
Goldstorm Metals Drills 1.13 G/t Gold With 6.02 G/t Silver Over 61.5 Meters at the Electrum Property, in Northwestern British Columbia

Goldstorm Metals Drills 1.13 G/t Gold With 6.02 G/t Silver Over 61.5 Meters at the Electrum Property, in Northwestern British Columbia

Goldstorm Metals在不列顛哥倫比亞省西北部的Electrum Property以6.02克/噸的白銀鑽探1.13克/噸的黃金,超過61.5米
newsfile ·  2023/10/04 06:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 4, 2023) - Goldstorm Metals Corp. (TSXV: GSTM) (FSE: B2U) ("Goldstorm" or "the Company") is pleased to report that the 2023 diamond drill exploration program (the "Program") has been successfully completed on its 100% owned Electrum gold and silver property (the "Property"), located within the Golden Triangle region of British Columbia, Canada. Included in this release are the assay results from the first two drill holes.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月4日)-GoldStorm Metals Corp.(多倫多證券交易所:GSTM)(多倫多證券交易所:B2U)(“金色風暴“或”《公司》“)高興地報告,2023年鑽石鑽探勘探方案(”計劃“)已成功完成其100%擁有的電子金銀地產(The”屬性“),位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省金三角地區。本新聞稿包括前兩個鑽孔的化驗結果。

The Property is located north of, and adjacent to, Scottie Resources' claims, and along a well-defined trend of former gold-silver producers that includes Ascot's Premier Mine to the south. The project area is road accessible from Stewart, BC. The Program at Electrum totaled 2,581 meters (m) in 11 drill holes. The first two drill holes tested broad, intrusive-related stockwork zones of gold-silver mineralization, with the remaining holes testing multiple shear-hosted, high-grade precious and base-metal veins. Results for the remaining nine drill holes will be published once they are obtained and evaluated.

該礦藏位於Scottie Resources主張的北部和毗鄰,沿著前金銀生產商的明確趨勢發展,其中包括南部的Ascot‘s Premier More。專案區域是從卑詩省斯圖爾特可達的道路。Electrum的專案在11個鑽孔中總計2581米(M)。前兩個鑽孔測試了與金銀礦化相關的寬闊的侵入網狀帶,其餘的鑽孔測試了多個剪切承載的高品位貴金屬和賤金屬礦脈。其餘9個鑽孔的結果將在獲得和評估後公佈。

Ken Konkin P. Geo., President and CEO comments; "Our team is very pleased with the results from the initial two holes that were completed on Goldstorm's maiden exploration drill program at Electrum. The holes intersected gold and silver mineralization typical of the grades that were reported in the discovery holes at Tudor Gold's Treaty Creek Project, 35 km to the north, particularly within the gold-dominant domains of the Goldstorm Deposit. The originally discovered precious metal mineralization at Electrum underlies a prominent silicified knob, which was explored by historical drill holes that were oriented in the opposite direction from the newly discovered zone. Hole EL-23-01 contains significant gold mineralization with some anomalous silver at the bottom of the hole, while drill hole EL-23-02 ended in gold mineralization. Although the mineralized intercepts are approximately 200 m apart, the mineral continuity appears promising for this system. Further drilling is required to fully test this target laterally and to depth."

Ken Konkin P.Geo,總裁和首席執行官評論我們的團隊對最初兩個洞的結果感到非常滿意,這兩個洞是在黃金風暴公司在Electrum的首個勘探鑽探專案中完成的。這些洞與金銀礦化相交,這是都鐸金礦公司條溪專案發現洞中報告的典型品位,向北35公里,特別是在黃金風暴礦床以金為主的區域內。最初在Electrum發現的貴金屬礦化位於一個突出的矽化旋鈕下方,該旋鈕是由與新發現的區域方向相反的歷史鑽孔勘探的。El-23-01孔含有明顯的金礦化,底部有一些異常銀,而El-23-02鑽孔以金礦化告終。儘管礦化截距相距約200米,但礦物連續性對該系統來說似乎是有希望的。需要進一步鑽探,才能全面測試這一目標的橫向和深度。

Drill Hole Results


Click to view plan map and cross section.


EL-23-01: This hole targeted a broad, possible porphyry-related area of gold-silver mineralization, that had been observed in one historical drill hole. The first hole successfully intersected a stockwork vein system hosted within silicified, fine-grained volcanic rocks that averages 1.13 g/t Au and 6.02 g/t Ag over 61.5 m within a broader envelope of 0.77 g/t Au and 4.43 g/t Ag over 111.0 m.

El-23-01:這個洞的目標是一個廣泛的、可能與斑岩有關的金銀礦化區域,這是在一個歷史上的鑽孔中觀察到的。第一個洞成功地穿過了承載在矽化細粒火山岩中的網狀礦脈系統,平均超過61.5米時,Au為1.13 g/t,Ag為6.02 g/t在更廣泛的範圍內111.0米以上為0.77g/t Au和4.43g/t Ag

EL-23-02: Drilled from the same location as EL-23-01, this hole was oriented steeply to cut moderately dipping veins at surface and to explore for porphyry-related mineralization at depth. Near-surface mineralization was successfully intersected with a 37.3 m interval averaging 0.78 g/t Au and 1.65 g/t Ag. Further down hole, a 149.0 m intercept returned 0.45 g/t Au and 3.20 g/t Ag. This hole ended in mineralization.

El-23-02:在與EL-23-01相同的位置鑽探,該孔定向陡峭,以便在地表切割中等傾角的礦脈,並在深層勘探與斑岩有關的礦化。近地表礦化成功地與一個37.3米間隔平均為0.78克/噸金和1.65克/噸銀。再往下鑽,一個149.0米截距返回0.45g/t Au和3.20g/t Ag。這個洞以礦化告終。

Table 1: Drilling Results for the Electrum Property in Press Release October 4, 2023

表1:2023年10月4日新聞稿中對Electrum Property的鑽探結果

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
EL-23-01 178.50 289.50 111.00 0.77 4.43
including 196.50 258.00 61.50 1.13 6.02
and including 240.70 258.00 17.30 2.07 3.74
and 333.15 334.50 1.35 4.04 66.65
EL-23-02 68.10 105.40 37.30 0.78 1.65
including 84.00 91.00 7.00 2.64 3.15
and 283.00 432.00 149.00 0.45 3.20
including 283.00 311.45 28.45 0.55 3.46
and including 361.50 393.00 31.50 0.86 4.74
and including 421.50 432.00 10.50 0.45 1.97
  • All assay values are uncut and intervals reflect drilled intercept lengths.
  • HQ diameter core samples were sawn in half and typically sampled at standard 1.5 m intervals.
  • True widths have not been determined as the mineralized body remains open in all directions. Further drilling is required to determine the mineralized body orientation and true widths.
孔ID 發件人(M) 至(M) 間隔(M) Au(克/噸) 銀(克/噸)
El-23-01 178.50 289.50 111.00 0.77 4.43
包括 196.50 258.00 61.50 1.13 6.02
並且包括 240.70 258.00 17.30 2.07 3.74
333.15 334.50 1.35 4.04 66.65
El-23-02 68.10 105.40 37.30 0.78 1.65
包括 84.00 91.00 7.00 2.64 3.15
283.00 432.00 149.00 0.45 3.20
包括 283.00 311.45 28.45 0.55 3.46
並且包括 361.50 393.00 31.50 0.86 4.74
並且包括 421.50 432.00 10.50 0.45 1.97
  • 所有化驗值都是未截斷的,間隔反映了鑽井的截距長度。
  • HQ直徑的岩心樣品被鋸成兩半,通常以標準的1.5米間隔採樣。
  • 由於礦化礦體在所有方向上都保持開放,因此真正的寬度還沒有確定。需要進一步鑽探以確定礦化體方向和真實寬度。

Table 2: Drill data for holes in Press Release October 4, 2023


Hole ID UTM E NAD 83 UTM N NAD 83 Elevation (m) Azi (o) Dip (o) Depth (m)
EL-23-01 433767 6237853 793 40 -45 444
EL-23-02 433767 6237853 793 50 -80 432
孔ID UTM E NAD 83 UTM N NAD 83 高程(米) 阿齊(O) 浸漬(O) 深度(米)
El-23-01 433767 6237853 793 40歲 -45 444
El-23-02 433767 6237853 793 50 -80 432

Qualified Person


The Qualified Person for this news release for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 is the Company's President and CEO, Ken Konkin, P.Geo. He has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained in this news release.

符合國家儀器43-101規定的這篇新聞稿的合格人士是公司的總裁和首席執行官Ken Konkin,P.Geo。他已經閱讀並批准了構成本新聞稿中披露的基礎的科學和技術資訊。



Diamond drill core samples were prepared at MSA Labs' Preparation Laboratory in Terrace, BC and assayed at MSA Labs' Geochemical Laboratory in Langley, BC. Analytical accuracy and precision are monitored by the submission of blanks, certified standards and duplicate samples inserted at regular intervals into the sample stream by Goldstorm Metals personnel. MSA Laboratories quality system complies with the requirements for the International Standards ISO 17025 and ISO 9001. MSA Labs is independent of the Company.

鑽石鑽芯樣品在不列顛哥倫比亞省泰瑞斯的MSA實驗室準備實驗室製備,並在不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的MSA實驗室進行化驗。分析準確度和精密度由GoldStorm Metals人員定期向樣品流中提交空白、認證標準和重複樣品進行監測。MSA實驗室質量體系符合國際標準ISO 17025和ISO9001的要求。MSA實驗室是獨立於公司的。

About the Electrum Project


The Electrum Property is located directly between Newmont Corporation's Brucejack Mine, approximately 20 kilometers (km) to the north, and the past producing Silbak Premier mine, 20 km to the south. Click to view the location map.

Electrum礦藏位於紐蒙特公司的Brucejack礦和過去生產Silbak Premier礦之間,前者向北約20公里,後者向南20公里。單擊以查看位置圖。

Mineralization at Electrum is controlled by two major fault lines that locally host bonanza gold grades, along with broader stockwork zones, within a complex geological model. Similar to the nearby Brucejack Mine, gold and silver mineralization occurs as coarse electrum in several generations of quartz-carbonate veins and vein breccias hosted within a deformed volcanic-sedimentary sequence. Intermediate-to-low sulphidation gold and silver mineralization is present in many of the veins, accompanied by pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. Precious metal mineralized veins have been traced on surface over lengths of several tens of meters to more than a hundred meters, pinching and swelling along strike. Much of the work at Electrum to date has tested extensions of known epithermal veins that have returned several high silver and gold values from limited underground mining and trench exposures.


Drilling by previous operators encountered gold-silver mineralization at depths of more than 200 meters from surface with several holes intersecting relatively wide zones containing narrow quartz-sulfide stockwork veins that returned moderate precious metal values. These intercepts are located beneath surface exposures that were subsequently blasted, trenched and bulk sampled in an area referred to as the New Blast Zone. Here, a 3.8 tonne bulk sample that was collected from a 5-meter-wide zone averaged 2.82 g/t gold, 539.0 g/t silver, 1.96 % lead and 1.97 % zinc. Localized veins, found within some of the wider drill intervals, contain electrum and silver sulfosalt minerals that have returned much higher silver and gold values over narrow widths.

之前運營商的鑽探在距地表200多米深的地方遇到了金銀礦化,幾個洞橫跨相對較寬的區域,其中包含狹窄的石英-硫化物網脈,這些礦脈具有中等貴金屬價值。這些截獲物位於地表暴露之下,隨後在被稱為新爆破區的區域內進行爆破、挖溝和批量採樣。在這裡,從5米寬的區域採集的3.8噸散裝樣品平均含金2.82g/t,銀539.0 g/t,鉛1.96%,鋅1.97%。在一些較寬的鑽探間隔內發現的局部礦脈含有銀礦和銀硫酸鹽礦物,這些礦物在狹窄的範圍內獲得了高得多的銀和金價值。

In addition to high grade gold and silver mineralization targets, Electrum hosts untested geophysical anomalies at depth beneath the main vein zones, as well as an area at the south end of Electrum that shows evidence of potential porphyry-style mineralization.


About Goldstorm Metals

關於GoldStorm Metals

Goldstorm Metals Corp. is a precious and base metals exploration company with a large strategic land position in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, an area that hosts some of the largest and highest-grade gold deposits in the world. Goldstorm's flagship projects Crown and Electrum cover an area that totals approximately 16,469 hectares over 7 concessions, of which 6 are contiguous. The Crown Project is situated directly south of Seabridge Gold's KSM gold-copper deposits and Newcrest Gold's Brucejack/Valley of the Kings gold mine. Electrum, also located in the Golden Triangle of BC, is situated directly between Newmont Corporation's Brucejack Mine, approximately 20 kilometers to the north, and the past producing Silbak Premier mine, 20 kilometers to the south.

GoldStorm Metals Corp.是一家貴金屬和賤金屬勘探公司,在不列顛哥倫比亞省金三角擁有大量具有戰略意義的土地,該地區擁有世界上一些最大和品位最高的金礦。黃金風暴的旗艦專案Crown和Electrum涉及7個特許權,總面積約16,469公頃,其中6個是毗連的。皇冠專案位於Seabbridge Gold的KSM金銅礦和Newcrest Gold的Brucejack/Kings金礦的正南方。ELECTUM也位於不列顛哥倫比亞省的金三角,正位於紐蒙特公司的Brucejack礦之間,向北約20公里,與過去生產Silbak Premier礦之間,向南20公里。



"Ken Konkin"


Ken Konkin
President and Chief Executive Officer


For further information, please visit the Company's website at or contact:


Chris Curran
Head of Corporate Development and Communications
Phone: (604) 559 8092



Carsten Ringler
Head of Investor Relations and Communications
Phone: +49 151 55362000

電話:+49151 55362000

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements


This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, including statements regarding future estimates, plans, objectives, timing, assumptions or expectations of future performance, including without limitation, the statement regarding the expectation geologists are expected to complete a compilation study this winter once all assay results are received. Such statement is forward-looking and contains forward-looking information.


Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". Forward-looking statements are based on certain material assumptions and analysis made by Goldstorm and the opinions and estimates of management as of the date of this press release, including that geologists will complete a compilation study this winter once all assay results are received.


These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Goldstorm to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. Important factors that may cause actual results to vary, include, without limitation that geologists will not complete a compilation study this winter or at all.


Although management of Goldstorm has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Goldstorm does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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