
Rockridge Discovers High-Grade Gold 250m West of Main Zone; Intersects 2.4 G/t Au Over 7.5m and 11.7 G/t Au Over 1.0m at the High-Grade Raney Gold Project

Rockridge Discovers High-Grade Gold 250m West of Main Zone; Intersects 2.4 G/t Au Over 7.5m and 11.7 G/t Au Over 1.0m at the High-Grade Raney Gold Project

Rockridge 在主區域以西 250 米處發現了高品位黃金;在高品位 Raney Gold Project 中在 7.5 米處發現了 2.4 g/t Au 和 11.7 g/t Au 在 1.0 米以上相交
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/10/17 07:30

Vancouver, BC, Oct. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rockridge Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ROCK) (OTCQB: RRRLF) (Frankfurt: RR0) ("Rockridge") (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed a 2,020 metre diamond drilling program at its 100% owned Raney Gold Project located Southwest of Timmins, Ontario, Canada (the "Raney Gold Project" or "Property"). A total of 8 drill holes were completed to evaluate the down plunge and strike extent of the Raney High-Grade Gold Zone. Highlights below show assay results from the first 4 drill holes as the Company awaits assay results and geological interpretation from the remaining 4 holes.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2023年10月17日(環球通訊社)羅克裡奇資源有限公司(多倫多證券交易所:岩石)(OTCQB:RRRLF)(法蘭克福:RR0)Rockbridge)(“本公司”)欣然宣佈,已在其全資擁有、位於加拿大安大略省蒂明斯西南的Raney Gold Project(“Raney Gold Project”或“Property”)完成了2,020米長的鑽石鑽探專案。共完成了8個鑽孔,以評估Raney高品位金礦帶的下傾和走向程度。下面的重點顯示了前4個鑽孔的化驗結果,公司正在等待其餘4個孔的化驗結果和地質解釋。



  • Drill hole RN 23-22 returned 2.4 g/t gold over 7.5m starting at 249m, including 11.7 g/t gold over 1.0m from 251m. This represents a new exploration target at Raney Project at depth with some of the highest grade gold being discovered near the bottom of the hole.
  • Drill hole RN 23-22 also returned 1.01 g/t gold over 7.5m starting at 177m including 4.02 g/t gold over 1.5m from 178m
  • Drill hole RN 23-21 returned 1.5 g/t gold over 4.5m from 145.5m as well as 1.2 g/t gold over 2.5m starting at 160m
  • The Company continues to successfully discover and delineate zones of gold mineralization along strike and at depth from the Main Raney Zone
  • Assays are pending for another 4 drill holes and the Company is planning a fully-funded, follow-up winter exploration programs
  • 鑽孔RN 23-22從249米開始,在7.5米範圍內返回2.4克/噸黃金,其中從251米開始,在1.0米範圍內返回11.7克/噸黃金。這代表了Raney Project的一個新的勘探目標,在洞底附近發現了一些最高品位的黃金。
  • 鑽孔RN 23-22也從177米開始,在7.5米以上返回1.01克/噸黃金,其中從178米開始,在1.5米以上返回4.02克/噸黃金
  • RN 23-21鑽孔從145.5米開始,在4.5米以上返回1.5克/噸黃金,在2.5米以上從160米開始返回1.2克/噸黃金
  • 該公司繼續成功地沿主拉尼帶的走向和深度發現和圈定金礦化帶
  • 對另外4個鑽孔的分析正在等待進行,該公司正在計劃一個資金充足的後續冬季勘探計劃

Rockridge's CEO, Jon Wiesblatt, commented: "We are very pleased with the initial results from the recently completed drilling at Raney as we continue to intersect high-grade gold mineralization with the mineralized trend remaining open along strike and at depth. Drill hole RN 23-22 is noteworthy as it illustrates the discovery potential at depth with some of the strongest mineralization at the end of the hole. The project hosts robust discovery upside potential and warrants more drilling to continue testing and delineating these zones of gold mineralization. As we await the results from the final drill holes, we are planning a follow-up phase of exploration this winter at the road-accessible Raney Project."

Rockbridge首席執行官Jon Wiesblatt評論說:“我們對最近在Raney完成的鑽探的初步結果感到非常滿意,因為我們繼續與高品位金礦化交匯,礦化趨勢沿走向和深度保持開放。鑽孔RN 23-22值得注意,因為它說明瞭深部的發現潛力,在孔的盡頭有一些最強烈的礦化。該專案擁有強大的發現上升潛力,並需要更多的鑽探來繼續測試和圈定這些金礦化帶。在等待最終鑽孔結果的同時,我們計劃今年冬天在道路可達的Raney專案進行後續階段的勘探。“

Drill Program Summary:


The 2023 drill program continued to expand the central Raney Gold Zone and tested the extension of the Raney Zone in the east and the west directions. Alteration associated with the gold mineralization is coincident with a distinct magnetic low signature. Notably, numerous holes including the step out holes intersected mineralization. Assays are pending from the remaining 4 drill holes and will be released once collected and analyzed.


Raney Gold Project Location Map:

Raney Gold專案位置圖:

The 2023 Raney drill program has demonstrated the extension of the Raney zone to the northwest with the intersection of alteration and mineralization in holes RN-23-21 and RN-23-22. A newly discovered style of mineralization associated with a brittle structure intersected in RN-23-21 and RN-23-22 represents an important new target for follow up testing.


Diamond Drill Hole Summaries:


Hole RN-23-21 was collared approximately 250m west of the Raney main zone, testing the structural extension of the alteration system. The hole was a follow up to hole RN 20-18 which intersected 1.36 g/t Au over 9.0m from 141.0m to 150.0m; including 1.67 g/t Au over 7.0m from 141.0m to 148.0m and including 2.1 g/t Au over 4.0m from 141.0m to 145.0m.

RN-23-21孔位於Raney主帶以西約250米處,測試了蝕變系統的結構延伸。該孔是RN 20-18孔的後續,RN 20-18孔從141.0米到150.0m,在9.0m以上相交1.36g/t Au,從141.0m到148.0m,在7.0m以上相交1.67g/t Au,從141.0m到145.0m,在4.0m以上相交2.1g/t Au。

Hole RN-23-21 intersected 1.5 g/t Au over 4.5m starting at 145.5m depth which is hosted in a brittle fault structure and represents a new exploration target. A second interval of 1.2 g/t Au over 2.5m starting at 160m depth was discovered in weakly altered material similar to the Raney Zone.

RN-23-21孔從145.5米開始,在4.5m以上相交1.5g/t Au,賦存於一個脆性斷裂構造中,是一個新的勘探目標。在與Raney帶相似的弱蝕變物質中發現了第二個2.5m以上1.2g/t的Au,起始深度為160m。

Hole RN-23-22, which was drilled from the same setup as RN-23-21 at a steeper angle, intersected multiple intervals of alteration and quartz veining which assayed 1.01 g/t Au over 7.5m starting at 177m including 4.02 g/t gold over 1.5m from 178m depth.


A second intersection of 2.4 g/t Au over 7.5m starting at 249m depth included 11.7 g/t Au over 1.0m from 251m, and is hosted within a similar brittle fault zone as intersected in hole RN-23-21. This represents a new exploration target for at Raney Project at depth.

第二個從249米深開始的7.5米以上2.4g/t Au交匯處,從251m開始,在1.0m以上包括11.7g/t Au,賦存於與RN-23-21孔相交的類似脆性斷裂帶中。這代表著At Raney Project在深度上的新勘探目標。

Mag Survey Plan Map Showing Exploration Hole Collars:


Holes RN-23-23 and RN-23-24 were located northeast of the Raney zone testing a magnetic low feature that is coincident with the Raney zone. Hole RN-23-23 intersected numerous zones of alteration with quartz veining and an interval of 0.6 g/t Au over 3.5m starting at 46.5m depth.


Raney Gold Project Location:


The Raney Gold Project is strategically located within the highly prospective west extension of the Abitibi Greenstone belt, proximal to several regional deposits. Newmont's operating Borden Gold Mine (reserves of 4.17 MT @ 6.38 g/t Au for ~860k oz. Au reported in 2015) is located 35 km west of Raney. IAMGOLD and JV partner Sumitomo Metals Mining recently decided to proceed with construction of their Cote gold project located 75 km southeast of Raney. The Cote project, estimated to contain gold reserves of ~7 million ounces (~236MT @ 0.96 g/t Au), is noted as a "world-class" deposit by IAMGOLD.

Raney金礦專案位於極具前景的Abitibi綠巖帶西延帶內,毗鄰幾個區域礦床。紐蒙特正在運營的Borden金礦(儲量為4.17公噸@6.38克/噸金,約860千盎司。AU(2015年報道)位於Raney以西35公里處。IAMGOLD和合資夥伴住友金屬礦業公司最近決定繼續建設他們位於拉尼東南75公里的Cote金礦專案。Cote專案估計蘊藏著約700萬盎司(約236MT@0.96g/t Au)的黃金儲量,被IAMGOLD列為“世界級”礦床。

Raney Gold Project History and Previous Diamond Drilling:


In 2020, Rockridge completed just over 5,000m of drilling in twenty drill holes. The drilling focused on the main mineralized zone over a strike extent of approximately 225 metres that produced the best historic intercept of 6.5 g/t Au over 8.0 metres in 2010. Rockridge's drilling in 2020 returned a high-grade intercept of 27.9 g/t Au over 6.0 metres near the 100-metre depth level in hole RAN-20-06. The broad structural corridor that hosts the mineralization is up to 125 metres wide and extends well beyond the area tested by drilling. Other results from the drilling included hole RN 20-13 which returned 2.5 g/t Au over 13.0m, including 9.6 g/t Au over 2.0m, as well as hole RN 20-18 which was a significant step out hole along strike 250m to the west of the main zone and returned 1.36 g/t Au over 9.0m including 2.1 g/t Au over 4.0m.

2020年,羅克裡奇在20個鑽孔中完成了5000多米的鑽井。鑽探的重點是主要礦化帶,其走向範圍約為225米,於二零一零年在超過8.0米的範圍內取得6.5克/噸金的最佳歷史截距。Rockbridge在2020年的鑽探在Ran-20-06井100米深的水準附近6.0米處產生了27.9克/噸金的高品位截距。礦化所在的寬闊的構造走廊寬達125米,遠遠超出了鑽探測試的區域。鑽探的其他成果包括RN 20-13孔,在13.0米以上返回2.5克/噸金,其中9.6克/噸金在2.0米以上;以及RN 20-18孔,它是主帶以西250米走向上的一個重要臺階孔,在9.0米以上返回1.36克/噸金,包括在4.0米以上返回2.1克/噸金。

Prior to Rockridge's drilling, historical drilling at the Raney Gold Project focused on identifying near-surface gold mineralization. Previous exploration on the Property from 1972 to 1991 consisted of prospecting, mapping, sampling, trenching, winkie drilling, ground geophysics, stripping, and some limited diamond drilling. This was followed by exploration work during the 2009 to 2010 period. The Property is underlain by mafic volcanics to the north, and felsic to intermediate volcaniclastics to the south. The felsic volcaniclastics are host to the gold zones. Quartz feldspar porphyry dykes and sills and minor mafic intrusives occur throughout the Property. The porphyries are generally massive but may be sheared and hydrothermally altered and veined in places.


A 100 metre-wide intensely sheared and altered quartz-feldspar porphyry body is located just to the south of the main Raney gold showing. Gold mineralization exposed on the surface and intersected in drill holes on the property is typical of the lode gold class of gold deposit which is the dominant gold deposit type in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Gold mineralization on the property is associated with the intensely sheared and altered zones within the felsic tuffs, and higher grades tend to occur where quartz veining is present.


The Property is in the Archean Swayze Greenstone Belt, considered to be the southeast extension of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, which hosts the world-class Timmins and Kirkland Lake gold districts. Numerous gold occurrences occur throughout the district and several world-class mines have been developed. These deposits are responsible for a significant portion of the world's cumulative gold production and are often characterized by gold enriched quartz vein systems associated with supracrustal belts in low to medium grade metamorphic terranes. Gold mineralization at the Property is typical of the mesothermal lode gold deposit model. Rockridge owns a 100% interest in the Raney Gold Project.

該地產位於太古宙斯韋茲綠巖帶,被認為是阿比提比綠石帶的東南延伸,擁有世界級的蒂明斯和柯克蘭湖金礦區。整個地區出現了許多金礦,並開發了幾個世界級的礦山。這些礦床佔世界累計黃金產量的很大一部分,通常以與低至中等變質地體中的錶殼帶有關的富金石英脈系統為特徵。金礦化為典型的中熱液脈狀金礦床模式。Rockbridge擁有Raney Gold Project 100%的權益。

Quality Assurance/Quality Control:


Core samples were prepared using the PREP-31b package in ALS's Timmins facility. Samples are then shipped to ALS's North Vancouver facility for assay procedures. Fire assay ALS code AU-AA23 using a 50 g sample was completed. For samples with visible gold, AuScr 24 was completed. A QA/QC program included laboratory and field standards inserted at approximately every 20 samples. At least one field blank is inserted in every batch of 20 samples, with additional blanks inserted following samples with visible gold.

核心樣品是使用ALS的Timmins設施中的PREP-31b包製備的。然後,樣本被運往ALS的北溫哥華設施進行分析程式。完成了使用50g樣品的ALS代碼AU-aa23的火災檢測。對於可見金色的樣品,完成了AuScr 24。品質保證/質量控制計劃包括實驗室和現場標準,大約每20個樣本插入一次。每批20個樣品中至少插入一個空白區,在具有可見金色的樣品後面插入額外的空白區。

Qualified Person:


Todd Keast, P.Geo., a "qualified person" for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, and the Raney Gold Project Manager for Rockridge Resources Ltd., has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure in this news release.

國家儀器43-101-礦物專案披露標準的“合格人士”Todd KEast,P.Geo和Rockbridge Resources Ltd.的Raney Gold專案經理已審查並批准了本新聞稿中的科學和技術披露。

About Rockridge Resources Ltd.:


Rockridge Resources is a public mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resource properties in Canada, specifically copper and gold. The Company's 100% owned Knife Lake Project is located in Saskatchewan which is ranked as a top mining jurisdiction in the world by the Fraser Institute. The project hosts the Knife Lake Deposit, which is a VMS, near-surface Cu-Co-Au-Ag-Zn deposit open along strike and at depth. There is strong discovery potential in and around the deposit area as well as at regional targets on the large property package.

Rockbridge Resources是一家上市礦產勘探公司,專注於收購、勘探和開發加拿大的礦產資源資產,特別是銅和黃金。該公司全資擁有的刀湖專案位於薩斯喀徹溫省,該地區被弗雷澤研究所評為世界頂級礦業管轄區。該專案擁有刀子湖礦床,它是一個沿走向和深部開放的VMS近地表銅鈷金銀鋅礦床。在礦區內和周圍以及大型物業組合上的區域目標上都有很強的發現潛力。

The Company's gold asset is its 100% owned Raney Gold Project, which is a high-grade gold exploration project located in the same greenstone belt that hosts the world class Timmins and Kirkland Lake lode gold mining camps. Recently reported drill hole RN 20-06 intersected 28.0 g/t gold over 6.0 metres at a shallow vertical level of 95 metres, which is the best result from the project thus far. Rockridge's goal is to maximize shareholder value through new mineral discoveries, committed long-term partnerships, and the advancement of exploration projects in geopolitically favourable jurisdictions.

該公司的黃金資產是其100%擁有的Raney Gold Project,該專案是一個高品位黃金勘探專案,位於世界級的Timmins和Kirkland Lake金礦開採營地所在的同一綠巖地帶。最近報道的RN 20-06號鑽孔與28.0克/噸黃金相交,深度超過6.0米,淺層垂直高度為95米,這是迄今為止該專案取得的最好結果。Rockbridge的目標是通過新的礦產發現、承諾的長期合作夥伴關係以及推進地緣政治有利司法管轄區的勘探專案,實現股東價值最大化。

Raney Gold Project Regional Geology Map:


Additional information about Rockridge Resources and its project portfolio can be found on the Company's website at .


Rockridge Resources Ltd.


"Jonathan Wiesblatt"
Jonathan Wiesblatt


For further information contact myself or:


Jordan Trimble, President or
Nicholas Coltura, Corporate Communications
Rockridge Resources Ltd.
Telephone: 604-558-5847
Toll Free: 800-567-8181
Facsimile: 604-687-3119




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