
Netanyahu Stands Firm Against Ceasefire, US Congress Weighs Israel Spending Package

Netanyahu Stands Firm Against Ceasefire, US Congress Weighs Israel Spending Package

Benzinga ·  2023/10/30 14:45

The Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet security agency have announced the successful rescue of a soldier on Monday who had been captured by the Hamas terrorist group on Oct. 7. In a joint statement, the IDF and Shin Bet said that Pvt. Ori Megidish is in good health and has reunited with her family.

以色列國防軍和Shin Bet安全機構週一宣佈,成功營救了10月7日被哈馬斯恐怖組織抓獲的一名士兵。以色列國防軍和申貝特在一份聯合聲明中說,上尉 Ori Megidish 健康狀況良好,已經與家人團聚了。

She is home.
PVT Megidish was abducted by Hamas on October 7. Tonight, she was released during ground operations.
Ori is now home with her family.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 30, 2023

PVT Megidish 於 10 月 7 日被哈馬斯綁架。今晚,她在地面行動中獲釋。
Ori 現在和家人一起回家了。

— 以色列國防軍 (@IDF) 2023 年 10 月 30 日

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear Monday that Israel would not entertain the idea of a ceasefire. He drew parallels to historical events such as the United States' stance after Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the response to the September 11 attacks in 2001.

以色列總理 本傑明內塔 週一明確表示,以色列不會接受停火的想法。他將1941年美國在珍珠港之後的立場以及對2001年9月11日襲擊的反應等歷史事件相提並論。

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell continues to advocate for the combination of aid for Ukraine and Israel, despite House GOP efforts to pursue a separate Israel aid package offset by budget cuts, according to CNN.

美國參議院少數黨領袖 米奇·麥康奈爾 據美國有線電視新聞網報道,儘管衆議院共和黨努力尋求單獨的以色列一攬子援助計劃,但預算削減抵消了對烏克蘭和以色列的援助。

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a prominent Jewish Democrat and supporter of Israel, has cautioned against House Speaker Mike Johnson's plans to advance an aid package for Israel while offsetting it with spending cuts. She expressed concerns that this approach could jeopardize the package's chances of passing, as emergency aid packages are typically not linked to spending cuts, potentially causing opposition from Democrats.

美國衆議員 黛比 Wasserman Schultz是著名的猶太民主黨人,也是以色列的支持者,他警告衆議院議長不要這樣做 邁克·約翰遜的計劃是推進對以色列的一攬子援助計劃,同時通過削減支出來抵消該一攬子援助計劃。她對這種做法可能會危及一攬子計劃獲得通過的機會表示擔憂,因爲緊急援助計劃通常與削減支出無關,有可能引起民主黨人的反對。

The head of surgery at Gaza's largest hospital, Al Shifa Hospital, has conveyed the overwhelming challenges faced by the hospital's staff due to the sheer volume of patients being treated. He shared a video to the CNN depicting chaotic scenes within the hospital's emergency ward, with numerous patients occupying hospital corridors, some on stretchers, and others on the floor.

加沙最大的醫院Al Shifa醫院的外科負責人表達了該醫院工作人員因接受治療的患者數量龐大而面臨的巨大挑戰。他向美國有線電視新聞網分享了一段視頻,該視頻描繪了醫院急診病房內的混亂場景,許多患者佔據了醫院走廊,有些人坐在擔架上,另一些人則在地板上。

Israel's national air carrier, El Al Israel Airlines Ltd. (OTCPK: ELALF), has decided to alter its flight routes to southeast Asia by avoiding airspace over Saudi Arabia and Oman. This change significantly extends flight durations, with a trip to Bangkok now taking 11.5 hours instead of the previous 8.5 hours, reverting to a longer route used until earlier this year.

以色列的國家航空公司, El Al 以色列航空有限公司 (OTCPK:ELALF)已決定通過避開沙特阿拉伯和阿曼上空來改變其飛往東南亞的航線。這一變化極大地延長了飛行時間,現在前往曼谷的旅行需要11.5小時,而不是之前的8.5小時,恢復到今年早些時候之前使用的更長航線。

Market Reactions


The Israeli shekel rose as much as 1.2% Monday in its best-performing session since the start of the war.


The country's domestic stock market also saw robust gains, up 1.8%. The iShares MSCI Israel ETF (NYSE:EIS) rallied as much as 4.1%, posting its strongest day in nearly a year.

該國國內股市也出現強勁上漲,上漲1.8%。那個 iShares MSCI 以色列 ETF 紐約證券交易所代碼:EIS)上漲了4.1%,創下了近一年來最強勁的一天。

Cathie Wood's ARK Israel Innovative Technology ETF (NYSE:IZRL) rose 1.6%.

凱茜伍德的 ARK 以色列創新科技 ETF 紐約證券交易所代碼:IZRL)上漲1.6%。

U.S. stocks extended gains for the session, with both the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSE:SPY) and the tech-heavy Invesco QQQ Trust (NASDAQ:QQQ) up 1.1%.

美國股市延續了該交易日的漲勢,兩者都是 SPDR 標準普爾 500 指數 ETF 信託基金 (紐約證券交易所代碼:SPY)和以科技爲主的公司 景順 QQQ 信託 納斯達克股票代碼:QQQ)上漲1.1%。

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