
Aton Drills Further High Grade Gold Mineralisation at Its New Semna Drill Discovery, Including 12.54 G/t Au Over an Interval of 16 Metres, and Doubles the Strike Extent

Aton Drills Further High Grade Gold Mineralisation at Its New Semna Drill Discovery, Including 12.54 G/t Au Over an Interval of 16 Metres, and Doubles the Strike Extent

Aton 在其新的 Semna 鑽探區進一步鑽探高品位金礦化,在 16 米的間隔內鑽探了 12.54 g/t Au,並將走向範圍擴大了一倍
Accesswire ·  2023/11/07 07:05

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 7, 2023 / Aton Resources Inc. (TSXV:AAN) ("Aton" or the "Company") is pleased to update investors on the latest results from the recent reverse circulation percussion ("RC") drilling at the Semna prospect, located within its 100% owned Abu Marawat Concession ("Abu Marawat" or the "Concession"), in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2023年11月7日/阿頓資源公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AAN)(“阿頓” 或 “公司”)很高興向投資者通報最近在埃及東部沙漠的塞姆納勘探區(“阿布馬拉瓦特” 或 “特許權”)進行反循環衝擊(“RC”)鑽探的最新結果。



  • 21 holes were drilled at the Semna prospect, for a total of 3,662m, during the recently completed RC drilling programme. Preliminary drill results of 4m composite sampling of the final 4 holes, SMP-017 to SMP-020, are now available;
  • 3 of the final 4 holes, targeting a potential eastern extension of the Semna Main Vein zone ("MVZ"), intersected significant zones of gold mineralisation, assaying >5 g/t Au;
  • Significant high grade mineralised intersections include:
    • 12.54 g/t Au over a 16m interval, from 60m downhole depth (hole SMP-018);
    • 5.19 g/t Au over a 16m interval, from 56m downhole depth (hole SMP-017);
    • 6.30 g/t Au over a 16m interval, from 124m downhole depth (hole SMP-019). This hole also returned an additional lower grade mineralised intersection of 1.69 g/t Au over a 20m interval, from 96m downhole depth;
  • The holes confirm the existence of blind and previously unrecognised high grade mineralisation to the east of the historically exploited Semna MVZ, buried beneath alluvial wadi sediments, approximately 10m in thickness;
  • The best drill intersection of the entire programme was returned from the easternmost hole, SMP-018, indicating the mineralisation remains open to the east;
  • The final 4 holes of the programme have doubled the strike length of the drilled mineralisation on the Semna MVZ, which remains fully open at depth and along strike to both the east and the west.
  • 在最近完成的鋼筋混凝土鑽探計劃中,在塞姆納勘探區鑽了21個孔,總鑽孔3662米。對最後 4 個孔(SMP-017 至 SMP-020)進行 4m 複合採樣的初步鑽探結果現已公佈;
  • 最後4個鑽孔中有3個鑽孔的目標是塞姆納主礦脈帶(“MVZ”)的潛在東部延伸部分,與重要的金礦化區相交,測定金含量>5 g/t;
  • 重要的高品位礦化交叉點包括:
    • 在 16 米的間隔內,從 60 米的井下深度(SMP-018 孔)開始,金含量爲 12.54 g/t;
    • 在 16 米的間隔內,從 56 米的井下深度(SMP-017 孔)開始,金重爲 5.19 g/t;
    • 在 16 米的間隔內,從 124 米的井下深度(SMP-019 孔)開始,金含量爲 6.30 克/噸。該鑽孔還在 20 米的間隔內從 96 米的井下深度返回了 1.69 g/t Au 的額外低品位礦化交叉點;
  • 這些洞證實了歷史上開採的塞姆納河谷以東存在盲目且以前未被識別的高品位礦化,埋在沖積河谷沉積物之下,厚度約爲10米;
  • 整個項目中最好的鑽探交點是從最東端的鑽孔 SMP-018 返回的,這表明礦化區仍然向東開放;
  • 該項目的最後4個鑽孔使Semna MVZ鑽探的礦化區走向長度延長了一倍,該礦區的深度以及向東和向西走向均完全開放。

"We are delighted with these exceptional results from the eastern extension of the Semna Main Vein zone, which clearly demonstrate the potential of Semna to develop into a very significant new drill discovery for us," said Tonno Vahk, Interim CEO. "During the 20 th Century period of gold mining in Egypt the Semna mine was regarded as one of the most significant and prospective by the British mining syndicates working there, and the high grades from our first phase of RC drilling appear to confirm anecdotal evidence suggesting the existence of very high to bonanza grade mineralisation at Semna. We are particularly encouraged by the results from these last 4 holes that have effectively doubled the strike length of the known mineralisation on the Main Vein zone. We believe that the blind mineralisation drilled in these holes was not previously identified or exploited as it is covered by alluvial wadi sediments, and it is likely that the high grade mineralisation sub-crops under this thin veneer of alluvial cover, which is very encouraging. Our application for the mining licence at Abu Marawat, based on the Hamama and Rodruin open pit mine and heap leach oxide projects, is proceeding in accordance with the terms of our Concession Agreement, and we expect to be able to provide a positive update on this soon. It is our intention to fast-track ongoing exploration of the Semna project, and to start a follow-up second phase of diamond drilling in early 2024."

“我們對塞姆納主脈區域東部延伸的這些出色結果感到高興,這清楚地表明瞭Semna發展成爲我們非常重要的新鑽探發現的潛力,” 臨時首席執行官Tonno Vahk說。 “在 20 年期間 第四 埃及百年金礦開採時期,塞姆納礦被在那裏工作的英國礦業集團視爲最重要和最具前景的礦山之一,而我們第一階段的鋼筋混凝土鑽探的高品位似乎證實了傳聞證據,表明塞姆納存在非常高到富礦等級的礦化。最後4個鑽孔的結果尤其令我們感到鼓舞,這些鑽孔實際上使主礦脈帶已知礦化的走向長度延長了一倍。我們認爲,在這些鑽孔中鑽出的盲礦化區域以前沒有被發現或開發過,因爲它被沖積河谷沉積物覆蓋,而且很可能在這種薄的沖積層覆蓋層下形成了高品位的礦化亞作物,這非常令人鼓舞。我們在阿布馬拉瓦特的採礦許可證申請基於哈馬馬和羅德魯因露天礦和堆浸氧化物項目,正在按照我們的特許權協議的條款進行中,我們預計能夠很快就此提供積極的最新情況。我們打算加快正在進行的Semna項目勘探,並在2024年初開始後續的第二階段鑽石鑽探。”

Semna Prospect


The Semna prospect is located approximately 27km east-northeast of the Hamama West deposit and 13km north-northeast of the Rodruin deposit, and is accessed via desert tracks from either Hamama, Rodruin or the Abu Marawat deposit to the north (Figure 1). The Semna area has a long history of gold mining, during both ancient and modern times. There was archaeological evidence in the area suggesting that mining dates back as far as the Old Kingdom period, over 4,500 years ago. In modern times, Semna was exploited between 1904 and 1906 by two British companies, which worked the Main Vein on two underground levels. By about 1908 however, the British gold mining industry in Egypt had been almost totally eclipsed by the discovery of oil, and was more or less moribund. There was also some further development work carried out at Semna in the 1950's by a subsidiary of the Egyptian Phosphate Company. It has been reported that the Semna mine had the widest vein exploited during the British era of mining in Egypt, which reached up to 6m width in places, and the British companies reported mining grades of over 2 ounces per ton. Reports from the Mining Journal from 1905 indicated that some remnant pillars within the ancient Pharaonic-era stopes assayed up to 5.5 ounces per ton of gold.


Figure 1: Geology plan of the Abu Marawat Concession, showing the location of the Semna prospect

圖 1:Abu Marawat 特許權的地質規劃,顯示了 Semna 勘探區的位置

Figure 2: Semna gold mine drill hole collar plan

圖 2:Semna 金礦鑽孔環平面圖

The mineralisation at Semna appears to be mainly hosted in a granodiorite body that has been intruded into a package of mafic to intermediate composition metavolcanic rocks. The mineralisation is strongly structurally controlled, and is hosted in a series of steeply south-dipping shear zones that contain the gold-bearing quartz veins. These sub-parallel quartz veins strike approximately east-west and dip 60-75° to the south, but the dip and strike is quite variable within each vein, and the veins noticeably pinch and swell.


Aton completed a first phase of RC drilling at the Semna prospect in August 2023, and has reported the results of the first 17 holes (see news release dated October 13, 2023). Previously reported results include high grade mineralised intercepts including 14.63 g/t Au over a 12m interval (hole SMP-016), and 29.8 g/t Au over a 4m interval (hole SMP-003). Aton has also undertaken a survey of the underground workings at Semna, which have recently been further exploited by artisanal miners, confirming that the mineralisation is continuous beneath the old British mine workings to an approximate elevation of 550m (see news release dated October 13, 2023).

阿頓於2023年8月在塞姆納勘探區完成了第一階段的鋼筋混凝土鑽探,並報告了前17個鑽孔的結果(見2023年10月13日的新聞稿)。先前報告的結果包括高品位的礦化截距,包括 12 米間隔(SMP-016 孔)內的 14.63 克/噸金和 4 米間隔(SMP-003 孔)內的 29.8 克/噸金。安頓還對塞姆納的地下作業進行了調查,手工採礦者最近進一步開採了塞姆納的地下作業,證實了英國舊礦井下方的礦化是持續的,海拔約爲550米(見2023年10月13日的新聞稿)。

Semna gold mine RC drilling


21 drill holes, SMP-001 to SMP-020, were completed at the Semna prospect, for a total of 3,662m metres during the recently completed RC drill programme (see Table 1, Figure 2 and Appendix A). Preliminary results are now available from the final 4 holes SMP-017 to SMP-020, from 4m composite samples (refer to the next section for details of sampling procedures). Following receipt of the 4m composite sample assay results, selected 1m samples have now been dispatched to the laboratory for final analysis, and the results of these will be reported soon.

在最近完成的鋼筋混凝土鑽探計劃中,塞姆納勘探區完成了21個鑽孔,從 SMP-001 到 SMP-020,總長度爲3662米(見表 1、圖 2 和附錄 A)。現在,從 SMP-017 到 SMP-020 的最後 4 個孔中,從 4m 個複合樣品中可以獲得初步結果(有關採樣程序的詳細信息,請參閱下一節)。在收到400萬份複合樣本分析結果後,選定的100萬份樣本現已送往實驗室進行最終分析,其結果將很快公佈。

Hole ID Collar co-ordinates 1,2 EOH depth (m) Dip Grid azimuth Comments
SMP-017 558852.6 2924704.1 569.3 200 -47.6 356.3 Main Vein zone (E extension)
SMP-018 558939.8 2924792.9 567.0 140 -52.0 342.7 Main Vein zone (E extension)
SMP-019 558851.9 2924677.7 570.3 152 -51.6 357.6 Main Vein zone (E extension)
SMP-020 558883.8 2924732.4 568.8 112 -46.7 4.1 MVZ (EX) faulted out?


  1. All co-ordinates are UTM (WGS84) Zone 36R
  2. Collar surveys undertaken using a Leica Viva GS15 differential GPS system
  3. All drill holes were surveyed using a gyroscopic survey tool
洞 ID 項圈座標 1,2 EOH 深度 (m) 網格方位角 評論意見
SMP-017 558852.6 2924704.1 569.3 200 -47.6 356.3 主靜脈區(E 延伸)
SMP-018 558939.8 2924792.9 567.0 140 -52.0 342.7 主靜脈區(E 延伸)
SMP-019 558851.9 2924677.7 570.3 152 -51.6 357.6 主靜脈區(E 延伸)
SMP-020 558883.8 2924732.4 568.8 112 -46.7 4.1 MVZ (EX) 出錯了?


  1. 所有座標均爲 UTM (WGS84) 區域 36R
  2. 使用徠卡 Viva GS15 差分 GPS 系統進行的項圈調查
  3. 所有鑽孔均使用陀螺儀測量工具進行測量

Table 1: Collar details of RC exploration drill holes at Semna

表 1:塞姆納鋼筋混凝土勘探鑽孔的項圈詳情

The final 4 holes of the RC programme, SMP-017 to SMP-020, were drilled from the wadi to the east of the historic British mine workings, and were designed to intersect an interpreted extension of the MVZ mineralisation beneath the wadi sediments east of the old mine (Figure 2). All 4 holes intersected mineralisation, with 3 of the holes returning high grade intercepts grading >5 g/t Au over significant widths (see Table 2 below).

RC 項目的最後 4 個孔,即 SMP-017 至 SMP-020,是從河谷鑽到歷史悠久的英國礦山開採區以東的,旨在與舊礦山以東的谷底沉積物下的 MVZ 礦化延伸部分相交(圖 2)。所有 4 個孔都與礦化區相交,其中 3 個孔在顯著寬度上返回了高品位截距,金品位大於 5 g/t(見下表 2)。

Hole ID Intersection (m) Au (g/t) Sample type Zone Comments
From To Interval
SMP-017 56 72 16 5.19 RC composite MVZ (EX)
SMP-018 60 76 16 12.54 RC composite MVZ (EX)
SMP-019 96 116 20 1.69 RC composite MVZ (EX)
124 140 16 6.30 RC composite MVZ (EX)
SMP-020 100 104 4 1.20 RC composite - MVZ (EX) faulted out?
洞 ID 十字路口 (m) 金 (g/t) 樣本類型 區域 評論意見
來自 間隔
SMP-017 56 72 16 5.19 RC 複合材料 MVZ(例如)
SMP-018 60 76 16 12.54 RC 複合材料 MVZ(例如)
SMP-019 96 116 20 1.69 RC 複合材料 MVZ(例如)
124 140 16 6.30 RC 複合材料 MVZ(例如)
SMP-020 100 104 4 1.20 RC 複合材料 - MVZ (EX) 出錯了?

Table 2: Significant intersections from Semna RC drilling

表 2:Semna RC 鑽探的重要交叉點

Hole SMP-017, was drilled on a northerly azimuth on the 558850E section approximately 80m east of the now exposed eastern entrance to the underground mine workings (Figure 2), and the most easterly mineralisation drilled to date (holes SMP-015 and SMP-016, see news release dated October 13, 2023). SMP-017 returned a mineralised intersection of 5.19 g/t Au over a 16m interval , from 56m downhole depth, or approximately 40m beneath ground level (see Appendix A). This interval included a single 4m composite sample which returned an assay of 11.65 g/t Au. The true width of this zone is interpreted as being approximately 12m.

SMP-017 孔是在 558850E 段的北方位角上鑽探的,位於現已暴露的地下礦井東入口以東約 80 米處(圖 2),也是迄今爲止鑽探的最東邊的礦化區(SMP-015 和 SMP-016 孔,見 2023 年 10 月 13 日的新聞稿)。SMP-017 在 16 米的間隔內,從 56 米的井下深度或地下約 40 米處返回了 5.19 克/噸金的礦化交叉點(見附錄 A)。該間隔包括一個4m的複合樣品,該樣本返回了11.65 g/t金的測定值。該區域的真實寬度被解釋爲大約 12m。

Hole SMP-019 was drilled beneath hole SMP-017 (Figure 2), and returned mineralised intersections of 1.69 g/t Au over a 20m interval , from 96m downhole depth, or approximately 75m below ground level, and 6.30 g/t Au over a 16m interval (see Appendix A). The lower intercept included a single 4m composite sample which returned an assay of 18.65 g/t Au. The true width of the overall zone including both the mineralised intercepts is interpreted as being approximately 30-35m.

SMP-019 孔在 SMP-017 孔(圖 2)下方鑽探,在 20 米的間隔內,從 96 米的井下深度或地下約 75 米處返回了 1.69 克/噸金的礦化交叉點,在 16 米的間隔內返回了 6.30 克/噸金的礦化交叉點(見附錄 A)。下部截距包括一個4m的複合樣品,該樣本返回了18.65克/噸金的測定值。包括兩個礦化截距在內的整個區域的真實寬度被解釋爲約30-35米。

Hole SMP-018 was drilled oblique to the 558930E section approximately 160m east of the underground mine workings, and was the easternmost hole in the programme (Figure 2). SMP-018 returned a mineralised intersection of 12.54 g/t Au over a 16m interval , from 60m downhole depth, or approximately 45m beneath ground level (See Appendix A). This interval included 2 consecutive 4m composite samples which returned assays of 33.8 g/t Au and 11.1 g/t Au. The true width of this zone is interpreted as being approximately 10-12m.

SMP-018 孔是在地下礦井作業區以東約 160 米處向斜向 558930E 部分鑽出的,是該計劃中最東端的洞(圖 2)。SMP-018 在 16 米的間隔內返回了 12.54 克/噸金的礦化交叉點,從 60 米的井下深度或地下約 45 米處(參見附錄 A)。該間隔包括2個連續的4m個複合樣本,這些樣本返回了33.8克/噸金和11.1克/噸金的化驗結果。該區域的真實寬度被解釋爲大約 10-12m。

Hole SMP-020 was drilled on a northerly azimuth on the 558890E section between the other holes (Figure 2), and returned a mineralised intersection of 1.20 g/t Au over a 4m interval , from 100m downhole depth, or approximately 75m below ground level (see Appendix A). This hole is believed to have missed the eastern extension of the MVZ, which is interpreted as having been offset by a NNE-striking fault, oblique to the section.

SMP-020 孔是在其他鑽孔之間的 558890E 部分的北方位角上鑽出的(圖 2),從 100 米的井下深度或地下約 75 米的間隔內返回了 1.20 g/t Au 的礦化交叉點(見附錄 A)。據信,這個洞錯過了MVZ的東部延伸部分,據解釋,該斷層已被向該部分傾斜的NNE衝擊斷層所抵消。

Discussion of results


In the Semna area both the mineralisation and topography are structurally controlled. The historic Semna mine is located between two wadis orientated in a NNE direction, which are interpreted as being controlled by NNE-striking faults (Figure 3). Mapping has indicated the presence of a sub-parallel series of these NNE fault structures, which offset the mineralised zones. There is a significant such structure close to the eastern entrance to the mine workings, which appears to offset the MVZ to the south. There is also a change in the orientation of the MVZ associated with this fault. In the underground workings to the west of this fault the MVZ has an ESE strike, but this changes to an ENE strike to the east of this structure (Figure 3). There is also a significant jog in the eastern wadi in this location, and this is thought to be controlled by the sub-crop of the MVZ beneath the wadi alluvium.

在塞姆納地區,礦化和地形都受到結構控制。這座歷史悠久的塞姆納礦位於兩條朝東北偏北方向的河谷之間,這兩條河流被解釋爲受北歐撞擊斷層的控制(圖 3)。測繪表明,這些NNE斷層結構存在一系列亞平行,這些斷層結構抵消了礦化帶。礦山開採區的東入口附近有一座重要的此類建築,這似乎抵消了向南的MVZ。與此故障有關的 MVZ 的方向也發生了變化。在該斷層以西的地下工作區中,MVZ 有一次 ESE 撞擊,但這變成了該結構以東的 ENE 走向(圖 3)。該地區的東部河道還有一次大規模的慢跑,據認爲,這是由河谷沖積層下方的 MVZ 子作物控制的。

The final 4 holes of the RC drilling programme have intersected good widths of high grade gold mineralisation sub-cropping under alluvial wadi sediments to the east of the MVZ where it has been historically mined at Semna. This mineralisation in this eastern extension of the MVZ is expected to sub-crop immediately beneath the alluvial cover, which is interpreted as being approximately 10m thick.


The mineralisation at Semna is orogenic in style, and is interpreted as being associated with dilational zones, accompanied by shearing, which are localised between the series of NNE-striking fault structures. Mineralisation on the MVZ is associated with at least one mineralised quartz vein, which anastomoses and pinches and swells. Historically the mineralised zone has been described as being up to 6m in thickness, but interpretation of the results from holes SMP-017 to SMP-019 suggests that the mineralisation is associated with multiple veins, and the overall mineralised zone to be potentially as much as 10-35m in true width in the eastern extension of the MVZ under the alluvial wadi sediments.

塞姆納的礦化是造山的,被解釋爲與擴張帶有關,並伴有剪切作用,剪切作用位於一系列引人注目的斷層結構之間。MVZ 上的礦化與至少一條礦化石英脈有關,該礦脈會吻合、擠壓和膨脹。從歷史上看,礦化帶被描述爲厚度高達 6m,但對 SMP-017 至 SMP-019 孔洞結果的解釋表明,礦化與多條礦脈有關,沖積河谷沉積物下的 MVZ 東部延伸部分的總體礦化帶的真實寬度可能高達 10-35m。

The mineralisation is open along strike at both ends, with the final 4 holes having now doubled the drilled strike length of the mineralisation on the MVZ to approximately 400m, with the best mineralised intersection in the programme coming from the easternmost hole, SMP-018. The mineralisation is open at depth along the entire drilled strike length. Grades of the mineralised intersections are high, typically above 5 g/t Au, and locally of bonanza grade, which is consistent with historical anecdotal information about the old Semna mine.

礦化區兩端的走向都是開放的,最後4個鑽孔現在使MVZ礦化的鑽探走向長度翻了一番,達到約400米,該計劃中最好的礦化交叉點來自最東端的鑽孔,即 SMP-018。礦化區在鑽探的整個走向長度上都是開放的。礦化交叉點的品位很高,通常超過5 g/t Au,局部爲富礦品位,這與舊塞姆納礦的歷史傳聞信息一致。

Figure 3: Sketch map of the interpreted outcrop/sub-crop of the MVZ at Semna

圖 3:解釋後的 Semna MVZ 露頭/子作物示意圖

Sampling and analytical procedures


The RC holes were drilled at 53⁄4" or 51⁄2" diameter, and the bulk percussion chip samples were collected directly into pre-written large plastic bags from the cyclone every metre, numbered with the hole number and hole depths, and laid out sequentially at the drill site. Between each metre of drilling the cyclone and top box were cleaned out with compressed air. The bags were logged on the drill sites by Aton geologists. The bulk 1m samples were weighed, and subsequently riffle split through a 3-tier splitter at the drill site by Aton field staff to produce an approximately 1/8 split, which was collected in cloth bags, numbered and tagged with the hole number and depth. The splitter was cleaned with compressed air between each sample. The reject material from this initial bulk split was re-bagged, labelled and tagged, and retained on the drill sites. A representative sample of each metre was washed and stored in marked plastic chip trays, each containing 20m of samples, photographed, and retained onsite as a permanent record of the drill hole.

RC 鑽孔直徑爲 53⁄4" 或 51⁄2 英寸,散裝衝擊芯片樣品每米從旋風中直接收集到預先寫好的大型塑料袋中,用孔號和孔深進行編號,並按順序佈置在鑽探現場。在每鑽孔一米之間,旋風分離器和頂箱都用壓縮空氣清理乾淨。這些袋子是由亞頓地質學家在鑽探現場記錄的。對散裝的100萬個樣本進行了稱重,隨後由Aton現場工作人員在鑽探現場用三層分離器進行步槍分割,生成大約1/8的樣品,採集在編號和標有孔號和深度的布袋中。分離器在每個樣品之間使用壓縮空氣進行清潔。最初批量拆分的廢料被重新裝袋、貼上標籤和標籤,並保留在鑽探現場。對每米的代表性樣本進行了清洗並存放在有標記的塑料芯片托盤中,每個托盤中都裝有20m的樣品,經過拍照,並在現場作爲鑽孔的永久記錄保存。

The 1m split samples, weighing approximately 5kg each were then transported to the Rodruin sample processing facility, where they were 1/2 riffle split into 2 separate sub-samples, weighing approximately 2.5kg. One of these sub-samples was marked and labelled, and retained at the laboratory for storage. The second 1m sub-samples were then combined into 4m composite samples, weighing approximately 10kg. These were thoroughly mixed and again riffle split to produce nominal c. 250-500g 4m composite samples which were dispatched to ALS Minerals for analysis. Again the splitter was cleaned with compressed air between each sample. The 4m composite samples were allocated new sample numbers. The bulk reject material from the riffle split 4m composite samples was disposed of. QAQC samples were inserted into the 4m composite sample stream at a rate of approximately 1 certified reference material (or "standard" sample) every 60 samples, 1 blank sample every 30 samples, and 1 field duplicate split sample every 30 samples.

然後,將100萬份拆分後的樣本(每個重約5千克)運送到羅德魯因樣本處理設施,在那裏將1/2支步槍分成2個單獨的子樣本,重約2.5千克。對其中一個子樣本進行了標記和標記,並保留在實驗室儲存。然後,將第二批100萬個子樣本組合成4m個複合樣本,重約10kg。它們完全混合,然後又分成了名義上的 c。 250-500g 400萬份複合樣本被送往ALS Minerals進行分析。再次使用壓縮空氣對分離器進行了清潔,每個樣品之間都使用壓縮空氣進行清潔。爲400萬個複合樣本分配了新的樣本數。已處置了來自裂縫分裂的4m複合樣品中的散裝廢棄物。QAQC 樣本以每 60 個樣本大約 1 個認證參考材料(或 “標準” 樣本)的速率插入 4m 個複合樣本流中,每 30 個樣本中有 1 個空白樣本,每 30 個樣本中有 1 個現場重複拆分樣本。

The 4m composite samples were shipped to ALS Minerals sample preparation laboratory at Marsa Alam, Egypt, where they were pulverised to a size fraction of better than 85% passing 75 microns. From this pulverised material a further sub-sample was split off with a nominal c. 50g size, which was shipped on to ALS Minerals at Rosia Montana, Romania for analysis. The 4m composite samples were analysed for gold by fire assay with an atomic absorption spectroscopy ("AAS") finish (analytical code Au-AA23. High grade samples (Au >10 g/t) were re-analysed using analytical code Au-GRA21 (also fire assay, with a gravimetric finish).

這400萬份複合樣品被運往埃及馬薩阿拉姆的ALS Minerals樣品製備實驗室,在那裏它們被粉碎成大於85%的大小部分,超過75微米。從這種粉碎的材料中分離出另一個子樣本,標稱值 c。 容量爲50g,運往位於羅馬尼亞蒙大拿州羅西亞的ALS Minerals進行分析。使用原子吸收光譜法(“AAS”)表面處理(分析代碼爲au-AA23),通過火法分析了400萬個複合樣品中的金。使用分析代碼Au-gra21對高品位樣品(金>10 g/t)進行了重新分析(也是火法試驗,採用重量法完成)。

Following the receipt of the final 4m composite assay results for the full Semna programme from ALS, a number of the retained 1m sub-samples were selected by a senior Aton geologist for re-assaying, corresponding to 4m composite assays deemed to be of significance. The selected 1m sub-samples were again riffle split to produce nominal c. 250-500g 1m split samples which were allocated new sample numbers. These have been dispatched to ALS Minerals for the same sample preparation at Marsa Alam, and for subsequent analysis at Rosia Montana. The bulk reject material from the 1m sub-sample splits was re-bagged and retained onsite for storage at Rodruin. QAQC samples were inserted into the 1m split sample stream at a rate of approximately 1 standard every 30 samples, 1 blank sample every 15 samples, and 1 field duplicate split sample every 15 samples.

在收到ALS對整個Semna項目的最終400萬份複合分析結果後,Aton的一位資深地質學家選擇了保留的100萬個子樣本中的一些進行重新化驗,相當於被認爲具有重要意義的400萬份複合試驗。選定的 100 萬個子樣本再次進行隨機拆分,得出標稱值 c。 250-500g 1m 個拆分樣本,這些樣本被分配了新的樣本數。這些樣品已被送往ALS Minerals進行同樣的樣品製備,並在蒙大拿州羅西亞進行後續分析。從 100 萬個子樣本中提取的批量棄品材料被重新裝袋並保留在現場,存放在 Rodruin。QAQC 樣本被插入到 1m 個分離樣本流中,其速率約爲每 30 個樣本 1 個標準樣本,每 15 個樣本 1 個空白樣本,每 15 個樣本 1 個現場重複拆分樣本。

The 1m split samples will again be analysed for gold by fire assay (analytical code Au-AA23), and for silver, copper, lead and zinc using an aqua regia digest followed by an AAS finish (analytical code AA45). Any high grade gold samples (Au >10 g/t) will again be re-analysed using analytical code Au-GRA21 (also fire assay, with a gravimetric finish). Any high grade Ag and base metal samples (Ag >100 g/t, and Cu, Pb and Zn >10,000ppm or >1%) will be re-analysed using the ore grade technique AA46 (also an aqua regia digest followed by an AAS finish).

將再次通過火法分析(分析代碼Au-AA23)對100萬個分裂樣本進行金分析,並使用王水摘要分析銀、銅、鉛和鋅,然後進行AAS完成(分析代碼AA45)。任何高品位的金樣品(金>10 g/t)都將再次使用分析代碼Au-gra21進行重新分析(也是火法分析,採用重量法完成)。任何高品位的銀和賤金屬樣品(銀>100 g/t,以及銅、鉛和鋅>10,000ppm或> 1%)都將使用礦石等級技術AA46(也是一份王水摘要,然後進行AAS表面處理)進行重新分析。

All intersections herein reported relate to 4m composite samples, results from the subsequent 1m splits will be reported when they become available.


About Aton Resources Inc.

Aton Resources Inc. (AAN: TSX-V) is focused on its 100% owned Abu Marawat Concession ("Abu Marawat"), located in Egypt's Arabian-Nubian Shield, approximately 200 km north of Centamin's world-class Sukari gold mine. Aton has identified numerous gold and base metal exploration targets at Abu Marawat, including the Hamama deposit in the west, the Abu Marawat deposit in the northeast, and the advanced Rodruin exploration prospect in the south of the Concession. Two historic British gold mines are also located on the Concession at Sir Bakis and Semna. Aton has identified several distinct geological trends within Abu Marawat, which display potential for the development of a variety of styles of precious and base metal mineralisation. Abu Marawat is 447.7 km 2 in size and is located in an area of excellent infrastructure; a four-lane highway, a 220kV power line, and a water pipeline are in close proximity, as are the international airports at Hurghada and Luxor.

Qualified person

The technical information contained in this News Release was prepared by Javier Orduña BSc (hons), MSc, MCSM, DIC, MAIG, SEG(M), Exploration Manager of Aton Resources Inc. Mr. Orduña is a qualified person (QP) under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

For further information regarding Aton Resources Inc., please visit us at or contact:


Interim CEO
Tel: +1 604 318 0390

Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements contained in this release are forward-looking statements. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions; by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

關於 Aton 資源公司

安東資源公司(AAN:TSX-V)專注於其擁有100%股權的阿布·馬拉瓦特特許權(“阿布馬拉瓦特”),該特許權位於埃及的阿拉伯-努比亞盾牌,位於Centamin世界一流的蘇卡里金礦以北約200公里處。阿頓已經在阿布馬拉瓦特確定了許多黃金和賤金屬勘探目標,包括西部的哈瑪瑪礦牀、東北部的阿布·馬拉瓦特礦牀以及特許權南部先進的羅德魯因勘探前景。兩個歷史悠久的英國金礦也位於巴基斯爵士和塞姆納的特許權上。Aton 已經確定了 Abu Marawat 內部的幾種不同的地質趨勢,這些趨勢顯示了開發各種類型的貴金屬和賤金屬礦化的潛力。Abu Marawat 是 447.7 公里 2 規模宏大,位於基礎設施完善的地區;四車道的高速公路、220kV的電力線和輸水管道都近在咫尺,洪加達和盧克索的國際機場也是如此。



有關 Aton Resources Inc. 的更多信息,請訪問我們或聯繫:


電話:+1 604 318 0390




Appendix A - Semna preliminary drill sections

附錄 A-Semna 初步演習部分

SOURCE: Aton Resources, Inc.


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