
Stelmine Canada Completes a Till Geochemistry Program at Courcy and Confirms Five New Targets

Stelmine Canada Completes a Till Geochemistry Program at Courcy and Confirms Five New Targets

Stelmine Canada 在 Courcy 完成了 Till 地球化學項目並確認了五個新目標
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/11/01 09:30

Fig 1.

圖 1。

General geology of the Courcy property illustrating exploration targets defined by prior rock geochemistry analyses.

Fig 2.

圖 2.

Till geochemistry (fine fraction) of samples taken on the Courcy Property, including the 2023 results. The gold concentration in ppb is shown on an image of the IDW geochemical pathfinders model combining gold (Au), arsenic (As) and copper (Cu).
在庫西地產採集的樣品的土壤化學(精細部分),包括2023年的結果。以 ppb 爲單位的金濃度顯示在 IDW 地球化學探路者模型的圖像上,該模型結合了金(Au)、砷(As)和銅(Cu)。

QUEBEC CITY, Nov. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stelmine Canada ("Stelmine" or "The Company") (TSXV: STH). A recent till geochemical survey completed on the Courcy project (100% STH) confirmed several additional exploration targets. A total of 186 till samples (fine fraction) and 8 rock samples were collected. This geochemical survey targeted the extensions of known gold-mineralized zones.

魁北克城,2023年11月1日(環球新聞專線)——加拿大Stelmine(“Stelmine” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:STH)。最近完成的對Courcy項目(100% STH)的地球化學調查證實了另外幾個勘探目標。共採集了186份土壤樣品(細小部分)和8份岩石樣本。這項地球化學調查的目標是已知金礦化區的擴展。

Highlights include:


  • Five anomalies defined by high values in gold and/or copper and arsenic were outlined (Figures 1 and 2)
  • The main anomaly, in the area of Zone 3, is located approximately 7.5km SW of the discovery area drilled by SOQUEM in 2006 and by Stelmine in 2021-2022.
  • The anomalies are found within an area of 7.8 x 2.8km
  • Gold values of up to 272 ppb were obtained in the tills.
  • 概述了由金和/或銅和砷的高值定義的五種異常(圖 1 和 2)
  • 主要異常位於3區區域,位於SOQUEM在2006年和Stelmine在2021-2022年鑽探的發現區西南約7.5公里處。
  • 在 7.8 x 2.8 千米的區域內發現異常
  • 收銀臺的黃金價值高達272 ppb。

Stelmine drilling completed by the winter of 2022 2021-2022 in Zone 1 (Fig. 1), gave up 2.86 g/t Au over 10.0m, including 5.28 g/t Au over 4.4m. Three of Stelmine's twelve drill holes in this zone included intersections showing visible gold. Note that this is comparable to the 2006 discovery intersection (by SOQUEM) that also included visible gold.

Stelmine 於 2021 年冬季在 1 區(圖 1)完成的鑽探,在 10.0 米處放棄了 2.86 克/噸的金,其中超過 4.4 米的金含量爲 5.28 克/噸。Stelmine 在該區域的十二個鑽孔中有三個包括顯示可見金的十字路口。請注意,這與2006年的發現交叉點(由SOQUEM創作)相似,後者還包括可見的黃金。

Isabelle Proulx, President and CEO, states: "Stelmine is very pleased to be able to disclose the presence of new exploration targets on the Courcy property, where exploration work is ongoing. The Company firmly believes that the results of this additional work will help define new high priority drilling targets."

總裁兼首席執行官伊莎貝爾·普羅克斯表示: “Stelmine很高興能夠透露Courcy地產上有新的勘探目標,該地的勘探工作正在進行中。該公司堅信,這項額外工作的結果將有助於確定新的高優先級鑽探目標。

Fig. 1: General geology of the Courcy property illustrating exploration targets defined by prior rock geochemistry analyses.

圖 1:Courcy 地產的總體地質情況,說明了先前的岩石地球化學分析所定義的勘探目標。

Fig. 2: Till geochemistry (fine fraction) of samples taken on the Courcy Property, including the 2023 results. The gold concentration in ppb is shown on an image of the IDW geochemical pathfinders model combining gold (Au), arsenic (As) and copper (Cu).

圖 2:在 Courcy 地產採集的樣品的土壤地球化學(精細部分),包括 2023 年的結果。以 ppb 爲單位的金濃度顯示在 IDW 地球化學探路者模型的圖像上,該模型結合了金(Au)、砷(As)和銅(Cu)。

To view FIGURES and LOCATION MAP, please click here


Formation of Glacial Sediments


The till sampled at Courcy is a sediment formed thousands of years ago by glacial erosion. As a glacier advances, any exposed mineralization will be crushed, transported and eventually deposited downstream as glacial sediment. Basal tills are a mixture of sediments that are generally transported over a limited distance, and do not represent a point source. The till is therefore characteristic of a sampling area larger than a single outcrop, which therefore makes it possible to broaden the sampling grid. The presence of anomalies indicates a nearby upstream source; however, the absence of an anomaly does not allow us to conclude that there is no mineralized source, since it could be at depth and therefore not exposed to glacial erosion.

在 Courcy 取樣的土壤是幾千年前由冰川侵蝕形成的沉積物。隨着冰川的發展,任何暴露的礦化物都將被壓碎、輸送並最終作爲冰川沉積物向下遊沉積。基底堆是沉積物的混合物,通常在有限的距離內運輸,並不代表點源。因此,採樣區的特徵是採樣區域大於單個露頭,因此可以擴大采樣網格。異常的存在表明附近有上游來源;但是,不存在異常並不能使我們得出沒有礦化來源的結論,因爲它可能位於深處,因此不會受到冰川侵蝕。

QA/QC Protocol for till samples


Stelmine implements a strict QA/QC protocol in the manipulation of till samples collected on the Mercator property. A clean metal shovel is used to dig through the topmost soil layers and to sample the glacial till (C-horizon) at a depth of between 50-130cm. Roughly 1 kg of till is collected, cleaned of coarse pebbles (greater than sixteen millimeters) and organic material, and put in single use plastic bags that are sealed and numbered with plastic cable ties, For each sample collected, the sample number, UTM coordinates obtained with a portable GPS, and a brief description are systematically recorded on an electronic tablet by the geologist. The samples are then transported to base camp, dried for at least 48h, then put in larger rice bags and kept securely in a field tent before being sent by floatplane to the city of Wabush. Transport to the Actlabs laboratories in Ancaster, Ontario is done by truck using dependable transport companies. Gold and other elements are analyzed by the INAA+ICP_OES (code 1H) methods.

Stelmine在操作墨卡托地產採集的礦物樣本時實施了嚴格的質量保證/質量控制協議。一把乾淨的金屬鏟用來挖掘最上層的土壤層,並對深度在50-130厘米之間的冰川地層(C-地平線)進行採樣。收集大約1千克的耕地,清除粗糙的卵石(大於16毫米)和有機材料,然後放入一次性塑料袋中,用塑料紮帶密封和編號。對於每個採集的樣品,地質學家將樣本編號、使用便攜式全球定位系統獲得的UTM座標和簡要描述系統地記錄在電子平板電腦上。然後,樣本被運送到大本營,乾燥至少48小時,然後放入更大的米袋中,安全地保存在野外帳篷中,然後通過水上飛機送往瓦布什市。運送到安大略省安卡斯特的Actlabs實驗室是通過卡車使用可靠的運輸公司完成的。金和其他元素通過 INAA+ICP_OES(代碼 1H)方法進行分析。

Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Friedrich Speidel, PGeo, M.Sc. and Vice President Exploration of the Company. Mr. Speidel is the qualified person responsible for the scientific and technical information contained herein under National Instrument 43-101 standards.


About Stelmine Canada


Stelmine is a junior mining exploration company pioneering a new gold district (Caniapiscau) east of James Bay in the under-explored eastern part of the Opinaca metasedimentary basin where the geological context has similarities to the Eleonore mine, located very close to the contact of this basin. Stelmine has 100% ownership of 1 784 claims or 917 km2 in this part of northern Quebec, highlighted by the Courcy and Mercator Projects.

Stelmine是一家初級礦業勘探公司,在詹姆斯灣以東的奧皮納卡變沉積盆地未開發的東部開闢了一個新的金礦區(Caniapiscau),那裏的地質背景與埃莉諾爾礦有相似之處,該礦位於該盆地的接觸點附近。Courcy和Mercator項目強調了Stelmine對魁北克北部這一地區的1 784份索賠的100%所有權,佔地917平方公里。

Forward-looking statements


Cautionary note regarding forward-looking Statements: This press release contains forward-looking statements, which reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future results-related events. To the extent that any statements in this document contain information that is not historical, then such statements are essentially forward-looking and can often be identified by the use of words such as "considers", "anticipates", "expects", "believes", "expects", "projects", "plans", "potential", "suggests" and "believes". Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties are described in the quarterly and annual reports and in the documents submitted to the securities administration available on the SEDAR+ site. Although the Company believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such statements, which speak only as of the date of this document. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

關於前瞻性陳述的警示性說明:本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,反映了公司當前對未來業績相關事件的預期。如果本文檔中的任何陳述包含非歷史信息,則此類陳述本質上是前瞻性的,通常可以通過使用 “考慮”、“預期”、“期望”、“相信”、“期望”、“項目”、“計劃”、“潛力”、“建議” 和 “相信” 等詞語來識別。前瞻性陳述涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。SEDAR+網站上提供的季度和年度報告以及提交給證券管理局的文件中描述了這些風險和不確定性。儘管公司認爲前瞻性陳述所依據的假設是合理的,但不應過分依賴此類陳述,這些陳述僅代表截至本文件發佈之日的陳述。除非適用的證券法另有要求,否則公司不打算或沒有義務更新或修改這些前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

Cautionary statement


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information, contact:


Isabelle Proulx, President and CEO
Investor Relations:
Tel: 418-626-6333 MarketSmart Communications Inc Adrian Sydenham
Toll-free: 1-877-261-4466
電話:418-626-6333 MarketSmart 通訊公司 阿德里安·西德納姆

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