
Interra Copper Announces Letter of Intent for Rip Copper-Molybdenum Project Earn-In

Interra Copper Announces Letter of Intent for Rip Copper-Molybdenum Project Earn-In

Interra Copper宣佈Rip Copper-Moloymo項目 Earn-In 的意向書
newsfile ·  2023/09/19 04:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 19, 2023) - Interra Copper Corp. (CSE: IMCX) (OTCQB: IMIMF) (FSE: 3MX) ("Interra" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent (the "LOI") with ArcWest Exploration Inc. (TSXV: AWX) ("ArcWest"), to negotiate an 80% earn-in and joint venture agreement on ArcWest's Rip Cu-Mo Project ("Rip Project" or the "Project"), in central British Columbia, a prolific mining region on Canada's west coast. A technical presentation for Rip is available for download here.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年9月19日)-Interra銅業公司(CSE:IMCX)(場外交易市場:IMIMF)(證券交易所代碼:3MX)(“英特拉“或”公司“)很高興地宣佈,它已經與ArcWest Explore Inc.(TSXV:AWX)(”ArcWest“)簽署了一份不具約束力的意向書(”意向書“),就ArcWest位於加拿大西海岸多產礦區不列顛哥倫比亞省中部的Rip銅鉬專案(”RIP專案“或”專案“)談判80%的收益和合資協定。

The Rip Project comprises 2,309 ha and is located about 63 km south of Houston and 79 km southwest of Burns Lake in central British Columbia. The Rip Project is situated in Stikine Terrane in a prolific belt of Late Cretaceous (Bulkley Plutonic Suite) porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposits, which includes Imperial Metals' Huckleberry Mine, 33 km to the southwest and presently on care and maintenance. In addition to the Huckleberry Mine, the Bulkley porphyry belt includes the Whiting Creek, Poplar, Seel and Ox Cu-Mo (gold-silver) deposits. The fully permitted Rip Project is road accessible from either Houston or Burns Lake.

Rip專案佔地2,309公頃,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部休斯頓以南約63公里,伯恩斯湖西南79公里處。Rip專案位於Stikine Terrane的晚白堊世(Bulkley PlutonSuite)斑岩銅鉬(銅鉬)礦床多產帶內,其中包括Imperial Metals的Huckleberry礦,位於西南33公里處,目前正在進行維護和維護。除了Huckleberry礦,Bulkley斑岩帶還包括懷廷克裡克、白楊、Seel和Ox銅鉬(金銀)礦床。完全許可的Rip專案可以從休斯頓或伯恩斯湖通過道路到達。

Rip Project Earn-In Agreement with ArcWest


Under the terms of the LOI, Interra obtains a two-stage option to earn up to an 80% ownership interest in the Rip Project over up to an 8-year period.


In the 1st stage, Interra has the option to earn, over a 4-year staged work-schedule, a 60% share ownership in the Rip by issuing 1,050,000 shares of Interra, completing geological and exploration expenditures of Cdn $2,000,000, and paying Cdn $100,000 cash to ArcWest, over a period 4 years and 3 months, until December 31, 2027.

在%1中ST在這一階段,Interra可以選擇在4年的分階段工作計劃中,通過發行1,050,000股Interra股票,完成2,000,000加元的地質和勘探支出,並在4年零3個月內向ArcWest支付100,000加元現金,在4年零3個月內賺取RIP 60%的股權,直至2027年12月31日。

The 2nd stage of the earn-in requires Interra to advance the Project to Feasibility Study level in order to obtain an additional 20% for a total of 80% ownership, within 4 years of completing the first tier earn-in, or at the latest December 31, 2031. This 2nd stage of the option requires Interra funding C$2 million in work and paying ArcWest C$250,000 per year. Possible extensions are granted to Interra for 3 additional years until 2033 at the latest, by continuing these same terms plus an additional C$100,000 per year.


A primary target area is defined by a previously outlined high chargeability zone which is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. A large historically delineated IP chargeability high with areas of alteration, as defined from percussion drilling logs, a diamond drill hole, and outcrop, and the extent of strong quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP) alteration, provide for an immediate target area for exploration and future drilling.


The first work program funding requirement for a minimum of C$300,000 is set to December 31, 2024. Work will commence this year with 3D topography and satellite-aerial survey of the entire Project for a committed budget of C$25,000. Further Exploitation work will consist of geophysics to refine targets for the first stage of drilling, planned for the 2024 or 2025 drilling season.


The Rip Project covers the central axis of a 15 by 6 kilometer window of Early Jurassic Hazelton Group volcano-sedimentary rocks intruded by several small stocks of Late Cretaceous Bulkley Plutonic Suite porphyritic granodiorite. Faults bounding this block trend northwesterly and separate the Hazelton Group from surrounding blocks of younger (Late Cretaceous to Eocene) volcanics.


The Rip target was initially advanced by Kennco Explorations between 1975 and 1981. Kennco completed an Induced Polarization survey in 1975 which delineated a significant chargeability high. Although Kennco stated "in the final analysis this area will require an extensive drilling program to determine whether a zone of economic mineralization exists within the sulfide system" (Dorval and Stevenson, 1976), it was tested only by a single, 294 meter-long diamond drill hole (at -45 degree inclination) in 1975. The drill hole intersected intensely quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP) altered andesite and quartz diorite to a depth of 115 meters where the zone was cut off by a fault. The QSP altered zone above the fault averaged 0.07% Cu and 0.005% Mo over 70.3 meters (35.3-105.6m). The IP survey was extended in 1980, outlining the 0.8-1.5 by 2.2 kilometer chargeability high, and 36 shallow percussion drill holes totaling 1763 meters were completed (11 of the drill holes failed to reach bedrock). Logging of drill cuttings from these percussion holes delineated a zone of QSP alteration approximately corresponding to the chargeability high. A multi-element analysis of the core cuttings from 26 of the percussion holes in 1981 outlined a central 0.5 by 1.5 kilometer Cu-Mo anomaly coring a broad peripheral lead-zinc-arsenic-manganese anomaly, a geochemical zonation typical of porphyry copper systems. Although most of the Rip property is covered by glacial deposits, near the core of the Kennco chargeability anomaly a small (50 by 100 meter) area of outcrop and shallow trenches exposes strong multistage porphyry-style stockwork veining within altered Hazelton volcanics and feldspar-quartz porphyry. Early magnetite-chalcopyrite-pyrite 'A' veins with white K-feldspar (or albite) halos are cut by later quartz-chalcopyite-pyrite-molybdenite 'B' veins. Veining accompanies pervasive magnetite-biotite (potassic) alteration which is variably overprinted by quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP). Multistage porphyry-style veining locally reaches strong stockwork density. Limited rock sampling of these outcrops in 2017-2018 (8 samples), returned 258-1490 parts per million (ppm) copper, 3-238 ppm molybdenum, 7-69 parts per billion gold, and 0.2-1.5 ppm silver. Deleterious elements occur at very low levels (e.g., zinc <77 ppm, lead <4 ppm, and arsenic <5 ppm). Further details of the Rip Cu-Mo Project can be found here:

Rip目標最初是由Kennco Explorations在1975至1981年間提出的。Kennco在1975年完成了一項激發極化調查,該調查描繪了一個顯著的可充電性高。儘管Kennco說“歸根結底,這一地區將需要廣泛的鑽探計劃,以確定硫化物系統中是否存在經濟礦化帶”(Dorval和Stevenson,1976),但它在1975年只接受了一個294米長的鑽石鑽孔(傾角為-45度)的測試。鑽孔穿過強烈的石英絹雲母黃鐵礦(QSP)蝕變安山石和石英閃長巖,深度達115米,該帶被斷層切斷。斷裂上方QSP蝕變帶平均含銅0.07%,含鉬0.005%。1980年擴大了激電測量,圈定了0.8-1.5×2.2公里的可充電高度,完成了36個淺層沖擊鑽孔,共計1763米(其中11個鑽孔未能到達基岩)。從這些沖擊井中採集的鑽屑測井圈定了一條QSP蝕變帶,大致對應於高可充電性。1981年,對26個沖擊孔的岩心岩屑進行了多元素分析,勾勒出中央0.5×1.5公里的銅鉬異常,其核心是廣泛的外圍鉛鋅砷錳異常,這是典型的斑岩銅系統的地球化學分帶。儘管Rip的大部分財產被冰川沉積覆蓋,但在Kennco充電性異常核心附近,一小塊(50米乘100米)的露頭和淺壕溝暴露出蝕變的黑茲爾頓火山岩和長石-石英斑岩中強烈的多階段斑岩風格的網脈。早期具有白色鉀長石(或鈉長石)暈的磁鐵礦-黃銅礦-黃鐵礦-黃鐵礦‘A’脈被晚期的石英-黃銅礦-黃鐵礦-輝鉬礦‘B’脈切割。脈化伴隨著普遍存在的磁鐵礦-黑雲母(鉀質)蝕變,這種蝕變不同程度地被石英-絹雲母-黃鐵礦(QSP)疊加。局部多期斑岩型脈體達到較強的網紋密度。2017-2018年對這些露頭進行了有限的岩石採樣(8個樣本),返回了百萬分之258-1490的銅、百萬分之3-238的鉬、百萬分之7-69的黃金和百萬分之0.2-1.5的銀。有害元素的含量很低(例如,鋅

Interra Director and COO Jason Nickel commented, "The Rip Project fits nicely into our portfolio of BC Copper properties, located in a high profile jurisdiction, and with nearby infrastructure and past producing mines. Partnering with ArcWest on the Initial work programs and our Phase 1 Earn-in, we look forward to uncovering what the present anomalies may discover."


Tyler Ruks, President and CEO of ArcWest commented, "ArcWest views the Rip Project as containing a highly underexplored porphyry copper system and is looking forward to working with Interra to advance the project."


The Proposed Transaction is subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals including approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.


Technical Disclosure/Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Scott Jobin-Bevans (P.Geo., PhD, PMP), Principal Geoscientist and Managing Director at Caracle Creek Chile SpA and an independent consultant and Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的科學和技術資訊已由智利卡拉剋剋裡克溫泉首席地球科學家兼董事管理人員Scott Jobin-Bevans博士(P.Geo、博士和PMP)以及獨立顧問和National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員審查和批准。

About Interra Copper Corp.


Interra Copper Corp. is focused on building shareholder value through the exploration and development of its portfolio of highly prospective/early-stage exploration copper assets located in Chile S.A. and British Columbia, Canada.


The Company's portfolio includes three copper projects located the Central Volcanic Zone, within a prolific Chilean Copper belt: Tres Marias and Zenaida in Antofagasta Region, and Pitbull in Tarapaca Region. The Company now holds a significant land package covering an area of 20,050 ha with the projects situated amongst several of the world's largest mines owned by the largest global mining companies including Glencore, Anglo American, Teck Resources and BHP among others. The Company also owns two exploration projects in Northern British Columbia: Thane and Chuck Creek. The Thane Project is located in the Quesnel Terrane of Northern BC and spans over 20,658 ha with 6 high-priority targets identified demonstrating significant copper and precious metal mineralization.

該公司的投資組合包括位於中部火山帶的三個銅礦專案:安託法加斯塔地區的特雷斯馬裡亞斯和澤奈達,以及塔拉帕卡地區的鬥牛。本公司現持有一幅面積達20,050公頃的大型土地,專案位於全球最大礦業公司擁有的數個全球最大礦山中,包括Glencore、英美資源集團、Teck Resources及必和必拓等。該公司還在不列顛哥倫比亞省北部擁有兩個勘探專案:Thane和Chuck Creek。Thane專案位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的Quesnel Terrane,佔地20,658公頃,已確定的6個高優先目標顯示出重要的銅和貴金屬礦化。

Interra Copper's leadership team is comprised of senior mining industry executives who have a wealth of technical and capital markets experience and a strong track record of discovering, financing, developing, and operating mining projects on a global scale. Interra Copper is committed to sustainable and responsible business activities in line with industry best practices, supportive of all stakeholders, including the local communities in which we operate. The Company's common shares are principally listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange under the symbol "IMCX". For more information on Interra Copper, please visit our website at .


On behalf of the Board of Interra Copper Corp.


Rick Gittleman


Interim CEO & Chairman


For further information contact:


Katherine Pryde
Investor Relations


Forward Looking Information


Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation, relating to exploration on the Company's Tres Marias Copper Project, and the potential results of exploration work on the project. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts; they are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "aims," "potential," "goal," "objective," "prospective," and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "can," "could" or "should" occur, or are those statements, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions that forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made, and they involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Except to the extent required by applicable securities laws and the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements if management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change. Factors that could cause future results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include risks associated with mineral exploration operations, the risk that the Company will encounter unanticipated geological factors, the possibility that the Company may not be able to secure permitting and other governmental clearances necessary to carry out the Company's exploration plans, the risk that the Company will not be able to raise sufficient funds to carry out its business plans, and the risk of regulatory or legal changes that might interfere with the Company's business and prospects. The reader is urged to refer to the Company's reports, publicly available at and the Company's website. We seek safe harbor.


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