
Here's What To Make Of Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd's (SHSE:600872) Decelerating Rates Of Return

Here's What To Make Of Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd's (SHSE:600872) Decelerating Rates Of Return

以下是如何看待 Jonjee Hichtech 工商控股有限公司(SHSE: 600872)的回報率減速
Simply Wall St ·  2023/11/03 03:30

If you're looking for a multi-bagger, there's a few things to keep an eye out for. Typically, we'll want to notice a trend of growing return on capital employed (ROCE) and alongside that, an expanding base of capital employed. Ultimately, this demonstrates that it's a business that is reinvesting profits at increasing rates of return. In light of that, when we looked at Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd (SHSE:600872) and its ROCE trend, we weren't exactly thrilled.

如果你正在尋找一款多功能裝袋機,有幾件事需要注意。通常,我們希望注意到增長的趨勢 返回 在資本使用率(ROCE)方面,除此之外,還在擴大 基礎 已動用資本的百分比。歸根結底,這表明這是一家以更高的回報率對利潤進行再投資的企業。有鑑於此,當我們查看Jonjee Hichtech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd(SHSE: 600872)及其投資回報率趨勢時,我們並不感到非常興奮。

Understanding Return On Capital Employed (ROCE)

了解資本使用回報率 (ROCE)

If you haven't worked with ROCE before, it measures the 'return' (pre-tax profit) a company generates from capital employed in its business. To calculate this metric for Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd, this is the formula:

如果你以前沒有與ROCE合作過,它可以衡量一家公司從其業務中使用的資本中產生的 “回報”(稅前利潤)。要計算 Jonjee Hichtech 工商控股有限公司的這個指標,公式如下:

Return on Capital Employed = Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) ÷ (Total Assets - Current Liabilities)

已動用資本回報率 = 息稅前收益 (EBIT) ¥(總資產-流動負債)

0.13 = CN¥679m ÷ (CN¥6.6b - CN¥1.3b) (Based on the trailing twelve months to September 2023).

0.13 = 人民幣 6.79 億元 ¼(CN¥66B-CN¥1.3b) (基於截至2023年9月的過去十二個月)

Thus, Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd has an ROCE of 13%. In absolute terms, that's a satisfactory return, but compared to the Food industry average of 7.6% it's much better.

因此,Jonjee Hictech工商控股有限公司的投資回報率爲13%。從絕對值來看,這是一個令人滿意的回報,但與食品行業7.6%的平均水平相比,要好得多。

See our latest analysis for Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd

查看我們對 Jonjee Heitech 工商控股有限公司的最新分析

SHSE:600872 Return on Capital Employed November 3rd 2023
SHSE: 600872 2023 年 11 月 3 日使用資本回報率

In the above chart we have measured Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd's prior ROCE against its prior performance, but the future is arguably more important. If you'd like to see what analysts are forecasting going forward, you should check out our free report for Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd.

在上面的圖表中,我們對Jonjee Hichtech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd之前的投資回報率與之前的表現進行了比較,但可以說,未來更爲重要。如果你想了解分析師對未來的預測,你應該查看我們爲Jonjee Hichtech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd提供的免費報告。

What The Trend Of ROCE Can Tell Us

ROCE 的趨勢能告訴我們什麼

Things have been pretty stable at Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd, with its capital employed and returns on that capital staying somewhat the same for the last five years. It's not uncommon to see this when looking at a mature and stable business that isn't re-investing its earnings because it has likely passed that phase of the business cycle. With that in mind, unless investment picks up again in the future, we wouldn't expect Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd to be a multi-bagger going forward. With fewer investment opportunities, it makes sense that Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd has been paying out a decent 35% of its earnings to shareholders. Given the business isn't reinvesting in itself, it makes sense to distribute a portion of earnings among shareholders.

Jonjee Hichtech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd的情況一直相當穩定,在過去五年中,其使用資本和資本回報率基本保持不變。當看一家成熟而穩定的企業時,看到這種情況並不少見,因爲該企業可能已經度過了商業週期的這一階段,因此沒有對收益進行再投資。考慮到這一點,除非將來投資再次回升,否則我們預計Jonjee Hichtech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd在未來不會成爲多管齊下。由於投資機會較少,Jonjee Hichtech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd向股東支付了可觀的35%的收益是有道理的。鑑於企業本身並未進行再投資,因此將部分收益分配給股東是有意義的。

The Key Takeaway


In summary, Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd isn't compounding its earnings but is generating stable returns on the same amount of capital employed. And with the stock having returned a mere 31% in the last five years to shareholders, you could argue that they're aware of these lackluster trends. As a result, if you're hunting for a multi-bagger, we think you'd have more luck elsewhere.

總而言之,Jonjee Hichtech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd並沒有複利,而是在使用相同數額的資本上產生穩定的回報。而且,在過去五年中,該股向股東的回報率僅爲31%,你可以說他們意識到這些乏善可陳的趨勢。因此,如果你正在尋找一款多功能裝袋,我們認爲你在其他地方運氣會更好。

On a separate note, we've found 1 warning sign for Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd you'll probably want to know about.

另一方面,我們發現了你可能想知道的Jonjee Hichtech Industrial and Commercial HoldingLtd的1個警告信號。

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