
Aton Drills High Grade Gold Mineralisation at Semna, Including 14.63 G/t Au Over an Interval of 12 Metres

Aton Drills High Grade Gold Mineralisation at Semna, Including 14.63 G/t Au Over an Interval of 12 Metres

Aton 在 Semna 鑽探高品位金礦化區,包括 14.63 g/t Au,間隔爲 12 米
Accesswire ·  2023/10/13 07:05

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 13, 2023 / Aton Resources Inc. (TSXV:AAN) ("Aton" or the "Company") is pleased to update investors on the first results from the recent reverse circulation percussion ("RC") drilling at the Semna prospect, located within its 100% owned Abu Marawat Concession ("Abu Marawat" or the "Concession"), in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2023年10月13日/Aton Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AAN)(以下簡稱“Aton”或“公司”)高興地向投資者通報了最近在Semna礦區進行的反迴圈沖擊式(RC)鑽探的最新結果,該礦區位於埃及東部沙漠中其100%擁有的Abu Marawat特許權(“Abu Marawat”或“特許權”)內。



  • 21 holes were drilled at the Semna prospect, for a total of 3,662m, during the recently completed RC drilling programme;
  • Preliminary results of 4m composite sampling are now available for the first 17 holes, SMP-001 to SMP-016, with 9 of the holes of targeting the Main Vein zone;
  • 8 out of the 9 holes targeting the Main Vein zone intersected moderate to high grade gold mineralisation;
  • Significant mineralised intersections from the Semna Main Vein zone included 14.63 g/t Au over a 12m interval (hole SMP-016); 29.8 g/t Au over a 4m interval (hole SMP-003); 7.03 g/t Au over a 4m interval (hole SMP-007) and 6.27 g/t Au over a 4m interval (hole SMP-006);
  • Drilling and underground mapping indicates that the mineralisation along the Main Vein zone appears to be generally quite consistent, and is open both along strike and continues at depth beneath the underground workings of the early twentieth century British mine at Semna.
  • 在最近完成的RC鑽井方案中,在Semna勘探區塊鑽了21個孔,總長度為3662米;
  • SMP-001~SMP-016前17口井已有4M復合取樣的初步結果,其中9口井瞄準主脈帶;
  • 在以主脈帶為目標的9個孔中,有8個與中、高品位金礦化相交;
  • 來自塞姆納主脈帶的重要礦化交叉點包括12米間隔內14.63克/噸Au(SMP-016孔);29.8克/噸Au 在4米間隔內(SMP-003孔);7.03克/噸Au 在4米間隔內(SMP-007孔)和6.27克/噸Au 在4米間隔內(SMP-006孔);
  • 鑽探和地下測繪表明,沿著主脈帶的礦化似乎總體上相當一致,並沿走向開放,並繼續深入二十世紀初位於Semna的英國礦山的地下開採。

"I am pleased to be able to provide the first set of preliminary drill results from the Semna prospect, which was our primary target from the recent RC drilling programme" said Tonno Vahk, Interim CEO. "We have long regarded Semna as one of the most promising exploration targets on the Abu Marawat Concession, and we are delighted with this first set of preliminary composite sample results from the first phase of RC drilling at Semna. The drilling has indicated that the high grade orogenic style gold mineralisation at Semna continues at depth beneath the old mine stopes, and is also open along strike. These results further indicate the potential of the Abu Marawat Concession to host multiple deposits with a variety of mineralisation styles, and Aton continues to look forward to developing the Concession over the long term."

我很高興能夠提供Semna探礦的第一組初步鑽探結果,這是我們最近RC鑽探計劃的主要目標。臨時首席執行官託諾·瓦克說。我們一直認為Semna是Abu Marawat特許權最有希望的勘探目標之一,我們對Semna第一階段RC鑽探的第一組初步合成樣本結果感到高興。鑽探表明,Semna的高品位造山式金礦繼續深入老礦場,並沿走向開放。這些結果進一步表明,Abu Marawat特許權擁有多種礦化類型的多個礦床的潛力,Aton繼續期待長期開發該特許權。

Semna Prospect


The Semna prospect is located approximately 27km east-northeast of the Hamama West deposit and 13km north-northeast of the Rodruin deposit, and is accessed via desert tracks from either Hamama, Rodruin or the Abu Marawat deposit to the north (Figure 1). The Semna area has a long history of gold mining, during both ancient and modern times. There was archaeological evidence in the area suggesting that mining took place during the early Arab, Ptolemaic, and New Kingdom periods, and possibly dates back as far as the Old Kingdom period, over 4,500 years ago. In modern times, Semna was exploited between 1904 and 1906 by two British companies, the Eridia (Egypt) Exploring Company Limited and the Fatira (Egypt) Exploring Company Limited, which worked the Main Vein on two underground levels. By about 1908 however, the British gold mining industry in Egypt had been almost totally eclipsed by the discovery of oil, and was more or less moribund. There was also some further development work carried out at Semna in the 1950's by a subsidiary of the Egyptian Phosphate Company. It has been reported that the Semna mine had the widest vein exploited during the British era of mining in Egypt, which reached up to 6m width in places, and the British companies reported mining grades of over 2 ounces per ton. Reports from the British Mining Journal from 1905 indicated that some remnant pillars within the ancient Pharaonic-era stopes assayed up to 5.5 ounces per ton of gold.

Semna礦區位於Hamama West礦藏東北偏東約27公里處,Rodruum礦藏東北偏北約13公里處,可通過沙漠小路從Hamama、Rodruum或Abu Marawat礦藏向北進入(圖1)。塞姆納地區擁有悠久的黃金開採歷史,古今中外都是如此。該地區有考古證據表明,採礦發生在阿拉伯、托勒密和新王國早期,可能追溯到4500多年前的舊王國時期。在現代,塞姆納在1904年至1906年間被兩家英國公司開採,即埃裡迪亞(埃及)勘探有限公司和法蒂拉(埃及)勘探有限公司,後者在兩層地下開採主要礦脈。然而,到1908年左右,英國在埃及的黃金採礦業幾乎完全被石油的發現所掩蓋,或多或少死氣沉沉。20世紀50年代,埃及磷酸鹽公司的一家子公司在塞姆納進行了一些進一步的開發工作,名為S。據報道,塞姆納礦脈是英國在埃及採礦時代開採的最寬礦脈,有的礦脈寬達6米,英國公司報告的採礦品位超過每噸2盎司。《英國礦業雜誌》1905年的報道表明,古法老時代採礦場中的一些殘餘礦柱被檢測到每噸黃金高達5.5盎司。

Figure 1: Geology plan of the Abu Marawat Concession, showing the location of the Semna prospect

The mineralisation at Semna appears to be mainly hosted in a granodiorite body that has been intruded into a package of mafic to intermediate composition metavolcanic rocks. Metasediments with BIF horizons outcrop to the west and north of the main Semna mine area. Small bodies of outcropping pink granites, possibly related to the Younger Granite suite, outcrop approximately 750m south of the old mine workings. There are 4 distinct mineralised zones - the Main Vein and the South Vein zones have been the primary focus of historic mining, but there are also workings developed on the North Vein and the Central Vein zones (see Figure 2). The mineralisation is strongly structurally controlled, and is hosted in a series of steeply south-dipping shear zones that contain the gold-bearing quartz veins. These sub-parallel quartz veins strike approximately east-west and dip 60-75° to the south, but the dip and strike is quite variable within each vein, and the veins noticeably pinch and swell. The auriferous quartz veins carry variable amounts of accessory sulphide minerals, and are typically quite gossanous and rich in iron oxides at surface, as a response to weathering. Levels of copper are elevated, notably in the Main and North Vein zones.


Figure 2: Semna gold mine drill hole collar plan

In 2017, Aton carried out a surface sampling programme at Semna, reporting up to 5.17 g/t Au over a 9.7m interval from surface channel sample profiles, and individual assays of up to 10.8 g/t Au from grab samples (see news release dated November 22, 2017). This year Aton has reported additional surface grab sample results from the immediate Semna mine area including 27.6 g/t Au, 24.0 g/t Au and 16.95 g/t Au (see news release dated May 29, 2023), and 25.70 g/t Au and 16.55 g/t Au from the wider Semna regional area (see news release dated July 31, 2023).

2017年,Aton在Semna開展了一項地表採樣計劃,在9.7米間隔內報告了高達5.17克/噸的Au,並從抓取樣本中進行了高達10.8 g/t的單次Au分析(見2017年11月22日的新聞稿)。今年,Aton報告了緊鄰Semna礦區的額外地面抓取樣品結果,包括27.6 g/t Au、24.0g/t Au和16.95 g/t Au(見2023年5月29日的新聞稿),以及更廣泛的Semna區域的25.70 g/t Au和16.55 g/t Au(見2023年7月31日的新聞稿)。

The Semna mine area has been heavily exploited by artisanal miners (or "dahabbas") since about 2020, but the Company is on cordial terms with them. The dahabbas completely vacated the Semna area prior to the commencement of the RC drilling, and there is an ongoing agreement in place for them to not return. Artisanal mining has primarily targeted the Main Vein zone ("MVZ") in recent years, both from surface and also from underground, but numerous other mineralised structures and veins have also been mined by the dahabbas in recent years (see news releases dated May 29, 2023, and July 31, 2023).


Underground mapping at Semna


Recent artisanal mining has now exposed the eastern end of the lower level of the twentieth century British mine workings, at an elevation of c. 565m, which allows easy access into the old workings. Company geologists have this year carried out an underground survey of the old workings. The survey was carried out using a Leica DistoX hand held laser, with inbuilt inclinometry and a sensitive magnetic compass for azimuth readings, and a traditional Silva mapping compass and tape measures for local measurements. A series of primary stations were established along the lower 565m level and these were surveyed in using multiple foresights and backsights. The survey was tied into the Universal Transverse Mercator grid system using an external station which was sited a few metres outside the eastern entrance to the 565m level, and was accurately surveyed in using a Leica Viva GS15 differential GPS system, at the same time the drill hole collars were picked up.

最近的手工採礦現已暴露出20世紀英國礦山開採水準較低的東端,海拔為c.565M,這使得很容易進入舊的工作面。該公司的地質學家今年對老井進行了地下勘測。這項調查是使用徠卡DistoX手持雷射進行的,內置傾角測量和用於方位讀數的靈敏磁羅盤,以及用於局部測量的傳統席爾瓦測繪羅盤和捲尺。在海拔565米以下建立了一系列主站,並採用多種前瞻性和回溯性方法進行了調查。使用位於565米水準的東部入口處外幾米處的外部站,將測量與Universal Transverse墨卡託網格系統捆綁在一起,並使用徠卡Viva GS15差分GPS系統進行了準確的測量,同時拾取了鑽孔接箍。

Figure 3: Recent artisanal underground workings, below the 565m level of the Semna gold mine

The survey along the 565m ore drive level established that the MVZ had been stoped out pretty much in its entirety both above and below it, from between approximately 558720E, some 45m from the eastern entrance of the drive, and 558550E over a c. 170m strike length underground. The mineralisation above the 565m level drive appeared to have been stoped out by the British miners during the 20th century, with some recent remnant pillar extraction by the dahabbas The MVZ has also been recently mined to an approximate depth of some 10-15m below the 565m level by the artisanal miners (Figure 3).


Mapping of the recent workings has indicated that the dip of the MVZ is rather variable and ranges from about 56° to 80°, but always to the south, averaging about 70°. The mapping indicates that the MVZ is a strong shear zone which contains a white quartz vein, which pinches and swells, and has a width of variably but typically between 1 to 2m. In places the quartz vein branches into separate footwall and hangingwall veins, with the total width of vein and internal wall rock reaching up to at least 6m horizontally. The internal wall rock between the branches has been extensively worked and appears to contain abundant quartz vein splays from the main vein. In the deepest recent stopes the quartz vein is typically 1.2 to 1.8m wide and is well mineralised (Figure 3). Observations from the recent underground mapping appear to confirm the earlier geological interpretations of the MVZ.


Figure 4: MVZ quartz vein underground, showing lenses and ribbons of vein-parallel sulphidic material (*)

The vein itself consists of massive white quartz, which in the deepest stopes contains a sparse scattering of sulphide grains or less frequently ribbons and selvages of highly sulphidic vein material up to 8cm thick running parallel to the walls of the vein (Figure 4). The primary sulphide is pyrite, in places with subsidiary chalcopyrite, as well as other supergene and oxide copper minerals at higher elevations. In the deepest stopes the vein itself is heavily sheared, and the sheared and altered vein appears to be well mineralised, carrying abundant sulphides. The vein has persistent sheared margins 0.2 to 0.5m wide that are also phyllic altered and locally sulphide rich. Above the 565m level, oxidation of the sulphides is practically complete and only red and brown iron oxides are present, often filling the cavities left by the oxidation of the original sulphides and giving rise to the characteristic dark red honeycombed material widely seen on surface. In some areas the central part of the white quartz vein itself appears barren, and in the deepest stopes beneath the 565m level there is clear evidence that the artisanal miners were targeting the vein margins. This again confirms historical observations that the gold was primarily concentrated in sheared and altered wall rocks.


2 chip channel samples of 1m in width, across the quartz vein (1.8m wide at the sampled points), taken manually from the deepest underground stopes, returned assays of 9.06 and 4.08 g/t Au (sample numbers AHA-45649 and AHA-45650).

2個1m寬的橫跨石英脈(採樣點寬1.8m)的晶片通道樣品,從最深的地下采場手工採集,返回9.06g/t和4.08g/t Au的分析結果(樣本號分別為AHA-45649和AHA-45650)。

Semna gold mine RC drilling


21 RC drill holes, SMP-001 to SMP-020, were completed at the Semna prospect, for a total of 3,662m metres (see Table 1, Figure 2 and Appendix A) during the recently completed RC drill programme. Preliminary results are now available for holes SMP-001 to SMP-016, from 4m composite samples (full details of the drill hole sampling procedure are provided in the next section).


Hole ID Collar co-ordinates1,2 EOH depth (m) Dip Grid azimuth Comments
SMP-001 558599.7 2924514.6 604.6 214 -55.1 28.9 South / Central Vein zones
SMP-002 558632.5 2924488.5 583.8 200 -65.4 2.7 South / Central Vein zones
SMP-003 558683.0 2924664.7 622.6 180 -62.5 21.3 Central / Main Vein zones
SMP-004 558666.3 2924614.8 631.5 260 -66.2 14.8 Central / Main Vein zones
SMP-005 558684.3 2924722.4 629.8 140 -74.6 44.7 Central / Main Vein zones
SMP-006 558649.2 2924699.0 635.7 140 -66.1 357.5 Central / Main Vein zones
SMP-007 558590.7 2924635.0 643.1 220 -56.7 12.9 Central / Main Vein zones
SMP-0083 558537.2 2924561.0 645.5 12 -55.0 20.6 Hole abandoned, collapsing at collar
SMP-008a 558532.7 2924558.0 645.6 260 -56.2 24.2 South / Central Vein zones (re-drill of SMP-008)
SMP-009 558517.8 2924489.8 648.4 187 -55.4 17.9 South Vein zone
SMP-010 558470.6 2924531.7 666.6 180 -54.9 18.4 South Vein zone
SMP-011 558493.2 2924596.7 667.6 240 -58.7 20.6 South Vein zone
SMP-012 558482.8 2924567.6 666.4 160 -55.4 322.2 South Vein zone
SMP-013 558528.3 2924666.1 652.8 240 -63.9 24.7 Central / Main Vein zones
SMP-014 558573.7 2924727.7 638.1 160 -64.9 16.8 Central / Main Vein zones
SMP-015 558771.1 2924686.0 595.5 120 -51.5 0.9 Main Vein zone
SMP-016 558771.2 2924684.0 595.5 145 -75.6 358.9 Main Vein zone
SMP-017 558852.6 2924704.1 569.3 200 -47.6 356.3 Main Vein Extension zone
SMP-018 558939.8 2924792.9 567.0 140 -52.0 342.7 Main Vein Extension zone
SMP-019 558851.9 2924677.7 570.3 152 -51.6 357.6 Main Vein Extension zone
SMP-020 558883.8 2924732.4 568.8 112 -46.7 4.1 Main Vein Extension zone


  1. All co-ordinates are UTM (WGS84) Zone 36R
  2. Collar surveys undertaken using a Leica Viva GS15 differential GPS system
  3. All drill holes were surveyed using a gyroscopic survey tool, except SMP-008, which was not surveyed
孔ID 領座標系1,2 EOH深度(米) 浸漬 柵格方位角 評論
X 是的 Z
SMP-001 558599.7 2924514.6 604.6 214 -55.1 28.9 南脈/中脈地帶
SMP-002 558632.5 2924488.5 583.8 200個 -65.4 2.7 南脈/中脈地帶
SMP-003 558683.0 2924664.7 622.6 180 -62.5 21.3 中央/主脈帶
SMP-004 558666.3 2924614.8 631.5 二百六十 -66.2 14.8 中央/主脈帶
SMP-005 558684.3 2924722.4 629.8 140 -74.6 44.7 中央/主脈帶
SMP-006 558649.2 2924699.0 635.7 140 -66.1 357.5 中央/主脈帶
SMP-007 558590.7 2924635.0 643.1 220 -56.7 12.9 中央/主脈帶
SMP-0083. 558537.2 2924561.0 645.5 12 -55.0 20.6 廢棄的洞,在領口處坍塌
SMP-008a 558532.7 2924558.0 645.6 二百六十 -56.2 24.2 南/中脈區(SMP-008重鑽)
SMP-009 558517.8 2924489.8 648.4 187 -55.4 17.9 南脈帶
SMP-010 558470.6 2924531.7 666.6 180 -54.9 18.4 南脈帶
SMP-011 558493.2 2924596.7 667.6 240 -58.7 20.6 南脈帶
SMP-012 558482.8 2924567.6 666.4 160 -55.4 322.2 南脈帶
SMP-013 558528.3 2924666.1 652.8 240 -63.9 24.7 中央/主脈帶
SMP-014 558573.7 2924727.7 638.1 160 -64.9 16.8 中央/主脈帶
SMP-015 558771.1 2924686.0 595.5 120 -51.5 0.9 主脈帶
SMP-016 558771.2 2924684.0 595.5 145 -75.6 358.9 主脈帶
SMP-017 558852.6 2924704.1 569.3 200個 -47.6 356.3 主脈延伸帶
SMP-018 558939.8 2924792.9 567.0 140 -52.0 342.7 主脈延伸帶
SMP-019 558851.9 2924677.7 570.3 一百五十二 -51.6 357.6 主脈延伸帶
SMP-020 558883.8 2924732.4 568.8 一百一十二 -46.7 4.1 主脈延伸帶


  1. 所有座標均為UTM(WGS84)區域36R
  2. 使用徠卡Viva GS15差分GPS系統進行的領口測量
  3. 除SMP-008外,所有鑽孔均使用陀螺儀測量工具進行測量,SMP-008未進行測量

Table 1: Collar details of RC exploration drill holes at Semna


9 of the first 17 holes targeted the MVZ, with the other holes targeting the South Vein ("SVZ") and Central Vein ("CVZ") zones. Hole SMP-008 was abandoned due to the collar collapsing, and was re-drilled with hole SMP-008a.


Of the 9 holes which targeted the MVZ all holes, except SMP-005, intersected significant mineralisation at moderate to high grades, with all the other 8 holes intersecting a minimum of 3.43 g/t Au over a 4m composite sample interval. All mineralised intersections from the initial 4m composite samples greater than 0.3 g/t Au are provided in Table 2. Significant mineralised intervals from the MVZ included 14.63 g/t Au over a 12m interval from 72m downhole depth (hole SMP-016); 29.8 g/t Au over a 4m interval from 136m downhole depth (hole SMP-003); 7.03 g/t Auover a 4m interval from 156m downhole depth (hole SMP-007), 6.27 g/t Au over a 4m interval from 116m downhole depth (hole SMP-006) and 5.37 g/t Au over a 4m interval from 184m downhole depth (hole SMP-004). The drill results suggest that the MVZ has a true width typically of a minimum of about 3m.

在以MVZ為目標的9個鑽孔中,除SMP-005外,所有鑽孔均與中至高品位的重大礦化相交,所有其他8個鑽孔在4米的復合採樣間隔內相交的Au至少為3.43克/噸。表2提供了最初的4M個復合樣品中大於0.3克/噸Au的所有礦化交叉點。12米間隔內14.63克/噸Au井下深度72m(SMP-016井);29.8克/噸Au 在4米間隔內井下深度136m(SMP-003井);7.03 g/t Aut,間隔4米從井下156米(SMP-007井)開始,6.27克/噸Au 在4米間隔內從116米井下深度(SMP-006井)和間隔4米的5.37克/噸Au從184米井深(SMP-004井)開始。鑽探結果表明,MVZ的真實寬度通常至少為3米左右。

Holes targeting the SVZ and CVZ returned only sporadic mineralised intercepts, such as 2.61 g/t Au over a 4m interval from 40m downhole depth (hole SMP-014 on the CVZ) and 1.11 g/t Au over a 4m interval from 28m downhole depth (hole SMP-001 on the SVZ).

瞄準SVZ和CVZ的孔只返回零星的礦化截獲,例如從40米井深(CVZ上的SMP-014孔)開始的4米間隔內的2.61克/噸Au和從28米下井深度(SVZ上的SMP-001孔)開始的4米間隔內的1.11 g/t Au。

Hole ID Intersection (m) Au (g/t) Sample type Zone Comments
From To Interval
SMP-001 28 32 4 1.11 RC composite SVZ
SMP-002 20 24 4 0.68 RC composite SVZ
SMP-003 28 32 4 0.59 RC composite CVZ
136 140 4 29.80 RC composite MVZ
SMP-004 132 136 4 0.85 RC composite CVZ
184 188 4 5.37 RC composite MVZ
SMP-005 60 64 4 1.60 RC composite MVZ (HW?) Possible h/w structure?
SMP-006 12 16 4 0.67 RC composite CVZ
SMP-006 116 120 4 6.27 RC composite MVZ
SMP-007 156 160 4 7.03 RC composite MVZ
176 180 4 0.50 RC composite MVZ (FW?) Possible f/w structure?
SMP-008 - - - - - - Not assayed
SMP-008a - - - - - - NSA > 0.08 g/t Au
SMP-009 104 108 4 0.40 RC composite SVZ
SMP-010 - - - - - - NSA > 0.06 g/t Au
SMP-011 112 116 4 0.48 RC composite SVZ
SMP-012 52 56 4 0.31 RC composite SVZ?
SMP-013 184 192 8 2.20 RC composite MVZ
SMP-014 40 44 4 2.61 RC composite CVZ
108 116 8 2.86 RC composite MVZ
SMP-015 48 52 4 2.52 RC composite MVZ (FW?) Possible f/w structure?
76 84 8 3.03 RC composite MVZ
SMP-016 72 84 12 14.63 RC composite MVZ (FW?) Possible f/w structure?
136 144 8 2.50 RC composite MVZ
孔ID 交叉點(M) Au(克/噸) 樣本類型 分帶 評論
從… 間隔
SMP-001 28 32位 4. 1.11 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 SVZ
SMP-002 20個 24個 4. 0.68 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 SVZ
SMP-003 28 32位 4. 0.59 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 CVZ
136 140 4. 29.80 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ
SMP-004 132 136 4. 0.85 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 CVZ
一百八十四 188 4. 5.37 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ
SMP-005 60 64 4. 1.60 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ(HW?) 可能的硬體結構?
SMP-006 12 16年 4. 0.67 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 CVZ
SMP-006 116 120 4. 6.27 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ
SMP-007 一百五十六 160 4. 7.03 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ
一百七十六 180 4. 0.50 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ(FW?) 可能的F/W結構?
SMP-008 - - - - - - 未化驗
SMP-008a - - - - - - 國家安全局>0.08克/噸Au
SMP-009 104 一百零八 4. 0.40 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 SVZ
SMP-010 - - - - - - 國家安全局>0.06克/噸Au
SMP-011 一百一十二 116 4. 0.48 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 SVZ
SMP-012 52 56 4. 0.31 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 SVZ?
SMP-013 一百八十四 一百九十二 8個個 2.20 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ
SMP-014 40歲 44 4. 2.61 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 CVZ
一百零八 116 8個個 2.86 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ
SMP-015 48 52 4. 2.52 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ(FW?) 可能的F/W結構?
76 84 8個個 3.03 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ
SMP-016 72 84 12 14.63 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ(FW?) 可能的F/W結構?
136 144 8個個 2.50 鋼筋混凝土複合材料 MVZ

Table 2: Significant intersections from Semna RC drilling


Discussion of results
This first pass phase of drilling and underground mapping has confirmed the historical interpretations of the MVZ mineralisation at Semna as being associated with a shear hosted quartz vein that pinches and swells, and carries locally very high to bonanza grades ( eg. 29.8 g/t Au over a 4m interval in hole SMP-003). The mineralisation is interpreted as being structurally controlled and orogenic in style. This style of mineralisation is suggestive of significant depth potential.


The 9 holes targeted the MVZ beneath the old British mine workings below the 565m ore drive level, with all drill sections reported herein appended to this release. The only hole, SMP-005, which failed to intersect mineralisation on the MVZ was drilled beneath the eastern end of the 565m level where the MVZ shear had not been stoped, but it did intersect 1.60 g/t Au over a 4m interval from 60m downhole depth, in a possible separate structure, in the hangingwall of the MVZ shear.


The 9 holes drilled on the MVZ indicate good continuity of the mineralisation both along a strike length of c. 200m, and at depth beneath the old workings. Recent underground surveying and mapping has shown that the mineralisation was largely continuous from surface at a maximum elevation of 620m, down to an elevation of c. 550m, which represents the current base of the artisanal workings, although it has mostly been exploited by now, with very little potential for any recoverable mineralisation remaining above the 565m level. The current drilling intersected mineralisation to a minimum elevation of c. 460m in hole SMP-004 (5.37 g/t Au over a 4m interval), with mineralisation intersected in the deepest hole on the MVZ on each of the 4 drilled sections.


The 2 holes drilled on the easternmost section 558770E, SMP-015 and SMP-016, both intersected 2 separate mineralised zones. It is not clear if these 2 mineralised zones are actually 2 separate zones, or if they represent fault repeated offsets of the MVZ shear.


The deepest intersections on sections 2, 3 and 4 are all jogged off south of the predominant c. 70-75° dip of the MVZ. At the current drill spacing it is unclear if this is due to a change in orientation of the MVZ structure, possible fault offset, or if the deepest mineralised intersections represent en echelon mineralised zones. However the MVZ mineralisation is open at depth and along strike to both the east and west after this first phase of drilling.


Sampling and analytical procedures


The RC holes were drilled at 53⁄4" or 51⁄2" diameter, and the bulk percussion chip samples were collected directly into pre-written large plastic bags from the cyclone every metre, numbered with the hole number and hole depths, and laid out sequentially at the drill site. Between each metre of drilling the cyclone and top box were cleaned out with compressed air. The bags were logged on the drill sites by Aton geologists. The bulk 1m samples were weighed, and subsequently riffle split through a 3-tier splitter onsite by Aton field staff to produce an approximately 1/8 split, which was collected in cloth bags, numbered and tagged with the hole number and depth. The splitter was cleaned with compressed air between each sample. The reject material from this initial bulk split was re-bagged, labelled and tagged, and retained on the drill sites. A representative sample of each metre was washed and stored in marked plastic chip trays, each containing 20m of samples, photographed, and retained onsite as a permanent record of the drill hole.


The 1m split samples, weighing approximately 5kg each were then transported to the Rodruin sample processing facility, where they were 1/2 riffle split into 2 separate sub-samples, weighing approximately 2.5kg. One of these sub-samples was marked and labelled, and retained at the laboratory for storage. The second 1m sub-samples were then combined into 4m composite samples, weighing approximately 10kg. These were thoroughly mixed and again riffle split to produce nominal c. 250-500g 4m composite samples which were dispatched to ALS Minerals for analysis. Again the splitter was cleaned with compressed air between each sample. The 4m composite samples were allocated new sample numbers. The bulk reject material from the riffle split 4m composite samples was disposed of. QAQC samples were inserted into the 4m composite sample stream at a rate of approximately 1 certified reference material (or "standard" sample) every 60 samples, 1 blank sample every 30 samples, and 1 field duplicate split sample every 30 samples.

然後,將100萬個分開的樣品,每個重約5千克,運輸到羅德魯魯樣品處理設施,在那裡它們被分成兩個單獨的子樣品,重約2.5千克。其中一個樣本被標記和貼上標籤,並保留在實驗室儲存。然後,將第二個100萬個子樣本組合成4M個重約10公斤的復合樣本。它們完全混合在一起,再一次混雜在一起,產生名義上的c.250-500克4M復合樣品,送至ALS Minerals進行分析。同樣,在每個樣品之間用壓縮空氣清潔分離器。這400萬個復合樣本被分配了新的樣本號。處理了4M複合材料試件的散裝廢品。將QAQC樣品以每60個樣品約1個認證標準物質(或“標準”樣品)、每30個樣品1個空白樣品、以及每30個樣品1個現場複製分離樣品的速率插入4M復合樣品流中。

The 4m composite samples were shipped to ALS Minerals sample preparation laboratory at Marsa Alam, Egypt, where they were pulverised to a size fraction of better than 85% passing 75 microns. From this pulverised material a further sub-sample was split off with a nominal c. 50g size, which was shipped on to ALS Minerals at Rosia Montana, Romania for analysis. The 4m composite samples were analysed for gold by fire assay with an atomic absorption spectroscopy ("AAS") finish (analytical code Au-AA23. High grade samples (Au >10 g/t) were re-analysed using analytical code Au-GRA21 (also fire assay, with a gravimetric finish).

這400萬個復合樣品被運往埃及Marsa Alam的ALS Minerals樣品製備實驗室,在那裡它們被粉碎成超過85%的粒度分數,超過75微米。從這種粉碎的材料中分離出另一個亞樣,標稱為c.50克大小,運往羅馬尼亞羅西亞·蒙大拿的ALS Minerals進行分析。用火焰原子吸收光譜儀(AAS)(分析代碼Au-aa23)分析了4M復合樣品中的金。高品位樣品(Au>10g/t)用分析代碼Au-GRA21重新分析(也是火試金法,重量法)。

Upon receipt of the final 4m composite assay results from the full Semna programme from ALS, a number of the retained 1m sub-samples will be selected by a senior Aton geologist for re-assaying, corresponding to 4m composite assays deemed to be of significance. The selected 1m sub-samples will again be riffle split to produce nominal c. 250-500g 1m split samples which will be allocated new sample numbers. These will be dispatched to ALS Minerals for the same sample preparation at Marsa Alam, and for subsequent analysis at Rosia Montana. The bulk reject material from the 1m sub-sample splits will be re-bagged and retained onsite for storage at Rodruin. QAQC samples will be inserted into the 1m split sample stream at a rate of approximately 1 standard every 30 samples, 1 blank sample every 15 samples, and 1 field duplicate split sample every 15 samples.

在收到來自ALS的完整SEMNA計劃的最終4M復合分析結果後,保留的1M子樣本中的一些將由高級Aton地質學家選擇進行重新分析,與被認為有意義的4M復合分析相對應。選定的100萬個子樣本將再次進行抽籤拆分,以產生標稱c.250-500克1M分割樣本,將分配新的樣本號。這些樣品將被送往ALS Minerals,在Marsa Alam進行同樣的樣品製備,並在Rosia Montana進行後續分析。來自100萬個子樣裂解的散裝廢品將被重新打包並保留在現場,以便在羅德魯魯儲存。QAQC樣本將以大約每30個樣本1個標準、每15個樣本1個空白樣本、以及每15個樣本1個現場複製樣本的速率插入到1M分割樣本流中。

The 1m split samples will again be analysed for gold by fire assay (analytical code Au-AA23), and for silver, copper, lead and zinc using an aqua regia digest followed by an AAS finish (analytical code AA45). Any high grade gold samples (Au >10 g/t) will again be re-analysed using analytical code Au-GRA21 (also fire assay, with a gravimetric finish). Any high grade Ag and base metal samples (Ag >100 g/t, and Cu, Pb and Zn >10,000ppm or >1%) will be re-analysed using the ore grade technique AA46 (also an aqua regia digest followed by an AAS finish).


All intersections herein reported relate to 4m composite samples, results from the subsequent 1m splits will be reported when they become available.


About Aton Resources Inc.
Aton Resources Inc. (AAN: TSX-V) is focused on its 100% owned Abu Marawat Concession ("Abu Marawat"), located in Egypt's Arabian-Nubian Shield, approximately 200 km north of Centamin's world-class Sukari gold mine. Aton has identified numerous gold and base metal exploration targets at Abu Marawat, including the Hamama deposit in the west, the Abu Marawat deposit in the northeast, and the advanced Rodruin exploration prospect in the south of the Concession. Two historic British gold mines are also located on the Concession at Sir Bakis and Semna. Aton has identified several distinct geological trends within Abu Marawat, which display potential for the development of a variety of styles of precious and base metal mineralisation. Abu Marawat is 447.7 km2 in size and is located in an area of excellent infrastructure; a four-lane highway, a 220kV power line, and a water pipeline are in close proximity, as are the international airports at Hurghada and Luxor.
Qualified person
The technical information contained in this News Release was prepared by Javier Orduña BSc (hons), MSc, MCSM, DIC, MAIG, SEG(M), Exploration Manager of Aton Resources Inc. Mr. Orduña is a qualified person (QP) under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
For further information regarding Aton Resources Inc., please visit us at or contact:
Interim CEO
Tel: +1 604 318 0390

Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements contained in this release are forward-looking statements. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions; by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Aton Resources Inc.(AAN:TSX-V)專注於其100%擁有的Abu Marawat特許權(“Abu Marawat”),該特許權位於埃及的阿拉伯-努比亞盾牌,位於Centamin世界級Sukari金礦以北約200公里處。Aton已在Abu Marawat確定了許多金礦和賤金屬勘探目標,包括西部的Hamama礦床、東北部的Abu Marawat礦床以及特許權南部的高級Rodruum勘探前景。兩座歷史悠久的英國金礦也位於巴基斯爵士和塞姆納的特許權上。Aton已在Abu Marawat確定了幾個不同的地質趨勢,這些趨勢顯示出開發各種類型的貴金屬和賤金屬礦化的潛力。阿布馬拉瓦特距離447.7公里2.酒店佔地面積大,地處基礎設施完善的地區;附近有一條四車道駭維金屬加工、一條220千伏輸電線和一條輸水管道,赫爾加達和盧克索的國際機場也是如此。
本新聞稿中包含的技術資訊由Aton Resources Inc.勘探經理Javier Orduña BSC(榮譽),MSC,MCSM,DIC,MAIG,SEG(M)編寫。Orduña先生是National Instrument 43-101礦產專案披露標準下的合格人員(QP)。
欲瞭解有關Aton Resources Inc.的更多資訊,請訪問我們的網站或聯繫:
Ttonno VAHK




Appendix A - Semna preliminary drill sections


SOURCE: Aton Resources, Inc.


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