
Grizzly Reports the First Sample Results for the New Work at the Midway, Imperial and Copper Mountain Areas of the Greenwood, BC Precious and Battery Metals Project

Grizzly Reports the First Sample Results for the New Work at the Midway, Imperial and Copper Mountain Areas of the Greenwood, BC Precious and Battery Metals Project

Grizzly 報告了不列顛哥倫比亞省格林伍德貴金屬和電池金屬項目中途島、帝國山和銅山地區新工作的第一個樣本結果
newsfile ·  2023/10/12 12:02

Edmonton, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - October 12, 2023) - Grizzly Discoveries Inc. (TSXV: GZD) (FSE: G6H) (OTCQB: GZDIF) ("Grizzly" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that after the Okanogan fire danger has subsided that geological crews are back at the Rock Creek camp and have re-commenced work at Midway, Copper Mountain and the Imperial target areas within the Greenwood Precious and Battery Metals Project.

艾伯塔省埃德蒙頓-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月12日)-灰熊發現公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GZD)(證券交易所代碼:G6H)(場外交易市場代碼:GZDIF)(“Grizzly”or the“Company”)我很高興地宣佈,在奧卡諾根火災危險消退後,地質工作人員回到Rock Creek營地,重新開始在中途、銅山和Greenwood貴金屬和電池金屬專案內的帝國目標地區工作。



  • Two new showings identified near the historical Midway Mine including up 5.64 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au) from a showing 400 m to the north of Midway and up to 4.19 g/t Au from a grab sample collected about 375 m to the west of the Midway Mine. At least 6 new areas with anomalous gold (> 100 ppb Au) or silver (Ag) in soils have been identified at Midway with follow up work continuing to be conducted.
  • 在歷史悠久的中途礦附近發現了兩個新的金礦,包括從中途礦以北400米處發現的每噸5.64克黃金(Au),以及在中途礦以西約375米處採集的一個抓取樣本中高達4.19克/噸的Au。在中途發現至少6個土壤中含有異常金(>100 ppb Au)或銀(Ag)的新區域,後續工作仍在繼續進行。
  • A total of 50 new rock grab and rock chip samples collected from the historical Imperial Mine area, with 6 samples returning greater than 1 g/t Au up to 12.1 g/t Au and 8 samples returning greater than 40 g/t silver (Ag) up to 469 g/t Ag. The samples define a targeted strike length of over 170 m for future drilling. The samples yield significant amounts of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) with several samples yielding greater than 2% combined base metals.
  • 從歷史帝王礦區共採集了50個新的岩石抓取和岩屑樣品,其中6個樣品的金含量高於1g/t至12.1g/t,8個樣品的銀(Ag)含量高於40g/t至469 g/t。這些樣本確定了未來鑽探的目標走向長度超過170米。這些樣品產生了大量的鉛(鉛)、鋅(鋅)和銅(銅),有幾個樣品的混合賤金屬產量超過2%。
  • The Mabel Jenny Trend at the Copper Mountain area continues to yield excellent results including 9 of 14 rock grab and chip samples collected this year from this new zone yielding greater than 1 g/t Au up to 13.75 g/t Au (along with up to 61.9 g/t Ag) and up to 0.475% Cu and 2.93% Zn along a new logging road cut over a strike length of more than 400 m when combined with anomalous samples from 2022.
  • 銅山地區的Mabel Jenny趨勢繼續產生出色的結果,包括今年從這個新區採集的14個岩石抓取和晶片樣本中的9個,Au的產量超過1g/t,Au的產量高達13.75g/t(連同高達61.9g/t的Ag),在一條新的伐木道路上,如果結合2022年以來的異常樣品,在超過400m的走向長度上,銅和鋅的含量高達0.475%和2.93%。

Brian Testo, President and CEO of Grizzly Discoveries, stated: "We are excited with the new results to date and for the start of the 2023 drilling program, which will pursue a number of high grade gold - silver showings and historical mines along with significant battery metal prospects in our current 160,000+ acre land holdings in the Greenwood District. We have barely scratched the surface in terms of exploration!"


Exploration Updates 2023


Drilling will initially be focused at the historical Midway Mine (Figure 2) but the intent is that eventually the Company will complete new drilling this fall, and then in 2024 at Midway, Imperial, Copper Mountain (Mable Jenny, Coronation and Prince of Wales targets), and potentially the Sappho areas, depending upon the timing of the receipt of drill permits, additional funding and weather permitting. We eagerly await drilling permits from the BC Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources.

鑽探最初將集中在歷史悠久的Midway礦(圖2),但目的是最終公司將在今年秋季完成新的鑽探,然後於2024年在中途、帝國、銅山(Mable Jenny、加冕和威爾士親王目標)以及可能的Sappho地區完成新的鑽探,具體取決於收到鑽探許可證的時間、額外資金和天氣允許。我們熱切期待不列顛哥倫比亞省能源、礦產和石油資源部的鑽探許可。

Figure 1: Exploration Targets 2023.


The Company is awaiting land use permits for conducting drilling and trenching at the Midway Mine area as well as drilling at Copper Mountain, Imperial and potentially the Sappho target areas (Figure 1). The permit applications were submitted initially in January-February and the Company is now awaiting final comments and any required conditions or changes resulting from the recently completed 30 day notification period.


An extensive rock and soil sampling program along with new geological mapping during 2023 has been conducted in preparation for drilling this fall. The work has yielded two new showings identified near the historical Midway Mine including up 5.64 g/t Au from a showing 400 m to the north of the Midway Mine and a second showing along an apparent fault structure with 4.19 g/t Au from a grab sample collected about 375 m to the west of the Midway Mine (Figure 2). At least 6 new areas with anomalous gold (> 100 ppb Au), silver or copper in soils has been identified across the Midway Mine Property with follow up work continuing to be conducted (Figure 2).

為準備今年秋天的鑽探,已經進行了廣泛的岩石和土壤採樣計劃,並在2023年進行了新的地質制圖。這項工作在歷史悠久的中途礦附近發現了兩個新的顯示,包括從中途礦以北400米處顯示的5.64克/噸Au,以及沿中途礦以西約375米處採集的4.19克/噸Au的明顯斷裂構造上的第二個顯示(圖2)。在Midway礦山物業的土壤中發現至少6個新的異常金(>100 ppb Au)、銀或銅的區域,後續工作仍在繼續進行中(圖2)。

To date, gold-silver-base metal mineralization appears to be related to veins and stockworks at contacts between altered ultramafic-carbonate rocks (listwanites) in contact with diorite intrusions in a complex structural setting, with the intersections of structures playing a key role in the localization of alteration.


At the historical Imperial Mine area, a total of 50 new rock grab and rock chip samples were collected from the Imperial showing area, with 6 samples returning greater than 1 (g/t) gold (Au) up to 12.1 g/t Au and 8 samples returning greater than 40 g/t silver (Ag) up to 469 g/t Ag. The samples define a targeted north - south strike length of over 170 m for future drilling (Figure 3). The samples show significant amounts of Pb, Zn and Cu with several samples yielding greater than 2% combined base metals. Geological mapping is in progress and ground geophysical surveys are planned prior to conducting drilling at this target.

在歷史帝王礦區,從帝王展示區共採集到50個新的岩石抓取和岩屑樣品,其中6個樣品返回大於1(g/t)的金(Au)至12.1g/t Au,8個樣品返回大於40 g/t的銀(Ag)至469 g/t Ag。這些樣本確定了未來鑽探的南北走向長度為170米以上(圖3)。這些樣品顯示出大量的鉛、鋅和銅,有幾個樣品的組合賤金屬產量超過2%。正在進行地質測繪,並計劃在這一目標進行鑽探之前進行地面地球物理調查。

Figure 2. Geology and Mineralization Trend at the Historical Midway Mine.


The Copper Mountain area continues to yield excellent results from a number of showings including the Coronation and Prince of Wales historical mines along with the Mabel Jenny area. A total of 9 of 14 rock grab and chip samples collected this year from a new zone discovered late in 2022 at the Mabel Jenny area has yielded greater than 1 g/t Au up to 13.75 g/t Au (along with up to 61.9 g/t Ag) and up to 0.475% Cu and 2.93% Zn (Figure 4). The discovery was made along a new logging road cut late in 2022 and appears to demonstrate quartz vein stockwork mineralization in an altered diorite over a strike length of more than 400 m when combined with anomalous samples from 2022.

銅山地區繼續在包括加冕和威爾士親王歷史礦山以及梅貝爾珍妮地區在內的一系列展覽中產生出色的結果。從2022年末在Mabel Jenny地區發現的一個新礦區今年採集的14個岩石抓取和晶片樣本中,共有9個Au含量超過1g/t,Au含量達到13.75g/t(以及高達61.9g/t Ag),銅含量高達0.475%,鋅含量高達2.93%(圖4)。這一髮現是在2022年末沿著一條新的伐木道路發現的,與2022年以來的異常樣品相結合,似乎證明瞭蝕變閃長巖中的石英脈網狀礦化,走向長度超過400米。

Geological and prospecting crews have re-commenced prospecting, geological mapping, rock and soil sampling within the Greenwood Project area and have conducted an initial pass at the new mineral claim area staked August 1, 2023 (See Company News Release dated September 7, 2023). A number of existing showings and parts or extensions to known showings have been acquired with the staking of the new mineral claims including but not limited to Marshall Lake, Sylvester K, the Great Laxey, Eholt and lands adjacent to and surrounding the historical Phoenix Mine. Results from the initial sampling programs on these new claims will be released as they are received.

地質和勘探隊已重新開始在Greenwood專案區內進行勘探、地質填圖、岩石和土壤採樣,並已在2023年8月1日標明的新礦產主張區進行了初步勘查(見2023年9月7日的公司新聞稿)。隨著對新礦藏的認購,已獲得若干現有礦藏和已知礦藏的部分或延伸部分,包括但不限於馬歇爾湖、Sylvester K、Great Laxey、Eholt以及歷史悠久的菲尼克斯礦場附近和周圍的土地。這些新申領申請的初步抽樣計劃的結果將在收到後公佈。

The geological and prospecting crew has made several discoveries of sulphide, quartz vein zones and skarn on the new claims (Figure 5). Sulphide showings associated with skarn at Marshall Lake (Figure 5) hosted in Triassic Brooklyn Formation sedimentary rocks including limestone that has been intruded by diorite. The showings have been trenched and bulk sampled in the past (1960's to 1970's) yielding significant copper, silver and gold. Little to no modern exploration has been performed at the Marshall Lake target as well as a number of other showings in the Brooklyn sequence such as the Great Laxey.

地質和勘探隊在新的主張中發現了幾個硫化物、石英脈帶和夕卡巖(圖5)。與馬歇爾湖夕卡巖有關的硫化物顯示(圖5)賦存於三疊紀布魯克林組沉積巖中,包括被閃長巖侵入的石灰岩。在過去(1960年的S到1970年的S),這些展示物曾被挖出溝渠並進行大批量取樣,從中產出了大量的銅、銀和金。很少或根本沒有在馬歇爾湖目標進行的現代探索,以及布魯克林序列中的其他一些展示,如Great Laxey。

To date, more than 3,300 soil samples and 600 rock samples have been collected from the Midway, Copper Mountain, Imperial and Sappho target areas and have been submitted to ALS Global Laboratories as well as an initial set of samples from the new mineral claims. Ground geophysical surveys will be performed in September in order to be ready for the 2023 drilling campaign.


Figure 5: New Mineral Claims Acquired August 1, 2023.


The goal is to have a pipeline of high priority precious metal and battery metal targets that are all permitted and ready for a long 2023 and 2024 drilling campaign in order to prioritize these assets into those that can deliver future mineral resources with additional drilling, eventually leading to some form of economic studies and scenarios that might be able to take advantage of local toll treating opportunities that exist in the Greenwood - Republic region.




The Company has signed an option agreement dated October 10, 2023 with Mr. Daniel Hurd of Peachland, British Columbia to purchase the mineral rights to 761.25 hectares (1,881 acres) in six (6) mineral claims in the Greenwood Mining District ("Midway-Beaverdell Option Agreement").


These claims represent adjacent lands with some historical showings that represent additions that strengthen our land positions in these areas.


Under the terms of the Midway-Beaverdell Option Agreement, the Company may earn a 100% interest in the Midway-Beaverdell claims by paying $7,500 in cash and issuing 150,000 common shares of Grizzly by the third anniversary date of the agreement. Mr. Hurd retains a 1% Net Smelter Royalty and the right to any quarriable rocks. The issuance of common shares of Grizzly under the Midway-Beaverdell Option Agreement is subject to acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange.




Rock and soil samples were analyzed at ALS Global Laboratories (Geochemistry Division) in Vancouver, Canada (an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited facility). Gold was assayed using a fire assay with atomic emission spectrometry and gravimetric finish when required (+10 g/t Au). Rock grab and rock chip samples from outcrop/bedrock are selective by nature and may not be representative of the mineralization hosted on the project.


The sampling program was undertaken by Company personnel under the direction of Michael B. Dufresne, M.Sc., P.Geol., P.Geo. A secure chain of custody is maintained in transporting and storing of all samples.

抽樣計劃由公司人員在Michael B.Duresne,M.Sc.,P.Geol,P.Geo的指導下進行。在所有樣品的運輸和儲存過程中保持安全的保管鏈。

The technical content of this news release and the Company's technical disclosure has been reviewed and approved by Michael B. Dufresne, M. Sc., P. Geol., P.Geo., who is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿的技術內容和公司的技術披露已由Michael B.Duresne,M.SC,P.Geol,P.Geo審核和批准,他是National Instrument 43-101礦產專案披露標準所界定的合格人員。



Grizzly is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company with its primary listing on the TSX Venture Exchange focused on developing its approximately 66,000 ha (approximately 165,000 acres) of precious and base metals properties in southeastern British Columbia. Grizzly is run by highly experienced junior resource sector management team, who have a track record of advancing exploration projects from early exploration stage through to feasibility stage.


On behalf of the Board,


Brian Testo, CEO, President


Suite 363-9768 170 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5T 5L4

套房363-9768 170街西北
艾伯塔省埃德蒙頓T5T 5L4

For further information, please visit our website at or contact:


Nancy Massicotte
Corporate Development
Tel: 604-507-3377


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Caution concerning forward-looking information


This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This information and statements address future activities, events, plans, developments and projections. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, constitute forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. Such forward-looking information and statements are frequently identified by words such as "may," "will," "should," "anticipate," "plan," "expect," "believe," "estimate," "intend" and similar terminology, and reflect assumptions, estimates, opinions and analysis made by management of Grizzly in light of its experience, current conditions, expectations of future developments and other factors which it believes to be reasonable and relevant. Forward-looking information and statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause Grizzly's actual results, performance and achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information and statements and accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed thereon.


Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to vary include but are not limited to the availability of financing; fluctuations in commodity prices; changes to and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including environmental laws and obtaining requisite permits; political, economic and other risks; as well as other risks and uncertainties which are more fully described in our annual and quarterly Management's Discussion and Analysis and in other filings made by us with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and available at . Grizzly disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements except as may be required by law.


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