 473.42 0.37 0.22 1.05 165 0.62
And Including 217.41 431 213.59 0.59 0.33 1.5 192 0.91
Including 306.33 431 124.67 0.59 0.39 1.9 194 0.97
Including 316.76 419 102.24 0.67 0.39 1.8 205 1.04

發件人(M) 至(M) 長度(米) Au g/t CU% AG g/t Mppm CU等式%*

45.58 七百零七 661.42 0.29 0.20 1.03 136 0.52
包括 45.58 587 541.42 0.34 0.22 1.04 161 0.58
包括 45.58 五百一十九 473.42 0.37 0.22 1.05 165 0.62
並且包括 217.41 四百三十一 213.59 0.59 0.33 1.5 一百九十二 0.91
包括 306.33 四百三十一 124.67 0.59 0.39 1.9 一百九十四 0.97
包括 316.76 四百一十九 102.24 0.67 0.39 1.8 205 1.04

NAK 23-10 Assay Results: Table 2

NAK 23-10化驗結果:表2

From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au g/t Cu % Ag g/t Mo ppm Cu Eq %*

25.95 855.93 829.98 0.17 0.17 0.65 83 0.36
Including 25.95 548 522.05 0.22 0.13 0.69 67 0.35
Including 25.95 402 376.05 0.28 0.13 0.64 61 0.39
Including 119 204 85 0.53 0.25 1.07 51 0.69
And Including 379 738 359 0.14 0.23 0.76 125 0.43

發件人(M) 至(M) 長度(米) Au g/t CU% AG g/t Mppm CU等式%*

25.95 855.93 829.98 0.17 0.17 0.65 83 0.36
包括 25.95 548 522.05 0.22 0.13 0.69 67 0.35
包括 25.95 四百零二 376.05 0.28 0.13 0.64 61 0.39
包括 119 204 85 0.53 0.25 1.07 51 0.69
並且包括 三七九 七百三十八 359 0.14 0.23 0.76 125 0.43

* Copper Equivalent (CuEq) for drill intersections is calculatged based on US$ 3.75/lb Cu, US$ 1,900/oz Au, US$ 20/oz Ag and US$ 25/lb Mo, with 80% metallurgical recoveries assumed for all metals (Since it's unclear what metals will be the principal products, assuming different recoveries is premature at this stage. As such an 80% recovery rate is justified at this point in time ). The formula is: CuEq. = Cu % + (Au grade in g/t x (Au recovery / Cu recovery) x [Au price ÷ 31] / [Cu price x 2200]) + (Ag grade in g/t x (Ag recovery / Cu recovery) x [Ag price ÷ 31] / [Cu price x 2200] + (Mo grade in % x (Mo recovery / Cu recovery) x [Mo price x 2200] / [Cu price x 2200]). The assays have not been capped.

* 鑽探交叉點的銅當量(CuEq)是根據每磅3.75美元的銅、1,900美元/盎司的金、20美元/盎司的銀和25美元/磅的鉬計算的,假設所有金屬的冶金回收率為80%(由於目前尚不清楚哪些金屬將是主要產品,因此假設不同的回收率在現階段還為時過早)。因此,80%的回收率在這一點上是合理的)。公式為:CuEq。=銅%+(金品位g/t x(金回收率/銅回收率)x[金價×31]/[銅價x 2200])+(銀品位g/t x(銀回收率/銅回收率)×[銀價×31]/[銅價x 2200]+(鉬品位x%x(鉬回收率/銅回收率)x[鉬價x 2200]/[銅價x 2200])。化驗結果還沒有封頂。

NAK 22-11 Details:

NAK 22-11詳細資訊:

NAK 23-11 was collared approximately 120 m west of NAK23-08, and intersected similar fine to coarse grained clastic rocks, intruded by polyphase dykes that are inferred to be associated with the Babine porphyry stock intrusion. The best zones of mineralization were within conglomeritic units, proximal to variably mineralized dykes. Copper mineralization increased significantly below 217 m, where the hole intersected conglomerate, with a coincident increase in gold grades. Gold and molybdenum grades show a strong correlation throughout this hole. Conspicuously high gold grades down hole from 217 m appear to be associated with purple anhydrite veins that host chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite, although gold grades remain strong from top of hole to that point, almost always returning values greater than 0.2 ppm Au. As the hole traverses deeper and to the west, copper values remained steady, with a gradual decrease in gold grade. These changes accompany an increase in the proportion of pyrite with depth. At 707 m, pyrrhotite makes its first appearance, and both gold and copper values drop off sharply.

NAK 23-11在NAK23-08以西約120米處被套住,並與類似於粗粒碎屑岩的細碎屑岩相交,被推測與巴賓斑岩巖塊侵入有關的多相巖牆侵入。最好的礦化帶在礫巖單元內,靠近不同礦化的巖牆。在217m以下,銅礦化顯著增加,礦洞與礫巖相交,金品位也相應增加。在整個鑽孔中,金和鉬的品位顯示出很強的相關性。井下217米處明顯高的金品位似乎與賦存黃銅礦、斑銅礦和輝鉬礦的紫色硬石膏礦脈有關,儘管金品位從井頂一直保持堅挺,幾乎總是返回值高於0.2ppm Au。隨著洞越越深越往西,銅價保持穩定,金品位逐漸下降。這些變化伴隨著黃鐵礦比例隨深度的增加而增加。在707米處,磁黃鐵礦首次出現,金價和銅價都大幅下降。

NAK 22-10 Details:

NAK 22-10詳細資訊:

NAK 23-10 was collared approximately 75 m to the north-northeast of NAK23-08 into intensely altered and brecciated intrusive rocks of the Babine porphyry stock. Broad intervals of intense bleaching and clay alteration appear to reflect late-stage fluid flow that stripped sulphide mineralization in the upper 119 m, below which the hole transitions to conglomerate and brecciated finer grained sedimentary rocks. Mineralization, consisting of chalcopyrite with minor bornite and pyrite, sharply increases within the sedimentary lithologies and remains strong through several porphyry dykes. In contrast to holes NAK23-08 and 11, the strongest disseminated mineralization in NAK23-10 occurs below 540 m within coarse grained sandstone that is intruded by well-mineralized dykes. As the hole traverses deeper and to the west, the relative abundance of pyrite increases, and similarly to NAK23-11, pyrrhotite makes a first appearance below 730 m. While the appearance of pyrrhotite is associated with a similar decrease in grade, the drop in CuEq values is not as pronounced as in NAK23-11, with overall Cu grades remaining strongly anomalous until the end of the hole at 856 m.


Update on NAK Holes NAK 23-12 to -15

NAK孔NAK 23-12至-15的更新

Assays for drill holes NAK23-12 and NAK23-13 will be received in the coming weeks. With the recent completion of NAK23-14, drilling in the North Zone has been completed and core samples from that hole have been shipped to the lab for assaying. Drilling on NAK23-15 is in progress, representing a 110-m step-out to the south from NAK23-11 in the South Zone and targeting additional copper-gold mineralization in that direction. The Company's current plan is that the next hole, NAK23-16, will be a westerly directed hole collared 150 metres north of NAK23-11. NAK23-16 is intended to test the continuity of mineralization encountered to the west and at depth in the South zone from our 2022 drill fence, between the copper-rich North zone and the relatively more gold-rich South zone.


Collar details for holes drilled in the 2022 and 2023 drill program: Table 2


Hole UTM_Grid UTM_East UTM_North Azimuth Dip
NAK 22-01 NAD83_Z9 675281 6129359 n/a -90
NAK 22-02 NAD83_Z9 675281 6129359 340 -70
NAK 22-03 NAD83_Z9 675201 6129658 n/a -90
NAK 22-04 NAD83_Z9 675181 6129862 n/a -90
NAK 22-05 NAD83_Z9 675105 6130067 n/a -90
NAK 22-06 NAD83_Z9 675376 6129782 260 -77
NAK 22-07 NAD83_Z9 675181 6129862 170 -81
NAK 23-08 NAD83_Z9 675341 6129341 270 -60
NAK 23-09 NAD83_Z9 675990 6129284 20 -65
NAK 23-10 NAD83_Z9 675357 6129415 270 -60
NAK 23-11 NAD83_Z9 675215 6129340 270 -60
NAK 23-12 NAD83_Z9 674999 6129846 80 -70
NAK 23-13 NAD83_Z9 675205 6129773 270 -60
NAK 23-14 NAD83_Z9 675260 6129934 260 -70
NAK 23-15 NAD83_Z9 675211 6129232 270 -60
孔洞 UTM_網格 UTM_EAST UTM_NOW 方位角 浸漬
NAK 22-01 NAD83_Z9 675281 6129359 不適用 -90
NAK 22-02 NAD83_Z9 675281 6129359 340 -70
NAK 22-03 NAD83_Z9 675201 6129658 不適用 -90
NAK 22-04 NAD83_Z9 675181 6129862 不適用 -90
NAK 22-05 NAD83_Z9 675105 6130067 不適用 -90
NAK 22-06 NAD83_Z9 675376 6129782 二百六十 -77
NAK 22-07 NAD83_Z9 675181 6129862 一百七十 -81
NAK 23-08 NAD83_Z9 675341 6129341 270 -60
NAK 23-09 NAD83_Z9 675990 6129284 20個 -65
NAK 23-10 NAD83_Z9 675357 6129415 270 -60
NAK 23-11 NAD83_Z9 675215 6129340 270 -60
NAK 23-12 NAD83_Z9 674999 6129846 80 -70
NAK 23-13 NAD83_Z9 675205 6129773 270 -60
NAK 23-14 NAD83_Z9 675260 6129934 二百六十 -70
NAK 23-15 NAD83_Z9 675211 6129232 270 -60

About American Eagle's NAK Project


The NAK Project is in the Babine copper-gold porphyry district of British Columbia, near past-producing mines and with excellent infrastructure. Previous drilling at NAK revealed a large near-surface copper-gold system measuring over 1.5 km x 1.5 km. Historical exploration was limited to shallow depths, averaging 170 m. In 2022, American Eagle's 2022 drilling program explored deeper and discovered significant copper-gold mineralization along a northerly trend. The objective for 2023 is to expand the known mineralized footprint at NAK and to identify higher-grade zones of copper and gold. The property is accessible by road and can be drilled year-round. The promising initial results make NAK an ideal candidate for further exploration

NAK專案位於不列顛哥倫比亞省巴賓銅金斑岩區,靠近過去生產的礦山,擁有一流的基礎設施。NAK之前的鑽探揭示了一個超過1.5公里x1.5公里的大型近地表銅金系統。歷史上的勘探僅限於較淺的深度,平均為170米。2022年,American Eagle的2022年鑽探計劃勘探得更深,發現了沿北方趨勢的重大銅金礦化。2023年的目標是擴大北卡羅來納州已知的礦化足跡,並確定較高品位的銅礦和金礦帶。該物業可通過公路到達,並可全年鑽探。有希望的初步結果使NAK成為進一步勘探的理想候選者

For the latest videos from American Eagle, Ore Group, and all things mining, subscribe to our YouTube Channel:

有關American Eagle、Ore Group和All Things Mining的最新視頻,請訂閱我們的YouTube頻道

About American Eagle Gold Corp.


American Eagle is focused on exploring its NAK project in the Babine Copper-Gold Porphyry district of central British Columbia. In May 2023, the Company announced a strategic investment by Teck Resources Limited.

American Eagle專注於探索其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部巴賓銅金礦斑岩區的NAK專案。2023年5月,公司宣佈泰克資源有限公司進行戰略投資。

Anthony Moreau, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 416.644.1567


QP Statement


Mark Bradley, B.Sc., M.Sc., P.Geo., a Certified Professional Geologist and 'qualified person' for the purposes of Canada's National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Properties, has verified and approved the information contained in this news release.

Mark Bradley,B.SC,M.SC,P.Geo是加拿大國家儀器43-101礦物財產披露標準的認證專業地質學家和“合格人士”,他已經核實並批准了本新聞稿中包含的資訊。

Reader Advisory


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the TSX Venture Exchange policies) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding whether the Company can exercise its option to acquire the Project as anticipated and whether the Company's exploration efforts on the Project produce the results anticipated by management. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual results might differ materially from those suggested in forward-looking statements. American Eagle Gold Corp. assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to American Eagle Gold Corp. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in filings by American Eagle Gold Corp. with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available under American Eagle Gold Corp. profile at .

多倫多證券交易所風險交易所及其監管服務提供商(該術語在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。本新聞稿中的某些資訊可能包含前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於有關公司能否按預期行使其收購該專案的選擇權,以及公司在該專案上的勘探努力是否產生管理層預期的結果的陳述。這些資訊是基於當前的預期,這些預期受到難以預測的重大風險和不確定性的影響。因此,實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中建議的結果大不相同。American Eagle Gold Corp.沒有義務更新前瞻性陳述或更新實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中反映的結果不同的原因,除非和直到適用於American Eagle Gold Corp.的證券法要求。識別風險和不確定性的其他資訊包含在American Eagle Gold Corp.提交給加拿大證券監管機構的檔案中,這些檔案可在American Eagle Gold Corp.的個人資料中查閱。

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