
Recent Geophysical Investigation Extends Gold Mineralization Targets at Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project, Nevada

Recent Geophysical Investigation Extends Gold Mineralization Targets at Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project, Nevada

最近的地球物理調查擴大了內華達州 Dixie Flats-North Star 黃金項目的金礦化目標
newsfile ·  2023/10/30 09:00

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - October 30, 2023) - Showcase Minerals Inc. (CSE: SHOW) ("Showcase") is pleased to announce it has identified promising targets for extension of the known mineralization in the northwest portion of its Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project. The interface of the Devils Gate Limestone and Webb Mudstone is the primary host of mineralization at Dixie Flats. Newmont Corporation's nearby Emigrant Springs Mine and Rain Mine hosted deposits in dissolution breccia zones at the contact between the Webb mudstone and the underlying Devils Gate limestone. Showcase refined the location of this interface through combined 3D analysis of a GTI NuSeis 2D active seismic survey completed in 2022, 10 Controlled Source Audio Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) lines and gravity surveys completed in 2017, and 53 previous drillholes containing stratigraphic information.

卡爾加裡,艾伯塔省-(新聞檔案公司-2023年10月30日)-展示礦產公司。(CSE:SHOW)(“陳列櫃“)很高興地宣佈,它已經確定了有前途的目標,擴大已知的礦化在西北部的迪克西平原北極星黃金專案。Devils Gate石灰岩和Webb泥岩的介面是Dixie Flats礦化的主要宿主。紐蒙特公司附近的移民泉礦和雨礦在韋伯泥岩和下伏魔鬼門石灰岩之間的接觸處的溶解角礫巖帶中擁有礦床。Showcase通過對2022年完成的GTI NuSeis 2D主動地震勘探、2017年完成的10條可控源音頻大地電磁(CSAMT)線路和重力勘探以及53個包含地層資訊的先前鑽孔進行綜合3D分析,改進了該介面的位置。

Existing seismic surveys and CSAMT data highlights a broad area of interest for exploration. Analysis of these data alongside gravity data, drillhole intercepts of the Webb-Devils Gate interface, and geologic mapping highlight two primary structures cross cutting the region of known mineralization, as shown in figure 1. The NNE-SSW structure is along trend with Orla Mining Ltd.'s Dark Star Gold Deposit, as shown in figure 2. Showcase recently completed five CSAMT surveys for a combined length of 7.3 miles that were designed to target this region containing the largest gold intercepts in the project to date.

現有的地震勘探和可控源音頻大地電磁法數據突出了一個廣泛的勘探領域。對這些數據以及重力數據、Webb-Devils Gate介面的鑽孔截取數據和地質測繪的分析突出了兩個貫穿已知礦化區域的主要結構,如圖1所示。NNE-SSW構造與Orla Mining Ltd.的暗星金礦,如圖2所示。Showcase最近完成了五次CSAMT調查,總長度為7.3英里,旨在針對該專案迄今為止最大的黃金攔截區域。

This new geophysical compilation will refine the location of the mineralized structures and improve potential drill targeting in the next exploration phase of the project.


About the Dixie Flats - North Star Gold Project:


The Dixie Flats-North Star Property (the "Property" or "Dixie Flats") is located on the east side of the Piñon Mountains, 21 air-miles south of the City of Elko in northeast Nevada. It is a combination of two claim blocks, the Dixie Flats group of claims and the North Star group of claims. The Property is comprised of a total of 236 total unpatented mineral claims comprising 1,671 hectares on Federal land administered by the US Bureau of Land Management ("BLM").

Dixie Flats-North Star物業(以下簡稱“物業”或“Dixie Flats”)位於Pinelon山脈東側,距離內華達州東北部的Elko市以南21英里。這是兩個索賠組的合併,即Dixie Flats索賠組和North Star索賠組。該財產由236項非專利礦產權利要求組成,佔美國土地管理局(“BLM”)管理的聯盟土地上的1,671公頃。

The Property lies on the southern margin of the Carlin Trend, a northwest-trending belt of sediment-hosted gold deposits that makes up the greatest geographic concentration of gold deposits in North America with reported production of more than 92.5 million ounces of gold since 1961 (Muntean, 2019). The Dixie Flats-North Star Property is underlain by rocks known to host gold mineralization on the Carlin Trend, and surface sampling has shown anomalous gold, silver, arsenic, antimony, and mercury levels in rock, soil, and biogeochemical samples from the Property, which is a characteristic geochemical signature of Carlin-Type gold deposits.

該物業位於卡林趨勢的南部邊緣,卡林趨勢是一個西北走向的沉積物託管金礦帶,構成了北美黃金礦床的最大地理集中區,自1961年以來報告的黃金產量超過9250萬盎司(Muntean,2019)。Dixie Flats-North Star財產的下面是已知在卡林趨勢上有金礦化的岩石,地表採樣顯示該財產的岩石、土壤和地球化學樣品中的金、銀、砷、銻和汞含量異常,這是卡林型金礦的特徵地球化學標誌。

Dixie - North Star is approximately three miles south of Newmont Mining Company's Emigrant Springs Mine, which finished production in 2018, and approximately 4.5 miles southeast of the past producing Rain Mine. Both of these deposits are hosted in dissolution breccia zones at the contact between the Webb mudstone, the basal unit of the overlying assemblage, and the underlying Devils Gate limestone. Prior exploration on the Dixie - North Star Property has been focused on delineating this contact at depth and discovering possible extensions to the regional structures controlling mineralization at the Rain and Emigrant Mines and their demonstrated extension to the Dixie - North Star Property. The information on the adjacent projects is taken from publicly available sources and is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization on the Dixie Flats - North Star Property.

迪克西-北極星位於紐蒙特礦業公司的移民泉礦以南約3英里處,該礦於2018年完成生產,位於過去生產的雨礦東南約4.5英里處。這兩個礦床都位於Webb泥岩(上覆組合的基底單元)和下伏魔鬼門石灰岩之間接觸處的溶解角礫巖帶中。之前對Dixie - North Star礦區的勘探一直集中在深度上描繪該接觸面,併發現控制Rain和Emigrant礦區礦化的區域構造的可能延伸,以及它們對Dixie - North Star礦區的已證明延伸。有關相鄰專案的資訊來自公開來源,不一定表明Dixie Flats - North Star物業的礦化情況。

Additional information on the Dixie -North Star Gold Project can be found in the National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") technical report entitled "Technical Report on the Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Exploration Property", Elko, Nevada, dated September 21, 2022, which has been filed on SEDAR at .

有關Dixie -North Star Gold Project的更多資訊,請參閱National Instrument 43-101(“NI 43-101”)技術報告,標題為“Technical Report on the Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Exploration Property”,內華達州埃爾科,日期為2022年9月21日,已在SEDAR上提交。

Investor Relations Agreement


Showcase further announces that it has entered into a marketing agreement (the "Marketing Agreement") with Stockwire Inc. ("Stockwire"), an internet marketing and advertising company. Stockwire will provide marketing services, including email marketing campaigns, landing pages, advertisements, and other related services to assist Showcase in raising public awareness of the Company and enhance its online presence in compliance with the policies and guidelines of the Canadian Securities Exchange (the "CSE"). The term of the Marketing Agreement will be 12 months commencing on November 1, 2023 and terminating on October 31, 2024 for aggregate consideration of US$490,000. Showcase will not grant any stock options or issue any other securities in connection with the agreement.


Stockwire is a company existing under the laws of Ontario with an office at 301 - 47 Colborne Street Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E3 (email:; phone: 416-268-0306). Stockwire uses third-party service providers for the purpose of these marketing activities.

Stockwire是一家根據安大略省法律成立的公司,辦公室位於安大略省多倫多市科爾伯恩街301 - 47號,M5 E 1 E3(電子郵件;電話:416-268-0306)。Stockwire使用第三方服務提供商進行這些營銷活動。

The Services Agreement is effective November 1, 2023 for a 12-month period ending on October 31, 2024. Pursuant to the Services Agreement, the Company will pay Stockwire Inc. US$490,000 in instalments over the course of the agreement term.

服務協定於2023年11月1日生效,為期12個月,至2024年10月31日止。根據服務協定,本公司將向Stockwire Inc. 490,000美元,在協定期內分期支付。

Qualified Person:


Mr. Seth Cude, P.G., R.M., M.Sc., C.P.G. is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

Seth Cude先生,PG,R.M.,理學碩士,CPG是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員,並已審查和批准本新聞稿中的技術資訊。

About Showcase Minerals Inc.

關於Showcase Minerals Inc.

Showcase is a Canadian mineral exploration company with an exclusive option to acquire a 100% interest in Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project and the Woodruff Gold-Vanadium Project (subject to various net smelter returns royalties ranging from 2.25% to 4.25%), which collectively consist of unpatented 254 lode mining claims covering approximately 1,818 hectares located in Elko County, Nevada.

Showcase是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,擁有獨家選擇權收購Dixie Flats-North Star金礦專案和Woodruff黃金-釩專案的100%權益(受各種冶煉廠淨收益2.25%至4.25%不等的制約),這兩個專案總共包括位於內華達州Elko縣佔地約1,818公頃的254個未獲專利的礦脈開採主張。

For further information, please contact:


Kirk Reed, President
Showcase Minerals Inc.
Telephone: 1-800-982-0670

Showcase Minerals Inc.

Neither the CSE nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in CSE policies) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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